

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ~Introductory RP~ Closed
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@BreakBoundaries @Justdevon @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream

Starsinger bristled, glaring at the dragons around him. "There is a time and place for fighting, but this is neither! Please, people, control yourselves! We need our full force against this killer, and turning against each other will only wound our own power. There is a murderer in these halls and we are the only ones who can save the royals!"
@BreakBoundaries @Justdevon @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream

Starsinger bristled, glaring at the dragons around him. "There is a time and place for fighting, but this is neither! Please, people, control yourselves! We need our full force against this killer, and turning against each other will only wound our own power. There is a murderer in these halls and we are the only ones who can save the royals!"
Hi, I'm Perci!

@percifrax @breakboundaries

"You can't tell me to calm down!" Vortex hissed at Starsinger, the only time she was angry at him. Thinking she was too angry at the non-murderer, she shot for the door. I AM a guard in my eyes...
@percifrax @breakboundaries

"You can't tell me to calm down!" Vortex hissed at Starsinger, the only time she was angry at him. Thinking she was too angry at the non-murderer, she shot for the door. I AM a guard in my eyes...

"We ARE royals!" Tragete screeched, glaring at the dragon before walking to a door. "And we never agreed to protect this place." she hissed, Koa following after her, a puzzled expression on the dragons face.

"We ARE royals!" Tragete screeched, glaring at the dragon before walking to a door. "And we never agreed to protect this place." she hissed, Koa following after her, a puzzled expression on the dragons face.
@DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @BreakBoundaries

Enraged, Starsinger finally looses his temper. "Do we not owe it to Red Velvet!? We could just...we could j-just..." He sighs and begins to pace up and down the room. "What can I do to help? I will do anything." He gives the Pearlcatcher a determined look.

((By the way, could you consider it godmodding or anything to bring Starsinger back through my own clan lore should he die? Of course, he would be dead and out of the RP itself, but if his corpse was later retrieved by members of my clan and somehow healed in my own lair for future RPs.))
@DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @BreakBoundaries

Enraged, Starsinger finally looses his temper. "Do we not owe it to Red Velvet!? We could just...we could j-just..." He sighs and begins to pace up and down the room. "What can I do to help? I will do anything." He gives the Pearlcatcher a determined look.

((By the way, could you consider it godmodding or anything to bring Starsinger back through my own clan lore should he die? Of course, he would be dead and out of the RP itself, but if his corpse was later retrieved by members of my clan and somehow healed in my own lair for future RPs.))
Hi, I'm Perci!

@Percifrax @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @WolfSong
((Also long as you state the clan members take his body back to the clan and revive it that way, and keep Starsinger out of the rp once he has died and been revived, then no I don't consider it godmodding.))

Nahimana huffed "Alright, enough, get to bed. It's night time and you should all be sleeping."
She looked at Malevolent and Knight "Escort them to bed, before this arguement turns into a brawl."

((DragonChickedy, Percifrax, LeviathanScream please get your dragons to bed. DragonChickedy also, since you were thinking of replacing your with fodder, please do that during the night phase. Also tell me which fodder you are switching them out and please have them be guards since we have more royals than guards.))
@Percifrax @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @WolfSong
((Also long as you state the clan members take his body back to the clan and revive it that way, and keep Starsinger out of the rp once he has died and been revived, then no I don't consider it godmodding.))

Nahimana huffed "Alright, enough, get to bed. It's night time and you should all be sleeping."
She looked at Malevolent and Knight "Escort them to bed, before this arguement turns into a brawl."

((DragonChickedy, Percifrax, LeviathanScream please get your dragons to bed. DragonChickedy also, since you were thinking of replacing your with fodder, please do that during the night phase. Also tell me which fodder you are switching them out and please have them be guards since we have more royals than guards.))

((sureee thing you cool cat

((sureee thing you cool cat
@breakboundaries (can Vortex stay up, but he in bed? :3 sorry in a rush, I'll post tomorrow!)
@breakboundaries (can Vortex stay up, but he in bed? :3 sorry in a rush, I'll post tomorrow!)
@LeviathanScream ((Sure sounds fine to me.))
@LeviathanScream ((Sure sounds fine to me.))

((Sounds good! Plus, the clan members wouldn't have any reason to come get him unless they have reason to believe that something was wrong, like him not returning. The reviving stuff wouldn't happen until after the RP's over, probably.))

Starsinger frowns. "I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight, but lead the way, I suppose. I'm trusting you to keep me safe; to keep everyone safe. If something happens, take it on your own guilty conscious that events played out the way they did. Also, I trust that you will awaken me should anything happen that gives you any reason to fear for our safety."

((Sounds good! Plus, the clan members wouldn't have any reason to come get him unless they have reason to believe that something was wrong, like him not returning. The reviving stuff wouldn't happen until after the RP's over, probably.))

Starsinger frowns. "I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight, but lead the way, I suppose. I'm trusting you to keep me safe; to keep everyone safe. If something happens, take it on your own guilty conscious that events played out the way they did. Also, I trust that you will awaken me should anything happen that gives you any reason to fear for our safety."
Hi, I'm Perci!

[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @BreakBoundaries @LeviathanScream Knight nods shortly, agreeing with Starsinger and fixing Nahimana with a calculating stare. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I may be following your orders, Nahimana, but anything that happens is ultimately your fault. I am merely a servant in this endeavor."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Malevolent nods as well, looking to Starsinger. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"I'm hoping that my healing services will not be needed, and while we cannot promise your safety we can promise that we'll do everything in our power to prevent harm from coming to any individual. Blitz is investigating as we speak."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Still looking to Nahimana, pleading fills the Guardian's eyes. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"My charge is currently with Inari, but the guardian is young and inexperienced. Would it be too much to ask if I could bring her with me in order to defend her? She is so small, and I have never left her in danger before."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]((Sorry Boundaries, but I really don't want her to die. I know it's chance, but I'd like to boost her survival chances a bit. :) ))
@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @BreakBoundaries @LeviathanScream

Knight nods shortly, agreeing with Starsinger and fixing Nahimana with a calculating stare.

"I may be following your orders, Nahimana, but anything that happens is ultimately your fault. I am merely a servant in this endeavor."

Malevolent nods as well, looking to Starsinger.

"I'm hoping that my healing services will not be needed, and while we cannot promise your safety we can promise that we'll do everything in our power to prevent harm from coming to any individual. Blitz is investigating as we speak."

Still looking to Nahimana, pleading fills the Guardian's eyes.

"My charge is currently with Inari, but the guardian is young and inexperienced. Would it be too much to ask if I could bring her with me in order to defend her? She is so small, and I have never left her in danger before."

((Sorry Boundaries, but I really don't want her to die. I know it's chance, but I'd like to boost her survival chances a bit. :) ))
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