

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Steven Universe RP [open]
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@magicCatX333 sorry i don't have a second :P
@magicCatX333 sorry i don't have a second :P
|Panemone Hatcheries|


Alright, that's fine then : )

Alright, that's fine then : )
@magicCatx333 Woo thank you!!! C:

Name: Thulite
Age: 21-22
Gender: she/her/herself pronouns

Appearance: Click here For a full reference (personality is slightly outdated, follow what is below) click here :)

Personality: She is a fairly happy and chill gem. She is rather optimistic if a bit charismatic as well. She usually has a smile on her face, sometimes even when annoyed or angry. She also tends to be rather sarcastic and sassy, playfully of course! That being said she does have a small temper but being the chill gem she is she avoids unnecessary violence

Main Weapon: rope dart/ dagger

Main power: A small bit of psychic and healing abilities. She uses her psychic abilities to control her rope darts in the air and can heal small wounds and injuries.

• She is pretty light on her feet and good at dancing, making fusion something easier for her.
• Her fighting style is mostly based on speed and agility.
• Goes by the nickname Rosaline by those she is close to ((alt name for Thulite gem)).
• Looks like she's dancing even when fighting.


Name: Sodalite
Age: 19-20
Gender: she/her/herself pronouns

Appearance: click here

Personality: Like Thulite, Sodalite is pretty calm and chill. She is casual in speech and tends to let sass slip in from time to time. Not as much as Thulite of course but it is not at all rare for her to edge her tone with a sarcastic remark. She is rather quick minded and uses that towards her advantage when fighting opponents. It helps her read their battle styles quick enough and adjust herself accordingly. Like Thulite as well, Sodalite doesn't care for true violence if it's not needed. Nothing is stopping her from a friendly spar though, since she also does tend to get a bit competitive.

Main Weapon: ((Ok i actually have no idea since she is a fairly new character can I decide this in a wee bit? I promise to have it soon!!))

Main power: pretty agile and quick on her feet. Also has a pretty good endurance.

• Not nearly as talkative as Thulite but gets along with others pretty well
• Can sing rather well
@magicCatx333 Woo thank you!!! C:

Name: Thulite
Age: 21-22
Gender: she/her/herself pronouns

Appearance: Click here For a full reference (personality is slightly outdated, follow what is below) click here :)

Personality: She is a fairly happy and chill gem. She is rather optimistic if a bit charismatic as well. She usually has a smile on her face, sometimes even when annoyed or angry. She also tends to be rather sarcastic and sassy, playfully of course! That being said she does have a small temper but being the chill gem she is she avoids unnecessary violence

Main Weapon: rope dart/ dagger

Main power: A small bit of psychic and healing abilities. She uses her psychic abilities to control her rope darts in the air and can heal small wounds and injuries.

• She is pretty light on her feet and good at dancing, making fusion something easier for her.
• Her fighting style is mostly based on speed and agility.
• Goes by the nickname Rosaline by those she is close to ((alt name for Thulite gem)).
• Looks like she's dancing even when fighting.


Name: Sodalite
Age: 19-20
Gender: she/her/herself pronouns

Appearance: click here

Personality: Like Thulite, Sodalite is pretty calm and chill. She is casual in speech and tends to let sass slip in from time to time. Not as much as Thulite of course but it is not at all rare for her to edge her tone with a sarcastic remark. She is rather quick minded and uses that towards her advantage when fighting opponents. It helps her read their battle styles quick enough and adjust herself accordingly. Like Thulite as well, Sodalite doesn't care for true violence if it's not needed. Nothing is stopping her from a friendly spar though, since she also does tend to get a bit competitive.

Main Weapon: ((Ok i actually have no idea since she is a fairly new character can I decide this in a wee bit? I promise to have it soon!!))

Main power: pretty agile and quick on her feet. Also has a pretty good endurance.

• Not nearly as talkative as Thulite but gets along with others pretty well
• Can sing rather well
Like my art? Want a commission? Please check it out! X
just made me realize that I forgot to link images of my gems oops
Amber and Halite are both in that folder.
just made me realize that I forgot to link images of my gems oops
Amber and Halite are both in that folder.

Thanks for joining : )

I'm going to start this up in just a few minutes, but just so anyone coming after we start knows, while the rp says open it will be. I'll change it to closed when stuff gets going.

Thanks for joining : )

I'm going to start this up in just a few minutes, but just so anyone coming after we start knows, while the rp says open it will be. I'll change it to closed when stuff gets going.
@Lesley @kitleer @jamiethemonster @Inkgem @rosadraconis

Tourmaline sat down heavily on the log beside Jade, letting her sword drop next to her before it dematerialized. She, Jade, and Heliotrope had finally made the last leg of their journey, walking from the border of Virginia and Delmarva and finally to the outskirts of Beach City. Compared to the rest of their journey to Delmarva it wasn't very long, but Tourmaline was glad it was over. Unlike Agate, who had always loved exploring Earth, Tori preferred to stay in one spot. Unfortunately, the world wide web had shown some strange things on the east coast that Heliotrope thought looked like a ship from the Home World, and insisted they see what was going on.

In front of Tourmaline, Heliotrope paced, muttering to herself. Humans always made her antsy, and the three of them had to pass through Charm City to get to their current camp. Beside Tori, Jade sighed in annoyance and took out a small map. He opened it and after a few seconds, pointed to the dot labeled 'Beach City".

"This looks like the right area. I think the beach down there is where all the photos were taken from."
@Lesley @kitleer @jamiethemonster @Inkgem @rosadraconis

Tourmaline sat down heavily on the log beside Jade, letting her sword drop next to her before it dematerialized. She, Jade, and Heliotrope had finally made the last leg of their journey, walking from the border of Virginia and Delmarva and finally to the outskirts of Beach City. Compared to the rest of their journey to Delmarva it wasn't very long, but Tourmaline was glad it was over. Unlike Agate, who had always loved exploring Earth, Tori preferred to stay in one spot. Unfortunately, the world wide web had shown some strange things on the east coast that Heliotrope thought looked like a ship from the Home World, and insisted they see what was going on.

In front of Tourmaline, Heliotrope paced, muttering to herself. Humans always made her antsy, and the three of them had to pass through Charm City to get to their current camp. Beside Tori, Jade sighed in annoyance and took out a small map. He opened it and after a few seconds, pointed to the dot labeled 'Beach City".

"This looks like the right area. I think the beach down there is where all the photos were taken from."
@magiccatx333 @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @rosadraconis

A few meters away in a cluster of trees and foliage a pair of vagabonds watch intently. The more serious one trying to keep the other quiet, she knew that if they had run into a group of homeworlds or anyone from the empathetic "earth-loving dweeb team" they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
Amber was focused and trying to listen in on the exchanging of words made by the other group, she couldn't see well with the leaves and sticks in her way but she remains still. Halite on the other hand was restless and disobedient she tried everything she could to get a better look, no matter how much noise she made in the process.
Amber turned angrily to her and whispered "Stop moving! You're going to let them spot us!"
Halite replied uncomfortably "Sorry I'm curious, you can't hold me back forever!"
This statement had made her feel disrespected so she snapped back "I'm not trying to hold you back, I'm doing my best to keep you safe! Now stay quiet or I'm leaving you here to find your own way!" Halite finally realized the severity of the situation and muted herself, staring at the strangers.
@magiccatx333 @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @rosadraconis

A few meters away in a cluster of trees and foliage a pair of vagabonds watch intently. The more serious one trying to keep the other quiet, she knew that if they had run into a group of homeworlds or anyone from the empathetic "earth-loving dweeb team" they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.
Amber was focused and trying to listen in on the exchanging of words made by the other group, she couldn't see well with the leaves and sticks in her way but she remains still. Halite on the other hand was restless and disobedient she tried everything she could to get a better look, no matter how much noise she made in the process.
Amber turned angrily to her and whispered "Stop moving! You're going to let them spot us!"
Halite replied uncomfortably "Sorry I'm curious, you can't hold me back forever!"
This statement had made her feel disrespected so she snapped back "I'm not trying to hold you back, I'm doing my best to keep you safe! Now stay quiet or I'm leaving you here to find your own way!" Halite finally realized the severity of the situation and muted herself, staring at the strangers.
@magiccatx333 @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @rosadraconis

both groups were so integrated into their own conversations, that none of them saw they had stumbled straight into the middle of a camp, Kunzite's camp to be exact, seconds later, a barrage of light pink throwing knives came hurtling towards the two teams.
@magiccatx333 @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @rosadraconis

both groups were so integrated into their own conversations, that none of them saw they had stumbled straight into the middle of a camp, Kunzite's camp to be exact, seconds later, a barrage of light pink throwing knives came hurtling towards the two teams.
|Panemone Hatcheries|

@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Amber seeing the knives was startled but managed to tackle halite to the ground, telling her to take cover. Halite was confused on what was going on and tried to push her friend off. They waited until the knives stopped for a solid millisecond and they ran in the direction they had both came dodging the flying blades. Amber, no longer worried about how visible she was, made sure Halite stayed in front of her so she could make it out quickly if something bad were to happen.
@rosadraconis @lesley @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Amber seeing the knives was startled but managed to tackle halite to the ground, telling her to take cover. Halite was confused on what was going on and tried to push her friend off. They waited until the knives stopped for a solid millisecond and they ran in the direction they had both came dodging the flying blades. Amber, no longer worried about how visible she was, made sure Halite stayed in front of her so she could make it out quickly if something bad were to happen.
@rosadraconis @kitleer @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Topaz figited with a seashell Tanzanite had picked up for him several hours earlier, as she carried him on her shoulder down the length of the beach.

For once, he was totally quiet. Normally, he would be talking about all manner of things that interested him, from the science of this planet to his various adventures and accomplishments in bygone centuries. And she would listen to him, probably understanding roughly a third of what he said, but attentive none the less. Today there didn't seem to be much to say at all. He was lost in thought. He didn't want to be here, any yet he did.

He watched Citrine's flighty, restless form in the distance ahead, looking this way and that, never for a moment occupying the same space. She was the one who had brought them here, with the hope that they would find the Crystal Gems, and quite possibly, Rose Quartz. And he knew that Citrine would re-pledge allegiance to them once again, and go on doing what she had done during the war.

And maybe he, Topaz, the former homeworld scientist, would do the same. That was, assuming that they where indeed still here, in this place that was now called Beach City.

He smiled at that thought as he admired the shape of the seashell, and suddenly laughed, the boom of his voice shattering the silence.

"You know Tanzanite", He turned the conch whimsically in his hands, "I admire these creatures. They build homes for their bodies out of minerals, such as we do. I wonder why such an obviously intelligent life form didn't become the dominant force on this planet? It seems like such an advantageous design over being so...soft and exposed."

He cringed suddenly, and then went on with his analysis, the sound of his chatter carrying up and down the coast.
@rosadraconis @kitleer @jamiethemonster @inkgem @magiccatx333

Topaz figited with a seashell Tanzanite had picked up for him several hours earlier, as she carried him on her shoulder down the length of the beach.

For once, he was totally quiet. Normally, he would be talking about all manner of things that interested him, from the science of this planet to his various adventures and accomplishments in bygone centuries. And she would listen to him, probably understanding roughly a third of what he said, but attentive none the less. Today there didn't seem to be much to say at all. He was lost in thought. He didn't want to be here, any yet he did.

He watched Citrine's flighty, restless form in the distance ahead, looking this way and that, never for a moment occupying the same space. She was the one who had brought them here, with the hope that they would find the Crystal Gems, and quite possibly, Rose Quartz. And he knew that Citrine would re-pledge allegiance to them once again, and go on doing what she had done during the war.

And maybe he, Topaz, the former homeworld scientist, would do the same. That was, assuming that they where indeed still here, in this place that was now called Beach City.

He smiled at that thought as he admired the shape of the seashell, and suddenly laughed, the boom of his voice shattering the silence.

"You know Tanzanite", He turned the conch whimsically in his hands, "I admire these creatures. They build homes for their bodies out of minerals, such as we do. I wonder why such an obviously intelligent life form didn't become the dominant force on this planet? It seems like such an advantageous design over being so...soft and exposed."

He cringed suddenly, and then went on with his analysis, the sound of his chatter carrying up and down the coast.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
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