

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Warriorcat Roleplays!
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*Blackstorm padded through the underbrush, Making sure that Silvermoon was following. Soon, the two warriors reached the camp. Blackstorm trotted through the entrance*

*Blackstorm padded through the underbrush, Making sure that Silvermoon was following. Soon, the two warriors reached the camp. Blackstorm trotted through the entrance*

Dustwatch padded out of the warrior's den, completely ready to go hunting, when she smelt something in the air. She couldn't place it, but it smelt... off. Like decaying meat. She sniffed around the edge of the camp, but couldn't place where the smell was coming from. She shrugged, and continued her walk to the camp exit. She was a couple metres away from the camp when the scent kicked up again, and she froze. This trail was strong, like the thing that created it passed through only last night. She turned and raced back to camp.
It was only as she burst through to the clearing that she yowled, "BADGER!" and stood there panting.


Dustwatch padded out of the warrior's den, completely ready to go hunting, when she smelt something in the air. She couldn't place it, but it smelt... off. Like decaying meat. She sniffed around the edge of the camp, but couldn't place where the smell was coming from. She shrugged, and continued her walk to the camp exit. She was a couple metres away from the camp when the scent kicked up again, and she froze. This trail was strong, like the thing that created it passed through only last night. She turned and raced back to camp.
It was only as she burst through to the clearing that she yowled, "BADGER!" and stood there panting.


Dapplestripe's head rested on her paws, her body half hanging out of the nursery as she kept a watchful eye on Sootkit as he batted a ball of moss around in his paws. She felt a purr of amusement rise in her throat as her young son tossed the green scrap into the air only to lose where it had landed for a moment until he turned around and pounced on it once more. Her head snapped forward at as Dustwatch burst into camp, leaping to her feet and curling her tail across Sootkit to draw him close to her side.
"What!? Where!?" She scanned around the camp then over towards the entrance, but kept her fur flat and tail gently stroking Sootkit, who was looking directly at Dustwatch with a confused expression, to keep him from getting nervous.

Dapplestripe's head rested on her paws, her body half hanging out of the nursery as she kept a watchful eye on Sootkit as he batted a ball of moss around in his paws. She felt a purr of amusement rise in her throat as her young son tossed the green scrap into the air only to lose where it had landed for a moment until he turned around and pounced on it once more. Her head snapped forward at as Dustwatch burst into camp, leaping to her feet and curling her tail across Sootkit to draw him close to her side.
"What!? Where!?" She scanned around the camp then over towards the entrance, but kept her fur flat and tail gently stroking Sootkit, who was looking directly at Dustwatch with a confused expression, to keep him from getting nervous.

Dustwatch panted, catching her breath as she stared at the queen.
"I- I don't know where it is..." she said, ashamed to have caused such a panic, especially to a mother and her kit. "I just know that the entire camp smells like one, and there's a fresh scent trail right outside. I just thought that everyone should know and be prepared," her ears flicked back as a small apology. "I'll keep watch by the entrance, but you might want to go into the nursery with Sootkit. It's been made to withstand fox attacks, so it should hold off a badger."
She nodded to the queen, and abruptly turned her back to the camp.

Dustwatch panted, catching her breath as she stared at the queen.
"I- I don't know where it is..." she said, ashamed to have caused such a panic, especially to a mother and her kit. "I just know that the entire camp smells like one, and there's a fresh scent trail right outside. I just thought that everyone should know and be prepared," her ears flicked back as a small apology. "I'll keep watch by the entrance, but you might want to go into the nursery with Sootkit. It's been made to withstand fox attacks, so it should hold off a badger."
She nodded to the queen, and abruptly turned her back to the camp.

*Starlingstar burst from her den, eyes wide.* Did I hear badger? *She demanded.*

Outside camp

*Wsteriapaw groaned. {Warriors have the memory of rabbits. Our clan'd be doomed if they were in charge.}* Poppy seeds and catnip. You know, the most important things to keep in stock during the winter?

*Starlingstar burst from her den, eyes wide.* Did I hear badger? *She demanded.*

Outside camp

*Wsteriapaw groaned. {Warriors have the memory of rabbits. Our clan'd be doomed if they were in charge.}* Poppy seeds and catnip. You know, the most important things to keep in stock during the winter?

Nightwing: Okay, also how long is this going to take?

Nightwing: Okay, also how long is this going to take?
Wingclan? XD
Outside of camp

Pushy pushy. You know if you ever get sick your life is at my mercy? *She rolls her eyes and doesn't answer the question*
Wingclan? XD
Outside of camp

Pushy pushy. You know if you ever get sick your life is at my mercy? *She rolls her eyes and doesn't answer the question*

*Blackstorm dropped her vole in the freshkill pile, then looked around for Lichenkit*

*Blackstorm dropped her vole in the freshkill pile, then looked around for Lichenkit*
oops, I meant Windclan XD :P.

Nightwing: I know, I know, It is just that I am supposed to go on the hunting patrol...
oops, I meant Windclan XD :P.

Nightwing: I know, I know, It is just that I am supposed to go on the hunting patrol...

Dustwatch turned back to the camp, and scowled at Starlingstar for breaking her watch.
"Yes," she meowed. "There's badger-scent all over, outside the camp and along the edges of it. I was on watch, seeing as we don't have a deputy to assign any sort of patrol yet."
She turned back to the entrance, trying to ignore her leader as much as she could before it was considered disrespect.

Dustwatch turned back to the camp, and scowled at Starlingstar for breaking her watch.
"Yes," she meowed. "There's badger-scent all over, outside the camp and along the edges of it. I was on watch, seeing as we don't have a deputy to assign any sort of patrol yet."
She turned back to the entrance, trying to ignore her leader as much as she could before it was considered disrespect.
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