

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Deepheart
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Cringe is only too happy to allow Rage and Lucifer to shout down the dissenter: as if the appearance of fear was more important than saving future eggs. The Wildclaw directs her steps back to the head of the combined councilors, but does not return to her seat, prefering to remain standing. [b]"If even one egg is saved by such measures, they will have been worth it, no matter what impression it gives."[/b] She speaks with a tone that implies this is her final decision, and not to be quarreled with. Turning her sharp muzzle to face Lucifer, she bows her head briefly, acknowledging the wise old warrior's words. [b]"I admit, old friend, I had not considered that alternative. I've been operating on the assumption that the eggs and hatchlings were stolen only to be sold - either whole and alive, but captive, or in pieces - to the dark wizards across the sea. But if what you say is true, we may one day soon be facing down our own young clanmates on the line of battle - it would be a very potent emotional attack on our warriors.[/b] [b]"I have no objections to make to anydragon's councils for preparation. We do need to be ready for the worst, and we do need to lay our plans in the best secrecy we can to delay word travelling to our enemies - whoever they are, in this case."[/b] Cringe's volume reaches nowhere near the level of Rage's, nor does her tone of voice become so impassioned. Instead, the Wildclaw becomes quieter and, to all outward appearances, calmer - apparently oblivious to the potential damage Rage might be causing their table. She finally steps back into her hollow and sinks to her haunches, before nodding agreement to Xerenoth. [b]"I agree; whatever one's occupation during a time of peace, they ought to be ready to defend their clan in whatever way they can."[/b] That left hind claw begins tapping again as Cringe goes silent and thoughtful, though it does not seem that she's said all she wants to. Soon enough this is proven the truth, as her head lifts and she looks towards her own councilors. [b]"We will need more messengers: pick the fastest fliers of the light aerial force. With our regular messengers, they'll be sent one to each colony to inform the governing dragons of our decision to make brooding in Deepheart obligatory. "Also, round up all the nursemaids and brooding mothers we have currently here, send them to my chamber after this meeting: I'll have them start teaching the hatchlings the rudiments of defense and battle even in the shell. We will need more guards, too - whatever we can recruit from the trainee warriors. Lucifer, if you would see to that, please? It may be boring work, but hint to them there's a chance of winning glory-stripes for their wings, if they should capture or kill any rogues spotted."[/b] Swiveling, Cringe looks towards the other side of the room, to Rage and Augur's councilors. [b]"If you would, High Empress, let it be known among your clan that whatever dragons who wish it may present themselves at the cusp of Var rock for a crash-course in defensive fighting. I will have Reeperbahn see to it, as soon as he returns from the Borderlands - he will know the best warriors to help them train. Would your medics offer similar rudimentary training, on first aid for battle wounds, to our warriors?"[/b] [/color][/quote] @Rhyvendra @Maus @Coax - I apologize for there not being much for Coax to do right now, but this meeting will be over soon, and then Cringe can speak to the available messengers.
Cringe wrote:
Cringe is only too happy to allow Rage and Lucifer to shout down the dissenter: as if the appearance of fear was more important than saving future eggs. The Wildclaw directs her steps back to the head of the combined councilors, but does not return to her seat, prefering to remain standing. "If even one egg is saved by such measures, they will have been worth it, no matter what impression it gives." She speaks with a tone that implies this is her final decision, and not to be quarreled with.

Turning her sharp muzzle to face Lucifer, she bows her head briefly, acknowledging the wise old warrior's words. "I admit, old friend, I had not considered that alternative. I've been operating on the assumption that the eggs and hatchlings were stolen only to be sold - either whole and alive, but captive, or in pieces - to the dark wizards across the sea. But if what you say is true, we may one day soon be facing down our own young clanmates on the line of battle - it would be a very potent emotional attack on our warriors.

"I have no objections to make to anydragon's councils for preparation. We do need to be ready for the worst, and we do need to lay our plans in the best secrecy we can to delay word travelling to our enemies - whoever they are, in this case." Cringe's volume reaches nowhere near the level of Rage's, nor does her tone of voice become so impassioned. Instead, the Wildclaw becomes quieter and, to all outward appearances, calmer - apparently oblivious to the potential damage Rage might be causing their table. She finally steps back into her hollow and sinks to her haunches, before nodding agreement to Xerenoth. "I agree; whatever one's occupation during a time of peace, they ought to be ready to defend their clan in whatever way they can."

That left hind claw begins tapping again as Cringe goes silent and thoughtful, though it does not seem that she's said all she wants to. Soon enough this is proven the truth, as her head lifts and she looks towards her own councilors. "We will need more messengers: pick the fastest fliers of the light aerial force. With our regular messengers, they'll be sent one to each colony to inform the governing dragons of our decision to make brooding in Deepheart obligatory.

"Also, round up all the nursemaids and brooding mothers we have currently here, send them to my chamber after this meeting: I'll have them start teaching the hatchlings the rudiments of defense and battle even in the shell. We will need more guards, too - whatever we can recruit from the trainee warriors. Lucifer, if you would see to that, please? It may be boring work, but hint to them there's a chance of winning glory-stripes for their wings, if they should capture or kill any rogues spotted."

Swiveling, Cringe looks towards the other side of the room, to Rage and Augur's councilors. "If you would, High Empress, let it be known among your clan that whatever dragons who wish it may present themselves at the cusp of Var rock for a crash-course in defensive fighting. I will have Reeperbahn see to it, as soon as he returns from the Borderlands - he will know the best warriors to help them train. Would your medics offer similar rudimentary training, on first aid for battle wounds, to our warriors?"
@Rhyvendra @Maus

@Coax - I apologize for there not being much for Coax to do right now, but this meeting will be over soon, and then Cringe can speak to the available messengers.
@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax [quote=Breksta] [color=#3E4F72]Breksta sat in the back of the room, listening to the reports as they flooded in, along with the few insights or 'ideas' to help with the problem. Personally she couldn't give a damn about some missing hatchlings and stones, and the prospect of war only enticed her more. If someone is going to train anyone, she had to be it, she was bored out of her mind listening to the other council's thoughts, sometimes getting insight to thoughts of treachery and deceit, while others thought about rutting with the females in the room. 'Those idiots will die soon enough.' She didn't care that Rage was, well, in a rage, she had to say her own input about this whole mess, she stood up, her talons clicking on the stone floor, her cloak ruffling and creasing, and her jewelry clanged against each other, as she walked past the moving council members, they feared her, they all did. She glared at each member that cowered in fear from her gaze, deliberately leering at the lecherous ones. Breksta stood in front of Cringe, her amulet glowed its deep purple, "Cringe, will I also be in command of the training? Also, what about those that wish not to come to Deepheart? What then, do we force them against their will or do we let them have the possibility of thievery be their only complaint? Will we sympathize with them or do we ignore their pleas of help, due to them deliberately disobeying our orders to come to Deepheart?" [/color] [/quote] ((I'm not the best at setting the scene, per say, but I hope this works. Found out how to quote!!! :D))
@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax
Breksta wrote:
Breksta sat in the back of the room, listening to the reports as they flooded in, along with the few insights or 'ideas' to help with the problem. Personally she couldn't give a damn about some missing hatchlings and stones, and the prospect of war only enticed her more. If someone is going to train anyone, she had to be it, she was bored out of her mind listening to the other council's thoughts, sometimes getting insight to thoughts of treachery and deceit, while others thought about rutting with the females in the room. 'Those idiots will die soon enough.'

She didn't care that Rage was, well, in a rage, she had to say her own input about this whole mess, she stood up, her talons clicking on the stone floor, her cloak ruffling and creasing, and her jewelry clanged against each other, as she walked past the moving council members, they feared her, they all did.

She glared at each member that cowered in fear from her gaze, deliberately leering at the lecherous ones. Breksta stood in front of Cringe, her amulet glowed its deep purple, "Cringe, will I also be in command of the training? Also, what about those that wish not to come to Deepheart? What then, do we force them against their will or do we let them have the possibility of thievery be their only complaint? Will we sympathize with them or do we ignore their pleas of help, due to them deliberately disobeying our orders to come to Deepheart?"

((I'm not the best at setting the scene, per say, but I hope this works. Found out how to quote!!! :D))
@Coax [quote] [b]"Damn, that was one of my worst times yet..."[/b] [img][/img] [color=#850012][b]"What are you doing?"[/b] From his perch, Zion looked down at his fellow messenger. He had been relaxing in one of the more hidden crags, taking a break from duties, when the sudden [i]whump [/i] noise of Valentine's landing had startled him out of his peace and quiet. As such, he couldn't help but let a little annoyance slip into the question. Then again, he had been feeling slightly more irritable than usual for the past few days, what with all the flying and running about he had had to do because of all the unfortunate events happening that had to be reported to this council member and that council member. A short break had been necessary. Seeing Valentine seemingly having some leisure time made him think that his respite was nearly over and he had to get back to work again, the mere thought of which made him have to suppress a groan. Although, as she was already here, he decided that company would be nice too. He barely knew the skydancer, as she was from a different clan and they only ever crossed paths on the job, but now was as good a time as ever to make acquaintance with her. One could never run out of connections. Who knows, perhaps she could even be interesting enough to alleviate his boredom somewhat... And she was pretty, besides. Quickly amending his previous tone of voice, Zion flashed a smile and put on a bit of charm. [b]"My apologies, miss. I thought you were one of my workmates trying to get the drop on me again." [/b] [/quote] @nihill @Rhyvendra @Maus @SpectrileBanner I'm jumping in now! I have really high hopes for this RP and everyone's writing is great. I feel like I'm going to have fun here. :D
"Damn, that was one of my worst times yet..."


"What are you doing?"

From his perch, Zion looked down at his fellow messenger. He had been relaxing in one of the more hidden crags, taking a break from duties, when the sudden whump noise of Valentine's landing had startled him out of his peace and quiet. As such, he couldn't help but let a little annoyance slip into the question. Then again, he had been feeling slightly more irritable than usual for the past few days, what with all the flying and running about he had had to do because of all the unfortunate events happening that had to be reported to this council member and that council member. A short break had been necessary. Seeing Valentine seemingly having some leisure time made him think that his respite was nearly over and he had to get back to work again, the mere thought of which made him have to suppress a groan.

Although, as she was already here, he decided that company would be nice too. He barely knew the skydancer, as she was from a different clan and they only ever crossed paths on the job, but now was as good a time as ever to make acquaintance with her. One could never run out of connections. Who knows, perhaps she could even be interesting enough to alleviate his boredom somewhat... And she was pretty, besides.

Quickly amending his previous tone of voice, Zion flashed a smile and put on a bit of charm. "My apologies, miss. I thought you were one of my workmates trying to get the drop on me again."

@nihill @Rhyvendra @Maus @SpectrileBanner

I'm jumping in now! I have really high hopes for this RP and everyone's writing is great. I feel like I'm going to have fun here. :D
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Cringe slowly turns her head to face the mute Wildclaw that stands, her expression betraying no emotion. She has ever been wary of Breksta (though she would happily disembowel anydragon who called it [i]fear[/i]), since Axlent raised the speechless dragon to the council, not long after Cringe had been promoted to a seat, herself. She has seen Breksta fight, and knows her to be a skillful warrior, but her honor - her very sanity - Cringe sometimes has to question. Add to that the Wildclaw's uncanny ability to sometimes glean others' thoughts or feelings accurately, and Cringe has all the reasons in the world to tread carefully and keep herself well-guarded in Breksta's presence. But she has not removed Breksta from the council - not yet - in respect for Axlent's wisdom and judgement. [b]"I would be glad to have you assist Reeperbahn with the training, if you feel it the best use of your energies; however, I would like him to be in charge. He has a talent for putting dragons at ease, and for explaining complex battle maneuvers to the less knowledgeable in terms that are easy to understand."[/b] '[i]And I don't trust you to go easy on unskilled Augur dragons who don't know how to fight[/i],' she does not add, though Breksta is probably aware of Cringe's doubt where she's concern. [b]"As for the dragons who choose not to make use of the safety of Deepheart to hatch their eggs, of course they will not be forced, but I hope most see the sense in the order. I will certainly always grieve for any dragon-dame who loses an egg or a dragonet, whatever that dragon's past actions have been, but especially with the possibility of war looming, we cannot afford to dispatch more warriors only to guard eggs. The messengers will have to stress that this command is for the good of the entire clan, and if somedragons ignore it, they will be informed that we cannot guarantee the eggs' safety, nor send out search parties in the case of any being snatched."[/b][/quote] @SpectrileBanner (A question: When Breksta uses her telepathic voice to speak to others, can all the dragons in the room hear her, or only the one she addresses? Or can she maybe choose to speak to one or all, as the situation calls for?) @Rhyvendra @Maus
Cringe wrote:
Cringe slowly turns her head to face the mute Wildclaw that stands, her expression betraying no emotion. She has ever been wary of Breksta (though she would happily disembowel anydragon who called it fear), since Axlent raised the speechless dragon to the council, not long after Cringe had been promoted to a seat, herself. She has seen Breksta fight, and knows her to be a skillful warrior, but her honor - her very sanity - Cringe sometimes has to question. Add to that the Wildclaw's uncanny ability to sometimes glean others' thoughts or feelings accurately, and Cringe has all the reasons in the world to tread carefully and keep herself well-guarded in Breksta's presence.

But she has not removed Breksta from the council - not yet - in respect for Axlent's wisdom and judgement.

"I would be glad to have you assist Reeperbahn with the training, if you feel it the best use of your energies; however, I would like him to be in charge. He has a talent for putting dragons at ease, and for explaining complex battle maneuvers to the less knowledgeable in terms that are easy to understand." 'And I don't trust you to go easy on unskilled Augur dragons who don't know how to fight,' she does not add, though Breksta is probably aware of Cringe's doubt where she's concern.

"As for the dragons who choose not to make use of the safety of Deepheart to hatch their eggs, of course they will not be forced, but I hope most see the sense in the order. I will certainly always grieve for any dragon-dame who loses an egg or a dragonet, whatever that dragon's past actions have been, but especially with the possibility of war looming, we cannot afford to dispatch more warriors only to guard eggs. The messengers will have to stress that this command is for the good of the entire clan, and if somedragons ignore it, they will be informed that we cannot guarantee the eggs' safety, nor send out search parties in the case of any being snatched."
@SpectrileBanner (A question: When Breksta uses her telepathic voice to speak to others, can all the dragons in the room hear her, or only the one she addresses? Or can she maybe choose to speak to one or all, as the situation calls for?)
@Rhyvendra @Maus
[quote][center][img][/img][/center] [color=maroon]Upon hearing his name spoken by Cringe, Lucifer nods. He curls his claws into a fist and crosses his heart with it. [b]"Aye, Cringe. I shall see to the guard recruitment immediately,"[/b] he replies. Ever since the pair were in the heat of battle long ago, Lucifer had a special bond with Cringe that none of the others seemed to have. No bonds were stronger than the ones forged in battle; no loyalties so unbreakable. Listening to Cringe's words involving the dragons who do not wish to enter Deepheart for protection, he has an idea pop into his mind. [b]"Perhaps we could offer an incentive to those who come for protection. Aside from the protection itself, of course. As much as it bothers me that some dragons will refuse to enter Deepheart for their children's safety, perhaps offering a small reward or other positive offer would help bring in more dragons, and thus lower our risk of more hatchlings being stolen. I'm not sure of what we could offer. But I believe we could possibly hold a clan-wide feast and address the situation with our entire clan,"[/b] he suggests, looking around the room at the others. [b]"Clan Augur would also be invited, if we were to do so. Right now, there is little time nor room for disputes between clans. Not until we get this mystery solved. Perhaps a bit of a 'uniting feast' would help bring the clans together and spread [i]truthful[/i] information. Some dragons are beginning to spread rumors of the disappearances' causes,"[/b] he adds, nodding slightly. Lucifer was one to suggest odd ideas, but sometimes they turned out well.[/color][/quote] @nihill @Rhyvendra @SpectrileBanner @Coax I hope you all don't mind Lucifer's wild suggestion! Feel free to shoot him down. xD

Upon hearing his name spoken by Cringe, Lucifer nods. He curls his claws into a fist and crosses his heart with it. "Aye, Cringe. I shall see to the guard recruitment immediately," he replies. Ever since the pair were in the heat of battle long ago, Lucifer had a special bond with Cringe that none of the others seemed to have. No bonds were stronger than the ones forged in battle; no loyalties so unbreakable.

Listening to Cringe's words involving the dragons who do not wish to enter Deepheart for protection, he has an idea pop into his mind. "Perhaps we could offer an incentive to those who come for protection. Aside from the protection itself, of course. As much as it bothers me that some dragons will refuse to enter Deepheart for their children's safety, perhaps offering a small reward or other positive offer would help bring in more dragons, and thus lower our risk of more hatchlings being stolen. I'm not sure of what we could offer. But I believe we could possibly hold a clan-wide feast and address the situation with our entire clan," he suggests, looking around the room at the others.

"Clan Augur would also be invited, if we were to do so. Right now, there is little time nor room for disputes between clans. Not until we get this mystery solved. Perhaps a bit of a 'uniting feast' would help bring the clans together and spread truthful information. Some dragons are beginning to spread rumors of the disappearances' causes," he adds, nodding slightly. Lucifer was one to suggest odd ideas, but sometimes they turned out well.

@nihill @Rhyvendra @SpectrileBanner @Coax
I hope you all don't mind Lucifer's wild suggestion! Feel free to shoot him down. xD
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
[quote=Breksta][color=#3E4F72] Breksta stared at the black wildclaw, her face remained emotionless. She did not like the wildclaw, namely her 'kindness' towards other dragons not in their clan. Breksta would rather she be in the council chair, but knows that she would go insane, from the constant bickering of Rage. She thought the Coatl insensible in her anger, knowing that her fury could go towards a better cause... destruction. Breksta could sense a small amount of doubt radiating from Cringe, her amulet seemed to swirl with the feeling. [i]'Only cattle, waiting to be slaughtered'[/i] She laughed in her head. She turned towards the Ridgeback's voice, her amulet glowing, "[b]And if we have awards, how much will be too much, how much will we have to give to ungrateful dragons?[/b]" She remained emotionless in her tone, nothing would show through. Her amulet once again, glowed its deep purple, glaring at Cringe, "[b]You should reconsider that offer, I can prove to be more valuable than you realize[/b]." Staring Cringe straight in her eyes, unflinching. She turned around, her tail inches from whipping Cringe in her maw. [/quote] ((A one or all type of situation with her telepathy. It would make it less confusing in my opinion. Also seems like Breksta will be one of those dragons... *wink*)) @Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax
Breksta wrote:
Breksta stared at the black wildclaw, her face remained emotionless. She did not like the wildclaw, namely her 'kindness' towards other dragons not in their clan. Breksta would rather she be in the council chair, but knows that she would go insane, from the constant bickering of Rage. She thought the Coatl insensible in her anger, knowing that her fury could go towards a better cause... destruction.

Breksta could sense a small amount of doubt radiating from Cringe, her amulet seemed to swirl with the feeling. 'Only cattle, waiting to be slaughtered' She laughed in her head. She turned towards the Ridgeback's voice, her amulet glowing, "And if we have awards, how much will be too much, how much will we have to give to ungrateful dragons?" She remained emotionless in her tone, nothing would show through.

Her amulet once again, glowed its deep purple, glaring at Cringe, "You should reconsider that offer, I can prove to be more valuable than you realize." Staring Cringe straight in her eyes, unflinching. She turned around, her tail inches from whipping Cringe in her maw.

((A one or all type of situation with her telepathy. It would make it less confusing in my opinion. Also seems like Breksta will be one of those dragons... *wink*))

@Rhyvendra @Maus @nihill @Coax
[quote][center][img][/img][/center] [color=maroon] [b]"Ungrateful? Why, I have never heard such blunt accusations of our own dragons,"[/b] said the Ridgeback, slightly offended. He shoot the irritation from his face, looking at the Wildclaw with an emotionless face. [b]"Our clans are in danger, and we need some sort of... event, perhaps, to unite them. We cannot focus on who is 'ungrateful' in these times. It would be better to waste a bit of food and drink than to let more dragons' children be [i]stolen[/i] by the corrupt,"[/b] he explained. He was right in his own sense; the issue of the missing younglings was much more pressing than their food situation. As far as he knew, Clan Var was very well off on food. The veteran Ridgeback turned to Cringe and Rage. [b]"If these crimes are being committed to both of our clans, the right choice would be to unite the two clans, even if only temporary. Petty disagreements and fears of 'ungrateful dragons' attending such an event should be put down for now,"[/b] he added.[/color][/quote] @Rhyvendra @SpectrileBanner @nihill @Coax

"Ungrateful? Why, I have never heard such blunt accusations of our own dragons," said the Ridgeback, slightly offended. He shoot the irritation from his face, looking at the Wildclaw with an emotionless face. "Our clans are in danger, and we need some sort of... event, perhaps, to unite them. We cannot focus on who is 'ungrateful' in these times. It would be better to waste a bit of food and drink than to let more dragons' children be stolen by the corrupt," he explained.

He was right in his own sense; the issue of the missing younglings was much more pressing than their food situation. As far as he knew, Clan Var was very well off on food. The veteran Ridgeback turned to Cringe and Rage. "If these crimes are being committed to both of our clans, the right choice would be to unite the two clans, even if only temporary. Petty disagreements and fears of 'ungrateful dragons' attending such an event should be put down for now," he added.

@Rhyvendra @SpectrileBanner @nihill @Coax
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
@rhyvendra @spectrileBanner @nihill @maus @amariex [quote=Valentine] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]"What are you doing?"[/b] Upon hearing the almost agitated question, Valentine turned her gaze sharply on to the speaking dragon. To her dismay, she found herself looking up into the eyes of one of Augur messengers- the cute one, mind you. The Skydancer couldn't recall a time they'ed ever talked aside from work business, and these weren't exactly the terms she'd had in mind. For starters, she was perched on a ledge with a tear in her wing, though that was easy enough to conceal. Secondly, he was sounding like a jerk. Any slight fancy she'd held for the wildclaw vanished, credited to the difficulty of keeping her interested in anything, really. Before Valentine could even open her mouth, the other messenger spoke up once more, this time to a more appealing tone. [b]"My apologies, miss. I thought you were one of my workmates trying to get the drop on me again."[/b] [b]"That's better."[/b] Valentine said, watching him from her perch with a slight smile on her lips. A conversation was a welcome distraction from the lengthy wait of the council meeting, and an arguably better way to pass time than dreading over a small ailment. [b] "Oh, is that so?"[/b] She chieded jokingly. [b]"From the sound if it, it seems this is a reoccurring problem." [/quote]
@rhyvendra @spectrileBanner @nihill @maus @amariex
Valentine wrote:

"What are you doing?"

Upon hearing the almost agitated question, Valentine turned her gaze sharply on to the speaking dragon. To her dismay, she found herself looking up into the eyes of one of Augur messengers- the cute one, mind you. The Skydancer couldn't recall a time they'ed ever talked aside from work business, and these weren't exactly the terms she'd had in mind. For starters, she was perched on a ledge with a tear in her wing, though that was easy enough to conceal. Secondly, he was sounding like a jerk. Any slight fancy she'd held for the wildclaw vanished, credited to the difficulty of keeping her interested in anything, really. Before Valentine could even open her mouth, the other messenger spoke up once more, this time to a more appealing tone.

"My apologies, miss. I thought you were one of my workmates trying to get the drop on me again."

"That's better." Valentine said, watching him from her perch with a slight smile on her lips. A conversation was a welcome distraction from the lengthy wait of the council meeting, and an arguably better way to pass time than dreading over a small ailment. "Oh, is that so?" She chieded jokingly. "From the sound if it, it seems this is a reoccurring problem."
[quote][color=#850012]Rage listened to the Clan Var dragons fight among one another however, Lucifer's words sparked an idea in Rage. Dealing with petty politics during this time was not a wise idea, and he did have the right of it. [b]"... Unite the clans temporarily.. Why is it that you have to say the most brilliant of things at just the right time Lord Lucifer..."[/b] Jumping away from her mate and the table which she had been hitting on moments ago, she landed in the center of the council chambers and raised her voice. [B]"Because of these trying time, I Rage, High Empress of the Augur Clan, Invoke the right of Supreme leadership until this war which has started is over. Until this war is over, I state that Cringe, Warlord of the Var be not just the leader of Var, but become the High Warlord of All of the Underworld! Until this war is over, I swear the loyalty of the Augur to you, Cringe, High Warlord![/b] Looking around the council and keeping her eyes on Breksta for just a moment longer than the others. [b]"I also swear that any who proclaim themselves an enemy of you during this time, is an enemy of All of the Underworld and will be punished with all resources available.[/b] Looking around the room for one more second then looking back to Cringe, Rage smiled. [B]"We need not deal with petty politics right now. Give us our commands and we will follow, for the good of the Dome. You now have access to not only the Var stores of food, materials and goods, but also the stores of Augur as well, High Warlord. I will have all of my medics start training the Var of basic healer skills, and bring in the best to be in your guard detail. For the time being, we are not two clans, but one driving force."[/b] [/color] [IMG][/IMG] [/quote]
Rage listened to the Clan Var dragons fight among one another however, Lucifer's words sparked an idea in Rage. Dealing with petty politics during this time was not a wise idea, and he did have the right of it. "... Unite the clans temporarily.. Why is it that you have to say the most brilliant of things at just the right time Lord Lucifer..." Jumping away from her mate and the table which she had been hitting on moments ago, she landed in the center of the council chambers and raised her voice. "Because of these trying time, I Rage, High Empress of the Augur Clan, Invoke the right of Supreme leadership until this war which has started is over. Until this war is over, I state that Cringe, Warlord of the Var be not just the leader of Var, but become the High Warlord of All of the Underworld! Until this war is over, I swear the loyalty of the Augur to you, Cringe, High Warlord! Looking around the council and keeping her eyes on Breksta for just a moment longer than the others. "I also swear that any who proclaim themselves an enemy of you during this time, is an enemy of All of the Underworld and will be punished with all resources available.

Looking around the room for one more second then looking back to Cringe, Rage smiled. "We need not deal with petty politics right now. Give us our commands and we will follow, for the good of the Dome. You now have access to not only the Var stores of food, materials and goods, but also the stores of Augur as well, High Warlord. I will have all of my medics start training the Var of basic healer skills, and bring in the best to be in your guard detail. For the time being, we are not two clans, but one driving force."

[quote][b]"From the sound if it, it seems this is a reoccurring problem."[/b] [color=#850012]Zion slipped smoothly into his more relaxed personality, sensing that Valentine was up for conversation. "[b]Oh, it's all in good fun, really. I'm afraid I'm just a bit snappy because of the workload. You know what I'm talking about, of course. It's all terrible, isn't it?[/b] He paused for a moment, in thought.[b] "You know, I'd love to carry on with our conversation, but this," [/b] he gestured to the cavernous expanse of their workplace, [b]"is hardly the proper setting for me to get acquainted with a lovely dragon such as yourself. Shall we move to a more comfortable place?" [/b] [/quote] @Coax
"From the sound if it, it seems this is a reoccurring problem."

Zion slipped smoothly into his more relaxed personality, sensing that Valentine was up for conversation. "Oh, it's all in good fun, really. I'm afraid I'm just a bit snappy because of the workload. You know what I'm talking about, of course. It's all terrible, isn't it?

He paused for a moment, in thought. "You know, I'd love to carry on with our conversation, but this," he gestured to the cavernous expanse of their workplace, "is hardly the proper setting for me to get acquainted with a lovely dragon such as yourself. Shall we move to a more comfortable place?"
