

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The toll of war ( w/ DeciDragon ).
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Another one.. lost. Lost even when he wasn't on the fields where it seemed not as many died when opposed to his own table. It seemed his own work space was more of a bloody battle field than when out there. As the body of the poor soul who Caden could not save was towed away, he stared critically down at his hands.

The gloves hadn't done much to keep the disgusting scarlet liquid from his hands and he grimaced; it was surprising that one such as himself so easily was disgusted by the sight of blood and open wounds, despite spending years preparing himself to take a step into the medical area.

Though in all honesty, he was not prepared for this; he had not been prepared at being thrust so violently into the throngs of war. Where countless injured soldiers would come to rest in his hands, and where he would decide their fate; he did not want to be playing as the hand of God down here.

Clenching his fists in frustration, he turned away from the table where crude equipment lay beside it, to instead go and clean himself up. Not only his gloves were filthy, but also the longer coat he wore to signify his status as a doctor.

He didn't get farther than removing the gloves from his slightly shaking hands to clean them, than when a frantic female voice was heard from the doorway, and behind that he could hear the countless moans and groans of others in pain.

" Another one is coming! " she informed, and Caden watched as she hurried off from his view. Tired eyes stared after the nurse as he rummaged around until he found another pair of his gloves, this time clean, and began to snap them on.

He then turned his sights on his equipment, with beginning to clean them up to the best of his ability. Unlike the few doctors that were also in this building, Caden took care to clean up what he owned in desperate attempts to keep the countless victims that entered his room to survive the after time of an operation on them.

" .. Time to work again, "



Another one.. lost. Lost even when he wasn't on the fields where it seemed not as many died when opposed to his own table. It seemed his own work space was more of a bloody battle field than when out there. As the body of the poor soul who Caden could not save was towed away, he stared critically down at his hands.

The gloves hadn't done much to keep the disgusting scarlet liquid from his hands and he grimaced; it was surprising that one such as himself so easily was disgusted by the sight of blood and open wounds, despite spending years preparing himself to take a step into the medical area.

Though in all honesty, he was not prepared for this; he had not been prepared at being thrust so violently into the throngs of war. Where countless injured soldiers would come to rest in his hands, and where he would decide their fate; he did not want to be playing as the hand of God down here.

Clenching his fists in frustration, he turned away from the table where crude equipment lay beside it, to instead go and clean himself up. Not only his gloves were filthy, but also the longer coat he wore to signify his status as a doctor.

He didn't get farther than removing the gloves from his slightly shaking hands to clean them, than when a frantic female voice was heard from the doorway, and behind that he could hear the countless moans and groans of others in pain.

" Another one is coming! " she informed, and Caden watched as she hurried off from his view. Tired eyes stared after the nurse as he rummaged around until he found another pair of his gloves, this time clean, and began to snap them on.

He then turned his sights on his equipment, with beginning to clean them up to the best of his ability. Unlike the few doctors that were also in this building, Caden took care to clean up what he owned in desperate attempts to keep the countless victims that entered his room to survive the after time of an operation on them.

" .. Time to work again, "


Kakir was still conscious, unlike many of the others that had come into the operating room. Listening to the others whom were in worse condition then him, but due to the fact he hadn't gotten any help at all he was deemed more important.

It wouldn't be a surprise if the ones who laid still had died by lack of treatment or the fact there were only so many and so many injured and those on their deathbed when they came in there was nothing to be done. This building once a with another purpose now the place for the injured from a war some didn't want to be in.

At least he didn't want to be in. More interested in the well being of his own friends and that of himself then any petty civil war about the existence of Gods or otherwise. Which way of looking at life was superior. Neither could be if it brought a war among it's people.

He groaned as a sharp pain went through the deep cut in his stomach. Holding onto it and hoping for the pain to go away, or to think enough again to forget of the pain and the thought of guts falling out which made him near gagging. That, was impossible, but unsettling thought he couldn't help but think.

He heard the nurse call out into a room before scrambling to get him, helping him up slightly as he had also sprained an ankle in trying to get himself here in the first place. Yet another example of the fact the aftermath of a battle was worse due to the fact you just couldn't take care of every single person.

Kakir was still conscious, unlike many of the others that had come into the operating room. Listening to the others whom were in worse condition then him, but due to the fact he hadn't gotten any help at all he was deemed more important.

It wouldn't be a surprise if the ones who laid still had died by lack of treatment or the fact there were only so many and so many injured and those on their deathbed when they came in there was nothing to be done. This building once a with another purpose now the place for the injured from a war some didn't want to be in.

At least he didn't want to be in. More interested in the well being of his own friends and that of himself then any petty civil war about the existence of Gods or otherwise. Which way of looking at life was superior. Neither could be if it brought a war among it's people.

He groaned as a sharp pain went through the deep cut in his stomach. Holding onto it and hoping for the pain to go away, or to think enough again to forget of the pain and the thought of guts falling out which made him near gagging. That, was impossible, but unsettling thought he couldn't help but think.

He heard the nurse call out into a room before scrambling to get him, helping him up slightly as he had also sprained an ankle in trying to get himself here in the first place. Yet another example of the fact the aftermath of a battle was worse due to the fact you just couldn't take care of every single person.

Waiting for Kakir was the room, at this moment, only Caden. He was a young man but the endless hours of staying awake with efforts of saving the life of those innocent has made him rather exhausted looking.

Green eyes had turned dull with dark marks under them and hair now unruly and ruffled up looking. He was usually finer looking than this.. but in times such as this, he didn't have time to make himself tidy and nice looking to be in public.

" Please be careful when you set him down, " Caden ordered when the nurse came in with Kakir. He began to move almost at once like clockwork, moving towards the table and impatiently awaiting as said nurse carefully got his new patient up onto said table.

His first set of action was to get Kakir numb.. he hated seeing any patients squirm in discomfort from said pain. Of course, the only sources of anesthesia that he had on hand was chloroform and ether.

" Can you tell me your name, " he began, his voice tired but movements precise surprisingly as he began administering said anesthesia. If it was anything the young doctor was praised for, it was his diligence. " I'd like if you would stay awake for a good while. "

As he awaited the anesthesia to take it's hold on his new patient, he began to get his materials at the ready, all the while keeping his eye on the wounded soldier. Tools for sewing up the gash on his stomach, and also to set the sprained ankle that looked.. at an odd bend when Caden spotted it. Ouch.

As cruel as it sounded, Caden was not going to promise the other's survival; he did not want to live with the thought of promising another their survival and have them die at his own hands. He wouldn't live with that guilt. He would do what he could to the extent of his ability.

Waiting for Kakir was the room, at this moment, only Caden. He was a young man but the endless hours of staying awake with efforts of saving the life of those innocent has made him rather exhausted looking.

Green eyes had turned dull with dark marks under them and hair now unruly and ruffled up looking. He was usually finer looking than this.. but in times such as this, he didn't have time to make himself tidy and nice looking to be in public.

" Please be careful when you set him down, " Caden ordered when the nurse came in with Kakir. He began to move almost at once like clockwork, moving towards the table and impatiently awaiting as said nurse carefully got his new patient up onto said table.

His first set of action was to get Kakir numb.. he hated seeing any patients squirm in discomfort from said pain. Of course, the only sources of anesthesia that he had on hand was chloroform and ether.

" Can you tell me your name, " he began, his voice tired but movements precise surprisingly as he began administering said anesthesia. If it was anything the young doctor was praised for, it was his diligence. " I'd like if you would stay awake for a good while. "

As he awaited the anesthesia to take it's hold on his new patient, he began to get his materials at the ready, all the while keeping his eye on the wounded soldier. Tools for sewing up the gash on his stomach, and also to set the sprained ankle that looked.. at an odd bend when Caden spotted it. Ouch.

As cruel as it sounded, Caden was not going to promise the other's survival; he did not want to live with the thought of promising another their survival and have them die at his own hands. He wouldn't live with that guilt. He would do what he could to the extent of his ability.
@ifawn ((P.s. sorry if I'm slow with replies, I end up thinking about what I want to say for wayyy longer then I mean to pftt))

Kakir groaned a bit when he got onto the table but quieted down once the anesthesia was administered. Letting out a small sigh of relief once he started to feel the effects of it. "Kakir... I could try to stay awake... It will be easier once the pain dulls... I hope."

He had a dark hood covering most of his face, which had since then been dirtied and even seemed to have what looked to be dried blood from those he had to fight. He had some leather armor still on and a necklace which had what looked to be skulls of birds. He had many more scars across his body as well from more battles he rather not discuss. He was lucky. The scars proved that much.

"It's only proper you tell me yours..." He glanced around the room, it seemed a bit better then most of the rooms he had been it, but he could tell that a place for surgery's and dressing wounds was not it's intended purpose. Such a shame.

He saw the nurse come back in to grab what wraps they had left, surely to give clean bandages to someone, he hoped that person wouldn't die and be a waste on bandages. It sounded cruel, yes, but that could have saved someone else. Or himself.
@ifawn ((P.s. sorry if I'm slow with replies, I end up thinking about what I want to say for wayyy longer then I mean to pftt))

Kakir groaned a bit when he got onto the table but quieted down once the anesthesia was administered. Letting out a small sigh of relief once he started to feel the effects of it. "Kakir... I could try to stay awake... It will be easier once the pain dulls... I hope."

He had a dark hood covering most of his face, which had since then been dirtied and even seemed to have what looked to be dried blood from those he had to fight. He had some leather armor still on and a necklace which had what looked to be skulls of birds. He had many more scars across his body as well from more battles he rather not discuss. He was lucky. The scars proved that much.

"It's only proper you tell me yours..." He glanced around the room, it seemed a bit better then most of the rooms he had been it, but he could tell that a place for surgery's and dressing wounds was not it's intended purpose. Such a shame.

He saw the nurse come back in to grab what wraps they had left, surely to give clean bandages to someone, he hoped that person wouldn't die and be a waste on bandages. It sounded cruel, yes, but that could have saved someone else. Or himself.

( ACK It didn't show the ping, oh gosh I'm sorry for such a late response! )

" Thank you for giving a try to stay awake, Kakir. " Caden said as he began to situate his gloves, an idle humming leaving him. Once the anesthesia was administered to the other, he turned his attention to the bothersome clothes that were around the wound. " Don't twitch around too much, please. "

After pulling away some of the armor so he could get a better look at said wound, he began the tedious task of examining it and then getting to work with cleaning around it. This process had become almost natural to the young doctor. Examining the wound, cleaning around the wound and then beginning the work of getting it closed back up.

It almost seemed like he had ignored the other's request of telling his name as he examined a needle closely, making sure that it was both clean and ready for use. " .. My name is Caden, " he said, turning back to Kakir.

" You may feel a bit of tugging, " he warned and without much warning a strip of leather was abruptly pushed against Kakir's teeth. " Bite this if you happen to feel any pain, instead of yelling. " It was on multiple occasions that a patient had yelled and completely scared Caden half to death.. his poor anxiety couldn't handle that.

( ACK It didn't show the ping, oh gosh I'm sorry for such a late response! )

" Thank you for giving a try to stay awake, Kakir. " Caden said as he began to situate his gloves, an idle humming leaving him. Once the anesthesia was administered to the other, he turned his attention to the bothersome clothes that were around the wound. " Don't twitch around too much, please. "

After pulling away some of the armor so he could get a better look at said wound, he began the tedious task of examining it and then getting to work with cleaning around it. This process had become almost natural to the young doctor. Examining the wound, cleaning around the wound and then beginning the work of getting it closed back up.

It almost seemed like he had ignored the other's request of telling his name as he examined a needle closely, making sure that it was both clean and ready for use. " .. My name is Caden, " he said, turning back to Kakir.

" You may feel a bit of tugging, " he warned and without much warning a strip of leather was abruptly pushed against Kakir's teeth. " Bite this if you happen to feel any pain, instead of yelling. " It was on multiple occasions that a patient had yelled and completely scared Caden half to death.. his poor anxiety couldn't handle that.
@ifawn ((Oh no ;A;! It's alright ;w;!))

He nodded a bit and breathed out, he was a bit out of it still, due to the anesthesia, so he only half heard his name, mumbling, "Carmen is an odd name for a boy."

He made a small noise at the leather that had been put into his mouth and grimaced at the thought of how many other mouths it had been on, how many of those were sick? He could only hope they cleaned in enough where it wouldn't be too bad to bit down on, but he would do his best as to not bite on it.

He twitched a bit the first time there was the tug, but felt no need to scream, at least not yet. He was at least slightly used to it, but never had such a wound on his stomach.
@ifawn ((Oh no ;A;! It's alright ;w;!))

He nodded a bit and breathed out, he was a bit out of it still, due to the anesthesia, so he only half heard his name, mumbling, "Carmen is an odd name for a boy."

He made a small noise at the leather that had been put into his mouth and grimaced at the thought of how many other mouths it had been on, how many of those were sick? He could only hope they cleaned in enough where it wouldn't be too bad to bit down on, but he would do his best as to not bite on it.

He twitched a bit the first time there was the tug, but felt no need to scream, at least not yet. He was at least slightly used to it, but never had such a wound on his stomach.

Caden paused a bit in mid tug of the needle and medical thread as he was called Carmen. His eye's darted to stare at the numbed up patient and he wrinkled his nose a little. His name most definitely was not Carmen! Great, were his own patients now going to harass him about something?

Ignoring the other's discomfort about the leather,
which was clean of course, Caden wasn't some filthy doctor, he turned his attention back towards the wound. As he progressively sewed it shut, the more minutes that passed the faster that his face would become pale.

The other people here would constantly give Caden a hard time at his squeamish nature to open wounds and blood. Why are you even a doctor? they would ask. Even if the sight of an open, oozing wound would make the young doctor feeling dizzy and sick, it didn't mean he didn't want to help people none the less.

By the last pull of thread and a snipping noise as he cut it, Caden tossed said needle away and turned to get some of the bandages to find he was running a bit low. His eyebrows furrowed at this thought and he turned on his heels to instead go back to Kakir.

Well.. at least it seemed things were beginning to slow down. Either the current scuffle going on had stopped, or people were.. dying before Caden could get to them. Using a surprisingly careful pull, he sat his patient up with the utmost care and began to pull the bandages around his stomach.

So far so good.. now he had to live through the stomach wound. It was sewed up as best to his ability, so he just.. had to survive! " There you are.. all patched right up. "

Caden paused a bit in mid tug of the needle and medical thread as he was called Carmen. His eye's darted to stare at the numbed up patient and he wrinkled his nose a little. His name most definitely was not Carmen! Great, were his own patients now going to harass him about something?

Ignoring the other's discomfort about the leather,
which was clean of course, Caden wasn't some filthy doctor, he turned his attention back towards the wound. As he progressively sewed it shut, the more minutes that passed the faster that his face would become pale.

The other people here would constantly give Caden a hard time at his squeamish nature to open wounds and blood. Why are you even a doctor? they would ask. Even if the sight of an open, oozing wound would make the young doctor feeling dizzy and sick, it didn't mean he didn't want to help people none the less.

By the last pull of thread and a snipping noise as he cut it, Caden tossed said needle away and turned to get some of the bandages to find he was running a bit low. His eyebrows furrowed at this thought and he turned on his heels to instead go back to Kakir.

Well.. at least it seemed things were beginning to slow down. Either the current scuffle going on had stopped, or people were.. dying before Caden could get to them. Using a surprisingly careful pull, he sat his patient up with the utmost care and began to pull the bandages around his stomach.

So far so good.. now he had to live through the stomach wound. It was sewed up as best to his ability, so he just.. had to survive! " There you are.. all patched right up. "

He groaned a bit as he sat up, looking around a bit and taking the leather out of his mouth, blinking and taking his hood off. He had slightly darker skin and paler blue eyes, and black hair that had since been full of dirt and messy from the hood, letting out a sigh and speaking in a slightly groggy voice, "Thank you ah... What was your name again..? Didn't really... Catch it."

He pulled his shirt down once it was bandaged and looked around, noticing the quieter room next door and the fact that everyone seemed to be slowing down, at least it looked like it. He hoped they were just tired rather then dead. And hopefully all the battles outside were ending or at least coming to a standstill. It must have been getting late, or perhaps his sense of time has since then been screwed up.

He moved a bit before hissing, holding onto his leg a bit, "Damn... I forgot I sprained this too..." Not even from battle either..." His stomach didn't even hurt as much, or at least now that pain was easier to ignore now that it was patched up, not hurting as much as the sprained ankle he tried to move...

He groaned a bit as he sat up, looking around a bit and taking the leather out of his mouth, blinking and taking his hood off. He had slightly darker skin and paler blue eyes, and black hair that had since been full of dirt and messy from the hood, letting out a sigh and speaking in a slightly groggy voice, "Thank you ah... What was your name again..? Didn't really... Catch it."

He pulled his shirt down once it was bandaged and looked around, noticing the quieter room next door and the fact that everyone seemed to be slowing down, at least it looked like it. He hoped they were just tired rather then dead. And hopefully all the battles outside were ending or at least coming to a standstill. It must have been getting late, or perhaps his sense of time has since then been screwed up.

He moved a bit before hissing, holding onto his leg a bit, "Damn... I forgot I sprained this too..." Not even from battle either..." His stomach didn't even hurt as much, or at least now that pain was easier to ignore now that it was patched up, not hurting as much as the sprained ankle he tried to move...

The other paused as Kakir's hood was removed and he was able to get a proper look at his patient. His tired eyes stared at the other for a good while, his eyes looking his face over before they quickly snapped to stare at the ankle. Drat.. he forgot about that.

Leaving the other's side, he spent a moment or so rumaging around until he found the proper materials to stint the other's ankle. He returned to the injured man and eventually knelt down in front of the table that he was placed on.

" Please bear with me if there is any discomfort, " he spoke up as he eventually began to carefully stint the other's ankle. Hey, he had to keep is straight so the other wouldn't mess it up trying to hobble around this place.

As he did this, Caden's mind began to wander. He was surprised. Usually, the patients he saw would lay there, begging Caden to save them and pleading that they didn't want to die. The entire experience would set him on edge at having to watch that. Yet Kakir had only stayed there in a numbed up state, calling him Carmen.

" ... Again, my name is Caden. " he said before looking up at him with a slight scowl of a pout on the young doctors face. " Not Carmen. " he then stood up and turned on his heels to remove the gloves from his hands, grimacing while doing so.

The other paused as Kakir's hood was removed and he was able to get a proper look at his patient. His tired eyes stared at the other for a good while, his eyes looking his face over before they quickly snapped to stare at the ankle. Drat.. he forgot about that.

Leaving the other's side, he spent a moment or so rumaging around until he found the proper materials to stint the other's ankle. He returned to the injured man and eventually knelt down in front of the table that he was placed on.

" Please bear with me if there is any discomfort, " he spoke up as he eventually began to carefully stint the other's ankle. Hey, he had to keep is straight so the other wouldn't mess it up trying to hobble around this place.

As he did this, Caden's mind began to wander. He was surprised. Usually, the patients he saw would lay there, begging Caden to save them and pleading that they didn't want to die. The entire experience would set him on edge at having to watch that. Yet Kakir had only stayed there in a numbed up state, calling him Carmen.

" ... Again, my name is Caden. " he said before looking up at him with a slight scowl of a pout on the young doctors face. " Not Carmen. " he then stood up and turned on his heels to remove the gloves from his hands, grimacing while doing so.

Kakir flinched a bit as his ankle was stinted, doing his best not to move it or twitch it or roll his ankles as he often did. He would crack his ankles or wrists as a way to stress relieve. Not anymore. His ankle by now had swollen quite a lot.

"Ah... My apologies then... Caden" He chuckled a bit at his face, no longer stuck as being tired as it was, it might have not been a pleasant face, much more a scowl, but it was still better then the face he did have before.

He swung his legs over the table and took a few deep breaths before breathing in and getting up, hissing and leaning on the table and holding his stomach. At least there wasn't a ripping sound or a crack or any kind of sound that suggested something terrible had happened, that was always a good thing. The ankle also hurt quite a bit but he had to move, others had to be tended to.

"I suppose I should take my leave..." He looked at the tools that were used on him and flinched a bit, better not to think about that. It was over and done with and he just had to make it through, which would hopefully be an easy process, although this was the biggest wound he had ever received and with all the people out there, and no doubt disease that came along with them, perhaps this time he wouldn't be as lucky.

Kakir flinched a bit as his ankle was stinted, doing his best not to move it or twitch it or roll his ankles as he often did. He would crack his ankles or wrists as a way to stress relieve. Not anymore. His ankle by now had swollen quite a lot.

"Ah... My apologies then... Caden" He chuckled a bit at his face, no longer stuck as being tired as it was, it might have not been a pleasant face, much more a scowl, but it was still better then the face he did have before.

He swung his legs over the table and took a few deep breaths before breathing in and getting up, hissing and leaning on the table and holding his stomach. At least there wasn't a ripping sound or a crack or any kind of sound that suggested something terrible had happened, that was always a good thing. The ankle also hurt quite a bit but he had to move, others had to be tended to.

"I suppose I should take my leave..." He looked at the tools that were used on him and flinched a bit, better not to think about that. It was over and done with and he just had to make it through, which would hopefully be an easy process, although this was the biggest wound he had ever received and with all the people out there, and no doubt disease that came along with them, perhaps this time he wouldn't be as lucky.
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