

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Steven Universe RP [open]
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@rosadraconis @lesley @magiccatx333 @inkgem @kitleer
Onyx cringed at the feeling of sand underneath her feet. The black gem prefered solid earth - this sand was too shifty to get a proper foothold should a fight break out. She looked over to Morganite, who had removed her shoes and socks and was playing in the surf. Onyx rolled her eyes at the pink gem, but nevertheless smiled. It had been a very long time since they had been here, having escaped over a place called "New Zealand" now by the humans, literally half a world away. By the time they made it back to the same continent the war was over and they had no way of knowing how many Homeworld gems were still on Earth, so they hunkered down in the north western forests, until they had heard of a homeworld ship reappearing.
Onyx was against leaving, the war was over and they had made a good life for themselves, helping rescue local wildlife and occasionally lost hunters, but Morganite insisted, her kind heart refusing to stand by. Onyx couldn't say no to her.
"C'mon Onyx! The water's fine!" Morgan's voice called to her.
"Last time I was in the ocean I nearly died, Morgan," She replied. "I'm good."
She walked over to her partner and took her hand, gently leading her away from the water. "We need to get to the temple and see if there are other gems, Morgan. Besides, we might even find one of our old friends."
"Yeah." Morganite smiles at that. "Let's go."
However, she froze when she saw a confrontation going on further down the beach. "Onyx." She whispered, pointed in the direction of the possible fight, a large axe already being drawn but not being used.
"We should go around them and find the temple ourselves. We don't have time for a fight."
"But it's not a fight yet, Ony. They might need someone to prevent it."
"Morgan they might be Homeworld-"
But it was too late, and Morganite had already ran down the beach to where the other gems were, her smooth soprano ringing out.
"Is everything okay?"
@rosadraconis @lesley @magiccatx333 @inkgem @kitleer
Onyx cringed at the feeling of sand underneath her feet. The black gem prefered solid earth - this sand was too shifty to get a proper foothold should a fight break out. She looked over to Morganite, who had removed her shoes and socks and was playing in the surf. Onyx rolled her eyes at the pink gem, but nevertheless smiled. It had been a very long time since they had been here, having escaped over a place called "New Zealand" now by the humans, literally half a world away. By the time they made it back to the same continent the war was over and they had no way of knowing how many Homeworld gems were still on Earth, so they hunkered down in the north western forests, until they had heard of a homeworld ship reappearing.
Onyx was against leaving, the war was over and they had made a good life for themselves, helping rescue local wildlife and occasionally lost hunters, but Morganite insisted, her kind heart refusing to stand by. Onyx couldn't say no to her.
"C'mon Onyx! The water's fine!" Morgan's voice called to her.
"Last time I was in the ocean I nearly died, Morgan," She replied. "I'm good."
She walked over to her partner and took her hand, gently leading her away from the water. "We need to get to the temple and see if there are other gems, Morgan. Besides, we might even find one of our old friends."
"Yeah." Morganite smiles at that. "Let's go."
However, she froze when she saw a confrontation going on further down the beach. "Onyx." She whispered, pointed in the direction of the possible fight, a large axe already being drawn but not being used.
"We should go around them and find the temple ourselves. We don't have time for a fight."
"But it's not a fight yet, Ony. They might need someone to prevent it."
"Morgan they might be Homeworld-"
But it was too late, and Morganite had already ran down the beach to where the other gems were, her smooth soprano ringing out.
"Is everything okay?"
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Amber was a little more irritated knowing that there were even more gems to deal with so, she took a minute to think. Halite took the opportunity as a chance to interrogate the newcomers.
"And who are you two working for? She places her hands on her hips with sass. "Are you gonna' attack? If so do it quickly we have a lot to attend to right now."
"Halite, manners!" Amber snapped "Apologize now." Halite is silent for a moment then she snarls
"Sorry I guess." In an insincere tone. Amber rolling her eyes at Halite's rudeness asked
"Excuse her rudeness, but who are you exactly?" She raises a finger questionably before tucking it back into a fist to signify she had finished speaking.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Amber was a little more irritated knowing that there were even more gems to deal with so, she took a minute to think. Halite took the opportunity as a chance to interrogate the newcomers.
"And who are you two working for? She places her hands on her hips with sass. "Are you gonna' attack? If so do it quickly we have a lot to attend to right now."
"Halite, manners!" Amber snapped "Apologize now." Halite is silent for a moment then she snarls
"Sorry I guess." In an insincere tone. Amber rolling her eyes at Halite's rudeness asked
"Excuse her rudeness, but who are you exactly?" She raises a finger questionably before tucking it back into a fist to signify she had finished speaking.
((Finally remembered to get the pics for my gems))
((Finally remembered to get the pics for my gems))
@rosadraconis @Kitleer @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Topaz looked around, astonished to suddenly be surrounded by so many others. It'd just been the three of them for so long, but it seemed that everyone had the same idea that they had. He glanced around quickly at his companions, and then coughed into his hand before speaking.

"Ah, my name is Topaz. These two gems," he made a slight motion to the gem standing behind him and the one still pressed up against the cliff "and these are my companions, Tanzanite and Citrine. As for your other question, she's not sure exactly who she is. That's why she's come here, and as we are her friends we decided to follow her."

"And as for me..." he paused and chuckled bitterly " probably don't WANT to know who I am. But that's rather unimportant right now."
@rosadraconis @Kitleer @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Topaz looked around, astonished to suddenly be surrounded by so many others. It'd just been the three of them for so long, but it seemed that everyone had the same idea that they had. He glanced around quickly at his companions, and then coughed into his hand before speaking.

"Ah, my name is Topaz. These two gems," he made a slight motion to the gem standing behind him and the one still pressed up against the cliff "and these are my companions, Tanzanite and Citrine. As for your other question, she's not sure exactly who she is. That's why she's come here, and as we are her friends we decided to follow her."

"And as for me..." he paused and chuckled bitterly " probably don't WANT to know who I am. But that's rather unimportant right now."
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
@rosadraconis @lesley @magiccatx333 @inkgem @kitleer
Morganite ignored the fact that one of the gems was nearly growling, smiling and giving a curtsy to the new gems. "I am Morganite. Kindly met."
Onyx walked up behind her and took up a proud stance, arms crossed but still visibly tense, daring anyone to make a move. "Onyx. Hey."
"We're here to investigate the appearance of a homeworld ship, and see how many Crystal Gems are still left at the Temple," Morganite looked over to the quiet orange gem. "You look somewhat familiar, if that helps at all, but I can't seem to think of anymore than that. I apologise for not being able to help more." And she really did mean it, she wished she could help more. Se directed her gaze to Halite, the angry one. In fact most of the gems did seem to be very on edge...
Morganite decided everyone needed to calm down a bit, and sat down on the beach. The others looked at her strangely while Onyx rolled her eyes at her. Morgan closed her eyes and emitted some of her calm aura to the other gems around her, just enough to take a bit of the edge off, but not enough to make everyone completely placid. This situation didn't need that, just a touch of calm. Hopefully this would prevent a fight from starting, or even just arguments, as Morgan avoided those when she could.
Onyx sat down beside her and huffed.
@rosadraconis @lesley @magiccatx333 @inkgem @kitleer
Morganite ignored the fact that one of the gems was nearly growling, smiling and giving a curtsy to the new gems. "I am Morganite. Kindly met."
Onyx walked up behind her and took up a proud stance, arms crossed but still visibly tense, daring anyone to make a move. "Onyx. Hey."
"We're here to investigate the appearance of a homeworld ship, and see how many Crystal Gems are still left at the Temple," Morganite looked over to the quiet orange gem. "You look somewhat familiar, if that helps at all, but I can't seem to think of anymore than that. I apologise for not being able to help more." And she really did mean it, she wished she could help more. Se directed her gaze to Halite, the angry one. In fact most of the gems did seem to be very on edge...
Morganite decided everyone needed to calm down a bit, and sat down on the beach. The others looked at her strangely while Onyx rolled her eyes at her. Morgan closed her eyes and emitted some of her calm aura to the other gems around her, just enough to take a bit of the edge off, but not enough to make everyone completely placid. This situation didn't need that, just a touch of calm. Hopefully this would prevent a fight from starting, or even just arguments, as Morgan avoided those when she could.
Onyx sat down beside her and huffed.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Ambers' axe dematerialized and she stepped forward to stand next to Halite to introduce herself.
"I'm Amber, and this is Hali-"
"Call me Salt!" Halite interrupted,
"And she prefers to be called Salt" Amber continued, "I saw the ship too and I can confirmed that it crashed but I don't know where exactly. Why it came is still a mystery to me though and that's why I'm here but, I really don't know how your friend is gonna find herself here, There's nothing here.
She turns to see Onyx and Morganite "It's nice to meet you two by the way." She hold her hands out on a friendly gesture, Salt mirrored her action.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Ambers' axe dematerialized and she stepped forward to stand next to Halite to introduce herself.
"I'm Amber, and this is Hali-"
"Call me Salt!" Halite interrupted,
"And she prefers to be called Salt" Amber continued, "I saw the ship too and I can confirmed that it crashed but I don't know where exactly. Why it came is still a mystery to me though and that's why I'm here but, I really don't know how your friend is gonna find herself here, There's nothing here.
She turns to see Onyx and Morganite "It's nice to meet you two by the way." She hold her hands out on a friendly gesture, Salt mirrored her action.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @kitleer @magiccatx333

"Looks like they are not initiating violence." Sodalite commented, earning a nod of agreement from Thulite as a response. Wordlessly the blue gem started forward from where they were in the thin brush.

"Wait what are you doing?" Thulite inquired. It wasn't out of panic but rather of genuine curiosity, the pink gem taking a step up behind her friend.

"Gona go see what they are talking about." Sodalite replied, casting her friend a quick glance back before turning forward once again.

Thulite debated calling out to Sodalite but decided against it. "Fair enough." she muttered, mostly to herself, as she stepped forward and followed her friend.

"Hey so I over heard ya'll saying you came to see what that homeworld ship was about." she started. "Oh and pardon my interruption, I can promise you I don't mean any harm or have any wish of conflict." Sodalite continued as Thulite walked up behind her.

"By the way she's Sodalite and I'm Thulite." Thulite added, earning a sheepish smile from the blue gem once she realized she forgot to introduce them.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @kitleer @magiccatx333

"Looks like they are not initiating violence." Sodalite commented, earning a nod of agreement from Thulite as a response. Wordlessly the blue gem started forward from where they were in the thin brush.

"Wait what are you doing?" Thulite inquired. It wasn't out of panic but rather of genuine curiosity, the pink gem taking a step up behind her friend.

"Gona go see what they are talking about." Sodalite replied, casting her friend a quick glance back before turning forward once again.

Thulite debated calling out to Sodalite but decided against it. "Fair enough." she muttered, mostly to herself, as she stepped forward and followed her friend.

"Hey so I over heard ya'll saying you came to see what that homeworld ship was about." she started. "Oh and pardon my interruption, I can promise you I don't mean any harm or have any wish of conflict." Sodalite continued as Thulite walked up behind her.

"By the way she's Sodalite and I'm Thulite." Thulite added, earning a sheepish smile from the blue gem once she realized she forgot to introduce them.
Like my art? Want a commission? Please check it out! X
Halite, in a much more cheerful tone, jumped forward to greet them.
"Hi Thulite, hi Sodalite, I'm Salt nice to meet you! There are a lot of gems here now, aren't there Amber? This isn't even all of them either!"
"Yes there are a few more the way we came. One of them was not friendly, and I am sure they really did mean harm because they sent us running from a bunch of pink knives." Amber explained. "I'd introduce myself but I just did like twice, Halite already mentioned my name so just go from that."
Halite, in a much more cheerful tone, jumped forward to greet them.
"Hi Thulite, hi Sodalite, I'm Salt nice to meet you! There are a lot of gems here now, aren't there Amber? This isn't even all of them either!"
"Yes there are a few more the way we came. One of them was not friendly, and I am sure they really did mean harm because they sent us running from a bunch of pink knives." Amber explained. "I'd introduce myself but I just did like twice, Halite already mentioned my name so just go from that."
'had you forgotten that you are still in my camp! i told you to go, i spent so many years running from the torture of the homeworld, i would gladly die before even thinking of going back to that awful place' kunzite said, the tips of her hair were glowing brighter.
'and in case you haven't noticed you just stumbled in here and messed everything up, i told you to get out.' suddenly, she stopped glowing. she had realized the gems had finally stopped fighting...'good' she thought 'well i may as well introduce myself, though this is a less than desirable situation'...'i am kunzite, i came to earth because i heard it was a haven, i wish to find my friend hiddenite, i have been searching for her and i saw the ship crash nearby'.
'had you forgotten that you are still in my camp! i told you to go, i spent so many years running from the torture of the homeworld, i would gladly die before even thinking of going back to that awful place' kunzite said, the tips of her hair were glowing brighter.
'and in case you haven't noticed you just stumbled in here and messed everything up, i told you to get out.' suddenly, she stopped glowing. she had realized the gems had finally stopped fighting...'good' she thought 'well i may as well introduce myself, though this is a less than desirable situation'...'i am kunzite, i came to earth because i heard it was a haven, i wish to find my friend hiddenite, i have been searching for her and i saw the ship crash nearby'.
|Panemone Hatcheries|

@rosadraconis @lesley@jamiethemonster @kitleer@rosadraconis

Jade snorted. "What do you own this patch if grass? My apologies, I didn't know gems were in real estate now."

Tourmaline glared at him. "Sorry, we didn't mean to bother you. Ignore Jade, he doesn't like new people." She paused and looked around at the other gems. "We're here looking to see what the home world ship was here for too, we didn't expect to see any more gems here."
@rosadraconis @lesley@jamiethemonster @kitleer@rosadraconis

Jade snorted. "What do you own this patch if grass? My apologies, I didn't know gems were in real estate now."

Tourmaline glared at him. "Sorry, we didn't mean to bother you. Ignore Jade, he doesn't like new people." She paused and looked around at the other gems. "We're here looking to see what the home world ship was here for too, we didn't expect to see any more gems here."
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