
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Closed and Done
Good luck everybody!
Good luck everybody!

Rules for Prize drawing:
Q. How will prizes be distributed/handled?
A: Winners will be drawn in groups of 10. If you are the first drawn winner, you get your first prize pick! If you're 2nd, you will list TWO prize options in order of most to least wanted. This way, if your first option is taken, there is a backup. If you are 3rd you will list 3 prize options in order and etc down the line. SO if you are 10th, you will need to list 10 prize options just in case the 9 users before you claim your first 9 picks. Remember, you will only win ONE prize, the list is just in case your first choices are picked before you.

You will have 24 hours from when you are initially pinged as a winner to reply to this thread with your prize options. If you fail to do so, you will be bumped to the top of the next drawing of winners.
If you fail to reply after 2 pings, you will be thrown back into the pot to be drawn from again.

You can only win once!

Please list the exact name of the prize title when listing your prize choices.

Skins/Accents: In this category you can pick any 2 skins/accents to claim. However, please list 3 in order of preference in case one is claimed by someone before you. This will help mitigate any back and forth. You will get the first two listed that are available.

Similar to above except you get 3 items. As such, please list 5 items in order of preference. You will get the first 3 that are still available. Remember, this is a Mix & Match category so you can get 3 familiars or 2 familiars and an apparel piece or any other combo with those 3 categories.

Dragon Prizes
: Any dragon after Duet in my lair is a prize. However, they will not come with any items or familiars attached to them. Those are just holders.

Dragon Breeding: If you want a hatchling from a pair of my dragons, please Scry them ahead of time as a few in my lair are related. I do not have any specific pairs so anyone that is able to breed together is free game for you to choose to nest together. You can also choose to have one of your dragons breed with one of mine, but it will be done in my lair.

Art Prizes: Any art done by me may not be started until all other prizes are distributed. I MAY start sooner, but I may not, so please be patient.

Round One Winners!

1. @Gokueater - Unhatched Nocturne Egg
2. @leyline - Frozen Spring
3. @NaireReider
4. @theresilence - Skins/Accents: Call to the Sky & Barnacle Loaf
5. @Aelis - Coming Spring
6. @Rbandboy - Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face
7. @Unownsender - Mix & Match (loga, agol, sunbeam ursa)
8. @Ulla - it's electric
9. @Aarune - Mirror Mirror
10. @Sapling - Not Venomous

Congratz to the first round winners!

Rules for Prize drawing:
Q. How will prizes be distributed/handled?
A: Winners will be drawn in groups of 10. If you are the first drawn winner, you get your first prize pick! If you're 2nd, you will list TWO prize options in order of most to least wanted. This way, if your first option is taken, there is a backup. If you are 3rd you will list 3 prize options in order and etc down the line. SO if you are 10th, you will need to list 10 prize options just in case the 9 users before you claim your first 9 picks. Remember, you will only win ONE prize, the list is just in case your first choices are picked before you.

You will have 24 hours from when you are initially pinged as a winner to reply to this thread with your prize options. If you fail to do so, you will be bumped to the top of the next drawing of winners.
If you fail to reply after 2 pings, you will be thrown back into the pot to be drawn from again.

You can only win once!

Please list the exact name of the prize title when listing your prize choices.

Skins/Accents: In this category you can pick any 2 skins/accents to claim. However, please list 3 in order of preference in case one is claimed by someone before you. This will help mitigate any back and forth. You will get the first two listed that are available.

Similar to above except you get 3 items. As such, please list 5 items in order of preference. You will get the first 3 that are still available. Remember, this is a Mix & Match category so you can get 3 familiars or 2 familiars and an apparel piece or any other combo with those 3 categories.

Dragon Prizes
: Any dragon after Duet in my lair is a prize. However, they will not come with any items or familiars attached to them. Those are just holders.

Dragon Breeding: If you want a hatchling from a pair of my dragons, please Scry them ahead of time as a few in my lair are related. I do not have any specific pairs so anyone that is able to breed together is free game for you to choose to nest together. You can also choose to have one of your dragons breed with one of mine, but it will be done in my lair.

Art Prizes: Any art done by me may not be started until all other prizes are distributed. I MAY start sooner, but I may not, so please be patient.

Round One Winners!

1. @Gokueater - Unhatched Nocturne Egg
2. @leyline - Frozen Spring
3. @NaireReider
4. @theresilence - Skins/Accents: Call to the Sky & Barnacle Loaf
5. @Aelis - Coming Spring
6. @Rbandboy - Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face
7. @Unownsender - Mix & Match (loga, agol, sunbeam ursa)
8. @Ulla - it's electric
9. @Aarune - Mirror Mirror
10. @Sapling - Not Venomous

Congratz to the first round winners!
[s]SCREAMS!! :0!!! I'll choose my prizes and ping you once I'm not in class lmao [/s] 1.) Mirror Mirror 2.) Frozen Spring 3.) Coming Spring 4.) Not Venemous 5.) For Science! 6.) Nosferatu Reborn 7.) Light Cracking 8.) Accents- pick two ( [item=Accent: Frosted Glasswing] [item=Accent: Winter Draft] ) 9.) Light Attack @Kamishii , thanks so much for hosting this raffle : ) (And the last one!!) I always enjoy them so much. <3
I'll choose my prizes and ping you once I'm not in class lmao

1.) Mirror Mirror
2.) Frozen Spring
3.) Coming Spring
4.) Not Venemous
5.) For Science!
6.) Nosferatu Reborn
7.) Light Cracking
8.) Accents- pick two ( Accent: Frosted Glasswing Accent: Winter Draft )
9.) Light Attack

@Kamishii , thanks so much for hosting this raffle : ) (And the last one!!) I always enjoy them so much. <3

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I won? [b]I WON!![/b] Congrats to all the other winners and all following winners. Here's my list:[LIST=1] [*]Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face [*]Mix & Match ([item=Agol][item=Loga][Item=Sunbeam Ursa]) [*]Mix & Match ([item=Snarling Mimic][item=Ectoplasmime][item=Jawlocker]) [*]Conjurer Pack [*]Mix & Match ([item=Bluffclamber Belongings][item=Skeletal Chimes][item=Will o' the Ember]) [*]Mix & Match ([item=Sunbeam Ursa][item=Magma Embear][item=Livewire Grizzly]) [*]For Science! [/LIST]
I won? I WON!! Congrats to all the other winners and all following winners. Here's my list:
  1. Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face
  2. Mix & Match ( Agol Loga Sunbeam Ursa )
  3. Mix & Match ( Snarling Mimic Ectoplasmime Jawlocker )
  4. Conjurer Pack
  5. Mix & Match ( Bluffclamber Belongings Skeletal Chimes Will o' the Ember )
  6. Mix & Match ( Sunbeam Ursa Magma Embear Livewire Grizzly )
  7. For Science!
@Kamishii AHHH I'm so excited! This is incredible, thank you so much! Here are my choices: 1. Frozen Spring [item=ice sprite] 2. Mirror Mirror [item=breed change: nocturne]
@Kamishii AHHH I'm so excited! This is incredible, thank you so much!

Here are my choices:

1. Frozen Spring Ice Sprite
2. Mirror Mirror Breed Change: Nocturne
Congrats to the first winners
Congrats to the first winners
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@Kamishii And here's to a successful raffe. [Edit: whoops. wrong sprite.] [u]My choices:[/u] [LIST=1] [*]Coming Spring [item=Nature Sprite] [*]Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face [*]Pick 3: [LIST] [*]Sunbeam Ursa [item=Sunbeam Ursa] [*]Livewire Grizzly [item=Livewire Grizzly] [*]Murktooth Bramblekeep [item=Murktooth Bramblekeep] [/LIST] [/LIST]
@Kamishii And here's to a successful raffe. [Edit: whoops. wrong sprite.]

My choices:
  1. Coming Spring Nature Sprite
  2. Mirror Mirror Attacking my Face
  3. Pick 3:
    • Sunbeam Ursa Sunbeam Ursa
    • Livewire Grizzly Livewire Grizzly
    • Murktooth Bramblekeep Murktooth Bramblekeep
@Kamishii ;v; ahhh okay um... I was I just post what I want here?? Could I get the Cold Snap skin and the coatl skin in the other skin/accent category??

but if one of those have been claimed could I get the 2014 (female) ..?
@Kamishii ;v; ahhh okay um... I was I just post what I want here?? Could I get the Cold Snap skin and the coatl skin in the other skin/accent category??

but if one of those have been claimed could I get the 2014 (female) ..?

20 He/They
Since you are #1 you don't have to worry about anything already being claimed so your first choice is what you will get! I'll wait till later to start passing out prizes in case this changes your mind :) Everything is open for you to pick from!
Since you are #1 you don't have to worry about anything already being claimed so your first choice is what you will get! I'll wait till later to start passing out prizes in case this changes your mind :) Everything is open for you to pick from!
@Kamishii o.o .... oh.... could I get the unhatched nocturne egg then o/////o
@Kamishii o.o .... oh.... could I get the unhatched nocturne egg then o/////o

20 He/They