

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The toll of war ( w/ DeciDragon ).
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( Sorry for such a late reply! Was busy getting ready for relatives to come over. )

Hearing the patients request of Caden's current location, he arched an eyebrow and a quizzical look came over his face. Why in the world was be concerned with where Caden was? Nobody in the building really was.

" He's.. around here. Somewhere. He was helping people move along. He will most likely come around soon to help you. " he said in a somewhat reassuring tone. The doctor did a once over of the odd patient before he turned briskly and left just as fast aa he had came.

It wasn't until the receding sound of his footsteps left, that another pair came running along much more swiftly. Within seconds, Caden had came around the corner and came to a relieved stop when he spotted Kakir.

" You're alive! " he said, though his voice was filled with relief rather than sarcasm. The young doctor was finally cleaned up; brown-ish hair combed furioisly until any tangles had been pulled out, and the grime of yesterday had been scrubbed off to reveal an olive-tone complexion with many a freckle. " I'm.. rather glad. " he said with a laugh and a puff of air.

( Sorry for such a late reply! Was busy getting ready for relatives to come over. )

Hearing the patients request of Caden's current location, he arched an eyebrow and a quizzical look came over his face. Why in the world was be concerned with where Caden was? Nobody in the building really was.

" He's.. around here. Somewhere. He was helping people move along. He will most likely come around soon to help you. " he said in a somewhat reassuring tone. The doctor did a once over of the odd patient before he turned briskly and left just as fast aa he had came.

It wasn't until the receding sound of his footsteps left, that another pair came running along much more swiftly. Within seconds, Caden had came around the corner and came to a relieved stop when he spotted Kakir.

" You're alive! " he said, though his voice was filled with relief rather than sarcasm. The young doctor was finally cleaned up; brown-ish hair combed furioisly until any tangles had been pulled out, and the grime of yesterday had been scrubbed off to reveal an olive-tone complexion with many a freckle. " I'm.. rather glad. " he said with a laugh and a puff of air.
@ifawn ((Oh god it's fine! I can understand that))

Kakir watched as the other doctor left. Strange he was. Perhaps he didn't expect him to be alive, what with how all the doctors saw Caden as lower then them, or at least from what Caden had said. It still made him slightly uneasy until he heard footsteps and saw Caden.

He blinked and smiled as Caden came in. Blinking and blushing a small bit but clearing his throat and getting up slightly. He looked a lot better today. And seemed a lot better now that he wasn't dead tired or operating. He pushed his hood over his face a bit more to cover his slightly red face.

"Good morning Caden..." He said, smiling although still in a bit of pain because of his stomach and leg which seemed to only get more sore overnight, but he would try to play it off at least. He walked over by him, cringing a bit but moving over by him regardless.
@ifawn ((Oh god it's fine! I can understand that))

Kakir watched as the other doctor left. Strange he was. Perhaps he didn't expect him to be alive, what with how all the doctors saw Caden as lower then them, or at least from what Caden had said. It still made him slightly uneasy until he heard footsteps and saw Caden.

He blinked and smiled as Caden came in. Blinking and blushing a small bit but clearing his throat and getting up slightly. He looked a lot better today. And seemed a lot better now that he wasn't dead tired or operating. He pushed his hood over his face a bit more to cover his slightly red face.

"Good morning Caden..." He said, smiling although still in a bit of pain because of his stomach and leg which seemed to only get more sore overnight, but he would try to play it off at least. He walked over by him, cringing a bit but moving over by him regardless.

" Good morning, " the doctor greeted, and even his voice sounded refreshed; jovial and finally at ease from getting some sleep. His relief was apparent as a smile was on his face, and the small gesture was enough to make him seem less grouchy.

He was more or less pleaaed at seeing Kakir well from yesterday, as it showed he wasn't as bad of a doctor as he thought. Being cleaned up and smiling there like a giddy little child made him all the more young.

Spotting him cringe, he tilted his head a bit to the side like a confused child and pursed his lips into a frown. " Do you still hurt? Which worse; your leg or your stomach? " he questioned further and he immediately stepped over closer to get a closer peer down at Kakir's leg.

" Good morning, " the doctor greeted, and even his voice sounded refreshed; jovial and finally at ease from getting some sleep. His relief was apparent as a smile was on his face, and the small gesture was enough to make him seem less grouchy.

He was more or less pleaaed at seeing Kakir well from yesterday, as it showed he wasn't as bad of a doctor as he thought. Being cleaned up and smiling there like a giddy little child made him all the more young.

Spotting him cringe, he tilted his head a bit to the side like a confused child and pursed his lips into a frown. " Do you still hurt? Which worse; your leg or your stomach? " he questioned further and he immediately stepped over closer to get a closer peer down at Kakir's leg.

He made a small noise and leaned on the wall, grumbling a bit and holding onto his stomach, "My stomach I can deal with, my leg however is something I kinda need to stand on, so it clearly hurts more." He said that a bit more sarcastic then he meant to. He was trying to be in a good mood as well, and he was, but he happened to be a constantly sarcastic person, or at least he always sounded like it.

His ankle was still swollen and pushing against the stint slightly, it didn't look any better but it wasn't going to get better overnight. It might actually be broken and not just sprained, but it was still hard to tell. Although with the way it was it wouldn't be a surprise if it had broke.

"So long as I can walk on it I'll be fine. Where are we moving to? Another battle, right? I guess we really are low on doctors." he spoke, more speaking to himself and asking a rhetorical question he didn't even really want to be answered, didn't want to hear about how far the war was spreading.

He made a small noise and leaned on the wall, grumbling a bit and holding onto his stomach, "My stomach I can deal with, my leg however is something I kinda need to stand on, so it clearly hurts more." He said that a bit more sarcastic then he meant to. He was trying to be in a good mood as well, and he was, but he happened to be a constantly sarcastic person, or at least he always sounded like it.

His ankle was still swollen and pushing against the stint slightly, it didn't look any better but it wasn't going to get better overnight. It might actually be broken and not just sprained, but it was still hard to tell. Although with the way it was it wouldn't be a surprise if it had broke.

"So long as I can walk on it I'll be fine. Where are we moving to? Another battle, right? I guess we really are low on doctors." he spoke, more speaking to himself and asking a rhetorical question he didn't even really want to be answered, didn't want to hear about how far the war was spreading.

" You can't stand on it if it is sprained or possible broken
, " Caden replied in a scolding tone, like he was speaking to a child who had done something wrong. His eyes darted down to take a more careful stare at the swelling and he frowned slightly. He surely hoped it wasn't broken.. then it would be harder to heal, and longer.

" Here, put your arm around my shoulder and I'll help you move; but don't walk on that ankle! " he said quickly, making sure to get his point across at just how tentative Kakir had to be with his possibly broken ankle. If he walked on it anymore, it could be ruined! The freckled doctor then stood there as he came over closer to the other's side, green eye's staring at him patiently and expectantly for him to put an arm around his shoulder.

" You'll have to come along with us.. there isn't much time to waste on moving around, " Caden explained before falling quiet as he heard the pester of questions from Kakir. He didn't want to move to yet another battle.. it was tiring, and Caden wasn't very sure just how much more he could take of this. " Yes.. to another battle. We all move to where it's most needed.. "

" You can't stand on it if it is sprained or possible broken
, " Caden replied in a scolding tone, like he was speaking to a child who had done something wrong. His eyes darted down to take a more careful stare at the swelling and he frowned slightly. He surely hoped it wasn't broken.. then it would be harder to heal, and longer.

" Here, put your arm around my shoulder and I'll help you move; but don't walk on that ankle! " he said quickly, making sure to get his point across at just how tentative Kakir had to be with his possibly broken ankle. If he walked on it anymore, it could be ruined! The freckled doctor then stood there as he came over closer to the other's side, green eye's staring at him patiently and expectantly for him to put an arm around his shoulder.

" You'll have to come along with us.. there isn't much time to waste on moving around, " Caden explained before falling quiet as he heard the pester of questions from Kakir. He didn't want to move to yet another battle.. it was tiring, and Caden wasn't very sure just how much more he could take of this. " Yes.. to another battle. We all move to where it's most needed.. "

Kakir made a small noise and groaned, leaning onto him and putting his arm around his shoulder. One thing he hated was relying on others. Although not much could be done because he did have a point. It could be broken, which could ruin his ankle completely. He also didn't appreciate the scolding but bit back his tongue from saying anything rude about it.

He moved and started to walk with him, sighing and speaking, "This war is stupid, civil war is the worst kind of war. You are fighting with allies or with your own people, it turns people bitter. I only fight for self preservation, because otherwise I would be dead by now..." He looked back over at Caden and studied his face a bit, "Although, I suppose you got the worst part of the deal."

He continued to walk with him, leaning on him and doing his best not to hobble or step on his ankle, which was very hard to do at the same time. "Gonna be a long trip, I can already feel it."

Kakir made a small noise and groaned, leaning onto him and putting his arm around his shoulder. One thing he hated was relying on others. Although not much could be done because he did have a point. It could be broken, which could ruin his ankle completely. He also didn't appreciate the scolding but bit back his tongue from saying anything rude about it.

He moved and started to walk with him, sighing and speaking, "This war is stupid, civil war is the worst kind of war. You are fighting with allies or with your own people, it turns people bitter. I only fight for self preservation, because otherwise I would be dead by now..." He looked back over at Caden and studied his face a bit, "Although, I suppose you got the worst part of the deal."

He continued to walk with him, leaning on him and doing his best not to hobble or step on his ankle, which was very hard to do at the same time. "Gonna be a long trip, I can already feel it."

Allowing Kakir to lean on him, he began a steady but tolerably slow pace out from the room. Whilst Kakir had been sleeping, he had already packed away everything he had in the room without waking up his most recent patient.

Hearing Kakir, Caden's head tilted thoughtfully and his eyebrows furrowed. " .. I don't understand this war; people of the same place want the same ideals for their own country to grow, so why turn on each other. " the young doctor thought and he couldn't help but to fume a little, his face growing idly red at his own frustration until he spotted the other staring and studying his face slightly.

Growing flustered under the other looking at him, more over being stared at than anything, he looked back towards their own feet to carefully watch their movements as so they didn't stumble or fall down where they were.

" There are carriages for you to ride in.. might be with me, might be another doctor, the nurses.. depends on what you prefer, " he began to explain to distract himself from all the blood running up into his head in his own embarrassed state.

Allowing Kakir to lean on him, he began a steady but tolerably slow pace out from the room. Whilst Kakir had been sleeping, he had already packed away everything he had in the room without waking up his most recent patient.

Hearing Kakir, Caden's head tilted thoughtfully and his eyebrows furrowed. " .. I don't understand this war; people of the same place want the same ideals for their own country to grow, so why turn on each other. " the young doctor thought and he couldn't help but to fume a little, his face growing idly red at his own frustration until he spotted the other staring and studying his face slightly.

Growing flustered under the other looking at him, more over being stared at than anything, he looked back towards their own feet to carefully watch their movements as so they didn't stumble or fall down where they were.

" There are carriages for you to ride in.. might be with me, might be another doctor, the nurses.. depends on what you prefer, " he began to explain to distract himself from all the blood running up into his head in his own embarrassed state.

Kakir continued to watch his movements, chuckling softly as his face reddened before looking at where they were going and nodding. The war he could go on for hours but it was doubtful that Caden would want to hear such a spiel.

"I would probably feel better staying with the person who operated on me, so you." They eventually got outside, everyone already in their carriages that they were supposed to be in, many of the people who were sick all stuffed into the same one, not the most sanitary but it was what had to be done. They also had to take all of the medical supplies and the people and themselves as the doctors and nurses so space ended up being tight even though there looked to be enough carriages to fit everyone comfortably.

"Do you have any idea how long we'll be traveling?" he asked, rather curious. It would have to be at least a day or two, but for the sake of everyone who was sickly it wouldn't be more than a week. Besides, by then many of the injured would have died by then, but that was a rather negative thought.

Kakir continued to watch his movements, chuckling softly as his face reddened before looking at where they were going and nodding. The war he could go on for hours but it was doubtful that Caden would want to hear such a spiel.

"I would probably feel better staying with the person who operated on me, so you." They eventually got outside, everyone already in their carriages that they were supposed to be in, many of the people who were sick all stuffed into the same one, not the most sanitary but it was what had to be done. They also had to take all of the medical supplies and the people and themselves as the doctors and nurses so space ended up being tight even though there looked to be enough carriages to fit everyone comfortably.

"Do you have any idea how long we'll be traveling?" he asked, rather curious. It would have to be at least a day or two, but for the sake of everyone who was sickly it wouldn't be more than a week. Besides, by then many of the injured would have died by then, but that was a rather negative thought.

Caden did his best to help Kakir along to one of the carriages, where a familiar nurse was waiting patiently. She was the one who normally helped out the young doctor and, seeing him approach, smiled bashfully at him.

" You made it on time, " she said rather gleefully, swiftly assisting him in helping gef Kakir up into the carriage without having to use his own leg and end up harming his ankle.

" Of course I did, I'm not that daft.. "

Shortly after getting Kakir up into the carriage it was followed by Caden, and said nurse who sat across along with at leaat two others holding medical supplies.

" A day or so, " Caden said as he shifted a bit to at least give Kakir room, though not without tumbling out of the back of the carriage himself whilst doing so.

Caden did his best to help Kakir along to one of the carriages, where a familiar nurse was waiting patiently. She was the one who normally helped out the young doctor and, seeing him approach, smiled bashfully at him.

" You made it on time, " she said rather gleefully, swiftly assisting him in helping gef Kakir up into the carriage without having to use his own leg and end up harming his ankle.

" Of course I did, I'm not that daft.. "

Shortly after getting Kakir up into the carriage it was followed by Caden, and said nurse who sat across along with at leaat two others holding medical supplies.

" A day or so, " Caden said as he shifted a bit to at least give Kakir room, though not without tumbling out of the back of the carriage himself whilst doing so.

Kakir smiled at the nurse and nodded to her, groaning a bit as he got in. Looking around a bit and breathing out, fixing himself slightly to get more comfortable and looking over at Caden, speaking in a slightly teasing tone, "Make sure you don't fall out and make it so the injured person has to catch you~"

He chuckled softly and leaned back a small bit, breathing out. At least it would only be two days at most. Humming when they started to move.

Kakir smiled at the nurse and nodded to her, groaning a bit as he got in. Looking around a bit and breathing out, fixing himself slightly to get more comfortable and looking over at Caden, speaking in a slightly teasing tone, "Make sure you don't fall out and make it so the injured person has to catch you~"

He chuckled softly and leaned back a small bit, breathing out. At least it would only be two days at most. Humming when they started to move.
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