
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | 26,831 Diamond Giveaway
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Like many others here, I don't believe I deserve them any more than any other player here. I'm trying my hardest to save up for a Golden Idol. Lions have been my favorite animals for almost my entire life, so to have the Golden Idol familiar is my goal. Because they're so expensive, the process is slow-going, so any gems or extra treasure that I get always goes straight away into my vault to save up.

In any case, no matter what the outcome, thank you for this opportunity! ^.^

Like many others here, I don't believe I deserve them any more than any other player here. I'm trying my hardest to save up for a Golden Idol. Lions have been my favorite animals for almost my entire life, so to have the Golden Idol familiar is my goal. Because they're so expensive, the process is slow-going, so any gems or extra treasure that I get always goes straight away into my vault to save up.

In any case, no matter what the outcome, thank you for this opportunity! ^.^
LF G1 F Jungle/Soil/Crimson Nature Unbred
If you have one to trade/sell, message me.

Oh, wow. That is a TON of gems.

I don't know what would be the worthiest use of so many gems, but I think the first thing I would do is impulse-buy a bunch of custom accents, because at my 36 gems and counting, there's no way I'm getting any of those anytime soon.

I guess after that it would be a matter of holding onto them until I found a good use...

Oh! Marketplace gem familiars! I'd have to get a few of those; I'm a sucker for familiars.

Frankly the idea of so much wealth is so dizzying that I'd probably just stare at it in disbelief for a few days until the shock wore off.

Anyhow, this is really generous of you! My future congratulations to the winner!

Oh, wow. That is a TON of gems.

I don't know what would be the worthiest use of so many gems, but I think the first thing I would do is impulse-buy a bunch of custom accents, because at my 36 gems and counting, there's no way I'm getting any of those anytime soon.

I guess after that it would be a matter of holding onto them until I found a good use...

Oh! Marketplace gem familiars! I'd have to get a few of those; I'm a sucker for familiars.

Frankly the idea of so much wealth is so dizzying that I'd probably just stare at it in disbelief for a few days until the shock wore off.

Anyhow, this is really generous of you! My future congratulations to the winner!

I love to be able to be able to complete all the gene goals on my profile to pretty up my babies hahaha. And then with that much a surplus, I'd definitely give gems away to my fantastic friends and the community c:

I love to be able to be able to complete all the gene goals on my profile to pretty up my babies hahaha. And then with that much a surplus, I'd definitely give gems away to my fantastic friends and the community c:
Art Shop

Dom Shop
@Reskaa3 Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine having that many gems!

I don't even think that I'm the best candidate for this. I'd REALLY like the gems, but I'm not sure if I would use them to the worthiest extent. I would definitely share them with my friend, @Aspyria because she has a debt to pay.

I guess I would buy some gem familiars and scrolls. I also always wanted to buy a really expensive accent, it's called Potions and it's my dream to be able to obtain it.

I don't even know! I just can't even wrap my head around SO MANY gems!

Maybe I would buy a sprite, or something.

I just don't know how to word my reactions if I actually got that many gems, it's just..... I'm speechless already, and I don't even have that many gems in my possession! Just imagining THAT MANY..............

Anyways, you are so generous for giving away so many! I do hope you choose the most worthy candidate for this, whether it be me or someone else.
@Reskaa3 Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine having that many gems!

I don't even think that I'm the best candidate for this. I'd REALLY like the gems, but I'm not sure if I would use them to the worthiest extent. I would definitely share them with my friend, @Aspyria because she has a debt to pay.

I guess I would buy some gem familiars and scrolls. I also always wanted to buy a really expensive accent, it's called Potions and it's my dream to be able to obtain it.

I don't even know! I just can't even wrap my head around SO MANY gems!

Maybe I would buy a sprite, or something.

I just don't know how to word my reactions if I actually got that many gems, it's just..... I'm speechless already, and I don't even have that many gems in my possession! Just imagining THAT MANY..............

Anyways, you are so generous for giving away so many! I do hope you choose the most worthy candidate for this, whether it be me or someone else.
@Reskaa3 like @Plushnoodle said, I do have a debt to pay (1.4mil treasure I crie)

I would literally burst into tears if I won this and hug you to death and throw confetti everywhere...I'm really moved by your generosity and everything (I already want to hug you because GENEROSITY). I don't really think I'm more deserving of the gems than anyone else but I would really love some gems (at this point even one gem or treasure is a gift to me). I can't imagine being rich, I really can't.

I'd share with my friends and give back to the community. And buy sprites, of course (sprites are amazing okay) and MOAR limited familiars.

Good luck to everyone, I hope whoever gets these gems will spend them well! I trust you to pick who you think deserves it the most :)

Oh and if it's not me, I'd want either Plushnoodle or a mod (they do so much work around here!) to get it, or really anyone who deserves it ^-^
@Reskaa3 like @Plushnoodle said, I do have a debt to pay (1.4mil treasure I crie)

I would literally burst into tears if I won this and hug you to death and throw confetti everywhere...I'm really moved by your generosity and everything (I already want to hug you because GENEROSITY). I don't really think I'm more deserving of the gems than anyone else but I would really love some gems (at this point even one gem or treasure is a gift to me). I can't imagine being rich, I really can't.

I'd share with my friends and give back to the community. And buy sprites, of course (sprites are amazing okay) and MOAR limited familiars.

Good luck to everyone, I hope whoever gets these gems will spend them well! I trust you to pick who you think deserves it the most :)

Oh and if it's not me, I'd want either Plushnoodle or a mod (they do so much work around here!) to get it, or really anyone who deserves it ^-^
What a kind giveaway! the "I don't deserve this above anyone else" opinion seems to be popular, and I'd have to agree. that being said, if I were to receive such a large amount of gems, I'd start with geneing up my gen1s and expanding my collection of gen1 flight representatives. you see, I sort of need a coatl and shimmer scroll for my fire rep and a iridescent and wildclaw scroll for my nature rep. whether or not this is an investment well made is a choice on your part, but it would mean a lot for me to get it! of course, after those scrolls, I'd be at a rather loss - I'd probably buy more dragons, buy gem apparel and drown my dragons in a lot of night silks and alabaster filigree, exchange it for treasure and expand my lair, possibly save it up for a skycat or a golden Idol? aaa I don't really know but it would definitely make me happy :)
What a kind giveaway! the "I don't deserve this above anyone else" opinion seems to be popular, and I'd have to agree. that being said, if I were to receive such a large amount of gems, I'd start with geneing up my gen1s and expanding my collection of gen1 flight representatives. you see, I sort of need a coatl and shimmer scroll for my fire rep and a iridescent and wildclaw scroll for my nature rep. whether or not this is an investment well made is a choice on your part, but it would mean a lot for me to get it! of course, after those scrolls, I'd be at a rather loss - I'd probably buy more dragons, buy gem apparel and drown my dragons in a lot of night silks and alabaster filigree, exchange it for treasure and expand my lair, possibly save it up for a skycat or a golden Idol? aaa I don't really know but it would definitely make me happy :)

That's a lot of gems.

I'll echo other people with "I'm not sure anyone can actually deserve that many gems", but I'll say why I'd want them, or what I'd do with them. Part into savings, either pure for a light sprite or other sprites to save and resell, another part for player made accents. Like, 10K for player made accents. Probably some of it would go to art, a few thousand at least, probably 5Kish. That sounds like a plan. ~5k for art, ~10K for accents (not saying it isn't art, but it's a more specific type of art), the rest would be stored in pure and sprite form until I could afford a light sprite.

That's a lot of gems.

I'll echo other people with "I'm not sure anyone can actually deserve that many gems", but I'll say why I'd want them, or what I'd do with them. Part into savings, either pure for a light sprite or other sprites to save and resell, another part for player made accents. Like, 10K for player made accents. Probably some of it would go to art, a few thousand at least, probably 5Kish. That sounds like a plan. ~5k for art, ~10K for accents (not saying it isn't art, but it's a more specific type of art), the rest would be stored in pure and sprite form until I could afford a light sprite.
@Reskaa3 As a desperate familiar hoarder, I would use these gems to buy all the familiars I don't have.

Sprites. Bears. A red-footed akirbeak.

And then I would die happy.
@Reskaa3 As a desperate familiar hoarder, I would use these gems to buy all the familiars I don't have.

Sprites. Bears. A red-footed akirbeak.

And then I would die happy.
@reskaa3 I'd like to make my clan more beautiful. Right now I only have one project in the works but I want to eventually put genes on my progens and expand my lair some more (I'm broke af after buying battle stones). This is the one I'm gonna work on [s]grow up already![/s]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I'd like to make my clan more beautiful.

Right now I only have one project in the works but I want to eventually put genes on my progens and expand my lair some more (I'm broke af after buying battle stones).

This is the one I'm gonna work on grow up already!:


Ollie | he/him
eGiN2Xv.png F8WMfQz.png thDLJf3.png

Why I want all these gems:

I have 3 dragons currently in need of Circuit genes, which will cost 3,200g all up, as well as at least 2 other sets of genes, and a custom made skin for my one of my Imperials.
I'm also trying to collect every single familiar, many of which are gem only buys.
I'd like to make a Rental service so newbies can borrow my level 25s so they can train and level their own, which means I'll need lots of cash for Berserkers and Eliminates.
I don't have any IRL to spend on getting gems myself, since I have rent, uni costs and food to think about before being able to spend money on frivolous things.
Plus, I'm an April newbie, so I don't have nearly as many resources as other members do, meaning that some of my dragons will remain ungened for a long while unless I get these gems.

But y'know. This thread is 10 pages long, and I bet there are other dudes who have much better reasons than me to get these gems. So I hope you don't have too much of a hard time deciding who's worthy, and I wish everyone good luck in their endeavours!

Why I want all these gems:

I have 3 dragons currently in need of Circuit genes, which will cost 3,200g all up, as well as at least 2 other sets of genes, and a custom made skin for my one of my Imperials.
I'm also trying to collect every single familiar, many of which are gem only buys.
I'd like to make a Rental service so newbies can borrow my level 25s so they can train and level their own, which means I'll need lots of cash for Berserkers and Eliminates.
I don't have any IRL to spend on getting gems myself, since I have rent, uni costs and food to think about before being able to spend money on frivolous things.
Plus, I'm an April newbie, so I don't have nearly as many resources as other members do, meaning that some of my dragons will remain ungened for a long while unless I get these gems.

But y'know. This thread is 10 pages long, and I bet there are other dudes who have much better reasons than me to get these gems. So I hope you don't have too much of a hard time deciding who's worthy, and I wish everyone good luck in their endeavours!
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