

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Runaway
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As Aurora and Dante walk through the forest Dante looks up and says"Aurora look aren't those dragons from the stormcatcher's domain?"

Having looked up to see what he meant Aurora took off into the sky with Dante clinging to her head and yelled"Hey,aren't you two from a clan in stormcatcher's domain?"


As Aurora and Dante walk through the forest Dante looks up and says"Aurora look aren't those dragons from the stormcatcher's domain?"

Having looked up to see what he meant Aurora took off into the sky with Dante clinging to her head and yelled"Hey,aren't you two from a clan in stormcatcher's domain?"


Crystalline Subs

Candy Sweets

Nest Renters
Philla and Corrupt Philla Subspecies Writing Lore for People Camping Horror

Grab Bags
"oh my are you plague soldiers? oh we are so sorry! well get out of your domain right away!" said magi immediately

"no! if they wanna a stop us well stand and fight! we can take the likes of them any day!" said Jade

"oh my are you plague soldiers? oh we are so sorry! well get out of your domain right away!" said magi immediately

"no! if they wanna a stop us well stand and fight! we can take the likes of them any day!" said Jade



Dante looked at Aurora and then Jade, seeing that if he didn't intervene a fight would be a sure thing.Quickly taking flight off of Aurora's head he said"Yes we are Warriors,or rather my love here is"said Dante throwing a quick glance at Aurora"But we are simply patrolling because a rogue dragon has been spotted in this area."

Aurora tried to grab Dante by his tail"Get over here you idiot, they could eat you in one bite."
Dante dodged Aurora but almost flew into Magi.

Dante looked at Aurora and then Jade, seeing that if he didn't intervene a fight would be a sure thing.Quickly taking flight off of Aurora's head he said"Yes we are Warriors,or rather my love here is"said Dante throwing a quick glance at Aurora"But we are simply patrolling because a rogue dragon has been spotted in this area."

Aurora tried to grab Dante by his tail"Get over here you idiot, they could eat you in one bite."
Dante dodged Aurora but almost flew into Magi.


Crystalline Subs

Candy Sweets

Nest Renters
Philla and Corrupt Philla Subspecies Writing Lore for People Camping Horror

Grab Bags
"see Jade you dont need to be so high strung about soldiers! they obviously clan warriors... or at least they dont look exalted!" said Magi

"Okay fine... mr peacekeeper! and why the heck would i eat you? thats cannibalism!" said Jade

"anyway! did the rouge happen to be a black and white snapper... really muscular and fierce, scar faced.. etc?' asked Magi

"see Jade you dont need to be so high strung about soldiers! they obviously clan warriors... or at least they dont look exalted!" said Magi

"Okay fine... mr peacekeeper! and why the heck would i eat you? thats cannibalism!" said Jade

"anyway! did the rouge happen to be a black and white snapper... really muscular and fierce, scar faced.. etc?' asked Magi


Aurora ignored Jade and looked at Magi"Yes the dragon was a black and white snapper,how did you know?"

Dante looked at jade as he retook his spot on Aurora's head and said"Forgive Aurora,I highly doubt you would eat me,but she is very protective of me around other dragons."

Aurora tried to shake Dante off playfully"Of course I'm protective,You could be stepped on or even slapped by someone's tail and they would never even notice."
Aurora ignored Jade and looked at Magi"Yes the dragon was a black and white snapper,how did you know?"

Dante looked at jade as he retook his spot on Aurora's head and said"Forgive Aurora,I highly doubt you would eat me,but she is very protective of me around other dragons."

Aurora tried to shake Dante off playfully"Of course I'm protective,You could be stepped on or even slapped by someone's tail and they would never even notice."


Crystalline Subs

Candy Sweets

Nest Renters
Philla and Corrupt Philla Subspecies Writing Lore for People Camping Horror

Grab Bags
"shes one of our top clan warriors...her name is Lana.... she dissapeared a few days ago and didnt come back, shes never left for more than a day... her mate was getting very worried, he was going to come look himself but he broke his wing in a battle, so we went instead!" said Magi

"well even if he was fine he isnt to good on search and rescue missions! that guy has got some major anger issues, besides the trade off is we would go and he would take care of the kids!and you know its funny our co leader is a fae and his wife is a mirror and shes very protective of him as well" said jade

"shes one of our top clan warriors...her name is Lana.... she dissapeared a few days ago and didnt come back, shes never left for more than a day... her mate was getting very worried, he was going to come look himself but he broke his wing in a battle, so we went instead!" said Magi

"well even if he was fine he isnt to good on search and rescue missions! that guy has got some major anger issues, besides the trade off is we would go and he would take care of the kids!and you know its funny our co leader is a fae and his wife is a mirror and shes very protective of him as well" said jade



umm you need to put the numbers on my thing or it will ping someone else......

Aurora immediately thinking that a warrior in the domain might mean that an attack is being formed snapped at magi"If this Lana is one of your top Warriors,why is she in OUR domain?"

Dante looked at Jade"Don't take this wrong but Aurora has a point.Is something going on?Also I think all dragons who mate with Fae's are going to be over-protective."He laughed lightly as he smiled a lop-sided grin.

umm you need to put the numbers on my thing or it will ping someone else......

Aurora immediately thinking that a warrior in the domain might mean that an attack is being formed snapped at magi"If this Lana is one of your top Warriors,why is she in OUR domain?"

Dante looked at Jade"Don't take this wrong but Aurora has a point.Is something going on?Also I think all dragons who mate with Fae's are going to be over-protective."He laughed lightly as he smiled a lop-sided grin.


Crystalline Subs

Candy Sweets

Nest Renters
Philla and Corrupt Philla Subspecies Writing Lore for People Camping Horror

Grab Bags
"of course were not planning an attack, its just that Lana is a top warrior and shes always been able to navigate her way back to us.... the fact that shes gone and she hasnt come back when she said she would means some thing bad could have happened, its hard to imagine her being kidnapped but thats our guess at the moment." said Magi confidently

"hmm the reason her mate fell in love with her in the first place is because she saved him from a vicious flock of harpies! and that girls never had good standings with any of the beastclans.... perhaps they took her hostage and they want a ransom from us!" said Jade


"of course were not planning an attack, its just that Lana is a top warrior and shes always been able to navigate her way back to us.... the fact that shes gone and she hasnt come back when she said she would means some thing bad could have happened, its hard to imagine her being kidnapped but thats our guess at the moment." said Magi confidently

"hmm the reason her mate fell in love with her in the first place is because she saved him from a vicious flock of harpies! and that girls never had good standings with any of the beastclans.... perhaps they took her hostage and they want a ransom from us!" said Jade




"Well if you need help then I suppose we can search together,seeing as it's our job to find the rogue and remove it by any means necessary"Aurora said in a low emotionless tone.

Cutting in quickly before they could think wrongly Dante said"What Aurora means is that it's our job to find the rogue and escort them home,unless things turn violent.Then we are to destroy the rogue and dispose of the body."

Dante starts to move restlessly on Aurora's head....

"Well if you need help then I suppose we can search together,seeing as it's our job to find the rogue and remove it by any means necessary"Aurora said in a low emotionless tone.

Cutting in quickly before they could think wrongly Dante said"What Aurora means is that it's our job to find the rogue and escort them home,unless things turn violent.Then we are to destroy the rogue and dispose of the body."

Dante starts to move restlessly on Aurora's head....


Crystalline Subs

Candy Sweets

Nest Renters
Philla and Corrupt Philla Subspecies Writing Lore for People Camping Horror

Grab Bags
"yes! we could use the extra help... however, its getting dark, you need not take us into your lair providing you have a statute of secrecy, but do you know of any place we could rest for the night that is moderately safe and hidden?" said Magi

"yes please! last time we even batted an eyelid out here we nearly got eaten alive by a herd of fungalhoof qiriqs!" said Jade


"yes! we could use the extra help... however, its getting dark, you need not take us into your lair providing you have a statute of secrecy, but do you know of any place we could rest for the night that is moderately safe and hidden?" said Magi

"yes please! last time we even batted an eyelid out here we nearly got eaten alive by a herd of fungalhoof qiriqs!" said Jade



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