Name: Isolde
Gender: Female
Age (age they appear to be or true age): Appears to be around twenty years old
species: Siren (freshwater variety)
appearance: Isolde has pale skin with a pearlescent sheen. She has silver-white scales on her cheekbones which trail down the sides of her face, neck, shoulders, arms, torso, breasts, outsides of her legs, and feet. Her hands have silver-white webbing as well. She has large grey-violet eyes. Her hair is golden with reddish hints. She has high cheekbones, and aquiline nose, and full red lips. She is tall and willowy, with subtle curves.
In water, she has a tail that resembles that of a koi fish, with large, powerful, flowing fins, colored a silvery white.
personality: RP out
other: Millenia ago, Isolde was a mortal woman who caught the eye of a minor river god. They fell in love, and he made her immortal, the only freshwater siren in existence. When the mortals stopped worshipping him, the god Isolde loved faded away, leaving her alone. In her rage and grief, she used her voice to lure mortals into the rivers and lakes, tipping their boats, and drowning them. Eventually her rage faded and she came to realize she could hear the music of the world- each type of creature having a general sound, and each individual having their own personal sound. Eventually Isolde found herself in trouble, and fled to the academy, hoping she would not bring her darkness with her.
Name: Isolde
Gender: Female
Age (age they appear to be or true age): Appears to be around twenty years old
species: Siren (freshwater variety)
appearance: Isolde has pale skin with a pearlescent sheen. She has silver-white scales on her cheekbones which trail down the sides of her face, neck, shoulders, arms, torso, breasts, outsides of her legs, and feet. Her hands have silver-white webbing as well. She has large grey-violet eyes. Her hair is golden with reddish hints. She has high cheekbones, and aquiline nose, and full red lips. She is tall and willowy, with subtle curves.
In water, she has a tail that resembles that of a koi fish, with large, powerful, flowing fins, colored a silvery white.
personality: RP out
other: Millenia ago, Isolde was a mortal woman who caught the eye of a minor river god. They fell in love, and he made her immortal, the only freshwater siren in existence. When the mortals stopped worshipping him, the god Isolde loved faded away, leaving her alone. In her rage and grief, she used her voice to lure mortals into the rivers and lakes, tipping their boats, and drowning them. Eventually her rage faded and she came to realize she could hear the music of the world- each type of creature having a general sound, and each individual having their own personal sound. Eventually Isolde found herself in trouble, and fled to the academy, hoping she would not bring her darkness with her.
Need someone to RP with? Look no further. PM me if you’d like me to join your RP!
Snowleaf I will be doing daily summaries this time around! Would you like to be pinged for them?
Snowleaf I will be doing daily summaries this time around! Would you like to be pinged for them?
I'm subbed, but I'll tell you if I unsub so you can ping me :)
I'm subbed, but I'll tell you if I unsub so you can ping me :)
Lady Isabeau Lune
Age (age they appear to be or true age):
Human Form: Isabeau stands at 5'6", with pale skin and long platinum blonde hair that reaches her mid-back and is usually decorated with silver jewelry. Her features are very elven-she has a pointed face, long pointed ears, and doe eyes with pale lips that almost match the tone of her skin. Her eyes are a bright purple with flecks of black scattered throughout them, complimented by eyeliner and eyeshadow she seems to change every day. Isabeau is commonly seen wearing a white sun dress in the spring and summer, and will reluctantly change into more appropriate clothes the colder the climate gets.
Unicorn Form: Isabeau stands at 14 hands in her horse form, with moonlight silver fur and feathers that cover cloven hooves. A very long, curved obsidian horn juts out from her forehead, about a foot in length. Because her horn is carved into a spiral, it catches the sun and reflects the rays to the immediate area around her, giving the impression that she has an ever present aura of light when in the sun. Her white mane is quite extensive, including a forelock that reaches down and around her eyes that can, like her human form, be decorated with silver jewelry. Her tail is similar to that of a lion, and her ears are longer than a normal horse's as well.
Isabeau is generally very gentle and kind, but does have a strong streak of pride especially about her appearance. Some would consider her quite vain, but only about herself, as she tends not to judge others based on their appearance. She loves fashion and different outfits, keeping up with the seasons and generally having a wide array of clothing to choose from. She refuses to accept being imprisoned or believing that she is anywhere but where she chooses to be, and will rebel quite quickly if she feels that she is under any sort of control.
She is a great listener, and will generally give good advice if anyone comes to her with a problem. She does prefer to work alone rather in teams, and is extremely loyal to a fault if she believes that they are a respectful and worthy person.
- Can purify water that is poisoned or unsafe
- Her blood is considered quite deadly, as it will burn anything it touches
- The ability to heal most wounds and illnesses that are non-life threatening by placing the tip of her horn on their body
- Bisexual, and while she does value personality, she values outward beauty a little more when she is interested in dating someone
- Has been known to disappear into the woods for quite some time, and feels extremely uncomfortable in cities
Lady Isabeau Lune
Age (age they appear to be or true age):
Human Form: Isabeau stands at 5'6", with pale skin and long platinum blonde hair that reaches her mid-back and is usually decorated with silver jewelry. Her features are very elven-she has a pointed face, long pointed ears, and doe eyes with pale lips that almost match the tone of her skin. Her eyes are a bright purple with flecks of black scattered throughout them, complimented by eyeliner and eyeshadow she seems to change every day. Isabeau is commonly seen wearing a white sun dress in the spring and summer, and will reluctantly change into more appropriate clothes the colder the climate gets.
Unicorn Form: Isabeau stands at 14 hands in her horse form, with moonlight silver fur and feathers that cover cloven hooves. A very long, curved obsidian horn juts out from her forehead, about a foot in length. Because her horn is carved into a spiral, it catches the sun and reflects the rays to the immediate area around her, giving the impression that she has an ever present aura of light when in the sun. Her white mane is quite extensive, including a forelock that reaches down and around her eyes that can, like her human form, be decorated with silver jewelry. Her tail is similar to that of a lion, and her ears are longer than a normal horse's as well.
Isabeau is generally very gentle and kind, but does have a strong streak of pride especially about her appearance. Some would consider her quite vain, but only about herself, as she tends not to judge others based on their appearance. She loves fashion and different outfits, keeping up with the seasons and generally having a wide array of clothing to choose from. She refuses to accept being imprisoned or believing that she is anywhere but where she chooses to be, and will rebel quite quickly if she feels that she is under any sort of control.
She is a great listener, and will generally give good advice if anyone comes to her with a problem. She does prefer to work alone rather in teams, and is extremely loyal to a fault if she believes that they are a respectful and worthy person.
- Can purify water that is poisoned or unsafe
- Her blood is considered quite deadly, as it will burn anything it touches
- The ability to heal most wounds and illnesses that are non-life threatening by placing the tip of her horn on their body
- Bisexual, and while she does value personality, she values outward beauty a little more when she is interested in dating someone
- Has been known to disappear into the woods for quite some time, and feels extremely uncomfortable in cities

I love our cast of characters so far <3 Also I am subbed ^^
I love our cast of characters so far <3 Also I am subbed ^^
Eep yeah ping me for this I'll go find my boys profiles
Eep yeah ping me for this I'll go find my boys profiles
Name: Shae
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): He looks about 18, he's not too sure himself.
species: Siren
appearance: [center][img][/img] [/center]
There's not too much difference between his natural form and his one he uses on land other then one has a tail fin similar to his earfins in color and the end shaped like a veil beta fish's, and the other has pale white legs with dark blue markings down them. In the land form he stands at about five foot four inches tall, and wears t shirts with slits down the sides for his gills so he's comfortable, he also wears gloves so he doesn't accidentally claw someone.
personality: He can be kind of shy and non verbal when faced with new people, and meeting a crowd of new people without a friend is a straight no he will run or swim as fast as he can in the opposite direction of it. He can be really sweet towards people he knows well.
[*]He's got needle sharp teeth and claws.
[*]Natural siren abilities alongside Water manipulation
[*]He has a venom that depends on his mood, Happy emotions being forth one that will put someone under his spell, Anxiety or neutral ones bring out a paralyzing one, anger brings out a deadly one.
[*]Sweet tooth
[*]Loves Spicy food
Name: Ai Hua
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): looks 19, is a lot older but he stopped counting
species: Qilin
apperance: [Img][/img][img][/img] His human form has his Qilin horns, standing at six foot three
personality: If someone says something negative about him hes highly likely to just laugh it off, if something were said about his brother or friends he may get angry, though he wouldn't attack anyone over words actions are a different story. (More will be added as played.)
[*]Has good enough control to give a sinner(anyone who has willingly commited awful acts like murdering someone for no good reason) a warning if they touch him, this control will waver if they don't stop despite the warning
[*]Loves spicy food, the hotter the better.
Name: Lan Hua
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): 15 maybe?
species: Qilin
apperance: [img][/img][img][/img] His horns are the same as his Qilin form, stands at five foot eight
personality: More quiet then his brother and prefers to think things through rather then charge in head first.(To be figured out in rp)
[*]Has poor control over his abilities only got the human form down so far
[*]Easy to follow on the ground since he leaves flowers everywhere.
[*]Unsure on his preferences/unwilling to figure them out at the moment since the possibility of burning the other creature alive is very real.
[*]Carries around a bag of sour candy, lemondrops, warheads ect.
[*]also carries a bag of dried mushrooms to snack on.
[*]cannot handle spicy foods very well
Name: Shae
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): He looks about 18, he's not too sure himself.
species: Siren
There's not too much difference between his natural form and his one he uses on land other then one has a tail fin similar to his earfins in color and the end shaped like a veil beta fish's, and the other has pale white legs with dark blue markings down them. In the land form he stands at about five foot four inches tall, and wears t shirts with slits down the sides for his gills so he's comfortable, he also wears gloves so he doesn't accidentally claw someone.
personality: He can be kind of shy and non verbal when faced with new people, and meeting a crowd of new people without a friend is a straight no he will run or swim as fast as he can in the opposite direction of it. He can be really sweet towards people he knows well.
- He's got needle sharp teeth and claws.
- Natural siren abilities alongside Water manipulation
- He has a venom that depends on his mood, Happy emotions being forth one that will put someone under his spell, Anxiety or neutral ones bring out a paralyzing one, anger brings out a deadly one.
- Sweet tooth
- Loves Spicy food
- Demisexual
Name: Ai Hua
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): looks 19, is a lot older but he stopped counting
species: Qilin

His human form has his Qilin horns, standing at six foot three
personality: If someone says something negative about him hes highly likely to just laugh it off, if something were said about his brother or friends he may get angry, though he wouldn't attack anyone over words actions are a different story. (More will be added as played.)
- Pansexual
- Has good enough control to give a sinner(anyone who has willingly commited awful acts like murdering someone for no good reason) a warning if they touch him, this control will waver if they don't stop despite the warning
- Loves spicy food, the hotter the better.
Name: Lan Hua
Gender: Male
Age (age they appear to be or true age): 15 maybe?
species: Qilin

His horns are the same as his Qilin form, stands at five foot eight
personality: More quiet then his brother and prefers to think things through rather then charge in head first.(To be figured out in rp)
- Has poor control over his abilities only got the human form down so far
- Easy to follow on the ground since he leaves flowers everywhere.
- Unsure on his preferences/unwilling to figure them out at the moment since the possibility of burning the other creature alive is very real.
- Carries around a bag of sour candy, lemondrops, warheads ect.
- also carries a bag of dried mushrooms to snack on.
- cannot handle spicy foods very well