

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | ~Introductory RP~ Closed

"Do you know why things are becoming chaotic? None of us signed up for this." she growled, growing a little agitated. Really she was just worried for her own safety and Koa's.

"Do you know why things are becoming chaotic? None of us signed up for this." she growled, growing a little agitated. Really she was just worried for her own safety and Koa's.

Starsinger bows, sensing deep magical power in the dragon before him. "I am Starsinger, of Clan Faesong and the soon-to-be Alliance of Whisperwood Grove. Enough fighting and formalities, though; the royals are in danger and it is our duty as guests to protect them."

He turns to Knight. "You say that you may know of the enemy. What do you know?"

Starsinger bows, sensing deep magical power in the dragon before him. "I am Starsinger, of Clan Faesong and the soon-to-be Alliance of Whisperwood Grove. Enough fighting and formalities, though; the royals are in danger and it is our duty as guests to protect them."

He turns to Knight. "You say that you may know of the enemy. What do you know?"
Hi, I'm Perci!

[center][font=century gothic]@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @BreakBoundaries Knight sighs, looking to the heavens. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I do not know why this is growing out of hand, but if living in the Plague domain has taught me anything, it's that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."[/font][/indent][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"On most occasions."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Malevolent seems content now that somebody has shown what she deems appropriate respect. Knight glances at her to ensure that she is finished, and she motions at him to continue. Her manner is unusually conciliatory, and she dips her head in apology for interrupting. He looks to Starsinger, his eyes bearing sympathy and concern. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I understand you are worried - a noble heart like yours is unable to leave others in danger. Believe me, I want nothing more than to rush to my charge, but Red Velvet told us to remain here, and it must be for a reason. Another thing I have learned is to follow orders."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]He looks away, his face contorting with pain briefly before he continues in with his usual bearing. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"I thought I may have recognised the roar, but I was almost surely mistaken. There is no way that anyone else from my clan could have arrived here, much less one of the crazy ones."[/font][/indent][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"Oh, I wouldn't underestimate some of them."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]Malevolent speaks almost casually, and Knight looks to her sharply. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Candara][size=4]"Do you know something?"[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She shrugs, shaking her head slightly. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"No, no. All I saw was a relatively small shape, but everyone is small to me. I'm just saying that perhaps someone from another visitor's clan has arrived here, and is now prowling around outside, waiting to return..."[/font][/indent][/columns] [font=century gothic]She laughs, tossing her head. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=Book Antiqua][size=4]"I met briefly with Red Velvet before I came here, and he informed me that there was one more member of his clan on the way to help us get rid of the problem. They should be here soon."[/font][/indent][/columns][/center]
@DragonChickedy @Percifrax @BreakBoundaries

Knight sighs, looking to the heavens.

"I do not know why this is growing out of hand, but if living in the Plague domain has taught me anything, it's that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"On most occasions."

Malevolent seems content now that somebody has shown what she deems appropriate respect. Knight glances at her to ensure that she is finished, and she motions at him to continue. Her manner is unusually conciliatory, and she dips her head in apology for interrupting. He looks to Starsinger, his eyes bearing sympathy and concern.

"I understand you are worried - a noble heart like yours is unable to leave others in danger. Believe me, I want nothing more than to rush to my charge, but Red Velvet told us to remain here, and it must be for a reason. Another thing I have learned is to follow orders."

He looks away, his face contorting with pain briefly before he continues in with his usual bearing.

"I thought I may have recognised the roar, but I was almost surely mistaken. There is no way that anyone else from my clan could have arrived here, much less one of the crazy ones."
"Oh, I wouldn't underestimate some of them."

Malevolent speaks almost casually, and Knight looks to her sharply.

"Do you know something?"

She shrugs, shaking her head slightly.

"No, no. All I saw was a relatively small shape, but everyone is small to me. I'm just saying that perhaps someone from another visitor's clan has arrived here, and is now prowling around outside, waiting to return..."

She laughs, tossing her head.

"I met briefly with Red Velvet before I came here, and he informed me that there was one more member of his clan on the way to help us get rid of the problem. They should be here soon."
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@justdevon @DauntlessDoctor @leviathanscream @WolfSong @dragonchickedy @Percifrax [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A younger, female pearlcatcher's shadow appeared in the hallway that greeted Knight, Malevolent and those that were in the semi-luxurious "prison cells". She did not say hello, or wave she was not talkative. "Velvet called me here. He told me what's going on. I will be the official investigator of this situation. If you have any need to speak to me, then do so." She looked up "Dusk has passed and now it is night, get to bed, you shall speak to me in the morning." {NIGHT PHASE} ((Guys, whenever I say it is Night phase, there is a chance your characters can die. I have set up proportions and everything. If I messages you, it will probably because you are dead and I will ask for your death scene of one of your characters. If not then there may be another reason why I PM you. Good luck surviving in this rp guys!))
@justdevon @DauntlessDoctor @leviathanscream @WolfSong @dragonchickedy @Percifrax


A younger, female pearlcatcher's shadow appeared in the hallway that greeted Knight, Malevolent and those that were in the semi-luxurious "prison cells". She did not say hello, or wave she was not talkative.

"Velvet called me here. He told me what's going on. I will be the official investigator of this situation. If you have any need to speak to me, then do so."

She looked up "Dusk has passed and now it is night, get to bed, you shall speak to me in the morning."


((Guys, whenever I say it is Night phase, there is a chance your characters can die. I have set up proportions and everything. If I messages you, it will probably because you are dead and I will ask for your death scene of one of your characters. If not then there may be another reason why I PM you. Good luck surviving in this rp guys!))

((ahhh i might drop out then ;v;'' I'd rather if my dragons didn't die in this RP, because I have more thing planned for these two.

((ahhh i might drop out then ;v;'' I'd rather if my dragons didn't die in this RP, because I have more thing planned for these two.

Squeak's eyes were wide in fear. She stuck close to Inari. "I-I'm scared..." she whispered, yelping at the slightest of sounds.

Vortex death glared at the Pearlcatcher, her fangs ghostly showing on her mouth. Bossy dragons are what she wanted to see next. "You know what? I'm not listening to YOU, out of all dragons, stranger," she crossed her arms, waiting for the other dragon to comeback that.

((Whelp! Go on and kill Vortex xD))

Squeak's eyes were wide in fear. She stuck close to Inari. "I-I'm scared..." she whispered, yelping at the slightest of sounds.

Vortex death glared at the Pearlcatcher, her fangs ghostly showing on her mouth. Bossy dragons are what she wanted to see next. "You know what? I'm not listening to YOU, out of all dragons, stranger," she crossed her arms, waiting for the other dragon to comeback that.

((Whelp! Go on and kill Vortex xD))

((It's on chance, and since one of your dragons is a guard, at least one of them has a chance to survive though the whole thing. Like I said it's based on chance.))

((It's on chance, and since one of your dragons is a guard, at least one of them has a chance to survive though the whole thing. Like I said it's based on chance.))

((Sadly that isn't a chance i'm willing to take :I Although, i could pull these two out and pull in two fodder dragons i've been meaning to get rid of.

Tragete snarled at the pearlcatcher, "We are not ready to sleep in this place, how do we know if the palace is secured? We are not willing to risk our lives for nothing!" she barked, getting aggresive now. Arcane energy flowed around her claws, something she couldn't help when she got defensive.

Koa kept a calm and composed manner, but a scowl was plastered on her face.

"If you need our clans defense we will call in some guards. But we shall not stay if another attack has a chance to occur." Tragete announced, looking at Koa, who was probably thinking about how bad this date was.

((Sadly that isn't a chance i'm willing to take :I Although, i could pull these two out and pull in two fodder dragons i've been meaning to get rid of.

Tragete snarled at the pearlcatcher, "We are not ready to sleep in this place, how do we know if the palace is secured? We are not willing to risk our lives for nothing!" she barked, getting aggresive now. Arcane energy flowed around her claws, something she couldn't help when she got defensive.

Koa kept a calm and composed manner, but a scowl was plastered on her face.

"If you need our clans defense we will call in some guards. But we shall not stay if another attack has a chance to occur." Tragete announced, looking at Koa, who was probably thinking about how bad this date was.

Hestia nodded, trying to ignore the ignorant others around her. They had well trained guards around them, they didn't have to create a big fuss about it. She turned away from te others and headed towards her "prison cell". She sighed and tried to not think about anything dangerous, anything at all really. There was no way she was going to die tonight, not if she could do anything - which she knew she couldn't - about it. Perhaps she could get one of her friends to help? They were trained almost everyday, surely they would help. 'If they could even get here on time.' She thought, before heading straight into her room.

Hestia nodded, trying to ignore the ignorant others around her. They had well trained guards around them, they didn't have to create a big fuss about it. She turned away from te others and headed towards her "prison cell". She sighed and tried to not think about anything dangerous, anything at all really. There was no way she was going to die tonight, not if she could do anything - which she knew she couldn't - about it. Perhaps she could get one of her friends to help? They were trained almost everyday, surely they would help. 'If they could even get here on time.' She thought, before heading straight into her room.
@DragonChickedy ((Seeing as replacing those two in with fodders I suppose is fine, *Sighs* Since we've lost too many rpers anyways... Just, I can't guarantee those fodder WILL die. And I believe it will make this rp a little less interesting...))

Nahimana looked at Tragete "If you didn't like it then why did you stay?" She stated clearly "If you don't like it you know there is the option to leave, so, if you cannot control yourself and behave, and not go hysterical, then I advise you to take your leave." She huffed, and looked at Hestia then back at Tragete "You should know better... we have armed guards here, no guard is ever without their secret weapons. And they're all well trained. Thankfully Hestia here has enough common sense to know it."

She smirked "And, might I add, she has a soft spot for the Pearlcatcher guard, doesn't she?" She teased. "No matter, off to bed, all of you.

((DragonChickedy You can have your dragons leave during the night and replace them with the fodders. Just tell me the fodders in a pm okay?))
@DragonChickedy ((Seeing as replacing those two in with fodders I suppose is fine, *Sighs* Since we've lost too many rpers anyways... Just, I can't guarantee those fodder WILL die. And I believe it will make this rp a little less interesting...))

Nahimana looked at Tragete "If you didn't like it then why did you stay?" She stated clearly "If you don't like it you know there is the option to leave, so, if you cannot control yourself and behave, and not go hysterical, then I advise you to take your leave." She huffed, and looked at Hestia then back at Tragete "You should know better... we have armed guards here, no guard is ever without their secret weapons. And they're all well trained. Thankfully Hestia here has enough common sense to know it."

She smirked "And, might I add, she has a soft spot for the Pearlcatcher guard, doesn't she?" She teased. "No matter, off to bed, all of you.

((DragonChickedy You can have your dragons leave during the night and replace them with the fodders. Just tell me the fodders in a pm okay?))