

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Voidgazer: OOC Thread
Yeah, a couple of people are absent I've noticed. I'll tag them too!
@AroeFoax248 Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the roleplay has been going on for a little bit. Sorry if you know, I just wanted to let you know haha
@Silverpelt60 Hello! Not sure if our pings reached you, but you're welcome to join! Just send your little form into the sign-up thread and you're fine to join! Let me know if something came up though.
@Mirrorface Unfortunately all of the roles have been filled, however, if someone cannot participate in the roleplay any longer, I'll ping you to see if you're still interested!
Yeah, a couple of people are absent I've noticed. I'll tag them too!
@AroeFoax248 Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the roleplay has been going on for a little bit. Sorry if you know, I just wanted to let you know haha
@Silverpelt60 Hello! Not sure if our pings reached you, but you're welcome to join! Just send your little form into the sign-up thread and you're fine to join! Let me know if something came up though.
@Mirrorface Unfortunately all of the roles have been filled, however, if someone cannot participate in the roleplay any longer, I'll ping you to see if you're still interested!
Sure, ty!
Sure, ty!

Art Sales
I'm glad it was amazing! Traveling to Europe was my first time out of the country and I was amazed at how similar yet different things were. And I would definitely travel like that again. I hope your trip was a sort of similar experience! And I think Sketi will fit in just fine, especially with Civit around.
I'm glad it was amazing! Traveling to Europe was my first time out of the country and I was amazed at how similar yet different things were. And I would definitely travel like that again. I hope your trip was a sort of similar experience! And I think Sketi will fit in just fine, especially with Civit around.


I didnt realize I didn’t sub to the rp thread DDD: no wonder why I didn’t get any notifs from it eme

Forgive me for being a doofus qwq


I didnt realize I didn’t sub to the rp thread DDD: no wonder why I didn’t get any notifs from it eme

Forgive me for being a doofus qwq
Oh don't worry! I've done that before too many times... ;^;
Oh don't worry! I've done that before too many times... ;^;
Ack, sorry about that! The notification got lost, I'll post my form right away!
Ack, sorry about that! The notification got lost, I'll post my form right away!
plague_bibling_by_cicide76536-dciw231.gif plague_acebling_by_cicide76536-dciw235.gif Rvkn9sD.png
Yaaay welcome aboard :D
Yaaay welcome aboard :D
From tomorrow, I’ll be once more travelling as I’ll be heading away for two weeks and a half to Spain. If there is a functional WiFi connection, I’ll be sure to try and drop a role or two so I don’t cluster the flow of the roleplay at least.
If it won’t be the case, I’ll still be interested in the roleplay regardless and if I can hop back in whenever, I’d be glad to do so.
Stay safe everyone, have fun!~ ^^
From tomorrow, I’ll be once more travelling as I’ll be heading away for two weeks and a half to Spain. If there is a functional WiFi connection, I’ll be sure to try and drop a role or two so I don’t cluster the flow of the roleplay at least.
If it won’t be the case, I’ll still be interested in the roleplay regardless and if I can hop back in whenever, I’d be glad to do so.
Stay safe everyone, have fun!~ ^^

She || Her || I am 9 hours ahead of FR time || Over 18
Currently working on a hatchery and working on lore, feel free to send a message! ^^
This is Billy.
Just out of curiosity, what role if any will familiars have in your version? Just realized I added in sketi’s familiar without double-checking. Thanks!
Just out of curiosity, what role if any will familiars have in your version? Just realized I added in sketi’s familiar without double-checking. Thanks!
Another question just out of curiosity... I noticed on the sign-ups thread it looked like you changed some of your characters? :3
Another question just out of curiosity... I noticed on the sign-ups thread it looked like you changed some of your characters? :3