

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Shattered Sky IC
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@DuskyFlareon @DragoGirl @Pandacow (hope you like this, it's a little long...)

Othi felt very shaken. He couldn't fight by himself! But he found himself chuckling at the last remark the guardian made. "I'm not the puppetmassster here... just you wait and ssseee..."
He started to communicate with his mistress from afar, hoping that she would get his message. But then he remembered something he had; something powerful. Without warning, Othi signaled the other marionettes who flew to the back side of the cave to fly in from of the guardian, swarming his vision. Then the puppet held his head back and released a white beam down towards him... and became surprised when something else flew in front of him instead.

~Grox ship~

Shadouuzua sensed some of her marionettes burning away and slammed her fist down. Oh no they don't, she thought. Now she knew that something would have to be done about this. She suddenly heard a voice echo in her head.

Missstresss... we could ussse sssome backup... thisss guardian won't let up...

That was enough to make her get up. She held the com up and started speaking. "Pilot, are the cannons repaired?" she asked. When she heard an answer come from the pilot, a smirk formed on Shadouuzua's face. "Good. We have some work to do... it looks like my friends found survivors..."

Immediately the ship stopped. This was her cue to give directions. Shadouuzua climbed to the front of the ship where the pilot was and started giving instructions, sensing Othi's presence. The ship started moving again and swerved in the direction of where the marionettes went. "I hope this is enough for you, my dear friends..." Shadouuzua whispered to herself.


Gourd looked over at Midnight, who was once on the floor but was now back up, then began his assault. He slashed at the marionettes with his cleaver, decapitating the ones he sliced. But once he heard the white puppet speak, time seemed to freeze as images hit him hard. Gourd squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block the images out of his head, but they were only getting worse. A pained scream echoed in his mind; that was enough to bring him down. The marionettes started swarming him, biting and scratching him just like they did to Midnight earlier. When enough pain overtook Gourd, he opened his eyes and looked back, seeing some marionettes heading towards the back of the cave... where BlackBerry was. Anger began to overtake him as the memories were pushed back, replaced by hatred.

"Leave her alone!!" he roared, knocking the attacking marionettes back and charging at the ones coming at BlackBerry. His fangs sank into the nearest puppet, the poison overtaking it as it disintegrated. He leapt at the others, decapitating their heads with his cleaver and sinking his fangs into whatever he could. His body began to glow red as he took down enemy after enemy, and he was starting to lose himself in the chaos.

"I won't let you get away with this!!" he screamed while looking at the entrance where Sans stood his ground and noticing the white puppet charging a beam. His mind cleared as he sprinted towards the entrance, the other marionettes moving to block his path. But his demonic magic was too much for them it seemed, as he got past them and managed to get out of the cave. He then saw marionettes coming from the back of the cave obscuring Sans's vision, obviously trying to distract him while the lead puppet would fire his ice beam at Sans. I can't let that happen!

Gourd had decided. He ran towards the puppet and spread his wings, intending to block the blast with his demonic magic in effect. Unfortunately, he stopped glowing a few seconds after he flew towards the bogsneak puppet... and he had foolishly dropped his cleaver while running towards the entrance. He was right in between it and Sans, and he knew that he wouldn't be able move quick enough towards it to attack. Fine then, he thought. But you won't get to them. Not without a fight. Othi released his ice beam which hit Gourd in the chest, sending him towards Sans. A numbing feeling spread throughout his body as the ice hit him. No... I'm gonna hit Sans...!
@DuskyFlareon @DragoGirl @Pandacow (hope you like this, it's a little long...)

Othi felt very shaken. He couldn't fight by himself! But he found himself chuckling at the last remark the guardian made. "I'm not the puppetmassster here... just you wait and ssseee..."
He started to communicate with his mistress from afar, hoping that she would get his message. But then he remembered something he had; something powerful. Without warning, Othi signaled the other marionettes who flew to the back side of the cave to fly in from of the guardian, swarming his vision. Then the puppet held his head back and released a white beam down towards him... and became surprised when something else flew in front of him instead.

~Grox ship~

Shadouuzua sensed some of her marionettes burning away and slammed her fist down. Oh no they don't, she thought. Now she knew that something would have to be done about this. She suddenly heard a voice echo in her head.

Missstresss... we could ussse sssome backup... thisss guardian won't let up...

That was enough to make her get up. She held the com up and started speaking. "Pilot, are the cannons repaired?" she asked. When she heard an answer come from the pilot, a smirk formed on Shadouuzua's face. "Good. We have some work to do... it looks like my friends found survivors..."

Immediately the ship stopped. This was her cue to give directions. Shadouuzua climbed to the front of the ship where the pilot was and started giving instructions, sensing Othi's presence. The ship started moving again and swerved in the direction of where the marionettes went. "I hope this is enough for you, my dear friends..." Shadouuzua whispered to herself.


Gourd looked over at Midnight, who was once on the floor but was now back up, then began his assault. He slashed at the marionettes with his cleaver, decapitating the ones he sliced. But once he heard the white puppet speak, time seemed to freeze as images hit him hard. Gourd squeezed his eyes shut and tried to block the images out of his head, but they were only getting worse. A pained scream echoed in his mind; that was enough to bring him down. The marionettes started swarming him, biting and scratching him just like they did to Midnight earlier. When enough pain overtook Gourd, he opened his eyes and looked back, seeing some marionettes heading towards the back of the cave... where BlackBerry was. Anger began to overtake him as the memories were pushed back, replaced by hatred.

"Leave her alone!!" he roared, knocking the attacking marionettes back and charging at the ones coming at BlackBerry. His fangs sank into the nearest puppet, the poison overtaking it as it disintegrated. He leapt at the others, decapitating their heads with his cleaver and sinking his fangs into whatever he could. His body began to glow red as he took down enemy after enemy, and he was starting to lose himself in the chaos.

"I won't let you get away with this!!" he screamed while looking at the entrance where Sans stood his ground and noticing the white puppet charging a beam. His mind cleared as he sprinted towards the entrance, the other marionettes moving to block his path. But his demonic magic was too much for them it seemed, as he got past them and managed to get out of the cave. He then saw marionettes coming from the back of the cave obscuring Sans's vision, obviously trying to distract him while the lead puppet would fire his ice beam at Sans. I can't let that happen!

Gourd had decided. He ran towards the puppet and spread his wings, intending to block the blast with his demonic magic in effect. Unfortunately, he stopped glowing a few seconds after he flew towards the bogsneak puppet... and he had foolishly dropped his cleaver while running towards the entrance. He was right in between it and Sans, and he knew that he wouldn't be able move quick enough towards it to attack. Fine then, he thought. But you won't get to them. Not without a fight. Othi released his ice beam which hit Gourd in the chest, sending him towards Sans. A numbing feeling spread throughout his body as the ice hit him. No... I'm gonna hit Sans...!
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon
Sans batted the puppets away with swings of his fist and bolts of lightning. His eyes widened as he saw the mirror out of the corner of his vision jump in front of him as the white puppet fired some sort of beam. He watched in horror was ice formed around the mirror's chest and they came down like, well, a block of ice. Sans braced himself and caught the mirrorsicle.

"You ok kid?" he asked, bent over the mirror as marionettes clawed at his back. Each one that touched him burnt to ash, but it still hurt.
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon
Sans batted the puppets away with swings of his fist and bolts of lightning. His eyes widened as he saw the mirror out of the corner of his vision jump in front of him as the white puppet fired some sort of beam. He watched in horror was ice formed around the mirror's chest and they came down like, well, a block of ice. Sans braced himself and caught the mirrorsicle.

"You ok kid?" he asked, bent over the mirror as marionettes clawed at his back. Each one that touched him burnt to ash, but it still hurt.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time

'Not like they need a defenseless dragon anyways, I'll just slow them down,' she told herself as she thought back to her younger days. Not one hint of a battle came to her, only cowardice and only caring. 'Like Midnight always said, even when we were little, I can't defend myself and am better off dead,' she then thought, her body shaking with sadness. 'We have to break apart,' she thought, thinking back to Midnight. She buried her face in her paws, trying to block out the sounds of chaos.

You have to help them,' she thought as she opened her eyes. 'Stop blaming it on yourself and fight, as Midnight always said, you can't be a dragon if you can't fight,' she thought, as she stood up and glanced to the entrance. A burst of white welcomed her as her heart stopped for a couple of seconds. She ran out, stopping just before she went outside to see Gourd on the ground near the Guardian. All of a sudden marionettes swarmed her as she narrowed her eyes, starting to fight back the swarm.

'Not like they need a defenseless dragon anyways, I'll just slow them down,' she told herself as she thought back to her younger days. Not one hint of a battle came to her, only cowardice and only caring. 'Like Midnight always said, even when we were little, I can't defend myself and am better off dead,' she then thought, her body shaking with sadness. 'We have to break apart,' she thought, thinking back to Midnight. She buried her face in her paws, trying to block out the sounds of chaos.

You have to help them,' she thought as she opened her eyes. 'Stop blaming it on yourself and fight, as Midnight always said, you can't be a dragon if you can't fight,' she thought, as she stood up and glanced to the entrance. A burst of white welcomed her as her heart stopped for a couple of seconds. She ran out, stopping just before she went outside to see Gourd on the ground near the Guardian. All of a sudden marionettes swarmed her as she narrowed her eyes, starting to fight back the swarm.
When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.
Xeno was still crouching behind the cave, listening to the sounds of the battle and preparing herself to jump right in, when she saw a puppet poke their head out from the cave and move towards her. Xeno tried to look smaller without moving in a way that anyone else that happened to see her would still notice nothing, but it failed. The marionette still went forwards, and Xeno didn't want any more to come, so she lashed out with her scythes, cutting the marionette in half. Poking it to make sure it was dead, she slowly moved out of her hiding spot, and closer to the battle, ready to spring out.
Xeno was still crouching behind the cave, listening to the sounds of the battle and preparing herself to jump right in, when she saw a puppet poke their head out from the cave and move towards her. Xeno tried to look smaller without moving in a way that anyone else that happened to see her would still notice nothing, but it failed. The marionette still went forwards, and Xeno didn't want any more to come, so she lashed out with her scythes, cutting the marionette in half. Poking it to make sure it was dead, she slowly moved out of her hiding spot, and closer to the battle, ready to spring out.
@DragoGirl @DuskyFlareon @Pandacow


"Wow..." Othi muttered to himself. Another dragon put himself in front of the guardian to save him. How heroic. Only, when the dragon did so, it became too clear. Now Othi knew who he was dealing with. The puppet let out a triumphant laugh as he observed the guardian catch the mirror he hit. He looked ahead and saw a ship in the distance. You're finally here, my mistress... and you won't believe who I found... he thought with a smile.


Gourd winced as he was caught by Sans. He shivered as the ice that had formed around his chest took hold of him, spreading the cold temperature throughout his body. Despite being a reptile, he couldn't stand the cold at all, and he began to think back to the dream he had. He heard Sans ask if he was ok, to which he weakly nodded, his breath becoming visible. That wasn't convincing at all... he told himself.

But the marionettes were still coming, and he needed to do something quickly. Sans was taking blow after blow from them, each one burning to ash. Gourd weakly smiled at Sans and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened them to see the guardian glowing the same red that he himself did while fighting the marionettes that were heading towards BlackBerry. Now all the marionettes burned to a crisp, without any damage being done to Sans. Gourd grinned as his magic began to help Sans against the marionettes trying to attack them. But he felt a dark presence coming right at them...

~Grox ship~
The Grox ship began to near the cave as Shadouuzua headed back to where she was before. She approached the cannon and gripped it, preparing to aim. She saw a white beam come down from a white dot in the sky; My dear Othi. She grinned as she saw another figure get hit by the beam and fall towards another dragon on the ground, presumably the guardian Othi was talking about. Yeah, it sure looks like that guardian won't let up... no matter. I'll take good care of this place.

Shadouuzua then looked into Othi's mind to take control of his sight. She needed to see what was happening close up. She then glanced at the dragon that was hit by the ice. Shock and satisfaction hit her at once when she laid eyes on him and took in his features. He definitely looked older, but nonetheless she recognized him. A wicked grin appeared on Shadouuzua's face as she gave Othi control of his eyesight back and took hold of the cannon, intending to blow this cave sky high. She began charging a shot and aimed towards the cave.

You never even stood a chance anyway, young one...
@DragoGirl @DuskyFlareon @Pandacow


"Wow..." Othi muttered to himself. Another dragon put himself in front of the guardian to save him. How heroic. Only, when the dragon did so, it became too clear. Now Othi knew who he was dealing with. The puppet let out a triumphant laugh as he observed the guardian catch the mirror he hit. He looked ahead and saw a ship in the distance. You're finally here, my mistress... and you won't believe who I found... he thought with a smile.


Gourd winced as he was caught by Sans. He shivered as the ice that had formed around his chest took hold of him, spreading the cold temperature throughout his body. Despite being a reptile, he couldn't stand the cold at all, and he began to think back to the dream he had. He heard Sans ask if he was ok, to which he weakly nodded, his breath becoming visible. That wasn't convincing at all... he told himself.

But the marionettes were still coming, and he needed to do something quickly. Sans was taking blow after blow from them, each one burning to ash. Gourd weakly smiled at Sans and closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he opened them to see the guardian glowing the same red that he himself did while fighting the marionettes that were heading towards BlackBerry. Now all the marionettes burned to a crisp, without any damage being done to Sans. Gourd grinned as his magic began to help Sans against the marionettes trying to attack them. But he felt a dark presence coming right at them...

~Grox ship~
The Grox ship began to near the cave as Shadouuzua headed back to where she was before. She approached the cannon and gripped it, preparing to aim. She saw a white beam come down from a white dot in the sky; My dear Othi. She grinned as she saw another figure get hit by the beam and fall towards another dragon on the ground, presumably the guardian Othi was talking about. Yeah, it sure looks like that guardian won't let up... no matter. I'll take good care of this place.

Shadouuzua then looked into Othi's mind to take control of his sight. She needed to see what was happening close up. She then glanced at the dragon that was hit by the ice. Shock and satisfaction hit her at once when she laid eyes on him and took in his features. He definitely looked older, but nonetheless she recognized him. A wicked grin appeared on Shadouuzua's face as she gave Othi control of his eyesight back and took hold of the cannon, intending to blow this cave sky high. She began charging a shot and aimed towards the cave.

You never even stood a chance anyway, young one...

She looked up, eyes widening slightly in fear and shock. 'Even I can't fight that,' she thought as she tensed her leg muscles and spread her wings. BlackBerry glanced at her and gazed to where she was looking. Her heart stopped as she prepared to flee, tensing her muscles and spreading her wings. She then jumped, along with Midnight as they flew away from the cave entrance. They got a good 100 feet away from it as they then hovered, resting as much as they could. Midnight looked at the ship, seeing the cannon glow slightly. Fearing for the lives of the others she roared loudly, BlackBerry soon joining, then stopped and waited.

She looked up, eyes widening slightly in fear and shock. 'Even I can't fight that,' she thought as she tensed her leg muscles and spread her wings. BlackBerry glanced at her and gazed to where she was looking. Her heart stopped as she prepared to flee, tensing her muscles and spreading her wings. She then jumped, along with Midnight as they flew away from the cave entrance. They got a good 100 feet away from it as they then hovered, resting as much as they could. Midnight looked at the ship, seeing the cannon glow slightly. Fearing for the lives of the others she roared loudly, BlackBerry soon joining, then stopped and waited.
When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Dawnbringer snarled and fired rocks at the marionettes, hoping to put some out of commission or at least badly dent them. The Skydancer dodged one that came at her and brought her tail down on it, before returning to shooting rocks.

Then she heard the roar, saw the cannon, recognized it as similar to what had done such damage to the Spire, and fled.


Windsinger landed hard. He walked over to Stormcatcher. Even though he knew Stormcatcher couldn't respond, he still asked the dark deity's unconscious form what had happened to him and the Spire. Whatever this was, it was bad news.

It had defeated a deity. Was it The Shade? No... this explosion's damage didn't look like the sort of thing it would do.

The other thing bothering the god of winds was the fact that the explosion was far bigger than any other he'd seen... other than Flamecaller's volcanoes. And yet, this damage looked more like a bomb.
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Dawnbringer snarled and fired rocks at the marionettes, hoping to put some out of commission or at least badly dent them. The Skydancer dodged one that came at her and brought her tail down on it, before returning to shooting rocks.

Then she heard the roar, saw the cannon, recognized it as similar to what had done such damage to the Spire, and fled.


Windsinger landed hard. He walked over to Stormcatcher. Even though he knew Stormcatcher couldn't respond, he still asked the dark deity's unconscious form what had happened to him and the Spire. Whatever this was, it was bad news.

It had defeated a deity. Was it The Shade? No... this explosion's damage didn't look like the sort of thing it would do.

The other thing bothering the god of winds was the fact that the explosion was far bigger than any other he'd seen... other than Flamecaller's volcanoes. And yet, this damage looked more like a bomb.

He/him | FRT+1 x
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon

Sans heard the cannon charging and placed the mirror gently on the ground. "Stay put. I have something i gotta go take care of."

With that he vanished into thin air. He reappeared right in front of the white marionette and grabbed them, both of them disappearing and reappearing right on top of the ship that had its weapons pointed to where he once stood.

"Lets hit two birds with one stone." he said, "or more accurately, one bird with another." he corrected himself as he slammed the puppet against the glass of the cockpit. "Knock, knock."
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon

Sans heard the cannon charging and placed the mirror gently on the ground. "Stay put. I have something i gotta go take care of."

With that he vanished into thin air. He reappeared right in front of the white marionette and grabbed them, both of them disappearing and reappearing right on top of the ship that had its weapons pointed to where he once stood.

"Lets hit two birds with one stone." he said, "or more accurately, one bird with another." he corrected himself as he slammed the puppet against the glass of the cockpit. "Knock, knock."
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
@DuskyFlareon @DragoGirl @Pandacow


Othi became frozen with shock when the guardian grabbed him. He suddenly found himself on top of the ship as he was slammed against the glass of the cockpit. He tried to get in touch with Shadouuzua and got out as much as he could.

Mistress! Ignore what's happening and fire the cannon! Hurry before you miss your chance...!

Othi prayed for his 'life' as he was held against the glass by the giant guardian, as he realized that his mistress may have other ideas...


Shadouuzua stopped charging after hearing the two roars behind her. Then she became worried when she heard something slam against the cockpit of the ship. What is happening up there? she wondered. But there was no time to think about that, as she heard Othi's voice in her head, sounded very urgent.

Mistress! Ignore what's happening and fire the cannon! Hurry before you miss your chance...!

Shadouuzua didn't know how to take that. Othi was telling her to ignore potential damages being done to the ship and fire at the one dragon alone on the ground... what to do...

She already knew the answer. Shadouuzua ignored her puppet, waving her wand to control the other surviving marionettes still in the cave. You all know what to do... She felt their responses and grinned. She then ordered the pilot to turn the ship to face the direction of the roars she heard earlier. Only problem: the pilot wasn't responding. What's going on up there!? she snapped in her head. There was only one way to find out.

Shadouuzua flew to the cockpit: and was surprised to see Othi slammed against the glass by a blue guardian. "Knock, knock." She grew furious, seeing her closest minion against the glass like this. She pulled down a com and spoke at the guardian.

"Who's there!? Oh right... no one cares! I don't appreciate you lot tearing my precious marionettes apart! You're all gonna pay for this... and I might as well start with one!"

She then flew quickly to her sector and fired up the cannon. She aimed it at the dragon on the ground, charging it. A blue glow emitted from the cannon as it charged. I hope you like this, she thought deviously. She grinned when she saw multiple little dots on the ground with the dragon; now there was no escape...


Gourd was helpless as Sans vanished, grabbing Othi and vanishing once again. Well, at least no one's attacking me, he thought. He then noticed several marionettes coming towards him. Well this should be fun. The marionettes were coming at him, and he couldn't even summon the strength to move. The swarm finally reached Gourd, but instead of harming him like before, they were holding him down, pinning his arms, legs, tail, and wings to the ground. Sweat formed on Gourd's forehead as he heard the cannon charging once again.

Of course, he realized in horror. They're sacrificing themselves just to kill me! He then knew who must be at the cannon... Gourd tried desperately to move and drive the marionettes away, but they only held him tighter as more came in to help. He finally went limp, most of his energy gone. There was nothing he could really do... unless...

Gourd finally knew what to do. He concentrated once more, trying to transfer his remaining magic to BlackBerry and Midnight. After a few seconds, he grinned as it left him, seeing two glowing red dots in the sky behind the ship. Destroy the ship... and give them what's coming to them!

(@DragoGirl in case you're confused, Gourd has the ability to share his demonic magic with other dragons as well, though he can't do himself and another dragon at the same time. He just shared his magic with Midnight and BlackBerry, so they're more powerful for the time being. And don't worry, it doesn't have any negative effects on them) :)
@DuskyFlareon @DragoGirl @Pandacow


Othi became frozen with shock when the guardian grabbed him. He suddenly found himself on top of the ship as he was slammed against the glass of the cockpit. He tried to get in touch with Shadouuzua and got out as much as he could.

Mistress! Ignore what's happening and fire the cannon! Hurry before you miss your chance...!

Othi prayed for his 'life' as he was held against the glass by the giant guardian, as he realized that his mistress may have other ideas...


Shadouuzua stopped charging after hearing the two roars behind her. Then she became worried when she heard something slam against the cockpit of the ship. What is happening up there? she wondered. But there was no time to think about that, as she heard Othi's voice in her head, sounded very urgent.

Mistress! Ignore what's happening and fire the cannon! Hurry before you miss your chance...!

Shadouuzua didn't know how to take that. Othi was telling her to ignore potential damages being done to the ship and fire at the one dragon alone on the ground... what to do...

She already knew the answer. Shadouuzua ignored her puppet, waving her wand to control the other surviving marionettes still in the cave. You all know what to do... She felt their responses and grinned. She then ordered the pilot to turn the ship to face the direction of the roars she heard earlier. Only problem: the pilot wasn't responding. What's going on up there!? she snapped in her head. There was only one way to find out.

Shadouuzua flew to the cockpit: and was surprised to see Othi slammed against the glass by a blue guardian. "Knock, knock." She grew furious, seeing her closest minion against the glass like this. She pulled down a com and spoke at the guardian.

"Who's there!? Oh right... no one cares! I don't appreciate you lot tearing my precious marionettes apart! You're all gonna pay for this... and I might as well start with one!"

She then flew quickly to her sector and fired up the cannon. She aimed it at the dragon on the ground, charging it. A blue glow emitted from the cannon as it charged. I hope you like this, she thought deviously. She grinned when she saw multiple little dots on the ground with the dragon; now there was no escape...


Gourd was helpless as Sans vanished, grabbing Othi and vanishing once again. Well, at least no one's attacking me, he thought. He then noticed several marionettes coming towards him. Well this should be fun. The marionettes were coming at him, and he couldn't even summon the strength to move. The swarm finally reached Gourd, but instead of harming him like before, they were holding him down, pinning his arms, legs, tail, and wings to the ground. Sweat formed on Gourd's forehead as he heard the cannon charging once again.

Of course, he realized in horror. They're sacrificing themselves just to kill me! He then knew who must be at the cannon... Gourd tried desperately to move and drive the marionettes away, but they only held him tighter as more came in to help. He finally went limp, most of his energy gone. There was nothing he could really do... unless...

Gourd finally knew what to do. He concentrated once more, trying to transfer his remaining magic to BlackBerry and Midnight. After a few seconds, he grinned as it left him, seeing two glowing red dots in the sky behind the ship. Destroy the ship... and give them what's coming to them!

(@DragoGirl in case you're confused, Gourd has the ability to share his demonic magic with other dragons as well, though he can't do himself and another dragon at the same time. He just shared his magic with Midnight and BlackBerry, so they're more powerful for the time being. And don't worry, it doesn't have any negative effects on them) :)
"Nope" sans said simply, ripping of a random panel on the ships plating and grabbing one one of the exposed wires. "Hope this works." He stripped it of its rubber covering in one smooth motion and sent a power surge through the entire ship with the intent of frying it.

(If you really want him to die, ill let it happen. Just let me know, but until then, I will do everything in my power to keep him alive.)
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon
"Nope" sans said simply, ripping of a random panel on the ships plating and grabbing one one of the exposed wires. "Hope this works." He stripped it of its rubber covering in one smooth motion and sent a power surge through the entire ship with the intent of frying it.

(If you really want him to die, ill let it happen. Just let me know, but until then, I will do everything in my power to keep him alive.)
@DragoGirl @SoulLugia11 @duskyflareon
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
1 2 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 28 29