

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Corrupted [accepting apps]
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It would be best to ask Rhy or Loq(do you need their full names?) As they are admin and co-admin respectively. I CAN give you a plot sum up and if you have questions I can try and answer them.

So this is the main plot.

Storyline 1: The Augur Civil War - 1030 years before storyline 3. War lasts 1000 years.
Welcome to a time before the Reign of Rage, before the dragons of the Augur started to shape their own future. This is a time when the Augur was lead by the Empress Vanity, and her gluttonous kin, when the nobles and royalty fed off the suffering of all others, and when thousands of hatchlings died of starvation. And yet there is a small bit of hope in the eyes of the people, as one of the Royals stands to fight her own kin for the sake of the people. Help shape the future of the Augur people and make the world understand that there is Beautiy in all things, Even destruction.

Basically French Revolution with dragons. Very rich very corrupt queen, starving peasants, revolution. We are ALL current;ly part of Augur.
Cotals are Royalty
Skydancers are Nobles
Pearl Catchers are Merchants.

Fae cannot exists due to trees.(we are in a cave labyrinth under ground wood is uncommon, but you can ask Rhy if you really want a Fae)

Tundra's are farmers.

Everyone else is a prisoner of war or a slave. If you are a prisoner of war within two years so you grand parents where prisoners but you are not, then you can be a merchant.'

Here is a page of things you should get acquainted with just to understand pen and paper. Pathfinder which is the game mechanics we are running is like a gentle DnD. We do have states but we are also rping like you expected. ^_^

It would be best to ask Rhy or Loq(do you need their full names?) As they are admin and co-admin respectively. I CAN give you a plot sum up and if you have questions I can try and answer them.

So this is the main plot.

Storyline 1: The Augur Civil War - 1030 years before storyline 3. War lasts 1000 years.
Welcome to a time before the Reign of Rage, before the dragons of the Augur started to shape their own future. This is a time when the Augur was lead by the Empress Vanity, and her gluttonous kin, when the nobles and royalty fed off the suffering of all others, and when thousands of hatchlings died of starvation. And yet there is a small bit of hope in the eyes of the people, as one of the Royals stands to fight her own kin for the sake of the people. Help shape the future of the Augur people and make the world understand that there is Beautiy in all things, Even destruction.

Basically French Revolution with dragons. Very rich very corrupt queen, starving peasants, revolution. We are ALL current;ly part of Augur.
Cotals are Royalty
Skydancers are Nobles
Pearl Catchers are Merchants.

Fae cannot exists due to trees.(we are in a cave labyrinth under ground wood is uncommon, but you can ask Rhy if you really want a Fae)

Tundra's are farmers.

Everyone else is a prisoner of war or a slave. If you are a prisoner of war within two years so you grand parents where prisoners but you are not, then you can be a merchant.'

Here is a page of things you should get acquainted with just to understand pen and paper. Pathfinder which is the game mechanics we are running is like a gentle DnD. We do have states but we are also rping like you expected. ^_^
@Ragnaroc Thank you so much! This helped me a lot. And as you suggested I already sent a PM to Rhy asking for help and we will make my character on thursday!
@Ragnaroc Thank you so much! This helped me a lot. And as you suggested I already sent a PM to Rhy asking for help and we will make my character on thursday!

Cool! When on Thursday? I may actually be around for that!

Cool! When on Thursday? I may actually be around for that!

I don't know yet but as soon as I find out I'll tell you!

I don't know yet but as soon as I find out I'll tell you!

Okay, I'm on mibbit not if you want to come chat? I'd love to know more about your character and Loq is there if you have questions. ^o^ How are you today?

The room is #scalesrp

Okay, I'm on mibbit not if you want to come chat? I'd love to know more about your character and Loq is there if you have questions. ^o^ How are you today?

The room is #scalesrp
@Theif6 @Loquaciousky @Amariex @Nyctea @Ayle @Screaming @Ragnaroc @shoryuken @Katia @Zephriam @Science @Rinjichan13 @Casiope

I'm creating a FAQ because the chat gets kinda cluttered with repeat questions. Will everyone send me the questions they have or had on Saturday, and I'll add them in?
@Theif6 @Loquaciousky @Amariex @Nyctea @Ayle @Screaming @Ragnaroc @shoryuken @Katia @Zephriam @Science @Rinjichan13 @Casiope

I'm creating a FAQ because the chat gets kinda cluttered with repeat questions. Will everyone send me the questions they have or had on Saturday, and I'll add them in?
@Theif6 @Loquaciousky @Amariex @Nyctea @Ayle @Screaming @Ragnaroc @shoryuken @Katia @Zephriam @Science @Casiope

Hey i just came to say i will miss the next Event on Saturday because i got a family obligation. It was decided months before i joined scales, so i can't really change it or anything.

So Akemi will probably be NPC threw the whole session, but i might be able to come at like the very end or last hour. So sorry guys, i'll try to get on.
@Theif6 @Loquaciousky @Amariex @Nyctea @Ayle @Screaming @Ragnaroc @shoryuken @Katia @Zephriam @Science @Casiope

Hey i just came to say i will miss the next Event on Saturday because i got a family obligation. It was decided months before i joined scales, so i can't really change it or anything.

So Akemi will probably be NPC threw the whole session, but i might be able to come at like the very end or last hour. So sorry guys, i'll try to get on.
iceanim_by_javen-d6bl00w.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif icewardensmall_zps5fe23c8a.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png
@Rinjichan13 The sassmeister will be missed, as will you <3 Have fun at your family event (or... I dunno, don't die if it's a thing you're not going to/supposed to have fun at). @Science, off the top of my head, things I've seen repeated or are generally confusing-- [b]Where can I find [X] skill/stat/modifier?[/b] Get to know your [url=]character sheet[/url]. Most modifiers can be found under the "Skills, Stats, and Weapons" tab. [b]How does attacking work?[/b] There are two rolls to attack. The first, your "attack" or "to-hit" roll, is calculated differently depending on whether you're using a melee or ranged weapon. Both start with 1d20 + your Base Attack Bonus (BAB), which can be found halfway down the far left column of your character sheet's "Skills, Stats, and Weapons" tab. ----MELEE weapons (swords, clubs, brass knuckles-- things you need to be right next to your enemy to hit them with) add your Strength modifier to the roll. This is in the top left corner of the Stats tab, under the "Ability Modifiers" column. ----RANGED weapons (bows, slings, shuriken-- things you can hit your opponent with from a distance) add your Dexterity modifier to the roll instead of Strength. SO your final formula for each would be: MELEE: 1d20 + BAB + STR mod RANGED: 1d20 + BAB + DEX mod Once you make your attack roll, Rhy will tell you whether or not you hit your target! If no, you're out of luck-- gotta wait 'til your next turn to attack again. If you [i]did[/i] hit, though, you're onto your damage roll! This is a [i]lot[/i] simpler than your attack roll. Your weapon has a "damage die" marked down in its description on your character sheet; simply roll whatever die/dice it tells you to! If you're attacking with a melee weapon, once again, add your Strength modifier to the roll. [b]How does defending work?[/b] For better or worse, Pathfinder doesn't allow for a lot of active defense. An opponent only needs to beat your Armor Class (AC) with their attack roll to score a hit on you! (On the flip side, enemies can't actively defend against your attacks, either.) Your Armor Class is just below your stats and ability modifiers. [b]Is it my turn yet?[/b] Turn order only matters during combat! When combat begins, Rhy will have each player roll initiative; after that, we'll all be able to see the turn order in the Roll20. [b]When should I roll [X skill]?[/b] Whenever the DM-- that is, Rhy-- says "everyone roll..." or "[your name/character's name], please roll..." If you think a skill would be useful-- say, Perception to listen at a doorway, or Sense Motive if you think someone's lying to you-- ask in the mibbit channel! [b]What does [X abbreviation] mean?[/b] Pathfinder likes [i]looooong[/i] names for everything, so shorthand is useful. [list][*][b]GM/DM:[/b] "Game Master"/"Dungeon Master"-- the person in charge of the campaign, making sure the plot works and everyone's character is useful, interested, and capable of handling the challenges thrown at them. [*][b]PC:[/b] Player Character-- the ones played by us living, breathing humans! As opposed to... [*][b]NPC:[/b] Non-Player Character-- a character played by the DM, usually not a party member. Shopkeepers, villains, quest-givers... Usually, you won't know anything about an NPC's stats or skills unless they use them in front of you. [*][b]Mod:[/b] Modifier-- a number you add to a roll. Usually used with some qualifier in front of it ("strength mod", "initiative mod", "size mod", etc).[/list] [b]How does [X part of the system] work?[/b] Try googling "pathfinder [X part of system]" (say, "pathfinder combat"), or searching through the [url=]Pathfinder SRD[/url]. If you can't find what you're looking for, come ask me, Rhy, or one of the other experienced players! We've only really had three sessions, we haven't really had a lot of repeat questions that I've noticed (besides "wait, what just happened?").
The sassmeister will be missed, as will you <3 Have fun at your family event (or... I dunno, don't die if it's a thing you're not going to/supposed to have fun at).

@Science, off the top of my head, things I've seen repeated or are generally confusing--

Where can I find [X] skill/stat/modifier?
Get to know your character sheet. Most modifiers can be found under the "Skills, Stats, and Weapons" tab.

How does attacking work?
There are two rolls to attack. The first, your "attack" or "to-hit" roll, is calculated differently depending on whether you're using a melee or ranged weapon. Both start with 1d20 + your Base Attack Bonus (BAB), which can be found halfway down the far left column of your character sheet's "Skills, Stats, and Weapons" tab.
----MELEE weapons (swords, clubs, brass knuckles-- things you need to be right next to your enemy to hit them with) add your Strength modifier to the roll. This is in the top left corner of the Stats tab, under the "Ability Modifiers" column.
----RANGED weapons (bows, slings, shuriken-- things you can hit your opponent with from a distance) add your Dexterity modifier to the roll instead of Strength.
SO your final formula for each would be:
MELEE: 1d20 + BAB + STR mod
RANGED: 1d20 + BAB + DEX mod

Once you make your attack roll, Rhy will tell you whether or not you hit your target! If no, you're out of luck-- gotta wait 'til your next turn to attack again. If you did hit, though, you're onto your damage roll!
This is a lot simpler than your attack roll. Your weapon has a "damage die" marked down in its description on your character sheet; simply roll whatever die/dice it tells you to! If you're attacking with a melee weapon, once again, add your Strength modifier to the roll.

How does defending work?
For better or worse, Pathfinder doesn't allow for a lot of active defense. An opponent only needs to beat your Armor Class (AC) with their attack roll to score a hit on you! (On the flip side, enemies can't actively defend against your attacks, either.) Your Armor Class is just below your stats and ability modifiers.

Is it my turn yet?
Turn order only matters during combat! When combat begins, Rhy will have each player roll initiative; after that, we'll all be able to see the turn order in the Roll20.

When should I roll [X skill]?
Whenever the DM-- that is, Rhy-- says "everyone roll..." or "[your name/character's name], please roll..."
If you think a skill would be useful-- say, Perception to listen at a doorway, or Sense Motive if you think someone's lying to you-- ask in the mibbit channel!

What does [X abbreviation] mean?
Pathfinder likes looooong names for everything, so shorthand is useful.
  • GM/DM: "Game Master"/"Dungeon Master"-- the person in charge of the campaign, making sure the plot works and everyone's character is useful, interested, and capable of handling the challenges thrown at them.
  • PC: Player Character-- the ones played by us living, breathing humans! As opposed to...
  • NPC: Non-Player Character-- a character played by the DM, usually not a party member. Shopkeepers, villains, quest-givers... Usually, you won't know anything about an NPC's stats or skills unless they use them in front of you.
  • Mod: Modifier-- a number you add to a roll. Usually used with some qualifier in front of it ("strength mod", "initiative mod", "size mod", etc).

How does [X part of the system] work?
Try googling "pathfinder [X part of system]" (say, "pathfinder combat"), or searching through the Pathfinder SRD. If you can't find what you're looking for, come ask me, Rhy, or one of the other experienced players!

We've only really had three sessions, we haven't really had a lot of repeat questions that I've noticed (besides "wait, what just happened?").
T3mCp93.png tumblr | FR time +3 | they/them

Well at least Akemi will be missed. Btw, the party is a good think. XD

It's a going away party for me going, to college and family going to be there. I'll certainly have fun meeting some family members I haven't seen in a while. The is only one person I don't want to come, but even if he does I'll be respectful. And thank you! I will try!

Maybe I will see you guys late in the session.

Well at least Akemi will be missed. Btw, the party is a good think. XD

It's a going away party for me going, to college and family going to be there. I'll certainly have fun meeting some family members I haven't seen in a while. The is only one person I don't want to come, but even if he does I'll be respectful. And thank you! I will try!

Maybe I will see you guys late in the session.
iceanim_by_javen-d6bl00w.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif icewardensmall_zps5fe23c8a.png snowclear_zpstpw7rwqt.gif snowflakesmaller_zps76ff7814.png
Aaaaah have fun then! :3 And good luck at college, when that happens eventually!
Aaaaah have fun then! :3 And good luck at college, when that happens eventually!
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