

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The toll of war ( w/ DeciDragon ).

( Ive had a typo on the ping this whole time oh my god
Oh gosh don't worry, I know the feeling all the time ; u ; Nothin' like some good old writers block at random times. )

" Yes you are! " he replied when he heard Kakir's denies at being red. Of course he was red! Caden could see it with his own two eyes, and as much as he wanted to continue to point out the fact that Kakir was still red when they got up into the carriage, he couldn't; mostly because his face was turning the slightest tint of red when he felt Kakir resting on him.

His lips pursed and his cheeks flushed with color though not as bad as when his entire face would turn a sudden explosion of red and make him look like he would faint at any moment with all the blood rushing to his head. He was just using him as support for his stomach.. that was a reasonable excuse. " That- .. sounds reasonable. " he replied, deftly ignoring the odd looks a few doctors gave him when they entered the carriage, as well as the nurse; who bit back a blurt of words and instead sat down.

" I heard a lot of people are worried, " one of them said while in the middle of sorting a few things that he was holding in his lap once the carriage got to moving again. " About the place that we will be settling in. " he continued on in a whisper so that only the small group could hear.

" You're being paranoid, " Caden spoke up, by now his face returning to it's natural hue and his hands idly settled in his lap. " There's nothing wrong out here. "

" That's just what you think. None of us actually know who or what is lurking all over and around this place. " he continued, his words enticing a nervous look from both the nurse and other doctor.

" Stop that. " Caden snapped, his arms folding as he squinted slightly at the other. He was just making this entire carriage nervous - not counting Kakir as he couldn't even turn his head without looking too close to his face - and eventually that nervousness would leak to the others and everything would be a big mess. " The guides know what they're doing. They will have use set up in a safe place. " he replied deftly, making the paranoid man fall silent with a small grumble.

( Ive had a typo on the ping this whole time oh my god
Oh gosh don't worry, I know the feeling all the time ; u ; Nothin' like some good old writers block at random times. )

" Yes you are! " he replied when he heard Kakir's denies at being red. Of course he was red! Caden could see it with his own two eyes, and as much as he wanted to continue to point out the fact that Kakir was still red when they got up into the carriage, he couldn't; mostly because his face was turning the slightest tint of red when he felt Kakir resting on him.

His lips pursed and his cheeks flushed with color though not as bad as when his entire face would turn a sudden explosion of red and make him look like he would faint at any moment with all the blood rushing to his head. He was just using him as support for his stomach.. that was a reasonable excuse. " That- .. sounds reasonable. " he replied, deftly ignoring the odd looks a few doctors gave him when they entered the carriage, as well as the nurse; who bit back a blurt of words and instead sat down.

" I heard a lot of people are worried, " one of them said while in the middle of sorting a few things that he was holding in his lap once the carriage got to moving again. " About the place that we will be settling in. " he continued on in a whisper so that only the small group could hear.

" You're being paranoid, " Caden spoke up, by now his face returning to it's natural hue and his hands idly settled in his lap. " There's nothing wrong out here. "

" That's just what you think. None of us actually know who or what is lurking all over and around this place. " he continued, his words enticing a nervous look from both the nurse and other doctor.

" Stop that. " Caden snapped, his arms folding as he squinted slightly at the other. He was just making this entire carriage nervous - not counting Kakir as he couldn't even turn his head without looking too close to his face - and eventually that nervousness would leak to the others and everything would be a big mess. " The guides know what they're doing. They will have use set up in a safe place. " he replied deftly, making the paranoid man fall silent with a small grumble.

((Oh no oh my god that explains so much this is why I just copy the name and don't try to type it pftt. Long enough for no more writers block right? ;w;))

Kakir continued to lean on Caden, more enjoying the warm of him over him actually helping his stomach, which in truth wasn't really helping at all, but it was better then leaning forward and crushing it slightly. Listening to his reply and looking at all of the doctors and the nurse that filed in.

He listened quietly to the murmurs of the other doctors and the snappy replies that Caden had to the doctor, speaking quietly, "It would be very foolish to attack. While we have many good supplies there are too many carriages and people." He moved and looked over at Caden, not noticing how close their faces got and pulling back a bit, looking away again and clearing his throat, fidgeting around slightly but leaning on him still, looking outside the carriage a bit.

((Oh no oh my god that explains so much this is why I just copy the name and don't try to type it pftt. Long enough for no more writers block right? ;w;))

Kakir continued to lean on Caden, more enjoying the warm of him over him actually helping his stomach, which in truth wasn't really helping at all, but it was better then leaning forward and crushing it slightly. Listening to his reply and looking at all of the doctors and the nurse that filed in.

He listened quietly to the murmurs of the other doctors and the snappy replies that Caden had to the doctor, speaking quietly, "It would be very foolish to attack. While we have many good supplies there are too many carriages and people." He moved and looked over at Caden, not noticing how close their faces got and pulling back a bit, looking away again and clearing his throat, fidgeting around slightly but leaning on him still, looking outside the carriage a bit.

( Ooooh gosh I feel stupid for making that typo now. )

Hearing Kakir, but not noticing the awkward fidgeting, the young doctor nodded furiously. Though they didn't have any able-bodied soldiers with them, they were deceivingly visibly intimidating with their numbers alone. That should be enough alone to keep them safe.

The rest of the ride was proceeding in silence; a few doctors busying themselves with idle fidgeting and the nurse in there having dozed off blissfully. As much as Caden wanted to stay awake and alert, the young male couldn't help but shut his eyes and slouch back as he dozed.

Being asleep had its perk in the carriage; time went by faster and he wasn't aware of the awkward sway of the carriage. He also wasnt aware enough to be flustered by Kakir being so close either. Another perk. Though even asleep he felt uneasy. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips pressed together tightly and a look of discomfort over his face.

It was all that other.. stupid doctors fault. He had to go spreading his paranoid blabber around in this carriage and now it was bothering him.

He didnt stir either when the carriage came to a halt, and the flaps of the carriage were opened to inform them inside that they would be stopping; they were losing light much too fast, and the guides agreed that now would be the time to stop.

( Ooooh gosh I feel stupid for making that typo now. )

Hearing Kakir, but not noticing the awkward fidgeting, the young doctor nodded furiously. Though they didn't have any able-bodied soldiers with them, they were deceivingly visibly intimidating with their numbers alone. That should be enough alone to keep them safe.

The rest of the ride was proceeding in silence; a few doctors busying themselves with idle fidgeting and the nurse in there having dozed off blissfully. As much as Caden wanted to stay awake and alert, the young male couldn't help but shut his eyes and slouch back as he dozed.

Being asleep had its perk in the carriage; time went by faster and he wasn't aware of the awkward sway of the carriage. He also wasnt aware enough to be flustered by Kakir being so close either. Another perk. Though even asleep he felt uneasy. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips pressed together tightly and a look of discomfort over his face.

It was all that other.. stupid doctors fault. He had to go spreading his paranoid blabber around in this carriage and now it was bothering him.

He didnt stir either when the carriage came to a halt, and the flaps of the carriage were opened to inform them inside that they would be stopping; they were losing light much too fast, and the guides agreed that now would be the time to stop.

((Oh gosh it's no problem ;w;))

Kakir had fallen in and out of sleep while they were riding along. Watching the doctors and the nurse and watching Caden sleep, noticing how irritated he looked while asleep, not too surprising, considering his personality. Also with all the ranting the doctor was doing, it made everyone uneasy, although how him and the nurse was able to sleep still was baffling.

He made a small noise at the sound of another person, moving around slightly and sitting up, stretching and yawning. Perhaps they would set up camp to sleep in a not so crowded place. With people spouting nonsense. And so he could get away from Caden, and the only real reason for that was so he wouldn't get red faced and be teased again by him, too one sided with that. Points out everything to someone but refuses to take such comments back. Nudging Caden lightly and mumbling, "Wake up princess"

((Oh gosh it's no problem ;w;))

Kakir had fallen in and out of sleep while they were riding along. Watching the doctors and the nurse and watching Caden sleep, noticing how irritated he looked while asleep, not too surprising, considering his personality. Also with all the ranting the doctor was doing, it made everyone uneasy, although how him and the nurse was able to sleep still was baffling.

He made a small noise at the sound of another person, moving around slightly and sitting up, stretching and yawning. Perhaps they would set up camp to sleep in a not so crowded place. With people spouting nonsense. And so he could get away from Caden, and the only real reason for that was so he wouldn't get red faced and be teased again by him, too one sided with that. Points out everything to someone but refuses to take such comments back. Nudging Caden lightly and mumbling, "Wake up princess"

Feeling a nudge, his first reaction was to scrunch up a bit to avoid having to wake up from his, although uncomfortable, limited sleep. Having to face it though, his eyes opened up to stare tiredly at Kakir. He wasn't even fully processing that he had been called Princess.. he just wanted to sleep.

The other doctors impatiently filed out of the carriage, leaving just the nurse eagerly awaiting Caden to step out from the carriage; and when he did, he sleepily wobbled out and stood there drowsily.

" So now we can finally sleep in some tents. The guides are saying it's totally safe here. " she said with a pleasant smile as Caden just stoos there, one hand idly combing through his own hair to tame it a bit.

" Ah.. sounds good. " he replied with a yawn, turning to look at Kakir. " So I guess you're going to go sleep with some other patients. " Caden piped up, his hands resting behind his own back.

Feeling a nudge, his first reaction was to scrunch up a bit to avoid having to wake up from his, although uncomfortable, limited sleep. Having to face it though, his eyes opened up to stare tiredly at Kakir. He wasn't even fully processing that he had been called Princess.. he just wanted to sleep.

The other doctors impatiently filed out of the carriage, leaving just the nurse eagerly awaiting Caden to step out from the carriage; and when he did, he sleepily wobbled out and stood there drowsily.

" So now we can finally sleep in some tents. The guides are saying it's totally safe here. " she said with a pleasant smile as Caden just stoos there, one hand idly combing through his own hair to tame it a bit.

" Ah.. sounds good. " he replied with a yawn, turning to look at Kakir. " So I guess you're going to go sleep with some other patients. " Caden piped up, his hands resting behind his own back.

Kakir got out slowly and groaned a bit, making a small noise at the sound that he would have to sleep with other patients. Although he shouldn't be surprised, he was a patient, although the thought of being with all the people who were sick was not pleasant, and the idea of someone dying while he was there was also not the best thought.

"Wouldn't bit be rather crowded then? I mean we're carrying more sick the doctors." He stretched and grumbled, he had no right to argue but he would anyways, it would be weird sleeping there since the first night he slept in the room he had been operated in.

Kakir got out slowly and groaned a bit, making a small noise at the sound that he would have to sleep with other patients. Although he shouldn't be surprised, he was a patient, although the thought of being with all the people who were sick was not pleasant, and the idea of someone dying while he was there was also not the best thought.

"Wouldn't bit be rather crowded then? I mean we're carrying more sick the doctors." He stretched and grumbled, he had no right to argue but he would anyways, it would be weird sleeping there since the first night he slept in the room he had been operated in.

While the nurse was busy with making a disappointed face at having some time alone with Caden, though it made no difference to Caden, he tipped his head in thought.

" .. Never mind, " he spoke up and turned on his heels abruptly, leaving a crest fallen looking nurse in his wake as he instead began to lead Kakir by the hand away. " You'll stay with me and a few other doctors. If they complain, oh well. " he grumbled.

If he left Kakir with any of the other sick, he would probably contract some sort of disease in his stomach wound or infection, and he would end up losing his patient. His few successfully living patient. He would be seen as a failure!

" You can relax while I help set things up, " he said as he released his hold on Kakir's hand to instead trot his way over to a few others who were beginning to set up some camps.

While the nurse was busy with making a disappointed face at having some time alone with Caden, though it made no difference to Caden, he tipped his head in thought.

" .. Never mind, " he spoke up and turned on his heels abruptly, leaving a crest fallen looking nurse in his wake as he instead began to lead Kakir by the hand away. " You'll stay with me and a few other doctors. If they complain, oh well. " he grumbled.

If he left Kakir with any of the other sick, he would probably contract some sort of disease in his stomach wound or infection, and he would end up losing his patient. His few successfully living patient. He would be seen as a failure!

" You can relax while I help set things up, " he said as he released his hold on Kakir's hand to instead trot his way over to a few others who were beginning to set up some camps.
@ifawn ((When you say "Hey I'll respond to this after I do ___ and then forget oh no))

Kakir looked up a bit and smiled, nodding and watching him go, Holding onto his stomach a bit and watching them all set everything up. Getting up at one point and walking over, "Still nothing I could help with?" The faster they could get this done, the better. They also had to set up for all the other sick, and if he was good enough to walk he wanted to help at least a little bit.
@ifawn ((When you say "Hey I'll respond to this after I do ___ and then forget oh no))

Kakir looked up a bit and smiled, nodding and watching him go, Holding onto his stomach a bit and watching them all set everything up. Getting up at one point and walking over, "Still nothing I could help with?" The faster they could get this done, the better. They also had to set up for all the other sick, and if he was good enough to walk he wanted to help at least a little bit.

( Haha no prolblemo. uwu I actually did the same thing. Was busy getting all these Crossroads done and saw your ping, saying ' Oh I'll respond after this! '. That was yesterday. I got so distracted. ; a ; )

" I don't want you trying to help set anything up that will be strenuous to your stomach wound, " Caden hurriedly responded, turning on his heels to look at Kakir. If his stomach wound became even the slightest irritated, this wasn't a suitable place for him to try and patch it up.

He pondered a less physical thing that he could do.. and the only thing that came to mind was possibly either helping hand out small food rations or even just.. go around and communicate. " Well you can help hand some things out, " he replied and pointed a finger over at a few who were busy doing just that. " Or you can.. just go talk. Just not the guides, " he added and his eyes glanced around for them, but didn't spot them. They seemed like an.. odd bunch.

" Setting up this tent should be done shortly, so after you wander around you can come right back if you please, and sleep. " the tents themselves were rather big in stature, being able to house at least five people in each.. not without being the slightest bit cramped, of course. Hearing his name being called, Caden looked away from Kakir and back towards the tent, hurrying over to help the other men in the process of putting it up.

( Haha no prolblemo. uwu I actually did the same thing. Was busy getting all these Crossroads done and saw your ping, saying ' Oh I'll respond after this! '. That was yesterday. I got so distracted. ; a ; )

" I don't want you trying to help set anything up that will be strenuous to your stomach wound, " Caden hurriedly responded, turning on his heels to look at Kakir. If his stomach wound became even the slightest irritated, this wasn't a suitable place for him to try and patch it up.

He pondered a less physical thing that he could do.. and the only thing that came to mind was possibly either helping hand out small food rations or even just.. go around and communicate. " Well you can help hand some things out, " he replied and pointed a finger over at a few who were busy doing just that. " Or you can.. just go talk. Just not the guides, " he added and his eyes glanced around for them, but didn't spot them. They seemed like an.. odd bunch.

" Setting up this tent should be done shortly, so after you wander around you can come right back if you please, and sleep. " the tents themselves were rather big in stature, being able to house at least five people in each.. not without being the slightest bit cramped, of course. Hearing his name being called, Caden looked away from Kakir and back towards the tent, hurrying over to help the other men in the process of putting it up.