I hope it's okay that i make new characters, i'll edit this post and put them here once i get a chance :)
Name: Oscar 'Oz' Vasanti
Gender: Neutral, prefers He/They
Age (age they appear to be or true age): 16, though has an enternity worth of memories.
Species: (Grim) Reaper
Classic look of being a human in form skelton figure shrounded by a black cloak. He has black wrap around his hands and up to his elbows in the form, as even when the cloak may get brushed aside it only appears as darkness unless he reaches out of it (which is how it's known that his hands have wrap). His sockets are filled with a vibrant green glow fully, and his hood usually obscures his face. Sometimes he will remove his hood though, which will expose the appearance of his skull. The skull unlike the rest of him can be that of many different creatures, although he isn't very well versed in changing their apperance in the begining. Normally because of this he'll have a normal human skull, a wold skull, or an elk skull.
Normally taking a human form he has light tan skin and a lean build (more like a runner or swimmer), being not the tallest but certainly not the shortest. White hair comes slightly past his ears, being messy and eyes which appear to be like a normal human's despite being gold in color. When he taps into his magic, his eyes will turn green and markings will begin to glow on him that resemble that of a skeleton, starting as a white glow on his face and slowly becoming green and his toes and fingertips.
Oz wears a long dark green (almost looks black) button up coat with a collar folded over at the top, the buttons on it being gold. He wears black pants and boots up to his knees that are the same color as his coat. He is always wearing black gloves, even when in other outfits. Usually he'll be carrying around a golden pocket watch in one of his coat pockets.
Personality: Oz is a generally friendly type person. He does try to be nice and mature as he can in situations. He seems fairly reserved, and generally won't tell others about himself unless he's seeking to build a trust with that person. That being said, his curiosity can sometimes get the better of him and make it seem like he's prying even though he wouldn't force anyone to do anything. Once he's close to someone, he's more likely to be jokish and teasing or open to them about how he's feeling.
Despite his nice personality, he will be snippish or stern when the time really calls for it. He'll take things seriously and try to watch out for most others, causing him to be reluctant in voicing his own stress and feelings of heing distressed.
- Wears gloves constantly because touch would begin to harm any living/'living' creatures. He has yet to learn to control this ability, but hopes to soon.
- Can summon a Scythe per tradition. His has a green blade made of an unknown substance, looking something like this one . It is made of a substance which can cut through any life/undead, but it cannot be used on a whim. As such he can also summon another similar in appearance to it, only with an oak staff to it and a blade made of steel.
- He can tap into memories from prior reapers, although normally that is more to his detrement than it is helpful.
- Magic allows him to slow time of the surrounding world for himself and only one other person at a time.
- He likes hot chocolate (and will usually be drinking it quiet often)
- Pansexual, though isn't much thinking of that recently due to role and abilities
Name: Quillon 'Crow' Kichi
Gender: Male (?)
Age (age they appear to be or true age): 17 (well by the standards of spirits, so he's probably waaay older in reality).
Species: Spirit (of Luck)
As what's considered to be his 'true' form, he takes the general appearance of a crow were it able to change from the size of a cat to the size of a dragon. He has three long tails besides that trail behind him which appear to start from under his tail feathers, each one ending in a tuff of fur. The feet and talons of this form appear to be metal given their metalic sheen although are still black in color. Despite this, his wings and feet don't seem to make much sound when he flies and walks. His entire form is black, aside from bright red eyes and white mark on his forehead in the shape of a perfect circle. In this form he doesn't speak outright, ot is more like his voice is projected into the minds of any who listen.
It has also been said that he's been seen in the form of an actual crow, cat, and other non-myth animals in association with luck although he is always pitch black with red eyes in these forms. As normal animals he cannot speak, but can mimic their noises.
Through the same magic that allows him to shift sizes and shape, he's managed to take on a human form to better blend. His complexion and features are similar to that of someone with japanese heritage. He's rather tall and lanky, hair being black and slicked back on his head very unneatly, it looks somewhat spiked at the ends and is quiet fluffy. At times his hair may even poof like a bird would, though he usually tries to refrain from letting that happen. He has the same red eyes as his spirit form, though unlike it he actually has pupils and whites to his eyes instead of being solid red.
He wears a white button-up shirt, having at least the first button undone usually (though sometimes it will be two or three depending on the day. Or non on special ocassions) and having the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Black pants and black shoes match his outfit well, as well as necklace of black string with a silver 'XIII' charm on it (however on rare ocassionas it may be turned to read 'IIIX').
Personality: Seems like a rather laidback or chill person normally, however that can change in an instant. He may be calm physically, but he can become quiet confident and mocking or teasing. At times he'll even openly flirt or compliment others, having no biased against any gender or creatures. However despite the tendancies to be outlandish, he is generally reserved about he himself. He'll pick a fight should he deem it necassary, but his magic and upbringing has lead to him being quiet out of tune of wanting to be close to others. Even despite wanting the same closeness as others get, he tends to set himself apart from creatures due to feeling like it's safer for them that way.
Once he becomes loyal to someone, it's practically to the grave. He won't follow just anyone though, as he has a tendancy to get in fights with those messing with others and especially those who dare to pick on people he actually likes.
- Can bless/curse objects to give the holder a specific type of luck towards something, but can't do it to living things
- Despite not being able to enchant living things, standing near him will sometimes cause misfortune on the person. This can range from minor like dropping a cup to something major like the person getting hurt. However normally he tries to keep this power docile, so when he's not flaring the magic it will most often just be small inconviences on ocassion.
- Despite the misfortunes, someone close to him may also get a fortunate result. Same as with the bad luck it only happens on a random scale but can be influenced by him using the magic on purpose.
- He can cause both, but bad luck is much more common from him. (His twin has a heavier sway over good luck for balance).
- The magic has no effect on his own luck, only those around him
- He can transform into non-mythical animals associated with luck, though as stated they will be completly black with red eyes
- Can transform parts of himself similar to his true spirit form, giving himself wings or hands turning to the talons for fighting.
- He's fairy good at fighting
Dovlovely (just going to ping you so it's easier for you to see that i've added them)