

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Forest of Nocens ((OPEN!))
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Carman swims over to the rocks where the clothes where left, they where still wet, so he decided just to drag them back into the water, and help her redress there. he leaves the binder however, not liking the idea it would hurt her breathing.

The demon walks back out of the bush, sitting down cross legged. hands beside him on the dirt. "have you seen a blonde woman wandering around? purple mist? a large, red dog that looks really shaggy, and needs a bath?" he cocks an eyebrow. "shes a demon, like me. however, she doesn't play fair with others. deals are just suggestions in her eyes."

Marval looks over to nico, ears pinned down, and tears in his eyes. he was still confused. still feeling that sense of lonelyness in his heart. he thought he had found a friend in him, but now. did he do this? did he disrupt his life?

Carman swims over to the rocks where the clothes where left, they where still wet, so he decided just to drag them back into the water, and help her redress there. he leaves the binder however, not liking the idea it would hurt her breathing.

The demon walks back out of the bush, sitting down cross legged. hands beside him on the dirt. "have you seen a blonde woman wandering around? purple mist? a large, red dog that looks really shaggy, and needs a bath?" he cocks an eyebrow. "shes a demon, like me. however, she doesn't play fair with others. deals are just suggestions in her eyes."

Marval looks over to nico, ears pinned down, and tears in his eyes. he was still confused. still feeling that sense of lonelyness in his heart. he thought he had found a friend in him, but now. did he do this? did he disrupt his life?

Astral thanked Carman as he helped put her clothes back on, giving him a small smile when she noticed he 'forgot' the corset. That was fine with her- she was coming to hate the thing. It made it difficult to breath and though it made her waist look tiny, Carman was obviously fine with her waist's size without it. Why put it back on?

Now dressed, she looked over to the demon (which he apparently was) and shook her head. "I haven't seen anyone like that around here, myself. Though I haven't been in the woods much for the past day." She'd been at Phantasma's 'New York' or whatever she called it. She'd come back to make amends with Carman and boy had she.

"If there's a demon in these woods, then I'll steer clear of her. I've had enough of people who want to take advantage of others for no reason other than their own sick satisfaction." She ran her hands through her ghostly hair as she spoke, once more transparent now that Carman had stopped his humming.

Astral thanked Carman as he helped put her clothes back on, giving him a small smile when she noticed he 'forgot' the corset. That was fine with her- she was coming to hate the thing. It made it difficult to breath and though it made her waist look tiny, Carman was obviously fine with her waist's size without it. Why put it back on?

Now dressed, she looked over to the demon (which he apparently was) and shook her head. "I haven't seen anyone like that around here, myself. Though I haven't been in the woods much for the past day." She'd been at Phantasma's 'New York' or whatever she called it. She'd come back to make amends with Carman and boy had she.

"If there's a demon in these woods, then I'll steer clear of her. I've had enough of people who want to take advantage of others for no reason other than their own sick satisfaction." She ran her hands through her ghostly hair as she spoke, once more transparent now that Carman had stopped his humming.
Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)

Nico looked over at Marvel and began to chew at his lip, he strode over to him and gestured for him to follow before he opened up a sector in the insanity realm that was calm and dark. He stepped through and shut the entry behind him, "you have questions as to why I allowed the dragon to change you. Yes?" He sighed, "it is multilayered and complex but basically I wanted to save you. The human race will come to an end soon, and not by my hand. By releasing the riders my sister set the events into motion. By on the seventh day the humans will be no more...cryptics however will be safe. I began to choose human after that, humans strong enough to withstand a change in race. You were one of those people. I like you Marvel and I hope that in time you will understand. "

Nico looked over at Marvel and began to chew at his lip, he strode over to him and gestured for him to follow before he opened up a sector in the insanity realm that was calm and dark. He stepped through and shut the entry behind him, "you have questions as to why I allowed the dragon to change you. Yes?" He sighed, "it is multilayered and complex but basically I wanted to save you. The human race will come to an end soon, and not by my hand. By releasing the riders my sister set the events into motion. By on the seventh day the humans will be no more...cryptics however will be safe. I began to choose human after that, humans strong enough to withstand a change in race. You were one of those people. I like you Marvel and I hope that in time you will understand. "
Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun, oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. When she comes!
Marval follows behind. head down, and tail between his legs. he flicks his ears as he talks, looking to the side still as he listens to what he has to say. it takes him a minute to think it over, but his decision was placed. without a word, he padded up to his leg, resting his forehead onto it. shoulders relaxing, and tail unwravling from under him. "you aren't lying.. right?" he whispers.
"i-.. " he shakes his head. "humans have done nothing but hate me from the start anyways.. even when i saved them.." his ears droop once more. "ill stay with you then"
Marval follows behind. head down, and tail between his legs. he flicks his ears as he talks, looking to the side still as he listens to what he has to say. it takes him a minute to think it over, but his decision was placed. without a word, he padded up to his leg, resting his forehead onto it. shoulders relaxing, and tail unwravling from under him. "you aren't lying.. right?" he whispers.
"i-.. " he shakes his head. "humans have done nothing but hate me from the start anyways.. even when i saved them.." his ears droop once more. "ill stay with you then"

Nico dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Marval, "no human will ever mistreat you again. You have my word, and my protection." He held the Cu Sith to his chest and carded his long fingers through through the thick fur. "I'll not let anyone mistreat you again..."

Nico dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Marval, "no human will ever mistreat you again. You have my word, and my protection." He held the Cu Sith to his chest and carded his long fingers through through the thick fur. "I'll not let anyone mistreat you again..."
Well, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun, oh, I'll shoot her with my ray gun. Yes, I'll shoot her with my ray gun when she comes. When she comes!
awww nicos a big softy
Marval shifts to rest his chin onto his shoulders, green eyes closing slowly as he rests his furry cheek against his neck. enjoying the warmth of the hug, and the protection it offered him. he felt safer now, that was for sure. his tail even began to involuntarily wag as he felt his messy fur stroked back.
he murmurs - "thank you.."

oops i forgot carmans full name. i just make a new one for him
Carman nods, kissing the top of her head before turning to the general direction of the demon. Carman thought for a second, a cheek shifting as he nibbles it with his molars. "theres been sulfur smell around.. i guessed it was due to.." he stops there, not wanting to go into her at the moment. "I'd head west. the wind blows from there, after all."" he suggests, slinking back into the water. The demon blinks, thinking for a second before giving the weindo a smile. "ah, thanks furry man. whats your name?"
the man gives a look of confusion, before chuckling. "hoo boy, thats worse then mine, buddy"
Carman rolls his white eyes, slinking further into the water. "you asked/"
awww nicos a big softy
Marval shifts to rest his chin onto his shoulders, green eyes closing slowly as he rests his furry cheek against his neck. enjoying the warmth of the hug, and the protection it offered him. he felt safer now, that was for sure. his tail even began to involuntarily wag as he felt his messy fur stroked back.
he murmurs - "thank you.."

oops i forgot carmans full name. i just make a new one for him
Carman nods, kissing the top of her head before turning to the general direction of the demon. Carman thought for a second, a cheek shifting as he nibbles it with his molars. "theres been sulfur smell around.. i guessed it was due to.." he stops there, not wanting to go into her at the moment. "I'd head west. the wind blows from there, after all."" he suggests, slinking back into the water. The demon blinks, thinking for a second before giving the weindo a smile. "ah, thanks furry man. whats your name?"
the man gives a look of confusion, before chuckling. "hoo boy, thats worse then mine, buddy"
Carman rolls his white eyes, slinking further into the water. "you asked/"
@ResidentLunatic @Phoenixwildfire [img][/img]
@ResidentLunatic @Phoenixwildfire

Astral made an uneasy noise that there might indeed be someone in the forest who was hostile. Perhaps they should have been more careful during their interlude. After all, if this demon had been hostile he would have caught them very off guard. "You don't think she's looking for me, do you?" She asked Carman quietly, still a bit paranoid after her ordeal with the dragon.

Astral made an uneasy noise that there might indeed be someone in the forest who was hostile. Perhaps they should have been more careful during their interlude. After all, if this demon had been hostile he would have caught them very off guard. "You don't think she's looking for me, do you?" She asked Carman quietly, still a bit paranoid after her ordeal with the dragon.
Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)
Carman shakes his head, turning it to her with a frown before he leans in to kiss her cheek. this causes fredrick to give one of those fake smiles, turning to look to the west under the directional guidance of the sun. "right. shes that way" he murmurs to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets, and gesturing for his hound to follow. the hound peers over to the two with interest, but obediently follows his master.
Carman shakes his head, turning it to her with a frown before he leans in to kiss her cheek. this causes fredrick to give one of those fake smiles, turning to look to the west under the directional guidance of the sun. "right. shes that way" he murmurs to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets, and gesturing for his hound to follow. the hound peers over to the two with interest, but obediently follows his master.

Astral smiled at the reassuring touch, setting her hand against his cheek gently. "I do feel somewhat bad about hurting him... even if he was watching us." She gave a wary glance in the direction the demon had gone in. "I wonder why he's searching for a demon, though. You don't think this has something to do with that dragon and Phantasma...?" She let out a small sigh, knowing that their quiet moment was likely over. She set her forehead against his shoulder, not wanting to go back to reality again. She was finally enjoying herself for the first time in her life, but now she had to find out what was going on and hope that it wasn't something that would get them in danger.

Astral smiled at the reassuring touch, setting her hand against his cheek gently. "I do feel somewhat bad about hurting him... even if he was watching us." She gave a wary glance in the direction the demon had gone in. "I wonder why he's searching for a demon, though. You don't think this has something to do with that dragon and Phantasma...?" She let out a small sigh, knowing that their quiet moment was likely over. She set her forehead against his shoulder, not wanting to go back to reality again. She was finally enjoying herself for the first time in her life, but now she had to find out what was going on and hope that it wasn't something that would get them in danger.
Come see the stuffed animals I make! (instagram)
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