

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
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(@Sadrain, if you can find the post and link me to it (maybe you posted in a different thread by accident?), let me know. Otherwise: there are still four more days for participating! Boardwalk Bragging Domination may still be yours!)

(----caught up to here!---)
(@Sadrain, if you can find the post and link me to it (maybe you posted in a different thread by accident?), let me know. Otherwise: there are still four more days for participating! Boardwalk Bragging Domination may still be yours!)

(----caught up to here!---)

No, I PM'd it and it's not in my Outbox either, so, it must've timed out. I vaguely recall one of my windows did at the time and I couldn't understand for which PM it was.

No, I PM'd it and it's not in my Outbox either, so, it must've timed out. I vaguely recall one of my windows did at the time and I couldn't understand for which PM it was.
Iris: 1
Kari: 3
MuddyWater: 2
Iris: 1
Kari: 3
MuddyWater: 2

Iris: 1

Kari: 3

MuddyWater: 2

I keep thinking I'm playing two truths and a lie, ack!

Iris: 1

Kari: 3

MuddyWater: 2

I keep thinking I'm playing two truths and a lie, ack!
@Merellia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Illusion huffed at the veiled suggestion from Unda that she should find an easier "game." After all, hadn't she got all three right this time? A marked improvement from the day before.... The arrogant young Pearlcatcher flicked her head, dismissing the annoyance. She was on a roll, and it was time to continue the streak. She turned eagerly to the three dragons who had stepped up. Using her telepathy had worked the day before, so she had no compunctions with using it again. Concentrating on... [b]Iris[/b] She smiled in triumph. This one was easy! "You aren't fond of your job as priestess, and most of the Clan doesn't even know what the job entails, so I doubt the position is coveted in your Clan. And since the Clan doesn't know what the job is about, you can't really do many Rituals, can you?" Her smile got wider. [b][I]Answer 1: You collect brooches... or broaches.[/I][/b]. Either way, you collect them." Satisfied, and not even bothering to wait for a reply, Illusion turned to the next dragon... [b]Kari[/b] Almost immediately, she gritted her teeth. This one was harder..though not, she realized in relief, by much. It just took a bit more concentration, and some thinking, both of which she was good at. "You love to play games and have fun, and it seems that your Clan does not mind this, so I doubt that you're unlikable.". She smiled, her good humor restored, and sent a sly wink at him. "[I]I[/i] like you, anyway.". Shifting her pearl in her arms, she turned away from the flirtation--she was never very good at that kind of game for some reason, and she doubted he had even noticed--and continued, "It doesn't seem to me that you would make plans that fail, either. I imagine many of your planned endeavors are actually quite successful. So... [b][I]Answer 3: You have earned the respect of your peers."[/I][/b] Grinning in fierce delight, Illusion turned to the last dragon--and hit a solid wall. It wasn't so much that there wasn't any info to glean from the quiet Skydancer's mind. There was plenty to read there. The problem was the information itself....Illusion hissed in annoyance. [I]Two[/i] right answers? That couldn't be right..... angry at herself, and not relishing losing again, she pushed further...almost too far. There were limits to how far a mental dragon could penetrate another's mind without being detected--or causing damage. To the arrogant Pearlcatcher's credit, however, she was aware of this, and did not--quite--breech that barrier. Though she would likely get a stern talking to if her mother ever found out how close she had come.... At last Illusion caught something that seemed to provide an answer... though she would have protested the wording on this one, if she could. Gripping her pearl tightly, she turned to... [b]MuddyWater[/b] "You do not look like the type to spread disease, and I doubt that one who can see the future would have been caught in a situation that infected her, in any case.". She paused, considering. Was she certain about her answer? If she lost she would never live it down.... She growled again. Enough of this! She had an answer, and she would have to go with it. "You do look like the type to speak to your God... but I doubt you could do so in your own Clan territory. More likely you have to go somewhere else for that. On the other hand, gaining sight due to growing receptors to some kind of power seems like a reasonable assumption. So, I'm going to say [b][I]Answer 2: You gained your future sight after you grew horns, and matured into an adult.[/I][/b]" No all she had to do was hope that the definition of "matured into an adult" was what she thought it was... and that the thoughts MuddyWater had of the "deep parts of the ocean" did not actually refer to the Skydancer's lair. Illusion shifted her pearl again, hiding her nervousness as best she could. She really, [I]really[/i] hated to lose, and that final answer had been extremely tricky.... Sighing, she faced Unda. "Well, how many did I get right?"


Illusion huffed at the veiled suggestion from Unda that she should find an easier "game." After all, hadn't she got all three right this time? A marked improvement from the day before.... The arrogant young Pearlcatcher flicked her head, dismissing the annoyance. She was on a roll, and it was time to continue the streak. She turned eagerly to the three dragons who had stepped up. Using her telepathy had worked the day before, so she had no compunctions with using it again. Concentrating on...


She smiled in triumph. This one was easy! "You aren't fond of your job as priestess, and most of the Clan doesn't even know what the job entails, so I doubt the position is coveted in your Clan. And since the Clan doesn't know what the job is about, you can't really do many Rituals, can you?" Her smile got wider.

Answer 1: You collect brooches... or broaches.. Either way, you collect them."

Satisfied, and not even bothering to wait for a reply, Illusion turned to the next dragon...


Almost immediately, she gritted her teeth. This one was harder..though not, she realized in relief, by much. It just took a bit more concentration, and some thinking, both of which she was good at. "You love to play games and have fun, and it seems that your Clan does not mind this, so I doubt that you're unlikable.". She smiled, her good humor restored, and sent a sly wink at him. "I like you, anyway.". Shifting her pearl in her arms, she turned away from the flirtation--she was never very good at that kind of game for some reason, and she doubted he had even noticed--and continued, "It doesn't seem to me that you would make plans that fail, either. I imagine many of your planned endeavors are actually quite successful. So...

Answer 3: You have earned the respect of your peers."

Grinning in fierce delight, Illusion turned to the last dragon--and hit a solid wall. It wasn't so much that there wasn't any info to glean from the quiet Skydancer's mind. There was plenty to read there. The problem was the information itself....Illusion hissed in annoyance. Two right answers? That couldn't be right..... angry at herself, and not relishing losing again, she pushed further...almost too far. There were limits to how far a mental dragon could penetrate another's mind without being detected--or causing damage. To the arrogant Pearlcatcher's credit, however, she was aware of this, and did not--quite--breech that barrier. Though she would likely get a stern talking to if her mother ever found out how close she had come....

At last Illusion caught something that seemed to provide an answer... though she would have protested the wording on this one, if she could. Gripping her pearl tightly, she turned to...


"You do not look like the type to spread disease, and I doubt that one who can see the future would have been caught in a situation that infected her, in any case.". She paused, considering. Was she certain about her answer? If she lost she would never live it down.... She growled again. Enough of this! She had an answer, and she would have to go with it. "You do look like the type to speak to your God... but I doubt you could do so in your own Clan territory. More likely you have to go somewhere else for that. On the other hand, gaining sight due to growing receptors to some kind of power seems like a reasonable assumption. So, I'm going to say

Answer 2: You gained your future sight after you grew horns, and matured into an adult."

No all she had to do was hope that the definition of "matured into an adult" was what she thought it was... and that the thoughts MuddyWater had of the "deep parts of the ocean" did not actually refer to the Skydancer's lair.

Illusion shifted her pearl again, hiding her nervousness as best she could. She really, really hated to lose, and that final answer had been extremely tricky.... Sighing, she faced Unda. "Well, how many did I get right?"
No time for roleplay today :(
No time for roleplay today :(
@Merellia [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b]Pidge[/b][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b]Gwyn[/b][/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][b]Kiuru[/b][/center] [/columns] “Why does Skyfall have to be so pushy?” Pidge muttered, instinctively holding her breath as she ducked her head under the water before recalling that the combination of gear and magic would protect her from drowning. “It wasn’t as if there was something important was going on. Why did she have to limit our time yesterday? We barely had enough to duck in and duck out! She’s overbearing and short-tempered.” “Show a little respect!” Kiuru snapped in an even tone. “She was a queen before you were born. Though dragon is perfect, I’m sure she had her reasoning.” Pidge closed her mouth wisely as the irritated fae shifted around over Gwyn’s head, digging her diminutive claws into his scales ever so slightly. The spiral flinched, but said nothing. Her anger would pass, though it was a rare occasion as it was. Pidge drifted over to the posted answers from the previous day, sliding between an imposing snapper and a colorful wildclaw. “I was wrong about Charlie.” She muttered quietly. While being proven incorrect embarrassed her after her cockiness the previous day, it effectively knocked her pride down a notch. Kiuru turned her head away with a touch of smugness. She primly gestured for Pidge to go first. The tension between them waxed until at last Pidge stepped forward. She looked at first contestant, scrutinizing the three options. Then she raised her nose, sniffing at something her companions couldn’t smell. “The last time I ignored my nose, I got the answer wrong.” Then, to herself: “I knew I smelled earth and trees on that coatl. Why did I say wind? Ugh.” She turned to the imperial. “[b]You smell like metal. Precious metal. You collect brooches.[/b]” The imperial raised a front paw, shifting her weight back onto her haunches. She gaze down her nose at the diminutive tundra, as if to say, [i]how impertinent this young one is.[/i] Gwyn also raised an eyebrow ridge at Pidge’s curtness, but said nothing. Instead, he stretched his neck forward to look at the tundra who stood beside the imperial. “Hello there!” He greeted with a slight cock of the head, glancing thoughtfully between the tundra, who waved cheerfully, and the three choices. Gwyn chuckled a bit, readjusting his coils to slide closer to the dragon. “Well this is just going to be a guessing game I suppose. I can’t imagine you’d be unlikable, so that leaves two.” He thought a moment longer before responding. “[b]I think you’ve earned the respect of your peers. That’s option three.[/b]” The tundra smiled faintly, but otherwise made no suggestion as to whether or not Gwyn was correct. “Your turn, Kiuru.” The spiral said, turning to the fae floating a short distance away. Kiuru lashed her pale tail before drifting forward to look at the final contestant. Her liquid gold eyes moved over the strong skydancer female. “[b]I believe the forces of the Tidelord are strong in you. I choose option three as well.[/b]” The skydancer looked at her coolly, perhaps with a trace of surprise at how quickly Kiuru had guessed. However, within a moment the look was gone. “We’ll see if I’m right this time, unlike you.” Kiuru glanced pointedly at Pidge. “Oh, yes, I’m sure that a [i]light dragon[/i]”—those two words Pidge spat with particular scorn—“would have no problem at all being right. After all, you’re supposed to be analytical and logical and cold as a [i]salamander[/i]!” Pidge’s smooth voice rose, attracting the attention of several pearlcatchers nearby. They each raised an eyebrow at the tundra’s blatant insult toward their element of origin. Kiuru was not pleased either. “You’re one to talk!” Kiuru growled, her normally even tone deepening sharply. “[i]Ice dragon[/i].” “Ladies!” Gwyn interrupted, narrowing his blood-toned eyes at the pair. “You need to stop this fighting! It’s the Saturnalia, the time for celebration. A time to be fluid and even-tempered, like the tides.” Both female dragons took a deep breath, looking first away from, then toward the other. Pidge smiled after a hesitation, and Kiuru’s frills lifted in the fae approximation of the same expression. It was Kiuru who first broke the silence. “He’s right.” She admitted. “This is not the time or place for conflict. It is a festival, after all. A time for dragons of all elements to coexist.” Pidge nodded in agreement, murmuring a quiet apology, which Kiuru promptly returned. “I think we could learn a thing or two from the water dragons.” She admitted meekly. “I suppose we should come back tomorrow as well.”

“Why does Skyfall have to be so pushy?” Pidge muttered, instinctively holding her breath as she ducked her head under the water before recalling that the combination of gear and magic would protect her from drowning. “It wasn’t as if there was something important was going on. Why did she have to limit our time yesterday? We barely had enough to duck in and duck out! She’s overbearing and short-tempered.”

“Show a little respect!” Kiuru snapped in an even tone. “She was a queen before you were born. Though dragon is perfect, I’m sure she had her reasoning.” Pidge closed her mouth wisely as the irritated fae shifted around over Gwyn’s head, digging her diminutive claws into his scales ever so slightly. The spiral flinched, but said nothing. Her anger would pass, though it was a rare occasion as it was.

Pidge drifted over to the posted answers from the previous day, sliding between an imposing snapper and a colorful wildclaw. “I was wrong about Charlie.” She muttered quietly. While being proven incorrect embarrassed her after her cockiness the previous day, it effectively knocked her pride down a notch. Kiuru turned her head away with a touch of smugness. She primly gestured for Pidge to go first. The tension between them waxed until at last Pidge stepped forward.

She looked at first contestant, scrutinizing the three options. Then she raised her nose, sniffing at something her companions couldn’t smell. “The last time I ignored my nose, I got the answer wrong.” Then, to herself: “I knew I smelled earth and trees on that coatl. Why did I say wind? Ugh.” She turned to the imperial. “You smell like metal. Precious metal. You collect brooches.” The imperial raised a front paw, shifting her weight back onto her haunches. She gaze down her nose at the diminutive tundra, as if to say, how impertinent this young one is. Gwyn also raised an eyebrow ridge at Pidge’s curtness, but said nothing.

Instead, he stretched his neck forward to look at the tundra who stood beside the imperial. “Hello there!” He greeted with a slight **** of the head, glancing thoughtfully between the tundra, who waved cheerfully, and the three choices. Gwyn chuckled a bit, readjusting his coils to slide closer to the dragon. “Well this is just going to be a guessing game I suppose. I can’t imagine you’d be unlikable, so that leaves two.” He thought a moment longer before responding. “I think you’ve earned the respect of your peers. That’s option three.” The tundra smiled faintly, but otherwise made no suggestion as to whether or not Gwyn was correct. “Your turn, Kiuru.” The spiral said, turning to the fae floating a short distance away.

Kiuru lashed her pale tail before drifting forward to look at the final contestant. Her liquid gold eyes moved over the strong skydancer female. “I believe the forces of the Tidelord are strong in you. I choose option three as well.” The skydancer looked at her coolly, perhaps with a trace of surprise at how quickly Kiuru had guessed. However, within a moment the look was gone. “We’ll see if I’m right this time, unlike you.” Kiuru glanced pointedly at Pidge.

“Oh, yes, I’m sure that a light dragon”—those two words Pidge spat with particular scorn—“would have no problem at all being right. After all, you’re supposed to be analytical and logical and cold as a salamander!” Pidge’s smooth voice rose, attracting the attention of several pearlcatchers nearby. They each raised an eyebrow at the tundra’s blatant insult toward their element of origin. Kiuru was not pleased either.

“You’re one to talk!” Kiuru growled, her normally even tone deepening sharply. “Ice dragon.”

“Ladies!” Gwyn interrupted, narrowing his blood-toned eyes at the pair. “You need to stop this fighting! It’s the Saturnalia, the time for celebration. A time to be fluid and even-tempered, like the tides.” Both female dragons took a deep breath, looking first away from, then toward the other. Pidge smiled after a hesitation, and Kiuru’s frills lifted in the fae approximation of the same expression. It was Kiuru who first broke the silence.

“He’s right.” She admitted. “This is not the time or place for conflict. It is a festival, after all. A time for dragons of all elements to coexist.” Pidge nodded in agreement, murmuring a quiet apology, which Kiuru promptly returned. “I think we could learn a thing or two from the water dragons.” She admitted meekly. “I suppose we should come back tomorrow as well.”

Eidothea does not announce her presence this time, content to watch the other dragons come and go. She finds lounging in the warm sand and under the hot sun nicely relaxing. She feels no sense of urgency--her mother is watching from another stand, and she has No Where to be today and Nothing to do. So she was going to enjoy the parade of interesting looking dragons and the lazy pleasure of sunlight and sand and the sound of seagulls. She also observes the game-dragons, and is happy and confident in what she Knows.

Durring a lull in the chatter around her she raises her young voice, trying to get Unda's attention even as her her tail begins to lash excitedly against the ground. 'Unda! I have guesses! I Know things, I think! Iris collects brooches (1), Kari is well liked by his clan (3), and Muddy Water didn't spread the disease, she predicted it after she grew up and she got horns (2)!'

Extremely pleased with herself, she lays her head back on the sand and continues to listen to the passing dragons try to figure out the answers. A slow smile spreads across her maw--she'd gotten it. She was sure.


Eidothea does not announce her presence this time, content to watch the other dragons come and go. She finds lounging in the warm sand and under the hot sun nicely relaxing. She feels no sense of urgency--her mother is watching from another stand, and she has No Where to be today and Nothing to do. So she was going to enjoy the parade of interesting looking dragons and the lazy pleasure of sunlight and sand and the sound of seagulls. She also observes the game-dragons, and is happy and confident in what she Knows.

Durring a lull in the chatter around her she raises her young voice, trying to get Unda's attention even as her her tail begins to lash excitedly against the ground. 'Unda! I have guesses! I Know things, I think! Iris collects brooches (1), Kari is well liked by his clan (3), and Muddy Water didn't spread the disease, she predicted it after she grew up and she got horns (2)!'

Extremely pleased with herself, she lays her head back on the sand and continues to listen to the passing dragons try to figure out the answers. A slow smile spreads across her maw--she'd gotten it. She was sure.

@Merellia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cellie fluttered around in circles, excited for today's guesses. When the next three dragons stepped forward Cellie immediately buzzed over to the first dragon, and imperial named Iris. She listened patiently as the dragon spoke. Her eyes grew wide as she thought. Then a wide smile spread across her face and she tilted her head to the side slightly. "The [i]job of a priestess seems like it would be a coveted position[/i], and you definitely seem like a priestess to me," she chimed, with a little flicker of her wings. The little fae turned next to a tundra male, sitting near, wearing a flowing cape. He was called Kari. She pattered over to him, looking up into his kind eyes as he told her the list. "You seem to be one who would [i]easily earn the respect of your peers[/i]," she guessed, smiling. And at last, Cellie turned to the last dragon, taken aback by her grim appearance. But she listened as Muddywater told her two lies and a truth. Cellie went into deep thought, her eyes narrowed. Finally, she stood a bit taller, staring right into the dragons eyes. "You [i]gained the ability to tell the future when you grew your horns[/i], didn't you?" she questioned, a smile spreading across her face as she spoke.


Cellie fluttered around in circles, excited for today's guesses. When the next three dragons stepped forward Cellie immediately buzzed over to the first dragon, and imperial named Iris. She listened patiently as the dragon spoke. Her eyes grew wide as she thought. Then a wide smile spread across her face and she tilted her head to the side slightly. "The job of a priestess seems like it would be a coveted position, and you definitely seem like a priestess to me," she chimed, with a little flicker of her wings.

The little fae turned next to a tundra male, sitting near, wearing a flowing cape. He was called Kari. She pattered over to him, looking up into his kind eyes as he told her the list. "You seem to be one who would easily earn the respect of your peers," she guessed, smiling.

And at last, Cellie turned to the last dragon, taken aback by her grim appearance. But she listened as Muddywater told her two lies and a truth. Cellie went into deep thought, her eyes narrowed. Finally, she stood a bit taller, staring right into the dragons eyes. "You gained the ability to tell the future when you grew your horns, didn't you?" she questioned, a smile spreading across her face as she spoke.
@Merellia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Three out of three! Now that's more like it! [/i]Fizz thinks to herself as she shoots a triumphant look in Unda's direction. But now wasn't the time to get too cocky as there was still more than half a week left to go in the festival! She peered up at [b]Isis[/b], grumbling a bit at the three statements as once again most had to do more with things she couldn't discern without knowing more about the clan the Imperial came from. The second statement was about the clan specifically more than the dragon herself though, so it was probably a good one to throw out. Though....Isis didn't seem to be nearly as preistessy as Fizz had expected a more religious dragon to be, so perhaps her clan was more laid back about suck matters like Fizz's was? That just left the brooch option. [b]((1))[/b] Next up was [b]Kari[/b] and Fizz's brow furrowed a bit. With all the dragons coming and going she had gotten to know quite a bit about the different breeds, except for Tundra's. Her clan's lone representative was an overly hepful fluff ball by the name of Arthur who worked with her father. He'd had a few kids but they never stuck around long enough for Fizz to get to know them very well (though that was also partialy due to her ignoring them as she couldn't imagine what mini-versions of him were like). Kari seemed to give off a much more likeable air though, and Fizz had a hunch she would probably get along better with him than Arthur. He was smiling and appeared easygoing, so she could hardly imagine the first statement to be true. She was torn between the next two, but in the end decided that if he had plans that never suceeded, he definately wouldn't appear the way she saw him now.[b] ((3))[/b] She raised a brow at her last challenge. "[b]MuddyWater[/b]? Well you're certainly accurately named," she drawled as she took in the rather muddled looking plumage of the smaller Skydancer. She tried to peer through the birdskull sockets, and while she couldn't quite make out what color they were, they definately didn't appear to be the red she'd been looking for. "Not plague, so I have my doubts about your first statement." Her closeup look also allowed her to see that the horns were natural, so at least half of the second statement was true. And...the Tidelord wasn't know much for his conversational skills, was he? [b]((2))[/b]


Three out of three! Now that's more like it! Fizz thinks to herself as she shoots a triumphant look in Unda's direction. But now wasn't the time to get too cocky as there was still more than half a week left to go in the festival!

She peered up at Isis, grumbling a bit at the three statements as once again most had to do more with things she couldn't discern without knowing more about the clan the Imperial came from. The second statement was about the clan specifically more than the dragon herself though, so it was probably a good one to throw out.

Though....Isis didn't seem to be nearly as preistessy as Fizz had expected a more religious dragon to be, so perhaps her clan was more laid back about suck matters like Fizz's was? That just left the brooch option. ((1))

Next up was Kari and Fizz's brow furrowed a bit. With all the dragons coming and going she had gotten to know quite a bit about the different breeds, except for Tundra's. Her clan's lone representative was an overly hepful fluff ball by the name of Arthur who worked with her father. He'd had a few kids but they never stuck around long enough for Fizz to get to know them very well (though that was also partialy due to her ignoring them as she couldn't imagine what mini-versions of him were like).

Kari seemed to give off a much more likeable air though, and Fizz had a hunch she would probably get along better with him than Arthur. He was smiling and appeared easygoing, so she could hardly imagine the first statement to be true. She was torn between the next two, but in the end decided that if he had plans that never suceeded, he definately wouldn't appear the way she saw him now. ((3))

She raised a brow at her last challenge. "MuddyWater? Well you're certainly accurately named," she drawled as she took in the rather muddled looking plumage of the smaller Skydancer. She tried to peer through the birdskull sockets, and while she couldn't quite make out what color they were, they definately didn't appear to be the red she'd been looking for. "Not plague, so I have my doubts about your first statement."

Her closeup look also allowed her to see that the horns were natural, so at least half of the second statement was true. And...the Tidelord wasn't know much for his conversational skills, was he? ((2))
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