

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Deepheart
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[quote][center][img][/img][/center] Lucifer had listened quietly to the others' conversation, not having much to add. The topic was more of one between the High Empresses, which Lucifer was clearly not among their ranks. He did find the idea of cross-clan training between heirs quite interesting, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Reeperbahn was an excellent trainer, that was for sure, so Rage's heir would be in good hands. The Ridgeback notices that the private meeting is now closing, and he rises alongside Cringe. He offers a respectful bow, nodding to both Rage and Xerenoth. Lucifer waits for Cringe's next move before taking his own.[/quote] @nihill @Rhyvendra @WildDragonFlying @Coax Argh, too lazy to do colors right now.

Lucifer had listened quietly to the others' conversation, not having much to add. The topic was more of one between the High Empresses, which Lucifer was clearly not among their ranks. He did find the idea of cross-clan training between heirs quite interesting, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Reeperbahn was an excellent trainer, that was for sure, so Rage's heir would be in good hands.

The Ridgeback notices that the private meeting is now closing, and he rises alongside Cringe. He offers a respectful bow, nodding to both Rage and Xerenoth. Lucifer waits for Cringe's next move before taking his own.

@nihill @Rhyvendra @WildDragonFlying @Coax

Argh, too lazy to do colors right now.
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
((Saved post for Rage and Xere agreeing to Cringe, and on Rage making small hints about the future, possibly including little baby Half Vars running around mwahahahahahahahaha ((Bad Rage! Bad girl! Dont you dare think that!))
((Saved post for Rage and Xere agreeing to Cringe, and on Rage making small hints about the future, possibly including little baby Half Vars running around mwahahahahahahahaha ((Bad Rage! Bad girl! Dont you dare think that!))
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]After parting pleasantries, Cringe watches the pair of Coatls leave the room - as the door opens, a squeak so high-pitched that it's barely audible comes back into the room; a notice from the door-guarding Bat that all is clear - before turning back to Lucifer. The sound of the door closing allows a certain tension to leave Cringe's spine and, freed from the dictates of decorum, she shakes her shoulders and lets her tail lash back and forth a few times freely. [b]"I swear! I will never get used to having to bow and compliment dragons that would rather throw me into the deepest oubliette in the Six Spear tunnel than obey my orders."[/b] Presumably, she isn't talking about Rage and Xerenoth specifically, but there is no denying that the council meeting was grueling on more levels than a few. [b]"Sit, Lucifer; I'll have the thralls bring in some wine and a repast before our senior warriors show up."[/b] And she does just that, going to a door that leads to a side-chamber and informing the waiting hominid there of her orders. Then she paces back to her couch and settles onto it. [b]"It appears we'll have our claws full for some time. All these preparations and clever ideas of the High Empress are well and good, I suppose, but I'd be very pleased if we could know for certain what we're fighting against. It seems so very unlikely that the rogues would be planning a war; it goes against everything we've ever seen of their modes of operation."[/b] The wine arrives in short order, along with a couple gilded platters of dainty (by dragon standards) nibbles. Cringe watches the kitchen thralls who deliver the food, as they take each a sip of wine from the decanter, and a bite or two of each of the offered snacks, to test for poisons. This is a routine she has never paid much attention to, but it seems now is the time to start noticing. Once it's clear that none of the thralls will keel over, Cringe waves them out imperiously, and they exit the room just as the doors are pulled open for Reeperbahn and Nephthys, accompanied by a Mirror that Cringe recognizes somewhat. [b]"Our brave warriors arrive."[/b] There is a little wry quality to Cringe's voice; mocking, but not malicious. [b]"Come in, sit down, have a tidbit. We have much to discuss."[/b][/quote] [quote="Reeperbahn"][i]"What do you think Cringe will need us for?... I feel we will be in for a change, in the way the clan will be ruled."[/i] [color=indigo]Reeperbahn can only shake his head lightly in response to Nephthys' question, because there are any number of possible reasons for Cringe to call on them. [b]"It does sound that way. All that High Warlord stuff...? At least, we can hope that it means we'll soon be taking action against the egg-stealers."[/b] The trek from his quarters to the council rooms isn't a long one; as a dragon within the ruling family (indeed, the only widely-recognized possible heir to the current ruler of Var), Reeperbahn is naturally given a place near the top of the Rock. Reaching the large double-doors of the main council chamber, Reeperbahn nods brusquely to the doorwarden thrall, who nods in return and opens the door, letting Reeperbahn, Nephthys, and Moonshadow into the room. Cringe's greeting makes Reeper twist his head to the side; his mother rarely indulges in sarcasm or anything like it, except from pique. The meeting apparently did not go well. But the warrior continues on to the back of the room, where Cringe is seated with one of her councilors, Lucifer. As he approaches, it's almost as if he can feel himself shrinking; a particularly undersized Wildclaw, Reeperbahn never seems to notice his small stature so much as when he's around his expectant and demanding mother. The fact that Lucifer towers over every other dragon present does not help, either. Coming to a halt in front of the cluster of seating at the back of the room, Reeperbahn gives a noticeably stiff bow to each Lucifer and Cringe. [b]"Lord Lucifer; Cringe. Or should I say [i]High Warlord of All the Underworld[/i]?"[/b] Reeperbahn does not await an answer, instead turning to the side and indicating his companions. [b]"Nephthys and I were together with some other warriors when your message came; this messenger, Moonshadow, was telling us of a cave she recently discovered while hunting. It appears to have great potential if only we can secure it - but I'll let her explain it to you."[/b] Giving the Mirror an encouraging glance, Reeper motions subtly with the tip of his nose for her to step forward.[/quote] @Maus @SpectrileBanner @FallowFreckles @Rhyvendra
Cringe wrote:
After parting pleasantries, Cringe watches the pair of Coatls leave the room - as the door opens, a squeak so high-pitched that it's barely audible comes back into the room; a notice from the door-guarding Bat that all is clear - before turning back to Lucifer. The sound of the door closing allows a certain tension to leave Cringe's spine and, freed from the dictates of decorum, she shakes her shoulders and lets her tail lash back and forth a few times freely. "I swear! I will never get used to having to bow and compliment dragons that would rather throw me into the deepest oubliette in the Six Spear tunnel than obey my orders." Presumably, she isn't talking about Rage and Xerenoth specifically, but there is no denying that the council meeting was grueling on more levels than a few.

"Sit, Lucifer; I'll have the thralls bring in some wine and a repast before our senior warriors show up." And she does just that, going to a door that leads to a side-chamber and informing the waiting hominid there of her orders. Then she paces back to her couch and settles onto it. "It appears we'll have our claws full for some time. All these preparations and clever ideas of the High Empress are well and good, I suppose, but I'd be very pleased if we could know for certain what we're fighting against. It seems so very unlikely that the rogues would be planning a war; it goes against everything we've ever seen of their modes of operation."

The wine arrives in short order, along with a couple gilded platters of dainty (by dragon standards) nibbles. Cringe watches the kitchen thralls who deliver the food, as they take each a sip of wine from the decanter, and a bite or two of each of the offered snacks, to test for poisons. This is a routine she has never paid much attention to, but it seems now is the time to start noticing. Once it's clear that none of the thralls will keel over, Cringe waves them out imperiously, and they exit the room just as the doors are pulled open for Reeperbahn and Nephthys, accompanied by a Mirror that Cringe recognizes somewhat. "Our brave warriors arrive." There is a little wry quality to Cringe's voice; mocking, but not malicious. "Come in, sit down, have a tidbit. We have much to discuss."
Reeperbahn wrote:
"What do you think Cringe will need us for?... I feel we will be in for a change, in the way the clan will be ruled."

Reeperbahn can only shake his head lightly in response to Nephthys' question, because there are any number of possible reasons for Cringe to call on them. "It does sound that way. All that High Warlord stuff...? At least, we can hope that it means we'll soon be taking action against the egg-stealers."

The trek from his quarters to the council rooms isn't a long one; as a dragon within the ruling family (indeed, the only widely-recognized possible heir to the current ruler of Var), Reeperbahn is naturally given a place near the top of the Rock. Reaching the large double-doors of the main council chamber, Reeperbahn nods brusquely to the doorwarden thrall, who nods in return and opens the door, letting Reeperbahn, Nephthys, and Moonshadow into the room.

Cringe's greeting makes Reeper twist his head to the side; his mother rarely indulges in sarcasm or anything like it, except from pique. The meeting apparently did not go well. But the warrior continues on to the back of the room, where Cringe is seated with one of her councilors, Lucifer. As he approaches, it's almost as if he can feel himself shrinking; a particularly undersized Wildclaw, Reeperbahn never seems to notice his small stature so much as when he's around his expectant and demanding mother. The fact that Lucifer towers over every other dragon present does not help, either.

Coming to a halt in front of the cluster of seating at the back of the room, Reeperbahn gives a noticeably stiff bow to each Lucifer and Cringe. "Lord Lucifer; Cringe. Or should I say High Warlord of All the Underworld?"

Reeperbahn does not await an answer, instead turning to the side and indicating his companions. "Nephthys and I were together with some other warriors when your message came; this messenger, Moonshadow, was telling us of a cave she recently discovered while hunting. It appears to have great potential if only we can secure it - but I'll let her explain it to you." Giving the Mirror an encouraging glance, Reeper motions subtly with the tip of his nose for her to step forward.
@Maus @SpectrileBanner @FallowFreckles @Rhyvendra
[quote][center][img][/img][/center] Taking a sip of the sweet wine laid out for them, Lucifer nods in agreement with Cringe. [b]"I understand your stance on the matter. They do seem to look down on us as if we were rogues ourselves,"[/b] he sneers, though at Cringe. He had a very low tolerance for much of Clan Augur, but during the meetings, he was forced to put his personal stance aside. Entering the room were two of the warriors Cringe had described. Reeperbahn and Nephthys. He had forgotten just how small Reeperbahn was, but decided to not comment on the difference. Listening to Reeper's words, he nodded. The Mirror was even smaller, at least in terms of height. He looked down at her, and he was well aware that he may seem intimidating. [b]"Go on then,"[/b] he said to the Mirror, [b]"Tell us everything you have learned about this cave."[/b][/quote] @nihill @SpectrileBanner @FallowFreckles @Rhyvendra

Taking a sip of the sweet wine laid out for them, Lucifer nods in agreement with Cringe. "I understand your stance on the matter. They do seem to look down on us as if we were rogues ourselves," he sneers, though at Cringe. He had a very low tolerance for much of Clan Augur, but during the meetings, he was forced to put his personal stance aside.

Entering the room were two of the warriors Cringe had described. Reeperbahn and Nephthys. He had forgotten just how small Reeperbahn was, but decided to not comment on the difference. Listening to Reeper's words, he nodded. The Mirror was even smaller, at least in terms of height. He looked down at her, and he was well aware that he may seem intimidating. "Go on then," he said to the Mirror, "Tell us everything you have learned about this cave."

@nihill @SpectrileBanner @FallowFreckles @Rhyvendra
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
Nephthys wrote:
Nephthys looked back at Reeperbahn, his response was as much a speculation as hers. "Agreed." She said flatly, not wanting to encourage anything, preparing herself for the meeting to be held.

As they walked the remaining distance towards the main chamber, Nephthys felt eyes tracking her movement. She looked around, her eyes narrowing at the shadows around the room. All was still, in that brief moment, 'What is going on here?' Exclaiming in her mind. She whipped her tail again, another disturbance in her demeanor. Her Toridae jumped back in surprise, its little tail whipping like Nephthys.

As they approached the doors, the thralls only nodded in acknowledgement. Nephthys watched as several council members left in a hurry, their retreating forms were gone, in the midst of the hallway. Nephthys tried to ignore the nagging feeling, that her thoughts were plaguing her with. 'Stay alert... Find out what is happening...Listen...' She shook her head, her mind muddled, fighting against her more warrior side of herself.

As they walked through the door, Cringe had greeted them, in a tone uncommon for someone of her stature. 'What went wrong?' So many questions went through her mind, like a bird trapped in wire. Nephthys noticed Lucifer was also in the room, another loyal to the clan. Gathering her composure, she bowed as gracefully as she could muster, her neck bending and muzzle touching the ground. The Toridae did the same, its tail lowering over its head.

"Greetings. Lord Lucifer and Cringe." She nodded her head to each one. "What is the reason as to why we were sent here?" She said to them both.

((I guessing this hasn't been a whole day, so Breksta is going to not be in the RP for a little bit... just in case you were wondering :D))
((Sorry Fallow, was typing this before I noticed the reply towards you.))
@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax @amariex @FallowFreckles
Nephthys wrote:
Nephthys looked back at Reeperbahn, his response was as much a speculation as hers. "Agreed." She said flatly, not wanting to encourage anything, preparing herself for the meeting to be held.

As they walked the remaining distance towards the main chamber, Nephthys felt eyes tracking her movement. She looked around, her eyes narrowing at the shadows around the room. All was still, in that brief moment, 'What is going on here?' Exclaiming in her mind. She whipped her tail again, another disturbance in her demeanor. Her Toridae jumped back in surprise, its little tail whipping like Nephthys.

As they approached the doors, the thralls only nodded in acknowledgement. Nephthys watched as several council members left in a hurry, their retreating forms were gone, in the midst of the hallway. Nephthys tried to ignore the nagging feeling, that her thoughts were plaguing her with. 'Stay alert... Find out what is happening...Listen...' She shook her head, her mind muddled, fighting against her more warrior side of herself.

As they walked through the door, Cringe had greeted them, in a tone uncommon for someone of her stature. 'What went wrong?' So many questions went through her mind, like a bird trapped in wire. Nephthys noticed Lucifer was also in the room, another loyal to the clan. Gathering her composure, she bowed as gracefully as she could muster, her neck bending and muzzle touching the ground. The Toridae did the same, its tail lowering over its head.

"Greetings. Lord Lucifer and Cringe." She nodded her head to each one. "What is the reason as to why we were sent here?" She said to them both.

((I guessing this hasn't been a whole day, so Breksta is going to not be in the RP for a little bit... just in case you were wondering :D))
((Sorry Fallow, was typing this before I noticed the reply towards you.))
@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax @amariex @FallowFreckles
(Eheh, I'll work around it)

@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax @amariex @SpectrileBanner

Moonshadow entered the chamber with a slight tremble of trepidation. Before her were two of the most influential dragons in the Underworld, or so she thought, as she attempted to keep her tail from lashing in agitation. She took a moment to analyze the scene: Cringe, tall, elegant, and dark, like a chalice of old ale, was looking at the group with an expectant expression, laced with faint mockery. Beside her towered Lucifer; Moonshadow had previously known him only by reputation, and seeing him now she was obviously intimidated but also a bit flustered. He was a handsome creature, at least more than she had expected of a Ridgeback, and she found herself having an internal chuckle; after all, her last fling had been with a Fae. Talk about changes.

She blinked both sets of eyes to clear her head, and allowed her stance to heighten in the chest, while lowering her hindquarters and extending her hind legs slightly to both lengthen her form and draw up her front. She locked her forelegs and stood tall. This was a traditional stance for quadrupeds to take when wanting to appeared dignified, and it didn't hurt that it did great things to her figure.

She was interrupted, however, before she could begin. Nephthys, having entered slightly after Lucifer had spoken, addressed the pair directly. Moonshadow cocked her head slightly and glanced at Neph and then Cringe out of the corners of her primary eyes, slightly anxious and unaware of the protocol in this situation.

(Moons likes her men dark and well-aged like fine fruity wine. At least, after the incident with the Fae...)
(Eheh, I'll work around it)

@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax @amariex @SpectrileBanner

Moonshadow entered the chamber with a slight tremble of trepidation. Before her were two of the most influential dragons in the Underworld, or so she thought, as she attempted to keep her tail from lashing in agitation. She took a moment to analyze the scene: Cringe, tall, elegant, and dark, like a chalice of old ale, was looking at the group with an expectant expression, laced with faint mockery. Beside her towered Lucifer; Moonshadow had previously known him only by reputation, and seeing him now she was obviously intimidated but also a bit flustered. He was a handsome creature, at least more than she had expected of a Ridgeback, and she found herself having an internal chuckle; after all, her last fling had been with a Fae. Talk about changes.

She blinked both sets of eyes to clear her head, and allowed her stance to heighten in the chest, while lowering her hindquarters and extending her hind legs slightly to both lengthen her form and draw up her front. She locked her forelegs and stood tall. This was a traditional stance for quadrupeds to take when wanting to appeared dignified, and it didn't hurt that it did great things to her figure.

She was interrupted, however, before she could begin. Nephthys, having entered slightly after Lucifer had spoken, addressed the pair directly. Moonshadow cocked her head slightly and glanced at Neph and then Cringe out of the corners of her primary eyes, slightly anxious and unaware of the protocol in this situation.

(Moons likes her men dark and well-aged like fine fruity wine. At least, after the incident with the Fae...)
tumblr_osypjonciM1u9ymyzo1_100.png ....................................................................................... tumblr_osyre6Wpes1u9ymyzo7_r1_100.png
@nihill @SpectrileBanner @Maus @Rhyvendra

@nihill @SpectrileBanner @Maus @Rhyvendra

tumblr_osypjonciM1u9ymyzo1_100.png ....................................................................................... tumblr_osyre6Wpes1u9ymyzo7_r1_100.png
@FallowFreckles Everyone kinda just... disappeared.... I'm scared. D:
@FallowFreckles Everyone kinda just... disappeared.... I'm scared. D:
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Giving her son a hard stare for that less-than-proper form of greeting, Cringe doesn't answer, but turns to look at Nephthys for that question. She lets the silence stretch long enough to be a bit uncomfortable before finally speaking. [b]"You were brought to receive orders, of course. All in good time. Sit, all of you."[/b] She again motions with her head to the collected furniture. Once the three newcomers have settled themselves, she also directs her attention to Moonshadow. [b]"Let us start with the matter of this cave. Where is it, and what makes it worthy of notice?"[/b] [/color][/quote] [quote="Reeperbahn"][color=indigo]Reeperbahn flicks his tail uncertainly when Cringe pins him with that look, and shifts his own gaze to the side. Sometimes, he has difficulty recalling the proper behavior towards their leader - in private, naturally, he can be as lax as he wants, but it isn't surprising that Cringe wouldn't want him acting so casual in front of other clanmembers, lest they take his behavior as an example. Sidling to one of the ridiculously pretentious-looking dragon-couches, Reeper sits down. He glances at Moonshadow to give a subtle, encouraging nod, staying silent, himself. As his own meal had not yet arrived before he was called away, he takes a couple of the offered hor d'oeuvres.[/color][/quote] @Maus @FallowFreckles @SpectrileBanner (Sorry guys, I've been really, really sick, but I think I'm finally on the mend.)
Cringe wrote:
Giving her son a hard stare for that less-than-proper form of greeting, Cringe doesn't answer, but turns to look at Nephthys for that question. She lets the silence stretch long enough to be a bit uncomfortable before finally speaking. "You were brought to receive orders, of course. All in good time. Sit, all of you." She again motions with her head to the collected furniture.

Once the three newcomers have settled themselves, she also directs her attention to Moonshadow. "Let us start with the matter of this cave. Where is it, and what makes it worthy of notice?"
Reeperbahn wrote:
Reeperbahn flicks his tail uncertainly when Cringe pins him with that look, and shifts his own gaze to the side. Sometimes, he has difficulty recalling the proper behavior towards their leader - in private, naturally, he can be as lax as he wants, but it isn't surprising that Cringe wouldn't want him acting so casual in front of other clanmembers, lest they take his behavior as an example.

Sidling to one of the ridiculously pretentious-looking dragon-couches, Reeper sits down. He glances at Moonshadow to give a subtle, encouraging nod, staying silent, himself. As his own meal had not yet arrived before he was called away, he takes a couple of the offered hor d'oeuvres.
@Maus @FallowFreckles @SpectrileBanner
(Sorry guys, I've been really, really sick, but I think I'm finally on the mend.)
[quote][center][img][/img][/center] Lucifer raises a brow at the Mirror, watching her as she straightened her posture. He takes a long sip of sweet wine, looking at the pair of dragons, Reeperbahn and Nephthys. He awaits the answer from the Mirror, his gaze unintentionally intimidating. Plague eyes weren't always the most friendly, even in the most casual setting.[/quote] @nihill @FallowFreckles @SpectrileBanner

Lucifer raises a brow at the Mirror, watching her as she straightened her posture. He takes a long sip of sweet wine, looking at the pair of dragons, Reeperbahn and Nephthys. He awaits the answer from the Mirror, his gaze unintentionally intimidating. Plague eyes weren't always the most friendly, even in the most casual setting.

@nihill @FallowFreckles @SpectrileBanner
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
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