

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ~Introductory RP~ Closed
@WolfSong ((Alright sounds fine to me))

"These are not my rules. I am merely following what Red Velvet would want. You cannot blame me for it." She sighed and looked at Knight "But I do thank you for getting them to bed. We can all get to rest and hope the killer does not attack tonight..."

@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @DauntlessDoctor @LeviathanScream

((Night Phase will last until tomorrow afternoon. Ex: 22:00pm FR = 1am My time))
@WolfSong ((Alright sounds fine to me))

"These are not my rules. I am merely following what Red Velvet would want. You cannot blame me for it." She sighed and looked at Knight "But I do thank you for getting them to bed. We can all get to rest and hope the killer does not attack tonight..."

@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @DauntlessDoctor @LeviathanScream

((Night Phase will last until tomorrow afternoon. Ex: 22:00pm FR = 1am My time))
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Two skydancers barreled through the door, they look exhausted as if they rushed to the castle. The light blue dragon shook her head and coughed, panting hard. The pink one stretched his wings and let out a whine. "Atleast this place was CLOSE to home!" he proclaimed, panting as well. The blue dancer looked up at the two dragons and approched them. "Nickki, and... Thimble, guards of The clan of... eyes." she said, breathlessly. Thimble strode by behind her, he seemingly recovered rather quickly. @Wolfsong @Breakboundaries



Two skydancers barreled through the door, they look exhausted as if they rushed to the castle. The light blue dragon shook her head and coughed, panting hard. The pink one stretched his wings and let out a whine.

"Atleast this place was CLOSE to home!" he proclaimed, panting as well. The blue dancer looked up at the two dragons and approched them.

"Nickki, and... Thimble, guards of The clan of... eyes." she said, breathlessly. Thimble strode by behind her, he seemingly recovered rather quickly.

@Wolfsong @Breakboundaries
[center][center][font=century gothic]@BreakBoundaries ((Hooray, thank you! :D )) The guardian laughs softly, swinging his head huge back and forth. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"It was nothing. My apologies if I spoke harshly. I have been known to do that before. After all, I suppose that nobody can be really responsible aside from the killer."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He pauses, and then continues. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I will join my charge in the morning when she wakes - she does not enjoy having her sleep disturbed. For now I will join the others in rest. Goodnight, Nahimana. Call me if you need me."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He with that, he slips away.[/center]
@BreakBoundaries ((Hooray, thank you! :D ))

The guardian laughs softly, swinging his head huge back and forth.

"It was nothing. My apologies if I spoke harshly. I have been known to do that before. After all, I suppose that nobody can be really responsible aside from the killer."

He pauses, and then continues.

"I will join my charge in the morning when she wakes - she does not enjoy having her sleep disturbed. For now I will join the others in rest. Goodnight, Nahimana. Call me if you need me."

He with that, he slips away.
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[center][center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy The guardian stops in his tracks and smiles slightly at the visitors. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Welcome, you two. Welcome. Everyone else is resting, and I would advise you to do the same. You look as though you need it."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He laughs softly, indicating the door to the cells. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Most others are resting down there. May I ask your names?"[/font][/indent][/columns]

The guardian stops in his tracks and smiles slightly at the visitors.

"Welcome, you two. Welcome. Everyone else is resting, and I would advise you to do the same. You look as though you need it."

He laughs softly, indicating the door to the cells.

"Most others are resting down there. May I ask your names?"
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"Urh, yes. Thank you." Nickki says, rather awkwardly as she looks up at the guardian. Gosh, she hadn't seen a guardian like this until that plague leader crossed into her clan. "I'm Nickki and that is Thimble-"

The pink dragon strode right by the two, going into the bunks to sleep. "..Sorry." Nickki apologised, following after the skydancer.

"Urh, yes. Thank you." Nickki says, rather awkwardly as she looks up at the guardian. Gosh, she hadn't seen a guardian like this until that plague leader crossed into her clan. "I'm Nickki and that is Thimble-"

The pink dragon strode right by the two, going into the bunks to sleep. "..Sorry." Nickki apologised, following after the skydancer.

Knight watches them go with a smile, then shakes his head and walks to his own room, a smile still lingering in his eyes.

Perhaps they would be able to help come morning.

Knight watches them go with a smile, then shakes his head and walks to his own room, a smile still lingering in his eyes.

Perhaps they would be able to help come morning.
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@justdevon @DauntlessDoctor @leviathanscream @WolfSong @dragonchickedy @Percifrax

Shadowmist sighed, glancing at herself in the mirror before fluttering over to her perch. All of this business with a killer was ridiculous - it would blow over by morning, and then they could get back to socializing. She smiles to herself, amused by the idea that she might actually enjoy a social event, but her mirth is cut short by an odd gurgling sound. It sounded like... rasping breath? No, not quite.

Curious, she re-lights the candle with a quick burst of magic. The sound seemed to be coming from the dresser. She lightly flits over and begins to cautiously open drawers, pawing through the contents. Suddenly, the sound stops.

She looks up, confused, and catches a glimpse of something behind her in the mirror. Something glowing faintly in the dark - eyes? No!

Shadowmist fires a defensive bolt into the dark, and with a pained whimper the glow vanishes. The fae looks around, frills rippling intently. A creature skulking around her room in the middle of the night surely could not mean well. There! A movement! She shoots out another bolt, but it misses as the shape hurtles forward with a snarl. A clean cut across the smaller dragon's neck delivers a swift and merciful death.

The little fae drops out of the sky without a sound, and the killer backs up, whining softly. It nudges the body softly, then runs out into the dark hallway, injured shoulder already beginning to heal.


Nahimana wakes the others up. "I regret to inform you that we have bad news this morning." She puts her head down as if in regret, but then raises it back up. "Let us have a moment of silence for a fallen comrade."

There was a brief moment of silence in the air.

"The killer has attacked us this night, and Shadowmist (@DauntlessDoctor) has perished. I will be cleaning up the body, and with Red Velvet, investigating for the killer. before I do wish to inform you that it was a mirror, skydancer or wildclaw whom killed the fae." She looked at everyone "Unfortunately that doesn't really narrow anything down, but we know the blow was quick and mirrors, skydancers or wildclaws could've done it, but not anything bigger or smaller. They don't have a gaping hole, from being stomped or anything else and do not appear to be crushed. It seems to have been one quick blow or swipe."

She looked at Knight "Please, you did ask to be near Shii, your charge, correct? You may go with her now. The rest of you, attempt to figure out who the murderer is. Malevolent, Knight make sure things do not get to hectic. I will be off investigating. You all have one chance to drag a dragon into the cells."

((Just so you guys know, The Guards, Hesita, Shii, and ElectricSqueak all have the same ratio. Hestia, Shii and ElectricSqueak are all protected. Hestia protected by Blitz, Shii protected by Knight and ElectricSqueak protected by Inari. However no one is protected not even guards, from the cells. These things are like dungeons, actual dungeons... not nice at all. As stated you may send ONE dragon to the cells per day to find the killer.))
@justdevon @DauntlessDoctor @leviathanscream @WolfSong @dragonchickedy @Percifrax

Shadowmist sighed, glancing at herself in the mirror before fluttering over to her perch. All of this business with a killer was ridiculous - it would blow over by morning, and then they could get back to socializing. She smiles to herself, amused by the idea that she might actually enjoy a social event, but her mirth is cut short by an odd gurgling sound. It sounded like... rasping breath? No, not quite.

Curious, she re-lights the candle with a quick burst of magic. The sound seemed to be coming from the dresser. She lightly flits over and begins to cautiously open drawers, pawing through the contents. Suddenly, the sound stops.

She looks up, confused, and catches a glimpse of something behind her in the mirror. Something glowing faintly in the dark - eyes? No!

Shadowmist fires a defensive bolt into the dark, and with a pained whimper the glow vanishes. The fae looks around, frills rippling intently. A creature skulking around her room in the middle of the night surely could not mean well. There! A movement! She shoots out another bolt, but it misses as the shape hurtles forward with a snarl. A clean cut across the smaller dragon's neck delivers a swift and merciful death.

The little fae drops out of the sky without a sound, and the killer backs up, whining softly. It nudges the body softly, then runs out into the dark hallway, injured shoulder already beginning to heal.


Nahimana wakes the others up. "I regret to inform you that we have bad news this morning." She puts her head down as if in regret, but then raises it back up. "Let us have a moment of silence for a fallen comrade."

There was a brief moment of silence in the air.

"The killer has attacked us this night, and Shadowmist (@DauntlessDoctor) has perished. I will be cleaning up the body, and with Red Velvet, investigating for the killer. before I do wish to inform you that it was a mirror, skydancer or wildclaw whom killed the fae." She looked at everyone "Unfortunately that doesn't really narrow anything down, but we know the blow was quick and mirrors, skydancers or wildclaws could've done it, but not anything bigger or smaller. They don't have a gaping hole, from being stomped or anything else and do not appear to be crushed. It seems to have been one quick blow or swipe."

She looked at Knight "Please, you did ask to be near Shii, your charge, correct? You may go with her now. The rest of you, attempt to figure out who the murderer is. Malevolent, Knight make sure things do not get to hectic. I will be off investigating. You all have one chance to drag a dragon into the cells."

((Just so you guys know, The Guards, Hesita, Shii, and ElectricSqueak all have the same ratio. Hestia, Shii and ElectricSqueak are all protected. Hestia protected by Blitz, Shii protected by Knight and ElectricSqueak protected by Inari. However no one is protected not even guards, from the cells. These things are like dungeons, actual dungeons... not nice at all. As stated you may send ONE dragon to the cells per day to find the killer.))

Vortex raised an eyebrow. She stopped her tail from lashing, easily stopping herself from seeming nervous. Some would point claws at her, accusing her, maybe. "Don't look at me," she huffed out a faint cloud of smoke. "I don't kill things," she reasoned curling her fingers of her right hand into a furious ball. Even though she acted like a killer, she actually couldn't get herself to kill things. That's why the Wildclaw let the hunters do things. Her Infectionist's Emblem glowed eerily, red glinting off of the craggy walls. Leaning on the wall, Vortex crossed her arms in outrage, and in fear.

Vortex raised an eyebrow. She stopped her tail from lashing, easily stopping herself from seeming nervous. Some would point claws at her, accusing her, maybe. "Don't look at me," she huffed out a faint cloud of smoke. "I don't kill things," she reasoned curling her fingers of her right hand into a furious ball. Even though she acted like a killer, she actually couldn't get herself to kill things. That's why the Wildclaw let the hunters do things. Her Infectionist's Emblem glowed eerily, red glinting off of the craggy walls. Leaning on the wall, Vortex crossed her arms in outrage, and in fear.
May I join? @BreakBoundaries
May I join? @BreakBoundaries
((May I join? sorry to interrupt @BreakBoundaries ))
((May I join? sorry to interrupt @BreakBoundaries ))
021_zpswugdkw7b.pngGoal:25 eggs!Help me reach my goal send me a PM!