

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Shattered Sky IC
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow @DragoGirl (IT IS UP. Anyone from these posts except the Grox Emperor, the Alliance leader, Voltalia, Nix, and the Grox sergeant can be NPCed.)

The relatively small, yellow-and-orange ship darted away from a blast as a horseshoe-shaped metallic ship fired on it.

"Whoa!" The partially cybernetic, yellow fox-like creature inside snarled. She turned, baring small teeth with amphibian-like lips parted. "Nix, guns?"

The Shiny Umbreon growled. "Bad news, Voltalia. They're jammed from when that Grox ship rammed us."

Voltalia launched into a spiel of swearing that would've been R-rated in most universes.

Another laser blast... and beneath them space broke open, shattering into a thousand shards of light. The sky beneath the shatter was brilliant blue, and it was this sky they descended into.

The Grox ship fired again, before stopping. Odd.

"Nix, what universe is this?"

"It's not showing up in my database. It's not in my database!"

"HQ needs to know. Now-- WHAT IS THAT BLACK THING?!"


The Shade snapped at the fleeing ship before attempting to follow them through the void.

The Grox ship had also backed off. The Grox and lone human inside had all decided to let HQ know. About a new universe to assimilate... and about the dark force they believed they could utilize.

-Alliance HQ-

The Alliance's leader listened to Voltalia's report.

It was time to call a meeting.

Afterwards? The decision was unanimous - a universe with a creature like that couldn't be allowed to live, much less interfere in the war against the Grox. That incident with Cthulu was enough. They didn't need a repeat performance from another abomination.

"Voltalia. Take the Delta Squadron and their land mounts. Investigate that universe. Find any weaknesses. Any history. And report back with an idea of how much force we need."

The yellow creature nodded, nostrils flaring and long ears twitching. "Yessir."

"Your ship's guns are being fixed right now. As soon as they're fixed - which should be momentarily - you're clear to go."

"Yessir." Voltalia turned and stalked off, her metal paw hitting the ground heavily.

-Grox HQ-

Emperor Gruuckox the Fifth and his council of Grox were finishing up a meeting about this new realm. The decision had been unanimous - we capture this abomination, corrupt any powerful creatures we can sic on the Alliance, and assimilate the place.

One of the division generals made his way through the station, finding his way to one starship flotilla. Once he saw the Grox there, along with a mighty Koopa, a werewolfish creature, and a noodley dragon, he cleared his throat.

"Nox Squadron, the Emperor wants you to investigate the realm we broke into. You've been selected because one of you hails from this universe, or so I'm told.

Your mission is to find a way to capture the abomination residing there and corrupt any powerful creatures you can. Or just convince them to help you. We'll be sending in two more squadrons soon, and when they rendezvous with you, you can start assimilation as well as your other tasks."

The troop saluted before heading for their ships.

-Tempest Spire-


"I saw it, Boss!" The grey Ridgeback with orange wings looked up at the Stormcatcher, backing off slowly.

Stormcatcher's body crackled. He snarled. The Shade... how did it get this close? And then the sky shattering... something was up. Something.

And of course the others would blame Stormcatcher for this. They were still angry about the whole Bogsneak incident, snarling at him that they had not agreed to making breeds that way. Of course, he'd been testing if it could be done. But did they ever listen to progress? No.

If either dragon had looked out a window just then, the break in the sky would've been clearly visible. So, too, would the fact that something had just flown out of the space the break opened up to. And that it was coming closer. But no one looked out. They were too busy working.

The ship flew closer, charging its energy cannons - and then launching its attack.

The side of the Spire blasted open, pulses of energy killing dragons and exaltees and slamming Stormcatcher into the ground. Other exaltees and dragons were fleeing, some panicking.

Voltalia shouted over her mike. "Deploy your land mounts, we're investigating this place! Nix, keep my ship on standby in case we need its weapons!"

-Beneath the Spire-

The Earth Skydancer leapt back, hissing. "What in Earthshaker's name?!"

Dawnbringer snarled. This was... not good. How did that THING bust into the Spire? What was it?

Oh, wait... it kinda looked like the starship the Arcanist rode in... Wait. What are those? Weapons of some- !!! Something's coming this way!

Dawnbringer yelped, letting off a burst of Earth magic. The ground shook under the bipedal blue creature's feet.

Sonic backed up. He grabbed his mike while turning to run.

"Some local just attacked me! It was kinda like a Earthquake move!"

Voltalia's reaction? "Sonic. Why are you even... oh nevermind. Just get out and get over here! We'll deal with this later."

The blue hedgehog started running towards where the ship had made its attack.

Dawnbringer snarled. SHE wasn't passing up a fight... and with that, she tried to pursue the odd blue creature. Key word being tried. It soon started to pull away from her, and the Skydancer just couldn't keep up to its running speed.

@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow @DragoGirl (IT IS UP. Anyone from these posts except the Grox Emperor, the Alliance leader, Voltalia, Nix, and the Grox sergeant can be NPCed.)

The relatively small, yellow-and-orange ship darted away from a blast as a horseshoe-shaped metallic ship fired on it.

"Whoa!" The partially cybernetic, yellow fox-like creature inside snarled. She turned, baring small teeth with amphibian-like lips parted. "Nix, guns?"

The Shiny Umbreon growled. "Bad news, Voltalia. They're jammed from when that Grox ship rammed us."

Voltalia launched into a spiel of swearing that would've been R-rated in most universes.

Another laser blast... and beneath them space broke open, shattering into a thousand shards of light. The sky beneath the shatter was brilliant blue, and it was this sky they descended into.

The Grox ship fired again, before stopping. Odd.

"Nix, what universe is this?"

"It's not showing up in my database. It's not in my database!"

"HQ needs to know. Now-- WHAT IS THAT BLACK THING?!"


The Shade snapped at the fleeing ship before attempting to follow them through the void.

The Grox ship had also backed off. The Grox and lone human inside had all decided to let HQ know. About a new universe to assimilate... and about the dark force they believed they could utilize.

-Alliance HQ-

The Alliance's leader listened to Voltalia's report.

It was time to call a meeting.

Afterwards? The decision was unanimous - a universe with a creature like that couldn't be allowed to live, much less interfere in the war against the Grox. That incident with Cthulu was enough. They didn't need a repeat performance from another abomination.

"Voltalia. Take the Delta Squadron and their land mounts. Investigate that universe. Find any weaknesses. Any history. And report back with an idea of how much force we need."

The yellow creature nodded, nostrils flaring and long ears twitching. "Yessir."

"Your ship's guns are being fixed right now. As soon as they're fixed - which should be momentarily - you're clear to go."

"Yessir." Voltalia turned and stalked off, her metal paw hitting the ground heavily.

-Grox HQ-

Emperor Gruuckox the Fifth and his council of Grox were finishing up a meeting about this new realm. The decision had been unanimous - we capture this abomination, corrupt any powerful creatures we can sic on the Alliance, and assimilate the place.

One of the division generals made his way through the station, finding his way to one starship flotilla. Once he saw the Grox there, along with a mighty Koopa, a werewolfish creature, and a noodley dragon, he cleared his throat.

"Nox Squadron, the Emperor wants you to investigate the realm we broke into. You've been selected because one of you hails from this universe, or so I'm told.

Your mission is to find a way to capture the abomination residing there and corrupt any powerful creatures you can. Or just convince them to help you. We'll be sending in two more squadrons soon, and when they rendezvous with you, you can start assimilation as well as your other tasks."

The troop saluted before heading for their ships.

-Tempest Spire-


"I saw it, Boss!" The grey Ridgeback with orange wings looked up at the Stormcatcher, backing off slowly.

Stormcatcher's body crackled. He snarled. The Shade... how did it get this close? And then the sky shattering... something was up. Something.

And of course the others would blame Stormcatcher for this. They were still angry about the whole Bogsneak incident, snarling at him that they had not agreed to making breeds that way. Of course, he'd been testing if it could be done. But did they ever listen to progress? No.

If either dragon had looked out a window just then, the break in the sky would've been clearly visible. So, too, would the fact that something had just flown out of the space the break opened up to. And that it was coming closer. But no one looked out. They were too busy working.

The ship flew closer, charging its energy cannons - and then launching its attack.

The side of the Spire blasted open, pulses of energy killing dragons and exaltees and slamming Stormcatcher into the ground. Other exaltees and dragons were fleeing, some panicking.

Voltalia shouted over her mike. "Deploy your land mounts, we're investigating this place! Nix, keep my ship on standby in case we need its weapons!"

-Beneath the Spire-

The Earth Skydancer leapt back, hissing. "What in Earthshaker's name?!"

Dawnbringer snarled. This was... not good. How did that THING bust into the Spire? What was it?

Oh, wait... it kinda looked like the starship the Arcanist rode in... Wait. What are those? Weapons of some- !!! Something's coming this way!

Dawnbringer yelped, letting off a burst of Earth magic. The ground shook under the bipedal blue creature's feet.

Sonic backed up. He grabbed his mike while turning to run.

"Some local just attacked me! It was kinda like a Earthquake move!"

Voltalia's reaction? "Sonic. Why are you even... oh nevermind. Just get out and get over here! We'll deal with this later."

The blue hedgehog started running towards where the ship had made its attack.

Dawnbringer snarled. SHE wasn't passing up a fight... and with that, she tried to pursue the odd blue creature. Key word being tried. It soon started to pull away from her, and the Skydancer just couldn't keep up to its running speed.

He/him | FRT+1 x
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow
The guardian was awoken from his slumber by a horrifying nightmare. He shot up, breathing heavy and sweat dripping from his brow. He looked out the window just in time to see the strange flying object blast the spire and stormcatcher to the ground.

"By the eleven." He muttered, his dream had come to pass. If the rest of his vision became reality, they were all doomed. "I don't have much time." He said, vanishing with a soft ding and reappearing at the impact site of the blast. He spread wings out wide and his claws began glowing a deep blow as he launched himself at the strange object with the intent to see exactly what they were dealing with.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow
The guardian was awoken from his slumber by a horrifying nightmare. He shot up, breathing heavy and sweat dripping from his brow. He looked out the window just in time to see the strange flying object blast the spire and stormcatcher to the ground.

"By the eleven." He muttered, his dream had come to pass. If the rest of his vision became reality, they were all doomed. "I don't have much time." He said, vanishing with a soft ding and reappearing at the impact site of the blast. He spread wings out wide and his claws began glowing a deep blow as he launched himself at the strange object with the intent to see exactly what they were dealing with.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @DuskyFlareon

((Also, Xeno can't speak, but for convenience, let's say that the Alliance gave her a magic amulet or something.))

Xeno leaped out of the low-flying ship, landing quickly with her one pair of useful legs splayed out, spider-limbs flailing about. She immediately began her scary walk, scythe-arms held near to her body, her multiple eyes staring ahead unblinkingly. Baring her teeth and walking forwards as her rider urged her on, she noticed a giant, electricity thing blasted to the ground, and a blue creature about the size of Xeno launching himself at the ship.

A dragon with ridges across it's back, it's body grey and it's wings green started to attack her, leaping at her and tearing at her skin, sharp prickles coming tearing at her stomach area. Letting out a screech, she swung one of her giant arms at the creature, hitting him towards the ground. Her spider-limbs picked the body up, and she snarled at the creature before throwing it onto the ground.
She continued, defending herself and her rider against any attackers, using mainly her teeth and spider limbs.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @DuskyFlareon

((Also, Xeno can't speak, but for convenience, let's say that the Alliance gave her a magic amulet or something.))

Xeno leaped out of the low-flying ship, landing quickly with her one pair of useful legs splayed out, spider-limbs flailing about. She immediately began her scary walk, scythe-arms held near to her body, her multiple eyes staring ahead unblinkingly. Baring her teeth and walking forwards as her rider urged her on, she noticed a giant, electricity thing blasted to the ground, and a blue creature about the size of Xeno launching himself at the ship.

A dragon with ridges across it's back, it's body grey and it's wings green started to attack her, leaping at her and tearing at her skin, sharp prickles coming tearing at her stomach area. Letting out a screech, she swung one of her giant arms at the creature, hitting him towards the ground. Her spider-limbs picked the body up, and she snarled at the creature before throwing it onto the ground.
She continued, defending herself and her rider against any attackers, using mainly her teeth and spider limbs.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Nix snarled when he saw the blue dragon flying at his ship, rotating the cannon. While it wasn't very accurate in melee ranges, it could still kill targets if it hit them. Depending on what he was targetting, of course. He began charging up another energy blast.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Nix snarled when he saw the blue dragon flying at his ship, rotating the cannon. While it wasn't very accurate in melee ranges, it could still kill targets if it hit them. Depending on what he was targetting, of course. He began charging up another energy blast.

He/him | FRT+1 x
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

He saw some sort of mechanism swing around to face him from the bottom of the strange floating object. When it started emiting a faint light he put two and two together. "That trick wont work, if you dont know where to aim." He said to himself.

He shimmered, seeming to dissapear and then reappear in a differnet spot a few feet to the right. He shimmered again, reappearing at the other side of the ship as he contiuned his ascent towards the strange object, hopeing to throw it off.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

He saw some sort of mechanism swing around to face him from the bottom of the strange floating object. When it started emiting a faint light he put two and two together. "That trick wont work, if you dont know where to aim." He said to himself.

He shimmered, seeming to dissapear and then reappear in a differnet spot a few feet to the right. He shimmered again, reappearing at the other side of the ship as he contiuned his ascent towards the strange object, hopeing to throw it off.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

"Arceus dammit. Where'd the dragon go?" Nix growled. He noticed the dragon reappear, and swivelled the still-charging cannon - before the dragon disappeared again and reappeared moments later. Once again, he swung the cannon around. He didn't think he could hit.

"By Arceus' holy name... I swear if it gets too close I'm jumping out. I can attack faster than the cannon, even if I'm not so deadly!"
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

"Arceus dammit. Where'd the dragon go?" Nix growled. He noticed the dragon reappear, and swivelled the still-charging cannon - before the dragon disappeared again and reappeared moments later. Once again, he swung the cannon around. He didn't think he could hit.

"By Arceus' holy name... I swear if it gets too close I'm jumping out. I can attack faster than the cannon, even if I'm not so deadly!"

He/him | FRT+1 x
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

The mage reached out with his mind, trying to find out what was inside the hulking metal behemoth. He frowned when he sensed not one, but multiple sentient beings inside what he now knew was some sort of war machine. He stopped his ascent. Merely hovering in one spot. He contemplated firing bolts of lightning at the war machine, but decided against it. He would wait to see if they followed up on their attack before he retaliated, maybe they could be reasoned with.

"Why did you attack the spire?" He called. He knew it was unlikely the strange creatures inside the machine understood draconic, but it was worth a shot.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @DuskyFlareon @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

The mage reached out with his mind, trying to find out what was inside the hulking metal behemoth. He frowned when he sensed not one, but multiple sentient beings inside what he now knew was some sort of war machine. He stopped his ascent. Merely hovering in one spot. He contemplated firing bolts of lightning at the war machine, but decided against it. He would wait to see if they followed up on their attack before he retaliated, maybe they could be reasoned with.

"Why did you attack the spire?" He called. He knew it was unlikely the strange creatures inside the machine understood draconic, but it was worth a shot.
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
((You guys should probably slow down... you guys (besides me)so far are the only ones posting and you've nearly made a page))

Xeno watched the blue creature, hissing at it. Not like it could hear her so far away and so far quiet, but it didn't matter. Her rider urging her on, she continued, taking in the thunder, which scared her a little bit, but she was trained so it wouldn't affect her. She saw miles ahead and before her, a parched desert. Wonder if the whole place is like this, she thought. As she walked, limbs flailing when they weren't attacking something, she attempted to remember landmarks.
((You guys should probably slow down... you guys (besides me)so far are the only ones posting and you've nearly made a page))

Xeno watched the blue creature, hissing at it. Not like it could hear her so far away and so far quiet, but it didn't matter. Her rider urging her on, she continued, taking in the thunder, which scared her a little bit, but she was trained so it wouldn't affect her. She saw miles ahead and before her, a parched desert. Wonder if the whole place is like this, she thought. As she walked, limbs flailing when they weren't attacking something, she attempted to remember landmarks.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Nix's ears twitched as he noticed the translator fire up.

"Why did you attack the spire?"

Nix growled softly. The others were disembarking and fighting as the Umbreon answered.

"We can't let abominations interfere. Stuff like the one in YOUR universe. And that means wiping out 9as many potential abomination summoners as we can."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the large black and blue dragon getting up. Who to shoot...? The big dragon was probably a bigger threat. Swivelling his cannon again, he fired it at Stormcatcher instead of the blue and white dragon.

Stormcatcher roared as the force of the blast slammed him back into the ground.
@DemonPlushie @Felixr @Comic1Sans @SoulLugia11 @Pandacow

Nix's ears twitched as he noticed the translator fire up.

"Why did you attack the spire?"

Nix growled softly. The others were disembarking and fighting as the Umbreon answered.

"We can't let abominations interfere. Stuff like the one in YOUR universe. And that means wiping out 9as many potential abomination summoners as we can."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the large black and blue dragon getting up. Who to shoot...? The big dragon was probably a bigger threat. Swivelling his cannon again, he fired it at Stormcatcher instead of the blue and white dragon.

Stormcatcher roared as the force of the blast slammed him back into the ground.

He/him | FRT+1 x
(Ill slow down a little. Ill also stop pinging, as im subbed.)

He watched in terror as the machine was again beat down a god. He would have no chance against this behemoth should it turn on him. Diplomacy was his only option. He was slightly relived when a voice cam from the machine, a voice he could understand.

"There is no such thing in this land. Our deities have protected us from such things. We wish not to be involved with you or your war machine. What is the price you ask to leave the land of Sorinith in peace?"
(Ill slow down a little. Ill also stop pinging, as im subbed.)

He watched in terror as the machine was again beat down a god. He would have no chance against this behemoth should it turn on him. Diplomacy was his only option. He was slightly relived when a voice cam from the machine, a voice he could understand.

"There is no such thing in this land. Our deities have protected us from such things. We wish not to be involved with you or your war machine. What is the price you ask to leave the land of Sorinith in peace?"
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time