

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ~Introductory RP~ Closed
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[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @LeviathanScream KuroKishi nods gravely, speaking to Starsinger but addressing everyone.[/font] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I do not know much myself, but there [i]is[/i] a killer 'loose in the halls', as you so put it."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He looks to Koa and Vortex now, noting their different moods.[/font] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I understand your frustrations, but for now we have to-."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He is suddenly interrupted by a blood-curdling roar from upstairs, and his huge head swings upward, following the direction of the sound. His pupils narrow to slits, and he breathes deeply, chest frills expanding defensively.[/font] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Inari is protecting the royals, but we must determine the best way to keep everyone else safe - some of you are schooled in battle, but direct engagement should be avoided. I think I recognize that roar, and if it is who I think it is then we're in deep trouble. Does anyone have any ideas?"[/font][/indent][/columns][/center]
@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @LeviathanScream

KuroKishi nods gravely, speaking to Starsinger but addressing everyone.

"I do not know much myself, but there is a killer 'loose in the halls', as you so put it."

He looks to Koa and Vortex now, noting their different moods.

"I understand your frustrations, but for now we have to-."

He is suddenly interrupted by a blood-curdling roar from upstairs, and his huge head swings upward, following the direction of the sound. His pupils narrow to slits, and he breathes deeply, chest frills expanding defensively.

"Inari is protecting the royals, but we must determine the best way to keep everyone else safe - some of you are schooled in battle, but direct engagement should be avoided. I think I recognize that roar, and if it is who I think it is then we're in deep trouble. Does anyone have any ideas?"
@WolfSong @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream

Starsinger's head whirls to the direction of the roar. "W-what was that!? If someone's in danger up there, we must do something now! I only here one dragon up there, and there are plenty of us. I say some of us go up to investigate before we make some overly complicated plan. I agree that it would be a danger to approach directly, but as far as we know it could waste precious time...and formulate a plan unless we know exactly what that is."

He turns to Knight. "Is Inari's protection enough, though? There must be other precautions that we can take; these are no simple civilian lives that we're dealing with."
@WolfSong @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream

Starsinger's head whirls to the direction of the roar. "W-what was that!? If someone's in danger up there, we must do something now! I only here one dragon up there, and there are plenty of us. I say some of us go up to investigate before we make some overly complicated plan. I agree that it would be a danger to approach directly, but as far as we know it could waste precious time...and formulate a plan unless we know exactly what that is."

He turns to Knight. "Is Inari's protection enough, though? There must be other precautions that we can take; these are no simple civilian lives that we're dealing with."
Hi, I'm Perci!


Koa flinched and her eyes thinned out into silts, "What was that?!" she hissed at the guardian, enraged and scared.

Her leader, Tragete, simply looked up from what she was eating and then at the Guardian. What the...

Koa flinched and her eyes thinned out into silts, "What was that?!" she hissed at the guardian, enraged and scared.

Her leader, Tragete, simply looked up from what she was eating and then at the Guardian. What the...
[center][font=century gothic]@Percifrax @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @BreakBoundaries [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A huge crash sounds, and the doors to the dungeons fly open. A huge dragon, bigger than even Knight stands there, her posture haughty and her magic strong. A companion comet hovers nearby, under her deliberate control, and she eyes the dragons coldly. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"Knight."[/font][/indent][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Malevolent."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]The two eye each other for a moment - Knight seems relieved, but at the same time guarded. The ridgeback looks back at the other assembled dragons, and speaks in a tone of mild disdain. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"My name is Malevolent, and I am the healer that Red Velvet sent for. Never fear the roar you just heard. I chased the perpetrator away."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She sniffs, eyeing the claws on one of her hands, and Knight speaks. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"You chased them out? Did you see who it was?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"No. I heard a commotion when I arrived, so I flew straight towards the noise, firing a Plague bolt in its general direction. I don't think the creature saw me, but my bolts caused it to flee."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She glances around, probably expecting praise, but Knight frowns. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"You understand that they may come back? Chasing them away will do nothing."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She sighs, waving a hand dismissively. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"Of course they will, but by that time your tiny war-oriented brain will have thought of something, [i]right[/i]?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Knight's brows knit together in a deadly frown. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Remember your place, mage."[/font][/indent][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"Oh, I remember. Do you?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]After a tense silence, she turns back to the assembly, tossing her head. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"So, any questions?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic][b]Malevolent is a new NPC. You can interact with her by pinging me. She is a healer and powerful mage of Plague magic.[/b] [/center]
@Percifrax @DragonChickedy @LeviathanScream @BreakBoundaries


A huge crash sounds, and the doors to the dungeons fly open. A huge dragon, bigger than even Knight stands there, her posture haughty and her magic strong. A companion comet hovers nearby, under her deliberate control, and she eyes the dragons coldly.


The two eye each other for a moment - Knight seems relieved, but at the same time guarded. The ridgeback looks back at the other assembled dragons, and speaks in a tone of mild disdain.

"My name is Malevolent, and I am the healer that Red Velvet sent for. Never fear the roar you just heard. I chased the perpetrator away."

She sniffs, eyeing the claws on one of her hands, and Knight speaks.

"You chased them out? Did you see who it was?"
"No. I heard a commotion when I arrived, so I flew straight towards the noise, firing a Plague bolt in its general direction. I don't think the creature saw me, but my bolts caused it to flee."

She glances around, probably expecting praise, but Knight frowns.

"You understand that they may come back? Chasing them away will do nothing."

She sighs, waving a hand dismissively.

"Of course they will, but by that time your tiny war-oriented brain will have thought of something, right?"

Knight's brows knit together in a deadly frown.

"Remember your place, mage."
"Oh, I remember. Do you?"

After a tense silence, she turns back to the assembly, tossing her head.

"So, any questions?"

Malevolent is a new NPC. You can interact with her by pinging me. She is a healer and powerful mage of Plague magic.

Koa ruffled her wings and glared at the hulking ridgeback, this was suppose to be a party, a peaceful time.

"What was that dragon doing here? To my understanding this was suppose to be a peaceful time?" she snarled, Tragete coming up behind her, an annoyed look on her face.

Koa ruffled her wings and glared at the hulking ridgeback, this was suppose to be a party, a peaceful time.

"What was that dragon doing here? To my understanding this was suppose to be a peaceful time?" she snarled, Tragete coming up behind her, an annoyed look on her face.
[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy The ridgeback eyes the dragons coolly, a smile playing around her mouth. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"[i]Supposed [/i]to be a peaceful time, yes. However, some dragons cannot resist a gathering of royals. These parties are fun to break up, but I'm here to help keep the peace."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She gives the dragons in front of her a proper once-over, eyes flickering over their armor and silks. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"You know who I am. May I ask who [i]you [/i]are?"[/font][/indent][/columns][/center]

The ridgeback eyes the dragons coolly, a smile playing around her mouth.

"Supposed to be a peaceful time, yes. However, some dragons cannot resist a gathering of royals. These parties are fun to break up, but I'm here to help keep the peace."

She gives the dragons in front of her a proper once-over, eyes flickering over their armor and silks.

"You know who I am. May I ask who you are?"

The blue wildclaw stepped forward, annoyed but not mad. Well atleast not yet anyway.
"I am Tragete, soon to be matriarch of The clan of a thousand eyes, me and my date came here to have a relaxing time. But it seems that is not the case..." she said, a hint of venom in her words as she stood before the mage.

The skydancer growled a little, but stopped as soon as she noticed how mad she was getting. "And I am Koa, mage of the clan and silk weaver." she said, venom very obvious in her tone.

The blue wildclaw stepped forward, annoyed but not mad. Well atleast not yet anyway.
"I am Tragete, soon to be matriarch of The clan of a thousand eyes, me and my date came here to have a relaxing time. But it seems that is not the case..." she said, a hint of venom in her words as she stood before the mage.

The skydancer growled a little, but stopped as soon as she noticed how mad she was getting. "And I am Koa, mage of the clan and silk weaver." she said, venom very obvious in her tone.
[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy The smile broadens, exposing sharp teeth. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"A blooming matriarch and her date, hm? How charming!"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She turns to Koa, looking her up and down. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"Ah, young magic learners. My favorite. I had a pupil myself, you know, and she-"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She stops suddenly, surprised. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"My, you're not so young after all, are you? You're almost the same age as me! I should have known from your aura, your power levels are quite remarkable."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Malevolent chuckles deeply, a sound somewhat like a distant train. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"What do you know, you may actually be useful! I apologize for any rudeness before. Are you adept in healing, or battle?"[/font][/indent][/columns][/center]

The smile broadens, exposing sharp teeth.

"A blooming matriarch and her date, hm? How charming!"

She turns to Koa, looking her up and down.

"Ah, young magic learners. My favorite. I had a pupil myself, you know, and she-"

She stops suddenly, surprised.

"My, you're not so young after all, are you? You're almost the same age as me! I should have known from your aura, your power levels are quite remarkable."

Malevolent chuckles deeply, a sound somewhat like a distant train.

"What do you know, you may actually be useful! I apologize for any rudeness before. Are you adept in healing, or battle?"

(( whispers over 90000 into the night

Koa was a little taken aback, and kept a steady glare on the ridgeback. Her feelers flicked with some annoyance, but she wasn't going to snap at a gathering.

"Yes, I am quite skilled in shadow magic." she grumbled, looking over at Tragete for help, "The alchemists are making me a custom healing battlestone as we speak-"

"Do you really feel that you need to pull us into this?" Tragete cut off the skydancer with a growl, looking up at the ridgeback, her tail waving back and forth.

(( whispers over 90000 into the night

Koa was a little taken aback, and kept a steady glare on the ridgeback. Her feelers flicked with some annoyance, but she wasn't going to snap at a gathering.

"Yes, I am quite skilled in shadow magic." she grumbled, looking over at Tragete for help, "The alchemists are making me a custom healing battlestone as we speak-"

"Do you really feel that you need to pull us into this?" Tragete cut off the skydancer with a growl, looking up at the ridgeback, her tail waving back and forth.
[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy ((He he he~)) The ridgeback's face grows grave, and her voice cools again. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"I am not pulling you into anything - I myself have come here not out of choice, but duty. A certain Guardian mentioned my name to Red Velvet, and now I'm stuck here just like you. Let's band together to keep things under control, shall we?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [/center]
@DragonChickedy ((He he he~))

The ridgeback's face grows grave, and her voice cools again.

"I am not pulling you into anything - I myself have come here not out of choice, but duty. A certain Guardian mentioned my name to Red Velvet, and now I'm stuck here just like you. Let's band together to keep things under control, shall we?"
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