

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The toll of war ( w/ DeciDragon ).
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" Are you daft? " the doctor blurted out as he spotted the other beginning to get up. He hurried over swiftly and a pair of thin handa were promptly placed down on Kakir's shoulders. " If you move so much with both your stomach and ankle just being fixed, you'll ruin them! " he scolded.

Moving a hand from Kakir's shoulder, be pointed a finger over towards the opposite end of the room. A cot, though not as comfortable looking, was placed there. Caden was not a imposing or scary looking person, but his vooce could be.

" Now go sit down. We can't have you wander about idly while looking for a place to settle. You don't know what sickly person you could run into and mess up that wound. " he said and eventually quickly took his hands back from Kakir.

A mild discomfort came over his face as he realized how abrupt he had responded, and Caden looked away swiftly. " .. Apologies, " he coughed out awkwardly. " you are the first to have survived today thus far on my operating table, and I'd rather not get more harassment at losing another. "

" Are you daft? " the doctor blurted out as he spotted the other beginning to get up. He hurried over swiftly and a pair of thin handa were promptly placed down on Kakir's shoulders. " If you move so much with both your stomach and ankle just being fixed, you'll ruin them! " he scolded.

Moving a hand from Kakir's shoulder, be pointed a finger over towards the opposite end of the room. A cot, though not as comfortable looking, was placed there. Caden was not a imposing or scary looking person, but his vooce could be.

" Now go sit down. We can't have you wander about idly while looking for a place to settle. You don't know what sickly person you could run into and mess up that wound. " he said and eventually quickly took his hands back from Kakir.

A mild discomfort came over his face as he realized how abrupt he had responded, and Caden looked away swiftly. " .. Apologies, " he coughed out awkwardly. " you are the first to have survived today thus far on my operating table, and I'd rather not get more harassment at losing another. "
@ifawn ((I wont be on almost all day today, ;w; I'm going to a festival))

Kakir made a small noise and breathed out, smiling a bit and nodding. "I didn't know if I would be allowed to stay." He hobbled over to the cot and sat down, it was better then being out there at least. Until he was a bit better, good enough to interact with people other then Caden.

It slightly bothered him that he said he was the first to survive today, but it couldn't be helped. He seemed to be doing the best he could, and he did a good job on him, so he couldn't be so bad. Taking off the rest of what was left of his armor and placing it nearby. "Aren't you worried about operating with me in here?"

He hoped he would say he was the last person, he didn't want to hear other people scream and beg for the doctor to do something, when there really wasn't anything to be done. Or smell all the blood that followed people when they came in or while he was operating. He was still holding onto his stomach slightly, god this pain was terrible now that the anesthesia was starting to go away, or maybe he was just noticing it more.
@ifawn ((I wont be on almost all day today, ;w; I'm going to a festival))

Kakir made a small noise and breathed out, smiling a bit and nodding. "I didn't know if I would be allowed to stay." He hobbled over to the cot and sat down, it was better then being out there at least. Until he was a bit better, good enough to interact with people other then Caden.

It slightly bothered him that he said he was the first to survive today, but it couldn't be helped. He seemed to be doing the best he could, and he did a good job on him, so he couldn't be so bad. Taking off the rest of what was left of his armor and placing it nearby. "Aren't you worried about operating with me in here?"

He hoped he would say he was the last person, he didn't want to hear other people scream and beg for the doctor to do something, when there really wasn't anything to be done. Or smell all the blood that followed people when they came in or while he was operating. He was still holding onto his stomach slightly, god this pain was terrible now that the anesthesia was starting to go away, or maybe he was just noticing it more.

( No problem.~ Enjoy the festival! )

" Not really, " Caden answered honestly if he was bothered by the fact Kakir would be in here if he got another patient. Once he had remove the dirty gloves and tossed away both them and the used needle, he glanced over at Kakir. " I've only had a few patients today including you. "

Usually, the other doctors that were somewhere in this building would get the rest of the patients. They didn't take him seriously.. being a younger doctor and not having as much experience as those.. uptight jerks.

Turning on his heels, he moved over towards the table and, with slight reluctance, he began to clean it down from the small amount of blood that had left Kakir's wound. Unlike the other doctors, Caden put out an effort to keep his working station clean. He didn't like having things dirty and gross when he worked.

" If it isn't obvious, I do not get many brought to me. Usually the rest go to the 'better' doctors. " he explained as his tone grew progressively more bitter as he spoke about this. Caden liked to think he was a good doctor.. obviously not as great as he thought he was.

( No problem.~ Enjoy the festival! )

" Not really, " Caden answered honestly if he was bothered by the fact Kakir would be in here if he got another patient. Once he had remove the dirty gloves and tossed away both them and the used needle, he glanced over at Kakir. " I've only had a few patients today including you. "

Usually, the other doctors that were somewhere in this building would get the rest of the patients. They didn't take him seriously.. being a younger doctor and not having as much experience as those.. uptight jerks.

Turning on his heels, he moved over towards the table and, with slight reluctance, he began to clean it down from the small amount of blood that had left Kakir's wound. Unlike the other doctors, Caden put out an effort to keep his working station clean. He didn't like having things dirty and gross when he worked.

" If it isn't obvious, I do not get many brought to me. Usually the rest go to the 'better' doctors. " he explained as his tone grew progressively more bitter as he spoke about this. Caden liked to think he was a good doctor.. obviously not as great as he thought he was.
@ifawn ((Oh god I'm super tired and sore aha, ;w; Back to rp though!))

He was a bit taken back by his tone, he seemed to be a good doctor, at least put in effort into what he was doing. Many doctors would just try to get it done as fast as possible, but then again, they also had a lot more patients to get through, especially at times like this. Watching him clean before sitting up, speaking,

"Isn't there any way you could prove them wrong? You seem like a fine doctor. But I know nothing about doctors or how hard these things are." His tone was fairly neutral so you couldn't quite tell if it was serious or not, but he continued talking anyways, more for himself to fill empty air with something other then the groans of the dying.

"I mean, I can't say anything that went necessarily bad... But as you said, there were a lot of other patients. Many that didn't make it through, but you also had one that did with a pretty bad wound, infection is a terrible thing, ain't it?" He was moving his head back and forth slightly as he spoke, eyes closed and not really paying attention to him anymore but still very clearly talking to him, still a neutral tone that made it hard to tell if he was being serious, but my god could he talk.
@ifawn ((Oh god I'm super tired and sore aha, ;w; Back to rp though!))

He was a bit taken back by his tone, he seemed to be a good doctor, at least put in effort into what he was doing. Many doctors would just try to get it done as fast as possible, but then again, they also had a lot more patients to get through, especially at times like this. Watching him clean before sitting up, speaking,

"Isn't there any way you could prove them wrong? You seem like a fine doctor. But I know nothing about doctors or how hard these things are." His tone was fairly neutral so you couldn't quite tell if it was serious or not, but he continued talking anyways, more for himself to fill empty air with something other then the groans of the dying.

"I mean, I can't say anything that went necessarily bad... But as you said, there were a lot of other patients. Many that didn't make it through, but you also had one that did with a pretty bad wound, infection is a terrible thing, ain't it?" He was moving his head back and forth slightly as he spoke, eyes closed and not really paying attention to him anymore but still very clearly talking to him, still a neutral tone that made it hard to tell if he was being serious, but my god could he talk.

( Just finally hatched the eggs of my Fae and Spiral, if you'd like one; for free, of course, or anyone else. ; a ; They arent going to serve a major plot in my clans story line. )

Leting out a frustrated sigh, Caden glanced back towards Kakir with the same look of frustration as his sigh. Caden had tried multiple times now to prove the others wrong, but each attempt had came out a dud.

" The others here are- .. uptight. They do their job to the best of their ability, don't get me wrong, but they're personality nulls it out. " Why in the world he was talking about his fruatrations to a patient, he didn't know but jt definitely felt good.

" I don't like letting one die.. it practically means I've failed. " he said before the green eyed doctor suddr paused to stare quizzically at Kakir. He turned on his heels and walked over closer, his expression now thoughtful. " .. But you, if I keep you alive they have to take me seriously. " he remarked hopefully, a hand taking hold of Kakir's wrist to idly check his pulse.

( Just finally hatched the eggs of my Fae and Spiral, if you'd like one; for free, of course, or anyone else. ; a ; They arent going to serve a major plot in my clans story line. )

Leting out a frustrated sigh, Caden glanced back towards Kakir with the same look of frustration as his sigh. Caden had tried multiple times now to prove the others wrong, but each attempt had came out a dud.

" The others here are- .. uptight. They do their job to the best of their ability, don't get me wrong, but they're personality nulls it out. " Why in the world he was talking about his fruatrations to a patient, he didn't know but jt definitely felt good.

" I don't like letting one die.. it practically means I've failed. " he said before the green eyed doctor suddr paused to stare quizzically at Kakir. He turned on his heels and walked over closer, his expression now thoughtful. " .. But you, if I keep you alive they have to take me seriously. " he remarked hopefully, a hand taking hold of Kakir's wrist to idly check his pulse.
@ifawn ((Oh god I can't take any of them ;A;! Too much breeding ;w; I need to figure out my clan story more but I just keep pushing it aside woopeis))

He tilted his head a bit and hummed, nodding, "Sometimes the odds are not in your favor. It is not your fault. I have no plan of dying." He chuckled and smiled, at least semi hopeful. Or at the very least now he wouldn't die in as much pain, but once again, he had no plan of such things.

He looked at him and waited as he took his pulse, waiting to hear him speak before speaking himself, more sarcastic, "Pretty sure I'm alive. I would be very worried if I wasn't." He tried to make light of all that had happened or was happening. He tried to make him feel better at least.

He moved and laid down, holding onto his stomach and letting out a long sigh, groaning a bit. It wasn't that late yet but, god he felt he could sleep for days. Well if he could fall asleep.
@ifawn ((Oh god I can't take any of them ;A;! Too much breeding ;w; I need to figure out my clan story more but I just keep pushing it aside woopeis))

He tilted his head a bit and hummed, nodding, "Sometimes the odds are not in your favor. It is not your fault. I have no plan of dying." He chuckled and smiled, at least semi hopeful. Or at the very least now he wouldn't die in as much pain, but once again, he had no plan of such things.

He looked at him and waited as he took his pulse, waiting to hear him speak before speaking himself, more sarcastic, "Pretty sure I'm alive. I would be very worried if I wasn't." He tried to make light of all that had happened or was happening. He tried to make him feel better at least.

He moved and laid down, holding onto his stomach and letting out a long sigh, groaning a bit. It wasn't that late yet but, god he felt he could sleep for days. Well if he could fall asleep.

( Gonna end up exalting them most likely then uwu Stick em with Glademama. I just do little bits of my clan story one at a time. )

Caden gave him a less than enthusiastic look as he finished taking the others pulse and turned around. " I was checking how hard your heart was beating, " he replied. Lately, he had noticed his patients would have such high heart rates and he was worried if he didn't watch, he would die.

" If you didn't have any pulse I would be worried I was dead as well. " he replied as he shuffled around once kakir had settled down. While he was sleeping then, he couls fiddle around with other things.

" You might as well sleep. I will wake you up later.. can't let you sleep too long and let you get stiff.. also to check on those stitches. " he told him, before he fell silent to continue his work.

( Gonna end up exalting them most likely then uwu Stick em with Glademama. I just do little bits of my clan story one at a time. )

Caden gave him a less than enthusiastic look as he finished taking the others pulse and turned around. " I was checking how hard your heart was beating, " he replied. Lately, he had noticed his patients would have such high heart rates and he was worried if he didn't watch, he would die.

" If you didn't have any pulse I would be worried I was dead as well. " he replied as he shuffled around once kakir had settled down. While he was sleeping then, he couls fiddle around with other things.

" You might as well sleep. I will wake you up later.. can't let you sleep too long and let you get stiff.. also to check on those stitches. " he told him, before he fell silent to continue his work.

Kakir breathed out and nodded, groaning and falling asleep, moving around a bit as he slept. Eventually waking up a bit later and groaning, holding onto his stomach and swearing under his breath. Looking around slightly and looking for Caden.

Kakir breathed out and nodded, groaning and falling asleep, moving around a bit as he slept. Eventually waking up a bit later and groaning, holding onto his stomach and swearing under his breath. Looking around slightly and looking for Caden.

The room was silent as well as the hallways outside; there was no noises such as groana of agony or sobs in pain, just silence. It was almost eerie sounding.

Then came the sound of muffled voices, and the crisp click of shoes against the ground as a certain doctor came around the corner; he was cleaned up looking, much better than what he had looked like earlier.

A startled look came over his face as he spotted Kakir awake, as if he had forgotten he was ever in here in the first place before realization came over his face. When he did realize it was only Kakir, he relaxed and strolled back in.

" I didn't think that you would ever wake up. How do you feel? Same as when you went to sleep? " he questioned the wounded man before leaping right back into a statement. " Sorry to say but we have to be moving soon. We caught word that we have to relocate closer to another battle. " he explained and a tired tone entered his voice.

The room was silent as well as the hallways outside; there was no noises such as groana of agony or sobs in pain, just silence. It was almost eerie sounding.

Then came the sound of muffled voices, and the crisp click of shoes against the ground as a certain doctor came around the corner; he was cleaned up looking, much better than what he had looked like earlier.

A startled look came over his face as he spotted Kakir awake, as if he had forgotten he was ever in here in the first place before realization came over his face. When he did realize it was only Kakir, he relaxed and strolled back in.

" I didn't think that you would ever wake up. How do you feel? Same as when you went to sleep? " he questioned the wounded man before leaping right back into a statement. " Sorry to say but we have to be moving soon. We caught word that we have to relocate closer to another battle. " he explained and a tired tone entered his voice.

Kakir looked at the man and tilted hsi head a bit, groaning and mumbling, "Where's Caden..? I'll find him later..." He sat up slowly and held onto his stomach, hissing and speaking, tired and groggy, "I feel.. Okay I guess... It hurts more now but that's because I'm not drugged anymore..."

He got up slowly and leaned on the bed still, looking around at the more empty room and slightly outside to see who, or what else was still out there, and to look at the doctor, not Caden. Why were they moving people who were hurt? Yes they were more in need but shouldn't there be some easier way to move those who were still alive? It couldn't be good for them. Then again, just another reason why so many died...

Kakir looked at the man and tilted hsi head a bit, groaning and mumbling, "Where's Caden..? I'll find him later..." He sat up slowly and held onto his stomach, hissing and speaking, tired and groggy, "I feel.. Okay I guess... It hurts more now but that's because I'm not drugged anymore..."

He got up slowly and leaned on the bed still, looking around at the more empty room and slightly outside to see who, or what else was still out there, and to look at the doctor, not Caden. Why were they moving people who were hurt? Yes they were more in need but shouldn't there be some easier way to move those who were still alive? It couldn't be good for them. Then again, just another reason why so many died...
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