

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Closed|OOC] To Magic and Back
OKAY! Finally have this up! [b]Name:[/b] Kim Dean Gunner [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Species:[/b] Urban-Spirit/City Haunt(WoD) [b]Appearance:[/b] Human: (Dark Magician Maker Human: Typically dresses gothic punk-trip pants or pastel goth, also sometimes just dresses street punk. He’s Korean-American(mixed heritage) with a fairly average all around frame. Shaped like a healthy semi-athletic teenager. Has a beauty mark just under his left eye. [img][/img] Inhuman: He looks rather like himself as far as Height and width but more see thru like a ghost or a banshee. His jacket or shirt usually covering him is instead looks like static off a tv or occasional like green number code from a computer. His head is crow’s skull, the skull still has feathers by the nostril bridge and where it’s neck meets chin, then down his neck into his collarbone line with this nice V sort of shape. His hands are like those of a rats but Hands. He has bony looking tail that looks like a cats, but the bone are actually tiny concrete blocks held together with reinforcing rod. He doesn’t walk so much as Glide just above the ground and a soft light like dawn emits from his chest during the day, but like computer light at night, at twilight it looks like headlights. [b]Personality:[/b] Kim is... a sweet boy. He’s a space cadet but if you get him to focus down and talk to you or if you become a friend to him he opens up alot. He just lacks Focus. The world seems to drift by Kim and he struggles in situations that are not or lack stimulation he is interested in. He’s not intentionally rude thought he can be rather blunt. He’s just out of touch with the world outside his games. He’s Friendly and happy to spend time or go places. He very much likes travel and is a realist about the world in general. He can be timid/nervous.cowardly but if you set him to a task he gets a really determined streak in him, so long as it is some that Must be done. [b]Abilities:[/b] Flight, the ability to step into the spirit world and do the spirit thing, and the ability turn off/on, brake/fix things made in the last century. Shape shifting, while in spirit form Kim can take on the form of Small urban environment creatures, cats, crows, foxes, rats are the height of his transformation limits however. [b]History:[/b] Kim’s lead a fairly normal life. His father met his mother when she was visiting Korea. And it was summer love that never left. Currently Kim’s father is a college lit, Korean and english as a second language professor. He’s also a folklore buff. His mother is a reiki healer, novelist and comic artist. Those last two she does rather sparsely more a hobby then a sport. Just like the quilting and such she makes and sells of Etsy. They currently live in a suburb of Tokyo he still wants to go back and see Korea where is Da is from. At the Life growing up as Good, Lots of travel though they weren’t and aren't the most wealthy family. [b]Event:[/b] They were taking a vacation and Kim went for a job out to the store. There was a freak car accident and the driver though they’d killed Kim straight out. In a moment of panic they took his body and tossed it in a ditch to try and cover up the incident. Luckily authorities found him in time. But somewhere swimming in that space between dying and death, lying in a ditch in to much pain to understand or feel it anymore, Kim became a halfa.To this day the driver isn’t sure what Happened that caused them to veer off the road like that. [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b] [quote= Dr. Manar] Urban spirits, or City Haunts as some people call them, are exactly as they sounds. Spirits of technology or the city itself. You find them Clustered in cities, junkyards and powerplants. Sometimes they are mistaken with Gremlins but those are fairies themselves. Urban spirits are largely harmless so long as the environment they are tied to does not change radically such as further tainted or hostile. Some are more clingy with technology, computers and such, others are more like druids, bonded to a building a neighborhood or even the city as a whole if the spirit is especially Large. Halfa Urban Spirits frequently suffer from Wandering Syndrome. Where they are not Connected enough with the spirit part of themselves to find and tether to an Urban item or location. As such they do not have the same level of Power that Urban Spirits have to influence their whole environment. Likewise they lack the full shape shifting array that full Spirits have where they can become any thing and anypart of their turf. Halfa’s tend to have a range of 1-4 forms they can take. With the largest on record being rather old and having between 7-9. I didn’t get to speak with her long enough to find out~ However Halfa’s do have a small plus. Because of their weakened ability to form ties, they are mobile and less likely to stay and live in one city. In fact they will Usually be rather flighty unconsciously Seeking that part of the modern would that feels Right, where they can settle and be at peace. Given that these creatures are Spirits they come in any Number of sizes, shapes, colors and appearances. I suspect this has in part do to their environment or tether point. But may also largely vary on simple preference by the spirit itself.[/quote] [b]Other:[/b] Likes: VR, His Nintendo Switch(VERY MUCH), his manga and such. ALL his figmas. That’s right, he’s a nerd. A good folktale always has his attention. Foxes. Small animals. Travel. Sunny Days. Music, trains. Dislikes: Hands, Milk, Fermented anything especially fruit, Quiet
OKAY! Finally have this up!

Name: Kim Dean Gunner

Age: 17

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Urban-Spirit/City Haunt(WoD)


Human: (Dark Magician Maker

Human: Typically dresses gothic punk-trip pants or pastel goth, also sometimes just dresses street punk. He’s Korean-American(mixed heritage) with a fairly average all around frame. Shaped like a healthy semi-athletic teenager. Has a beauty mark just under his left eye. 68111c520c450069a44d1832fe9fd97d.png

Inhuman: He looks rather like himself as far as Height and width but more see thru like a ghost or a banshee. His jacket or shirt usually covering him is instead looks like static off a tv or occasional like green number code from a computer. His head is crow’s skull, the skull still has feathers by the nostril bridge and where it’s neck meets chin, then down his neck into his collarbone line with this nice V sort of shape. His hands are like those of a rats but Hands. He has bony looking tail that looks like a cats, but the bone are actually tiny concrete blocks held together with reinforcing rod. He doesn’t walk so much as Glide just above the ground and a soft light like dawn emits from his chest during the day, but like computer light at night, at twilight it looks like headlights.

Personality: Kim is... a sweet boy. He’s a space cadet but if you get him to focus down and talk to you or if you become a friend to him he opens up alot. He just lacks Focus. The world seems to drift by Kim and he struggles in situations that are not or lack stimulation he is interested in. He’s not intentionally rude thought he can be rather blunt. He’s just out of touch with the world outside his games.
He’s Friendly and happy to spend time or go places. He very much likes travel and is a realist about the world in general. He can be timid/nervous.cowardly but if you set him to a task he gets a really determined streak in him, so long as it is some that Must be done.

Abilities: Flight, the ability to step into the spirit world and do the spirit thing, and the ability turn off/on, brake/fix things made in the last century. Shape shifting, while in spirit form Kim can take on the form of Small urban environment creatures, cats, crows, foxes, rats are the height of his transformation limits however.

History: Kim’s lead a fairly normal life. His father met his mother when she was visiting Korea. And it was summer love that never left. Currently Kim’s father is a college lit, Korean and english as a second language professor. He’s also a folklore buff. His mother is a reiki healer, novelist and comic artist. Those last two she does rather sparsely more a hobby then a sport. Just like the quilting and such she makes and sells of Etsy. They currently live in a suburb of Tokyo he still wants to go back and see Korea where is Da is from. At the Life growing up as Good, Lots of travel though they weren’t and aren't the most wealthy family.

Event: They were taking a vacation and Kim went for a job out to the store. There was a freak car accident and the driver though they’d killed Kim straight out. In a moment of panic they took his body and tossed it in a ditch to try and cover up the incident. Luckily authorities found him in time. But somewhere swimming in that space between dying and death, lying in a ditch in to much pain to understand or feel it anymore, Kim became a halfa.To this day the driver isn’t sure what Happened that caused them to veer off the road like that.

Notes of Dr.Manar:
Dr. Manar wrote:
Urban spirits, or City Haunts as some people call them, are exactly as they sounds. Spirits of technology or the city itself. You find them Clustered in cities, junkyards and powerplants. Sometimes they are mistaken with Gremlins but those are fairies themselves. Urban spirits are largely harmless so long as the environment they are tied to does not change radically such as further tainted or hostile. Some are more clingy with technology, computers and such, others are more like druids, bonded to a building a neighborhood or even the city as a whole if the spirit is especially Large.

Halfa Urban Spirits frequently suffer from Wandering Syndrome. Where they are not Connected enough with the spirit part of themselves to find and tether to an Urban item or location. As such they do not have the same level of Power that Urban Spirits have to influence their whole environment. Likewise they lack the full shape shifting array that full Spirits have where they can become any thing and anypart of their turf. Halfa’s tend to have a range of 1-4 forms they can take. With the largest on record being rather old and having between 7-9. I didn’t get to speak with her long enough to find out~
However Halfa’s do have a small plus. Because of their weakened ability to form ties, they are mobile and less likely to stay and live in one city. In fact they will Usually be rather flighty unconsciously Seeking that part of the modern would that feels Right, where they can settle and be at peace.

Given that these creatures are Spirits they come in any Number of sizes, shapes, colors and appearances. I suspect this has in part do to their environment or tether point. But may also largely vary on simple preference by the spirit itself.


Likes: VR, His Nintendo Switch(VERY MUCH), his manga and such. ALL his figmas. That’s right, he’s a nerd. A good folktale always has his attention. Foxes. Small animals. Travel. Sunny Days. Music, trains.

Dislikes: Hands, Milk, Fermented anything especially fruit, Quiet
[b]Name:[/b] Léon Jul Camille [b]Age:[/b] [i]27[/i]; 6 years since his contact with a Rift. [b]Pronouns:[/b] He/Him [b]Species:[/b] [i]Rock Golem[/i]; an in-organic creature often associated with a chaotic environment and defending a specific locale where they have been summoned. [b]Personality:[/b] Leon spends a lot of his time studying new spells and old histories while stepping up to be the ‘[i]big brother[/i]’ of the house. He is often described as mature, gentle, kind yet reserved and distant, often having a saddened tone to his voice though he may be smiling. Often enough he will put himself in harm's way for another person, but is this Leon acting heroically or is he trying to get himself hurt? In the company of others he is often quite calm and easy going but frustratingly tends to '[I]beat around the bush[/I]’ in both questions and answers. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at an athletic 5’8”, this young man continues to build strength in his body to carry the extra weight of rock and carbon materials. Light tan skin and blue eyes compliment his gentle nature, an undercut shaped hairstyle however has noticeably been some time since his last cut, light stubble and overall decent hygiene. Leon has an oblong shaped face with slightly sunken cheeks and few sharp characteristics. He has old piercing scars in his left eyebrow and both ears, however no longer has any attached. As a golem, he never looks the same way twice as this is dependant on how and where the granite rock and carbon clings to his body in rocky clumps. With complete control over the rock he grows, shaping the shell however he needs it to. Stronger materials tend to break the skin whereas more flexible dust and rock is able to seep from his skin and overtime form flexible armour around joints and his head. 6 carbon diamonds tend to grow out of his back and large crystalline forms forming at the ends of his fists. [b]Abilities:[/b][LIST] [*][i]Rock Armour[/i]; He is able to grow a shell of rock and carbon diamond beneath his skin before it ruptures; a decent shield against most attacks. He has no sense of touch through his rock armour apart from feeling vibrations, however when he does sense pain he tends to grow more rock around the region for protection. [*][i]Carbon Lance[/i]; Forming around his forearm and fist, a rock and rubble coated arm becomes his weapon of choice forming a diamond tipped blade or spear at the end. He is then able to detach and throw this piece as a form of projectile, however is hollow and can be intercepted and destroyed. [*][i]Earth’s Healing[/i]; Any wounds are able to be healed quicker than the average human, however a missing limb or two may leave Leon bedridden for weeks. Internal wounds however are more difficult for him to recover from alone and medical professionals may need to intervene, however may be difficult still if he is encased in rock. [/LIST] [b]History:[/b] Growing up in a lower middle class family where money was always a concern and love was not enough to keep everyone together, he accepted his fate from a young age. The youngest sibling and brother, he had two older sisters and a much older brother, a mother and father that constantly worked to keep the kids fed however would come home at the end of the day and fight and banter. Leon enjoyed going to school to escape the drama and to meet the friends he had made; a small gang of kids who had similar living situations and occasionally bullied other students for a cheap thrill. He ended up having to leave his family after his lecturers discovered his impending school failure and the lack of parental care he received thus was forced into a foster home out of town for the last few years of his adolescence. His view of self worth never improved however his new family were able to change his rebellious behavior. He rarely heard from his sisters and brother after they dropped out of the school. [b]Event:[/b] The 18th birthday of his foster sister, a picnic and a hike with the extended family in a National Park when he was around 21 years of age. Taking photos of rocky scenery with his sibling and cousins did he manage to slip off the cliff edge and down a fair way, falling unconscious for sometime. When he came to, it was starting to get dark, emergency services were scaling down the cliff face whilst he discovered a familiar face who had decided to end their life early within the park; a biological sister. Though he was never on good terms with his biological family, he hated how he was never there to sort out the problems they faced, only running to save himself. Angry, he often came back to the same spot and pondered the fates of the rest of the family, and his own. He discovered his new found abilities during the many trips to the park; punching a tree in anger, running for hours, the occasional failed attempt to join his sister. After hearing the video from Dr. Manar he decided it was finally time to move on; he told his foster sister what he was, believing her to keep the secret and even dropped him off as the Manor. He occasionally still hears from his family now and then. [b]Notes of Dr.Manar:[/b][quote=Dr Manar]Elemental Golems are usually pure magic and have only one goal in mind, to defend a location or person and do not appear without being summoned and never stray far from their location even when the item they are guarding is long gone. Non-organic and rarely sentient past feeling territorial rage towards an intruder, they often do not see their summoner as an ally either. Elemental Golems are purely defensive and are created based on what is found in the environment and what they guard; some notable summons are Flame, Rock, Forest and Storm requiring plenty of their respective element in abundance to repair and hide itself with an indeterminate height. These creatures are often difficult to destroy, which is why many sorcerer would use the summon as a Defender taking on large hits. However they can be disassembled if the enchanted core is concentrated upon and destroyed. Golem Halfas however seem a novelty. Keeping their own human biology whilst having the '[i]Golem[/i]’ grow around themselves, keeping organs and fluids as they are however skin and bones taking on a stronger crystalline adaption. Observed with the ability to control how much rock develops around the body whilst still having human maneuverability and similar size.[/quote] [b]Other:[/b] [list][*]He describes himself as someone who was meant to give his life for others. Perhaps this mindset is due to learning about the Elemental Golems’ single purpose as a magical creature. [*]He does however enjoy meeting all the new Halfas, those residing at the Manor and those who need help finding their place in the world. [*]Leon has learned some of what his abilities can do and has begun other studies of magic. [*]Can be found in the company of the other adults around the Manor, within one of the public studys, or training outside. [*]Leon does crave a large meal after using his abilities as they tend to be quite draining.[/list]
Name: Léon Jul Camille
Age: 27; 6 years since his contact with a Rift.
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Rock Golem; an in-organic creature often associated with a chaotic environment and defending a specific locale where they have been summoned.

Personality: Leon spends a lot of his time studying new spells and old histories while stepping up to be the ‘big brother’ of the house. He is often described as mature, gentle, kind yet reserved and distant, often having a saddened tone to his voice though he may be smiling. Often enough he will put himself in harm's way for another person, but is this Leon acting heroically or is he trying to get himself hurt? In the company of others he is often quite calm and easy going but frustratingly tends to 'beat around the bush’ in both questions and answers.

Appearance: Standing at an athletic 5’8”, this young man continues to build strength in his body to carry the extra weight of rock and carbon materials. Light tan skin and blue eyes compliment his gentle nature, an undercut shaped hairstyle however has noticeably been some time since his last cut, light stubble and overall decent hygiene. Leon has an oblong shaped face with slightly sunken cheeks and few sharp characteristics. He has old piercing scars in his left eyebrow and both ears, however no longer has any attached.

As a golem, he never looks the same way twice as this is dependant on how and where the granite rock and carbon clings to his body in rocky clumps. With complete control over the rock he grows, shaping the shell however he needs it to. Stronger materials tend to break the skin whereas more flexible dust and rock is able to seep from his skin and overtime form flexible armour around joints and his head. 6 carbon diamonds tend to grow out of his back and large crystalline forms forming at the ends of his fists.

  • Rock Armour; He is able to grow a shell of rock and carbon diamond beneath his skin before it ruptures; a decent shield against most attacks. He has no sense of touch through his rock armour apart from feeling vibrations, however when he does sense pain he tends to grow more rock around the region for protection.
  • Carbon Lance; Forming around his forearm and fist, a rock and rubble coated arm becomes his weapon of choice forming a diamond tipped blade or spear at the end. He is then able to detach and throw this piece as a form of projectile, however is hollow and can be intercepted and destroyed.
  • Earth’s Healing; Any wounds are able to be healed quicker than the average human, however a missing limb or two may leave Leon bedridden for weeks. Internal wounds however are more difficult for him to recover from alone and medical professionals may need to intervene, however may be difficult still if he is encased in rock.

History: Growing up in a lower middle class family where money was always a concern and love was not enough to keep everyone together, he accepted his fate from a young age. The youngest sibling and brother, he had two older sisters and a much older brother, a mother and father that constantly worked to keep the kids fed however would come home at the end of the day and fight and banter. Leon enjoyed going to school to escape the drama and to meet the friends he had made; a small gang of kids who had similar living situations and occasionally bullied other students for a cheap thrill.

He ended up having to leave his family after his lecturers discovered his impending school failure and the lack of parental care he received thus was forced into a foster home out of town for the last few years of his adolescence. His view of self worth never improved however his new family were able to change his rebellious behavior. He rarely heard from his sisters and brother after they dropped out of the school.

Event: The 18th birthday of his foster sister, a picnic and a hike with the extended family in a National Park when he was around 21 years of age. Taking photos of rocky scenery with his sibling and cousins did he manage to slip off the cliff edge and down a fair way, falling unconscious for sometime. When he came to, it was starting to get dark, emergency services were scaling down the cliff face whilst he discovered a familiar face who had decided to end their life early within the park; a biological sister.

Though he was never on good terms with his biological family, he hated how he was never there to sort out the problems they faced, only running to save himself. Angry, he often came back to the same spot and pondered the fates of the rest of the family, and his own. He discovered his new found abilities during the many trips to the park; punching a tree in anger, running for hours, the occasional failed attempt to join his sister. After hearing the video from Dr. Manar he decided it was finally time to move on; he told his foster sister what he was, believing her to keep the secret and even dropped him off as the Manor. He occasionally still hears from his family now and then.

Notes of Dr.Manar:
Dr Manar wrote:
Elemental Golems are usually pure magic and have only one goal in mind, to defend a location or person and do not appear without being summoned and never stray far from their location even when the item they are guarding is long gone. Non-organic and rarely sentient past feeling territorial rage towards an intruder, they often do not see their summoner as an ally either. Elemental Golems are purely defensive and are created based on what is found in the environment and what they guard; some notable summons are Flame, Rock, Forest and Storm requiring plenty of their respective element in abundance to repair and hide itself with an indeterminate height. These creatures are often difficult to destroy, which is why many sorcerer would use the summon as a Defender taking on large hits. However they can be disassembled if the enchanted core is concentrated upon and destroyed.

Golem Halfas however seem a novelty. Keeping their own human biology whilst having the 'Golem’ grow around themselves, keeping organs and fluids as they are however skin and bones taking on a stronger crystalline adaption. Observed with the ability to control how much rock develops around the body whilst still having human maneuverability and similar size.

  • He describes himself as someone who was meant to give his life for others. Perhaps this mindset is due to learning about the Elemental Golems’ single purpose as a magical creature.
  • He does however enjoy meeting all the new Halfas, those residing at the Manor and those who need help finding their place in the world.
  • Leon has learned some of what his abilities can do and has begun other studies of magic.
  • Can be found in the company of the other adults around the Manor, within one of the public studys, or training outside.
  • Leon does crave a large meal after using his abilities as they tend to be quite draining.
I am 17 hours ahead of server, I tend to be asleep when people get on ;~;

Looks good, just a few notes about his powers real quick ^^'

What is 'do the spirit thing'/what does that mean? Also you don't have to have stepping into the spirit/dead world on his abilities list, because that is something all of the uh.. 'dead' creature halfas will/can learn however it is very difficult for even a full dead/undead creature to create a rift in order to world jump. So it will be difficult for them to learn that, but definitely not impossible ^^

Also just curious as to what you mean by turn things on/off? What are the limits to that?


Seems good to me! ^^

(@AbyssRanger there is another character in their 20's :D)

Looks good, just a few notes about his powers real quick ^^'

What is 'do the spirit thing'/what does that mean? Also you don't have to have stepping into the spirit/dead world on his abilities list, because that is something all of the uh.. 'dead' creature halfas will/can learn however it is very difficult for even a full dead/undead creature to create a rift in order to world jump. So it will be difficult for them to learn that, but definitely not impossible ^^

Also just curious as to what you mean by turn things on/off? What are the limits to that?


Seems good to me! ^^

(@AbyssRanger there is another character in their 20's :D)
On that note, i need to kick into gear and actually finish the profiles for Garth and Eric
On that note, i need to kick into gear and actually finish the profiles for Garth and Eric

Do the spirit thing just mean the general stuff that comes with being a spirit, you can fly, you can go threw things, you can see the dead. That like 'general' list of ghost powers that banshee, wraiths, spirits and ghosts share. No position though.

Sounds good!

Mmmm something as big as like a vehicle but nothing so large as like a House. Would be limits. Usually it's used for turning lights on and off, but it could also start and stop say a stove or even a car, but not like an Apartment building or a Whole House. And he can't do Many things unless they are small and in a 10-20 foot radius of himself. Like maybe three lamps in a room at once. But not say, three busses. Or something down the street And a lamp. And he either has to know where it is, or it needs to be in line of sight with him.

Braking/Fixing stuff works the same way, if he came up upon a junked car, because he's an Urban spirit, he could use magic to make it run. Like wise, If he wanted to say Blow a transformer on a telephone pole, he could do that.

Do the spirit thing just mean the general stuff that comes with being a spirit, you can fly, you can go threw things, you can see the dead. That like 'general' list of ghost powers that banshee, wraiths, spirits and ghosts share. No position though.

Sounds good!

Mmmm something as big as like a vehicle but nothing so large as like a House. Would be limits. Usually it's used for turning lights on and off, but it could also start and stop say a stove or even a car, but not like an Apartment building or a Whole House. And he can't do Many things unless they are small and in a 10-20 foot radius of himself. Like maybe three lamps in a room at once. But not say, three busses. Or something down the street And a lamp. And he either has to know where it is, or it needs to be in line of sight with him.

Braking/Fixing stuff works the same way, if he came up upon a junked car, because he's an Urban spirit, he could use magic to make it run. Like wise, If he wanted to say Blow a transformer on a telephone pole, he could do that.
Okay, haven't finished the profiles but i have finished ip the Wraith notes for the most part (originally i had just wrote down their abilities so everyone would know what i was using before they chose their own characters).

If anyone adds anything onto their own character's 'creature notes' please let me know so i can look it over :D
Okay, haven't finished the profiles but i have finished ip the Wraith notes for the most part (originally i had just wrote down their abilities so everyone would know what i was using before they chose their own characters).

If anyone adds anything onto their own character's 'creature notes' please let me know so i can look it over :D
oh btw i fixed my notes n stuff r they ok now?
oh btw i fixed my notes n stuff r they ok now?
drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.

I don't seem the limitations of a halfa pheonix vs a full pheonix? You put that they can be exactly like a full pheonix it seems or did i read that wrong?

I don't seem the limitations of a halfa pheonix vs a full pheonix? You put that they can be exactly like a full pheonix it seems or did i read that wrong?
hold on lemme check and edit again
hold on lemme check and edit again
drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.
ahhhhhhh i did jeez brain y u do dat
i edited the wording but i gtg school now so i'll give it complete edit afterwards @SuddenShimmer
ahhhhhhh i did jeez brain y u do dat
i edited the wording but i gtg school now so i'll give it complete edit afterwards @SuddenShimmer
drastrciallyfantastic.gif Webp-net-gifmaker.gif
Nova, She/Her, Taurus
urgle burgle. Fear the lime green.