

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Deepheart
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(This thread is part of the Scales roleplay group.)

Most dealings in the Underworld take place in a gigantic main cavern, called Deepheart. This cavern is so vast that dragons can easily fly in it; many of the Underworld tunnels are also big enough for two or three dragons to fly abreast. Some dragons, such as the Augur sages who don't care much for society, choose to live in smaller caverns distanced from Deepheart; some warrior dragons from Clan Var are posted guard in tunnels and exits to the upperworld and temporarily inhabit niches near their posts until their shift is over - these shifts typically last one to three months at a time and are often given to warriors nearing the end of the training. Additionally, there are many smaller caves about the walls of Deepheart where lower-caste dragons make their homes.

Inside Deepheart, the upper levels of Clan Augur live in a vast marble palace constructed with great effort in time out of mind. It is called the Hold of Knowledge. There are intricately carved rooms for occupation and hoarding, along with others for meetings and study. Everything in this home hearth of Augur is spacious, wide, and tastefully decorated. The very top of the palace is leveled off, and from this promontory one can look up a wide chasm to the sky of the upperworld - though this is not recommended in the rain. Some plants even manage to grow there, mostly nocturnal ones.

The headquarters of Clan Var are not so elegant, but are even grander in scale. A huge mound of granite sits to one side of Deepheart and has been bored out to make living quarters for the leader, council members, and highest-ranking warriors. There are many hidden passages in this rock - prosaically referred to as Var Rock - and it is likely that not even the clan leader is aware of all the secret chambers. The top of Var Rock is wide and has been made into a hollow, with a pit for sparring that is also used as a court of appeals, where lower caste clan members and emissaries can be heard by the leader, and sometimes is the scene of great celebrations where the members of both Underworld clans gather. In the upper levels directly beneath this hollow are areas for less public councils and deliberations.

The tradition is for the leader of Clan Var to have his or her quarters in the larger caves at the top of Var Rock, but Cringe preferred to keep hers deeper in when she was elected leader. Usually she enjoys the greater privacy this offers, but on council days she starts to regret it. It's a long walk up to the top. Still, she reaches it ahead of nearly every other dragon invited; she nods to the single council member occupying the large meeting chamber as she enters. Today's meeting is not only for the council of Clan Var, but also to the leader and council of Clan Augur.

"Lots on the agenda today. I hope those Augur prisses don't decide to make a fashionably late entrance." Cringe takes her seat in pride of place, in a carefully dug hollow at the head of the room. Similar hollows arc in a semi-circle, seats for the other council members. The Cursed Bat that follows Cringe about flits up to find a perch on the ceiling, but doesn't turn inverted for sleep; the little creature is as important a part of the Var leader's council as many of the dragons that will be here today (and, to Cringe's mind, much more sensible than most of those dragons). As Cringe settles herself upright in her seat-hollow, she starts muttering over the agenda to herself, receiving occasional reminding squeaks from the rodent overhead.
(This thread is part of the Scales roleplay group.)

Most dealings in the Underworld take place in a gigantic main cavern, called Deepheart. This cavern is so vast that dragons can easily fly in it; many of the Underworld tunnels are also big enough for two or three dragons to fly abreast. Some dragons, such as the Augur sages who don't care much for society, choose to live in smaller caverns distanced from Deepheart; some warrior dragons from Clan Var are posted guard in tunnels and exits to the upperworld and temporarily inhabit niches near their posts until their shift is over - these shifts typically last one to three months at a time and are often given to warriors nearing the end of the training. Additionally, there are many smaller caves about the walls of Deepheart where lower-caste dragons make their homes.

Inside Deepheart, the upper levels of Clan Augur live in a vast marble palace constructed with great effort in time out of mind. It is called the Hold of Knowledge. There are intricately carved rooms for occupation and hoarding, along with others for meetings and study. Everything in this home hearth of Augur is spacious, wide, and tastefully decorated. The very top of the palace is leveled off, and from this promontory one can look up a wide chasm to the sky of the upperworld - though this is not recommended in the rain. Some plants even manage to grow there, mostly nocturnal ones.

The headquarters of Clan Var are not so elegant, but are even grander in scale. A huge mound of granite sits to one side of Deepheart and has been bored out to make living quarters for the leader, council members, and highest-ranking warriors. There are many hidden passages in this rock - prosaically referred to as Var Rock - and it is likely that not even the clan leader is aware of all the secret chambers. The top of Var Rock is wide and has been made into a hollow, with a pit for sparring that is also used as a court of appeals, where lower caste clan members and emissaries can be heard by the leader, and sometimes is the scene of great celebrations where the members of both Underworld clans gather. In the upper levels directly beneath this hollow are areas for less public councils and deliberations.

The tradition is for the leader of Clan Var to have his or her quarters in the larger caves at the top of Var Rock, but Cringe preferred to keep hers deeper in when she was elected leader. Usually she enjoys the greater privacy this offers, but on council days she starts to regret it. It's a long walk up to the top. Still, she reaches it ahead of nearly every other dragon invited; she nods to the single council member occupying the large meeting chamber as she enters. Today's meeting is not only for the council of Clan Var, but also to the leader and council of Clan Augur.

"Lots on the agenda today. I hope those Augur prisses don't decide to make a fashionably late entrance." Cringe takes her seat in pride of place, in a carefully dug hollow at the head of the room. Similar hollows arc in a semi-circle, seats for the other council members. The Cursed Bat that follows Cringe about flits up to find a perch on the ceiling, but doesn't turn inverted for sleep; the little creature is as important a part of the Var leader's council as many of the dragons that will be here today (and, to Cringe's mind, much more sensible than most of those dragons). As Cringe settles herself upright in her seat-hollow, she starts muttering over the agenda to herself, receiving occasional reminding squeaks from the rodent overhead.
[quote][color=#e934aa] Xerenoth bowed his head to his leader upon her entrance before once again starts to place scrolls in various positions upon the space which he called his "desk" in the meeting chambers. [/color] [b]"Lots on the agenda today. I hope those Augur prisses don't decide to make a fashionably late entrance." [/b] [color=#e934aa] Removing his face from one of his scrolls Xerenoth smiled and answered what he expected to be an unspoken question in her words. After all, he was the mate and Liaison to the leader of clan Augur. [b]"I have impressed upon the High Empress Rage that she should arrive at a suitable time. I also may have told her that the time was an hour and a half ahead of the actual time, so the worse case scenario she should be right on schedule."[/b] Knowing that his leader did not like people to be late, or make fashionable entrances, he thought it better to make sure that at least one of the two issues were taken care of. He also knew that letting her stew about the time that it took to get the Clan Leader and Council of Augur to make their way to them was a bad idea, and so in order to help keep her from fretting about time, he picked up one of the many scrolls around him and opened it. [b]"It would seem that someone, or something, has been terrorizing the eastern farms. Our scouts have come back with reports that the thralls and their masters have been dealing with theft in regards to food, livestock, and in some cases personal belongings. More troublesome however, is the reports of eggs and hatchlings going missing along the farthest villages from the Dome and that the people there are sending complaints to the Overseers we have stationed at the eastern borderlands. They have in turn requested that we send warriors in addition to having a part of their yearly tribute cut slightly due to the stolen food." [/b] [/color] [IMG][/IMG] [/quote] [quote][color=#850012]Meanwhile Rage was on her way, three small faes flittering about her two and from shining her scales and gems, making sure the bright paints on her wings and back were touched up, and that the various jewelry was perfectly kept up to her strict code. An elder Tundra walked beside her holding up a small scroll and speaking to her in a quiet voice that could barely be heard. [b]"Yes yes, I know the western lands are having problems, but that is something that must be spoken with that insufferably rude Clan Var leader. Perhaps she would be less so if we gave her a good scrubbing. No no, you are not to send her a complimentary token for the greater bathhouses. She would take that as an offense and I do not feel like dealing with her yet. Yes, I know I am almost late, but I am the High Empress of Augur. If that brute wishes for me to be there at a proper time, perhaps she should allow ME to set what time I will be at the meeting. Then she would never have to worry about me being late! Now leave. We are nearing the chambers and I would rather enter alone."[/b] As her entourage left, she put on a stern face and walked into the hallway leading to the chambers. She was already annoyed that she was summoned to such a boring meeting, however the news she had to report made her more than just annoyed, she was down right furious. Someone was going to pay for attacking the lands under her leadership, but not before spending several weeks in her private torture chambers. [/color] [IMG][/IMG] [/quote] @nihill Done!

Xerenoth bowed his head to his leader upon her entrance before once again starts to place scrolls in various positions upon the space which he called his "desk" in the meeting chambers.

"Lots on the agenda today. I hope those Augur prisses don't decide to make a fashionably late entrance."

Removing his face from one of his scrolls Xerenoth smiled and answered what he expected to be an unspoken question in her words. After all, he was the mate and Liaison to the leader of clan Augur.

"I have impressed upon the High Empress Rage that she should arrive at a suitable time. I also may have told her that the time was an hour and a half ahead of the actual time, so the worse case scenario she should be right on schedule."

Knowing that his leader did not like people to be late, or make fashionable entrances, he thought it better to make sure that at least one of the two issues were taken care of. He also knew that letting her stew about the time that it took to get the Clan Leader and Council of Augur to make their way to them was a bad idea, and so in order to help keep her from fretting about time, he picked up one of the many scrolls around him and opened it.

"It would seem that someone, or something, has been terrorizing the eastern farms. Our scouts have come back with reports that the thralls and their masters have been dealing with theft in regards to food, livestock, and in some cases personal belongings. More troublesome however, is the reports of eggs and hatchlings going missing along the farthest villages from the Dome and that the people there are sending complaints to the Overseers we have stationed at the eastern borderlands. They have in turn requested that we send warriors in addition to having a part of their yearly tribute cut slightly due to the stolen food."

Meanwhile Rage was on her way, three small faes flittering about her two and from shining her scales and gems, making sure the bright paints on her wings and back were touched up, and that the various jewelry was perfectly kept up to her strict code. An elder Tundra walked beside her holding up a small scroll and speaking to her in a quiet voice that could barely be heard.

"Yes yes, I know the western lands are having problems, but that is something that must be spoken with that insufferably rude Clan Var leader. Perhaps she would be less so if we gave her a good scrubbing. No no, you are not to send her a complimentary token for the greater bathhouses. She would take that as an offense and I do not feel like dealing with her yet. Yes, I know I am almost late, but I am the High Empress of Augur. If that brute wishes for me to be there at a proper time, perhaps she should allow ME to set what time I will be at the meeting. Then she would never have to worry about me being late! Now leave. We are nearing the chambers and I would rather enter alone."

As her entourage left, she put on a stern face and walked into the hallway leading to the chambers. She was already annoyed that she was summoned to such a boring meeting, however the news she had to report made her more than just annoyed, she was down right furious. Someone was going to pay for attacking the lands under her leadership, but not before spending several weeks in her private torture chambers.


@nihill Done!
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Drawn from her conversation with the bat, Cringe turns her sharp, arrow-shaped head to one size to eye Xerenoth stonily; however, as the colorful Coatl continues, her muzzle lifts and her dark eyes glint with wry amusement. [b]"Ahh. That ought to give her plenty of time to primp. Sometimes, Xere, I remember why Axlent promoted you to the council."[/b] As always, there is a slight hesitation before she names the previous Var leader - Axlent was her own mentor during training, and the fact that his death raised Cringe to leadership, herself, did not stop her from missing the irascible old Guardian desperately. All mirth fades from her countenance when Xerenoth goes on to enumerate the complaints of the easterners: dragons - both Var and Augur - that live in caves close enough to the upperworld to actually oversee the numbers of human thralls kept on the estates there. The tip of Cringe's tail twitches impatiently, and she hisses in exasperation. [b]"Thralls never cease complaining. Like as not, they're stealing from each other, and encouraging even more theft in revenge."[/b] The mention of stolen eggs and hatchlings makes the formidable young leader grow more solemn: Cringe pays very close attention to which Varish dragon dames are brooding, and personally oversees the naming ceremonies of each successful hatchling. [b]"How many times must I tell these idiots: Brooding mothers and newly born dragonets need to take up residence in the Deepheart! We even have special chambers for them! It is the best way to ensure the safety of the clan."[/b] Though she sounds miffed, her anger is actually directed at the thieves, not the dragon parents. [b] "Do you know how many eggs were taken, and which hatchlings?"[/b] As Cringe thus discusses matters with Xerenoth, the rest of the Var councilors enter the room and take up their own places, followed before long by 'High Empress' Rage. The councilors remain silent, listening to their leader with due respect, though some couple of them make noises of dismay when they understand the subject of lost eggs. Again lifting her head and tilting it, so as to peer at Rage out of one eye, Cringe gives her a brief but respectful bow of the head in greeting. [b]"High Empress. Thank you for joining us in such a timely manner. Xerenoth was just bringing me up to date on the troubles in the eastern colony."[/b] While she does not sound effusively welcoming, Cringe at least keeps her tone even and any hint of sarcasm out of her voice; it was a hard lesson to learn, but she [i]can[/i] be diplomatic when necessary.[/quote] @Rhyvendra I can already foresee us having a lot of fun with this crew. Cringe definitely thinks the title 'high empress' is preposterous and pretentious.
Cringe wrote:
Drawn from her conversation with the bat, Cringe turns her sharp, arrow-shaped head to one size to eye Xerenoth stonily; however, as the colorful Coatl continues, her muzzle lifts and her dark eyes glint with wry amusement. "Ahh. That ought to give her plenty of time to primp. Sometimes, Xere, I remember why Axlent promoted you to the council." As always, there is a slight hesitation before she names the previous Var leader - Axlent was her own mentor during training, and the fact that his death raised Cringe to leadership, herself, did not stop her from missing the irascible old Guardian desperately.

All mirth fades from her countenance when Xerenoth goes on to enumerate the complaints of the easterners: dragons - both Var and Augur - that live in caves close enough to the upperworld to actually oversee the numbers of human thralls kept on the estates there. The tip of Cringe's tail twitches impatiently, and she hisses in exasperation. "Thralls never cease complaining. Like as not, they're stealing from each other, and encouraging even more theft in revenge." The mention of stolen eggs and hatchlings makes the formidable young leader grow more solemn: Cringe pays very close attention to which Varish dragon dames are brooding, and personally oversees the naming ceremonies of each successful hatchling. "How many times must I tell these idiots: Brooding mothers and newly born dragonets need to take up residence in the Deepheart! We even have special chambers for them! It is the best way to ensure the safety of the clan." Though she sounds miffed, her anger is actually directed at the thieves, not the dragon parents. "Do you know how many eggs were taken, and which hatchlings?"

As Cringe thus discusses matters with Xerenoth, the rest of the Var councilors enter the room and take up their own places, followed before long by 'High Empress' Rage. The councilors remain silent, listening to their leader with due respect, though some couple of them make noises of dismay when they understand the subject of lost eggs.

Again lifting her head and tilting it, so as to peer at Rage out of one eye, Cringe gives her a brief but respectful bow of the head in greeting. "High Empress. Thank you for joining us in such a timely manner. Xerenoth was just bringing me up to date on the troubles in the eastern colony." While she does not sound effusively welcoming, Cringe at least keeps her tone even and any hint of sarcasm out of her voice; it was a hard lesson to learn, but she can be diplomatic when necessary.

@Rhyvendra I can already foresee us having a lot of fun with this crew. Cringe definitely thinks the title 'high empress' is preposterous and pretentious.
[quote][color=#e934aa] Nodding at his leader, Xerenoth sighed slightly at her continued anger at the thralls. They had started an uprising not long before the short war with the Peak clan had begun, and that may have been what her anger stemmed from. [b]"While I would like to agree with you that it is the thralls stealing from one another, after the last uprising they have been fairly cooperative. It seems the last time they realized that we are not as harsh as the mercenaries and slavers they had thought to employ against us were. Also, the number of goods stolen, and the types are very.. inconsistent of thralls stealing from one another. After all, each complaint of theft is accompanied by the loss of eggs and hatchlings from the Overseers at around the same time, if not the same day."[/b] Watching as his mate entered the room he made a mental note to get her a new piece of jewelry. He could tell by the twitch of her tail that she was pissed off at something. Soon as she was seated however, he got back to recounting the news he had received. Reaching for one of the many scrolls at his side he opened it and began reading with a stern tone the reports that seemed to collide with one another. [b]"Reports from Naaska's overlands state that one month ago two tons of salted meat was stolen, one ton of supplies, including straw, wool, wood, stone and gemstones were stolen. Only a few cases of gold were stolen around the area, but they seemed to be minor disagreements between thralls. However, that same day One of Naaska's subordinates reported that two of her five eggs had been stolen, as well as several bags worth of the elemental stones that she kept with her nests. Three days later it was found that seven hatchlings had also been taken on their way to their new homes within the city. Apalarsa reported similar findings, only with his lands there were cases of elemental stones stolen from caravans that were on their way back here through his lands. Twelve eggs and hatchlings total stolen from his lands. Only one dragon was found taken from Mi'ari's lands, however.. that one hatchling was her own.. Only one of a clutch that survived the hatching. My reports say that she has since been.. replaced.... as an overseer . She went berserk and two thralls were killed in that mess, however they had no family so it seems it did not cause much of an issue with the thralls in that zone. Mi'ari is being brought here by a small detachment of warriors and medics we had sent there to help with the plague that broke out a few months ago."[/b] He shook his head as if bothered by a fly when he was finished, crushing the scroll within his claws. Sighing deeply he carefully worked to fix the scroll and place it back in its place. He knew that Mi'ari would have to be punished for her killing the thralls once she made it back, he could only hope that the punishment be light considering the circumstance that caused it. Once he was finished he looked to his mate, only a slight look of worry on his face. [b]"Our own.. are they..."[/b] He asked quietly. [/color][IMG][/IMG][/quote] [quote][b]"High Empress. Thank you for joining us in such a timely manner. Xerenoth was just bringing me up to date on the troubles in the eastern colony." [/b] [color=#850012] Bowing her head to her fellow leader, Rage walked around the room and took her place next to her mate. Normally her seat would have been directly next to Cringe, as they were technically co-leaders of the dome, however special accommodation was made when Rage choose Xerenoth as her mate. It was not unheard of that members of either clan would choose a mate who was in the other, only that it was strange that neither of them was willing to step down from their own clan and join the other. Rage refused to allow her successor to be chosen till she was ready, and Xerenoth had already explained that until Cringe told him to step down, he would stay a council member of his clan. Therefor they only lived together on the rare occasions when both the council and her leadership was not needed. They did however, make sure to spend time with one another often enough that they did not worry about the other. [b]"I shall wait till you are finished, Var Councilor Xerenoth, and you have said your peace on the matter, Cringe, Warlord of the Var." [/b] Rage loved using the full title given to the Var leader, as it always seemed to get a rise from Cringe. It was one of the many little games she enjoyed playing with the other leader, after all, Cringe could not well refuse the title or admonish Rage for saying it, else it would make the leaders look not so unified, and what harm was it to be called by your title really? The fun was in the cat and mouse game the two seemed to play during these events, with one using a tone or a phrase that irked the other, and vice versa. Harmless really, but just enough to let the other leader know that while their clans were united, and depended on one other, the leaders didn't have to like it. Soon however, she forgot all about the cat and mouse game. Listening to her mate's reports only served to cause her to grow more angry. It was bad enough that she had her own lands sending reports of ill tidings, but now finding out that both her lands and the Var lands are being hit? What was the coincidence that both lands were being hit within a few weeks from each other? She wasn't in the mood to make speculations quite yet however, instead she thought it would be best to inform the council of her own reports when it was time and have them come up with the speculation. She would just sit back and figure out the truth in the words of the others. At Xerenoth's unfinished question however, Rage softened and carefully nudged his neck with her nose. [b]"Worry not, they are safe in the Deepheart Nests. They will hatch in two days and then we can be sure they go to proper governesses and teachers."[/b] [/color] [IMG][/IMG] [/quote] @Nihill I hope you don't mind me taking small liberties by adding bits of story as to 'why' some things happen or is said the way it is (such as the uprising before the war). Though it is worded the way it is, none of it is meant to imply that that's the reason your characters act that way, only that it is why Xerenoth or Rage think of what the reason is. Also, thought you would get a kick out of that. In fact she may actually say her full title someday "High Empress Rage, Ruler of the Western Domelands, Judge of the Northern Crystals and Goddess of Augur beauty." (Cant say all that with a straight face can I? NOPE!) I'll have to find who I'm basing her personality after, though it's a mix of a few people.

Nodding at his leader, Xerenoth sighed slightly at her continued anger at the thralls. They had started an uprising not long before the short war with the Peak clan had begun, and that may have been what her anger stemmed from.

"While I would like to agree with you that it is the thralls stealing from one another, after the last uprising they have been fairly cooperative. It seems the last time they realized that we are not as harsh as the mercenaries and slavers they had thought to employ against us were. Also, the number of goods stolen, and the types are very.. inconsistent of thralls stealing from one another. After all, each complaint of theft is accompanied by the loss of eggs and hatchlings from the Overseers at around the same time, if not the same day."

Watching as his mate entered the room he made a mental note to get her a new piece of jewelry. He could tell by the twitch of her tail that she was ****** off at something. Soon as she was seated however, he got back to recounting the news he had received. Reaching for one of the many scrolls at his side he opened it and began reading with a stern tone the reports that seemed to collide with one another.

"Reports from Naaska's overlands state that one month ago two tons of salted meat was stolen, one ton of supplies, including straw, wool, wood, stone and gemstones were stolen. Only a few cases of gold were stolen around the area, but they seemed to be minor disagreements between thralls. However, that same day One of Naaska's subordinates reported that two of her five eggs had been stolen, as well as several bags worth of the elemental stones that she kept with her nests. Three days later it was found that seven hatchlings had also been taken on their way to their new homes within the city. Apalarsa reported similar findings, only with his lands there were cases of elemental stones stolen from caravans that were on their way back here through his lands. Twelve eggs and hatchlings total stolen from his lands. Only one dragon was found taken from Mi'ari's lands, however.. that one hatchling was her own.. Only one of a clutch that survived the hatching. My reports say that she has since been.. replaced.... as an overseer . She went berserk and two thralls were killed in that mess, however they had no family so it seems it did not cause much of an issue with the thralls in that zone. Mi'ari is being brought here by a small detachment of warriors and medics we had sent there to help with the plague that broke out a few months ago."

He shook his head as if bothered by a fly when he was finished, crushing the scroll within his claws. Sighing deeply he carefully worked to fix the scroll and place it back in its place. He knew that Mi'ari would have to be punished for her killing the thralls once she made it back, he could only hope that the punishment be light considering the circumstance that caused it. Once he was finished he looked to his mate, only a slight look of worry on his face.

"Our own.. are they..." He asked quietly.


"High Empress. Thank you for joining us in such a timely manner. Xerenoth was just bringing me up to date on the troubles in the eastern colony."

Bowing her head to her fellow leader, Rage walked around the room and took her place next to her mate. Normally her seat would have been directly next to Cringe, as they were technically co-leaders of the dome, however special accommodation was made when Rage choose Xerenoth as her mate. It was not unheard of that members of either clan would choose a mate who was in the other, only that it was strange that neither of them was willing to step down from their own clan and join the other. Rage refused to allow her successor to be chosen till she was ready, and Xerenoth had already explained that until Cringe told him to step down, he would stay a council member of his clan. Therefor they only lived together on the rare occasions when both the council and her leadership was not needed. They did however, make sure to spend time with one another often enough that they did not worry about the other.

"I shall wait till you are finished, Var Councilor Xerenoth, and you have said your peace on the matter, Cringe, Warlord of the Var."

Rage loved using the full title given to the Var leader, as it always seemed to get a rise from Cringe. It was one of the many little games she enjoyed playing with the other leader, after all, Cringe could not well refuse the title or admonish Rage for saying it, else it would make the leaders look not so unified, and what harm was it to be called by your title really? The fun was in the cat and mouse game the two seemed to play during these events, with one using a tone or a phrase that irked the other, and vice versa. Harmless really, but just enough to let the other leader know that while their clans were united, and depended on one other, the leaders didn't have to like it.

Soon however, she forgot all about the cat and mouse game. Listening to her mate's reports only served to cause her to grow more angry. It was bad enough that she had her own lands sending reports of ill tidings, but now finding out that both her lands and the Var lands are being hit? What was the coincidence that both lands were being hit within a few weeks from each other? She wasn't in the mood to make speculations quite yet however, instead she thought it would be best to inform the council of her own reports when it was time and have them come up with the speculation. She would just sit back and figure out the truth in the words of the others.

At Xerenoth's unfinished question however, Rage softened and carefully nudged his neck with her nose.

"Worry not, they are safe in the Deepheart Nests. They will hatch in two days and then we can be sure they go to proper governesses and teachers."


@Nihill I hope you don't mind me taking small liberties by adding bits of story as to 'why' some things happen or is said the way it is (such as the uprising before the war). Though it is worded the way it is, none of it is meant to imply that that's the reason your characters act that way, only that it is why Xerenoth or Rage think of what the reason is.

Also, thought you would get a kick out of that. In fact she may actually say her full title someday "High Empress Rage, Ruler of the Western Domelands, Judge of the Northern Crystals and Goddess of Augur beauty." (Cant say all that with a straight face can I? NOPE!) I'll have to find who I'm basing her personality after, though it's a mix of a few people.
[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Cringe gives a single nod to Rage's greeting, too concerned to ruffle at the use of her title - the title she never personally uses, and few dare to use to her face; leader of the Var has always been good enough for her. Early in her reign, one of her councilors had facetiously suggested that they change the title to War[i]lady[/i] of the Var. That councilor is no longer a councilor and is currently serving the clan by guarding one of the deepest, most seldom-used tunnels of the Underworld. To Cringe, the Warlord of the Var will always be Axlent. For now, the dark Wildclaw only lowers her head and listens to Xerenoth's accounting, her face growing more and more blank as the Coatl goes on. Several of the council members send wary glances her way; it isn't unheard of for Cringe to explode during council meetings, but this time, she has no one to vent her spleen on and only gives a prolonged hiss when Xerenoth finally falls silent. [b]"[i]Twenty-two[/i] eggs and hatchlings --"[/b] She cuts herself off and gives a brisk shake of her head. It would be very easy to become overwhelmed with the news, to go into an impassioned but useless tirade. Lifting her muzzle once more, she looks at Xerenoth, then each of the other councilors in turn, making certain to meet their eyes. [b]"Mi'ari will receive no punishment. She has suffered enough. Thralls can be replaced, but her hatchling, and all the others taken, never can. Xere, when she arrives, show her to a good chamber in the Rock; perhaps ask Aeternus or one of the other medics to see what they can do for her. A calming draught, maybe."[/b] [b]"Have your colonies suffered the same scale of depredations?"[/b] This is, of course, directed to Rage. Unusually, there is no undertone of suspicion or malice to the words; it is unthinkable that any Underworld clan-dragon would harm the young of either clan, so entwined as the two groups are. Several Augur hatchlings grow up to feel that they would fit better in Clan Var, and vice-verse, and there is much inter-breeding between the two. [/color][/quote] @Rhyvendra No, of course I don't mind - it makes everything a lot more fun. Anyway, I have it in mind that the player who leads each clan will come up with much of that clan's organization and such. There are bound to be some thrall uprisings now and then. The Underworld and its construction are very much [i]Age of Fire[/i]-ish, whichever way the other clans go, so I have no problem with anything you've added in so far. Cringe is maybe the first female leader of Var, and sort of undersized for a Wildclaw, so I think there was some dissenters when she took the role. That's all cooled down now that she's proved herself capable, but she still gets miffed about it. So her disliking being called [i]Warlord[/i] fits right in.
Cringe wrote:
Cringe gives a single nod to Rage's greeting, too concerned to ruffle at the use of her title - the title she never personally uses, and few dare to use to her face; leader of the Var has always been good enough for her. Early in her reign, one of her councilors had facetiously suggested that they change the title to Warlady of the Var. That councilor is no longer a councilor and is currently serving the clan by guarding one of the deepest, most seldom-used tunnels of the Underworld. To Cringe, the Warlord of the Var will always be Axlent.

For now, the dark Wildclaw only lowers her head and listens to Xerenoth's accounting, her face growing more and more blank as the Coatl goes on. Several of the council members send wary glances her way; it isn't unheard of for Cringe to explode during council meetings, but this time, she has no one to vent her spleen on and only gives a prolonged hiss when Xerenoth finally falls silent. "Twenty-two eggs and hatchlings --" She cuts herself off and gives a brisk shake of her head. It would be very easy to become overwhelmed with the news, to go into an impassioned but useless tirade. Lifting her muzzle once more, she looks at Xerenoth, then each of the other councilors in turn, making certain to meet their eyes. "Mi'ari will receive no punishment. She has suffered enough. Thralls can be replaced, but her hatchling, and all the others taken, never can. Xere, when she arrives, show her to a good chamber in the Rock; perhaps ask Aeternus or one of the other medics to see what they can do for her. A calming draught, maybe."

"Have your colonies suffered the same scale of depredations?" This is, of course, directed to Rage. Unusually, there is no undertone of suspicion or malice to the words; it is unthinkable that any Underworld clan-dragon would harm the young of either clan, so entwined as the two groups are. Several Augur hatchlings grow up to feel that they would fit better in Clan Var, and vice-verse, and there is much inter-breeding between the two.

@Rhyvendra No, of course I don't mind - it makes everything a lot more fun. Anyway, I have it in mind that the player who leads each clan will come up with much of that clan's organization and such. There are bound to be some thrall uprisings now and then. The Underworld and its construction are very much Age of Fire-ish, whichever way the other clans go, so I have no problem with anything you've added in so far.

Cringe is maybe the first female leader of Var, and sort of undersized for a Wildclaw, so I think there was some dissenters when she took the role. That's all cooled down now that she's proved herself capable, but she still gets miffed about it. So her disliking being called Warlord fits right in.
[quote][color=#e934aa] Xerenoth nodded and took a quick step to the side, summoning one of his aides. A small fae answered his call immediately and quickly took his orders to prepair a chamber on one of the higher ledges of the Rock, and supplies for her visit. Once this was done he went back to his seat and sighed in relief. Though she was sometimes rash and often harsh to her subjects, Xerenoth thought Cringe was the best leader they could ever ask for after Axlent's passing. He made a note that he would need to order a nice new set of battle claws for her once this was all over. Perhaps he should suggest a good skirmish match in the battlelands between her and some of the new warriors in training. He thought she would enjoy the chance of showing new blood the ropes. [/color][IMG][/IMG] [/quote] [quote][color=#850012] Rage nodded her head and opened up one of her own scrolls, but not because she needed to see it. Every name, every number of hatchlings stolen were burned into her brain already. It was more a way that she could use to hide her face. After all, the look of pure anger was such an ugly look, and she was certain she was displaying it at this time. [b] "Though the number of hatchlings and eggs are lessened on our end, that may be because many of our clan keep our hatchlings here, where they can be taught within the egg our histories, and the values of beauty and art. We also use the egg shells for artwork and for healing powders, so it is always best to keep them on hand. We have however also received reports of the occasional hatchling stolen. Only fifteen eggs and hatchlings have been stolen, however, and perhaps most troubling, is the ores that were taken. Before any wish to say that I am making light of our children being taken from us, that is not what I am saying. It is horrid that any of our kind are being taken from us, however I would like to know why anyone would need to take several tons of Iron, Copper, Steel, and obsidian, as well as several pounds of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter. Add that to the reports we spoke of several months ago of the loss of a good deal of sand and gravel from our joint stores in the Northern and Southern Overlands and the mysterious disappearance of one caravan of Sacridite... I'm certain you can agree that all of this is the necessary ingredients for an all out war. But my question is Who? Who dares attack our people, and in such brazen a way?" [/b] She went silent after her last question and shook her head as she attempted to put a mask of solemn indifference onto her face. She was not sure if she succeeded though, and could only hope that no one dared to tell her that she looked ugly when she was angry. She knew now that the situation was worse than she imagined, and could only hope that the council as a whole would understand the severity of the problem. [/color] [IMG][/IMG][/quote]

Xerenoth nodded and took a quick step to the side, summoning one of his aides. A small fae answered his call immediately and quickly took his orders to prepair a chamber on one of the higher ledges of the Rock, and supplies for her visit. Once this was done he went back to his seat and sighed in relief. Though she was sometimes rash and often harsh to her subjects, Xerenoth thought Cringe was the best leader they could ever ask for after Axlent's passing. He made a note that he would need to order a nice new set of battle claws for her once this was all over. Perhaps he should suggest a good skirmish match in the battlelands between her and some of the new warriors in training. He thought she would enjoy the chance of showing new blood the ropes.


Rage nodded her head and opened up one of her own scrolls, but not because she needed to see it. Every name, every number of hatchlings stolen were burned into her brain already. It was more a way that she could use to hide her face. After all, the look of pure anger was such an ugly look, and she was certain she was displaying it at this time.

"Though the number of hatchlings and eggs are lessened on our end, that may be because many of our clan keep our hatchlings here, where they can be taught within the egg our histories, and the values of beauty and art. We also use the egg shells for artwork and for healing powders, so it is always best to keep them on hand. We have however also received reports of the occasional hatchling stolen. Only fifteen eggs and hatchlings have been stolen, however, and perhaps most troubling, is the ores that were taken. Before any wish to say that I am making light of our children being taken from us, that is not what I am saying. It is horrid that any of our kind are being taken from us, however I would like to know why anyone would need to take several tons of Iron, Copper, Steel, and obsidian, as well as several pounds of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter. Add that to the reports we spoke of several months ago of the loss of a good deal of sand and gravel from our joint stores in the Northern and Southern Overlands and the mysterious disappearance of one caravan of Sacridite... I'm certain you can agree that all of this is the necessary ingredients for an all out war. But my question is Who? Who dares attack our people, and in such brazen a way?"

She went silent after her last question and shook her head as she attempted to put a mask of solemn indifference onto her face. She was not sure if she succeeded though, and could only hope that no one dared to tell her that she looked ugly when she was angry. She knew now that the situation was worse than she imagined, and could only hope that the council as a whole would understand the severity of the problem.

[quote="Cringe"][color=darkred]Listening to Rage's accounting of Augur's losses, Cringe keeps the same grim look on her face. Though less than their own tally, fifteen hatchlings - fifteen potential clanmates - was a terrible loss, and the other thefts were very suggestive indeed. Allowing the silence to spiral out after Rage ceases speaking, Cringe absently taps the long talon on her left hind foot, clearly deep in thought. The other councilors seem stunned by the news, a few murmuring amongst themselves or scratching on their own scrolls, but none offering any assistance. [i]'Useless bunch of windbags,'[/i] Cringe muses to herself, eyeing them. [b]"I have to say, that suspicion has been preying on me, as well. It seems all but confirmed, now, that we'll soon be under attack. But as you say, by whom? The dragons of the Peaks have been quiet, and they still have not wholly recovered from their losses in the last great war. Clan Solar can scarcely unify for a harvest celebration, much less a battle."[/b] Hissing again in exasperation, Cringe steps out of her hollow and begins to pace without seeming to notice her own movements. [b]"I propose, first, that we make it mandatory for all brooding mothers to return to the Deepheart, and to remain here until their hatchlings are at least four months old. It goes against the grain to curtail any clan-member's liberty, but protecting the future of the clan - [i]both[/i] clans - is paramount. In any case, after these most recent egg-nappings, I doubt many will protest against such an action, don't you, High Empress?"[/b] Whatever Cringe's personal feelings towards Rage, she could admit that she led her clan of preening star-gazers well, and she certainly recognizes the need for unity between their two clans. In dangerous times, the safety of the Underworld rested on all, and it was no time to be bickering amongst themselves. From the lower side of the semi-circle, one of the councilors hesitantly lifts his head and clears his throat. [b]"Forgive me, noble leaders, but it strikes me that a move like this - a drawing-in, as it were - may smack of fear to our enemies, whoever they may be. Do we want it whispered among the dragons and thralls of the colonies that our clan leaders are encouraging their dragons to [i]go into hiding[/i]?"[/b] Cringe ceases momentarily in her pacing to pin the councilor with a dark look, but then turns her head back towards Rage, tilting it in query.[/color][/quote] @Rhyvendra Please don't feel like you have to reply so promptly (though if you want to, I have no complaints). I'm just used to faster-paced roleplaying than the usual forum games.
Cringe wrote:
Listening to Rage's accounting of Augur's losses, Cringe keeps the same grim look on her face. Though less than their own tally, fifteen hatchlings - fifteen potential clanmates - was a terrible loss, and the other thefts were very suggestive indeed.

Allowing the silence to spiral out after Rage ceases speaking, Cringe absently taps the long talon on her left hind foot, clearly deep in thought. The other councilors seem stunned by the news, a few murmuring amongst themselves or scratching on their own scrolls, but none offering any assistance. 'Useless bunch of windbags,' Cringe muses to herself, eyeing them.

"I have to say, that suspicion has been preying on me, as well. It seems all but confirmed, now, that we'll soon be under attack. But as you say, by whom? The dragons of the Peaks have been quiet, and they still have not wholly recovered from their losses in the last great war. Clan Solar can scarcely unify for a harvest celebration, much less a battle." Hissing again in exasperation, Cringe steps out of her hollow and begins to pace without seeming to notice her own movements. "I propose, first, that we make it mandatory for all brooding mothers to return to the Deepheart, and to remain here until their hatchlings are at least four months old. It goes against the grain to curtail any clan-member's liberty, but protecting the future of the clan - both clans - is paramount. In any case, after these most recent egg-nappings, I doubt many will protest against such an action, don't you, High Empress?"

Whatever Cringe's personal feelings towards Rage, she could admit that she led her clan of preening star-gazers well, and she certainly recognizes the need for unity between their two clans. In dangerous times, the safety of the Underworld rested on all, and it was no time to be bickering amongst themselves.

From the lower side of the semi-circle, one of the councilors hesitantly lifts his head and clears his throat. "Forgive me, noble leaders, but it strikes me that a move like this - a drawing-in, as it were - may smack of fear to our enemies, whoever they may be. Do we want it whispered among the dragons and thralls of the colonies that our clan leaders are encouraging their dragons to go into hiding?"

Cringe ceases momentarily in her pacing to pin the councilor with a dark look, but then turns her head back towards Rage, tilting it in query.

@Rhyvendra Please don't feel like you have to reply so promptly (though if you want to, I have no complaints). I'm just used to faster-paced roleplaying than the usual forum games.
[quote][center][img][/img][/center] [color=maroon]Lucifer had remained quiet during the meeting, keeping his head down and listening to every report each member had spoken of. He was running all possible scenarios through his mind; why would any steal young dragons? Supplies? There seemed to be only one possible explanation that the old Ridgeback could find: someone was planning a war. His conclusion was further supported by Rage's report and her conclusion as well. At last, Lucifer lifted his head, his eyes alert and his posture regal. [b]"I agree with High Empress Rage. There is only one plausible explanation for the disappearance of the hatchlings and the reports of stolen goods,"[/b] he says solemnly. As much as he disliked being the one to explain things, he proceeded to explain the reasoning behind his conclusion. He looked at every council member in the room, sighing deeply as he reached Cringe. The two had a long history together, but this was the most unsettling moment they have experienced in a very long time. [b]"What are eggs and hatchlings so valuable for? They are impressionable, very easy to teach and eager to learn. Whoever is kidnapping these younglings is taking them for a reason. With the sheer amount of kidnappings and thefts of the younglings with no pattern, we can conclude that whoever is taking them is taking them to build numbers, a population of something. What that something is, I am not sure. They are amassing a large number of dragons for a purpose. If this thief, or thieves, is up to something rebellious or dangerous, we can be assured that these hatchlings will be taught hatred and anger. As for the various materials, look at the list of items stolen. Metals, explosive components. This is clearly for a dangerous purpose,"[/b] he said, lowering his head slightly at the thought of all the hatchlings. He looked back up at Cringe, his eyes mournful. [b]"I suggest that our first plan of action be to find the dragon or dragons responsible, and then to get the hatchlings back before anything happens to them,"[/b] he says, a tinge of anger flaring in his voice.[/color][/quote]
Lucifer had remained quiet during the meeting, keeping his head down and listening to every report each member had spoken of. He was running all possible scenarios through his mind; why would any steal young dragons? Supplies? There seemed to be only one possible explanation that the old Ridgeback could find: someone was planning a war.

His conclusion was further supported by Rage's report and her conclusion as well. At last, Lucifer lifted his head, his eyes alert and his posture regal. "I agree with High Empress Rage. There is only one plausible explanation for the disappearance of the hatchlings and the reports of stolen goods," he says solemnly. As much as he disliked being the one to explain things, he proceeded to explain the reasoning behind his conclusion.

He looked at every council member in the room, sighing deeply as he reached Cringe. The two had a long history together, but this was the most unsettling moment they have experienced in a very long time. "What are eggs and hatchlings so valuable for? They are impressionable, very easy to teach and eager to learn. Whoever is kidnapping these younglings is taking them for a reason. With the sheer amount of kidnappings and thefts of the younglings with no pattern, we can conclude that whoever is taking them is taking them to build numbers, a population of something. What that something is, I am not sure. They are amassing a large number of dragons for a purpose. If this thief, or thieves, is up to something rebellious or dangerous, we can be assured that these hatchlings will be taught hatred and anger. As for the various materials, look at the list of items stolen. Metals, explosive components. This is clearly for a dangerous purpose," he said, lowering his head slightly at the thought of all the hatchlings.

He looked back up at Cringe, his eyes mournful. "I suggest that our first plan of action be to find the dragon or dragons responsible, and then to get the hatchlings back before anything happens to them," he says, a tinge of anger flaring in his voice.
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
[quote=Valentine] [center][img][/img][/center] A flash of pink hues streamlined though the air, wings held so tight against the fliers body she could scarcely breath. The dragoness narrowed her eyes against the stinging air, only one thing on her mind; sticking this landing. The cavern walls streaked past in blurred shades of grey, the only thing in focus a thin rock ledge that was approaching at an alarming rate. In the five seconds it took for Valentine to reach her destination, she opened her wings- a mere few inches at first, building air resistance, until forcing them open like a parachute exploding from it's pouch. Her hind legs shot out at the last second, just barely hitting the edge of the rock in time to keep her from wiping out on the cavern wall. Regaining her balance, she craned her long feathered neck around to peer at the distance she'd covered. [b]"Damn,"[/b] she hissed, teeth clenched.[b] "That was one of my worst times yet..."[/b] Valentine shook her body out in disappointment before rising her head once more, swiveling from side to side, checking for prying eyes. Discovering none, she turned her attention to her right wing. Extending it slightly revealed a tear, one that was, in fact, taking forever to heal. It was only about a foot long, but if you followed it along it's length you would find another foot of scaring. Flying was Valentine's one and only pride, and this inconvenience was proving to hinder it in ways she cringed at the sight of. The skydancer refused to get it seen by a medic for fear of word traveling; she had no friends here and felt she was treding on thin ice with her new position. [i]The last thing I want is to be on my own again,[/i] she thought to herself. [i]they'd kill me for sure.[/i] [/quote]
Valentine wrote:

A flash of pink hues streamlined though the air, wings held so tight against the fliers body she could scarcely breath. The dragoness narrowed her eyes against the stinging air, only one thing on her mind; sticking this landing. The cavern walls streaked past in blurred shades of grey, the only thing in focus a thin rock ledge that was approaching at an alarming rate. In the five seconds it took for Valentine to reach her destination, she opened her wings- a mere few inches at first, building air resistance, until forcing them open like a parachute exploding from it's pouch.

Her hind legs shot out at the last second, just barely hitting the edge of the rock in time to keep her from wiping out on the cavern wall. Regaining her balance, she craned her long feathered neck around to peer at the distance she'd covered. "Damn," she hissed, teeth clenched. "That was one of my worst times yet..." Valentine shook her body out in disappointment before rising her head once more, swiveling from side to side, checking for prying eyes. Discovering none, she turned her attention to her right wing. Extending it slightly revealed a tear, one that was, in fact, taking forever to heal. It was only about a foot long, but if you followed it along it's length you would find another foot of scaring. Flying was Valentine's one and only pride, and this inconvenience was proving to hinder it in ways she cringed at the sight of. The skydancer refused to get it seen by a medic for fear of word traveling; she had no friends here and felt she was treding on thin ice with her new position. The last thing I want is to be on my own again, she thought to herself. they'd kill me for sure.
[quote][color=#850012] Rage listened until both the Councilor Lucifer and.. the councilor who was of little importance so she had not thought it worth the time to remember his name had spoken. [b]"Doing nothing will pose more of a threat than being seen as if we are fearful. Though I do see your point in the matter. I am inclined to agree with Lucifer and Cringe on this though. We should search for the hatchlings and eggs, as well as pull back all remaining brooding mothers, and young. However, to counter this show of fear, we should ready our joint military. Call upon both the Warriors of Var and the Combat Medics of Augur, and send platoons to each of our lands. We should remind both the Thralls and these.. Barbarians, that we are not just mere clans that live underground, we are the undisputed rulers of the Underworld, the great clans Var and Aurgur![/b] Slamming her claws unto the stone desk before her she looked around the room, pure fury in her eyes. [b]"And when we find these barbarians who dared to attack our children, we will show them that we are never to be crossed. I call that we, for the time being, put ourselves in a state of Wartime Planning. They think we will be caught unawares, but we are smarter than they seem to think us. I call to you, Councilors of Aurgur, to put into effect that our Artisans put a hold on their works of pure art, and put their talents into the making of supplies we will need for war. That our medics, healers, and others who work with flora start working on surplus potions, healing powders, and yes, even poisons to prepare for this. We shall be ready for whatever they throw at us. We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is War."[/b] [/color] [IMG][/IMG][/quote] [quote] [color=#e934aa] Xerenoth blinked at his mate's rage filled words. He had known that she had the name for that very reason, but had never seen it for himself. Nodding his head and looking to his leader, and the other council members he sighed. [b]"I would be inclined to agree. We do need to prepare. Perhaps we have been too lenient after the last minor war against the Peaks clan. Now may be a good time to start up the training of hatchlings as soon as they are out of the egg again. We have tried to allow them to pick their own course of if they wanted to be warriors, or go into the clan of Argur, but perhaps we should put that on hold. Even if they decide that they wish to be artists later, they should be taught now so that if we need to we can, ancient deities forfend, call upon our full strength should it be needed."[/b] The whole time he spoke, he was wrapping his arms around Rage, and pulling her back down into her seat, worried that she may break the table, or worse, ruin some of the scrolls! [/color][IMG][/IMG] [/quote] @Coax ,@Maus, @Nihill

Rage listened until both the Councilor Lucifer and.. the councilor who was of little importance so she had not thought it worth the time to remember his name had spoken.

"Doing nothing will pose more of a threat than being seen as if we are fearful. Though I do see your point in the matter. I am inclined to agree with Lucifer and Cringe on this though. We should search for the hatchlings and eggs, as well as pull back all remaining brooding mothers, and young. However, to counter this show of fear, we should ready our joint military. Call upon both the Warriors of Var and the Combat Medics of Augur, and send platoons to each of our lands. We should remind both the Thralls and these.. Barbarians, that we are not just mere clans that live underground, we are the undisputed rulers of the Underworld, the great clans Var and Aurgur!

Slamming her claws unto the stone desk before her she looked around the room, pure fury in her eyes. "And when we find these barbarians who dared to attack our children, we will show them that we are never to be crossed. I call that we, for the time being, put ourselves in a state of Wartime Planning. They think we will be caught unawares, but we are smarter than they seem to think us. I call to you, Councilors of Aurgur, to put into effect that our Artisans put a hold on their works of pure art, and put their talents into the making of supplies we will need for war. That our medics, healers, and others who work with flora start working on surplus potions, healing powders, and yes, even poisons to prepare for this. We shall be ready for whatever they throw at us. We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is War."


Xerenoth blinked at his mate's rage filled words. He had known that she had the name for that very reason, but had never seen it for himself. Nodding his head and looking to his leader, and the other council members he sighed.

"I would be inclined to agree. We do need to prepare. Perhaps we have been too lenient after the last minor war against the Peaks clan. Now may be a good time to start up the training of hatchlings as soon as they are out of the egg again. We have tried to allow them to pick their own course of if they wanted to be warriors, or go into the clan of Argur, but perhaps we should put that on hold. Even if they decide that they wish to be artists later, they should be taught now so that if we need to we can, ancient deities forfend, call upon our full strength should it be needed."

The whole time he spoke, he was wrapping his arms around Rage, and pulling her back down into her seat, worried that she may break the table, or worse, ruin some of the scrolls!


@Coax ,@Maus, @Nihill
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 14 15