[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872493]Rules [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872494] Dragons [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872495]Posts[/url][/center]
I saw @Angelicdotcom 's Bracing Breezes and wanted to try a Clanlocke myself. Here is their Clanlocke:
So here we have:
[Size=6] [b]WET LEAVES[/b] [/center]
A bunch of nature dragons try their hand and being water dragons, lets see how it goes.
Starting Dragons:
[center][b]Larimar[/b] Our Leader[/center]
I saw @
Angelicdotcom 's Bracing Breezes and wanted to try a Clanlocke myself. Here is their Clanlocke:
So here we have:
A bunch of nature dragons try their hand and being water dragons, lets see how it goes.
Starting Dragons:
Larimar Our Leader
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872493]Rules [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872494] Dragons [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872495]Posts[/url][/center]
[quote name="Angelicdotcom" date="2023-03-09 19:34:08" ]
[center][b][Size=6][color=green] Rules[/color] [/size][/b][/center]
[columns] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Dz82Y0my/dv3-l.png[/img]
[Size=4][b]1. [color=forestgreen]Every dragon starts with 2 lives. Once the lives are used up they are dead. [/b][/color]
[indent]Exalt them, sell them, stick in another lair tab if you can’t bare to get rid of them. Giving them two lives gives you some wiggle room if that Rose Mith just killed them all in their first battle.[/indent][/size]
[Size=4][b]2. [color=forestgreen]Nests are beholden to the coin, flip a coin to see to see if each hatching stays or goes.
[indent]Heads = Stay, Tails = Goes. Special eyed hatchings get a free pass to stay.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]3. [color=forestgreen]Dress your dragons up however you like.
[indent]Have fun.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]4. [color=forestgreen]Names must come from the site’s Randomizer.
[indent]Unless a renaming scroll drops in the coli or the dragon comes prenamed.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]5. [color=forestgreen]You must have a leader for your band of dergs.
[indent]The leader gets on extra life for a total of 3 and nest at will. If your original one loses all their lives, time for a new one. So on and so forth.
[Size=4][b]6. [color=forestgreen]Death Bonds mean both die. [/b][/color]
[indent]In some events, a Death Bond can be created. When one of the pair die, both die. This ignores any extra lives.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]7. [color=forestgreen]During Events, dragons are invincible and cannot die in Coli. [/b][/color]
[Size=3][b]8. [color=forestgreen]Once a dragon has a mate, they can only nest with that mate.[/b][/color]
[quote name="Angelicdotcom" date="2023-03-09 19:34:11" ]
[center][b][Size=6][color=green] Item Cache [/color] [/size][/b][/center]
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]The Item Cache- You can reserve items. [/b][/color]
[indent]When you get busy and need to skip a few days, or you just don’t have the dragons to breed or you don’t want to write. You can put items aside in your cache. The Item Cache is kept at the very bottom of the posts so the followers are able to see how many items you have. You can have up to 25 items in your cache. [/indent]
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Crim’s Cart Sacrifice - Sacrificing items to try and get a new derg.[/b][/color]
[indent]If you have many apparel items there in your cache mocking you and your just don’t have the dragons to breed, this allows you to take advantage of Pinkerton’s sister’s hoarding habits.
You can go to Crim’s Cart once a day go through her offers. If she offers to buy a familiar from you, you sacrifice 3 items from your cache which includes one of the offending apparel items.
If you have multiple dragons available to breed, use random number gen to pick who gets a mate. The new dragon must be the same breed as the lucky dragon and ready to breed. Buy the cheapest appropriate dragon from the auction house, the breed them with the lucky dragon.
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Trash Pile, Item Cache discard pile.[/b][/color]
[indent]Once you reach 25 items in your Item Cache, you have to throw out some items. You need to keep track of what is in your Trash Pile, you might get to Dumper Dive later...
Roll d20 3 times to decide what 3 things go to the trash pile. If you get a 20 you can pick which item to trash.
[quote name="Angelicdotcom" date="2023-03-09 19:34:21" ]
[center][b][Size=6][color=green] Pinkerton Drops [/color] [/size][/b][/center]
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Food - [i]Coli time, pick 3 random dragons. Flip a coin, hard or easy mode?[/i][/b][/color]
[indent]You can count each round or you can put a timer on for a set amount of time
[List][*][b]Plants[/b]: 10-20 matches (5 minutes on the timer)
[*][b]Insects: [/b]20-30 matches (10 minutes)
[*][b]Seafood:[/b] 30-40 matches (15 minutes)
[*][b]Meat:[/b] 40-50 matches (20 minutes)[/list]
[b]Easy mode[/b] - Choose whichever venue you want and go for it. Running from battles, using health pots, and ending the battle streak is fine.
[b]Hard mode[/b] - Select the coliseum arena that corresponds to the lowest level dragon of that group. If the dragons level up mid session, it’s on to the corresponding venue for the lowest dragon.
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Familiars - [i] Buy the cheapest dragon in the auction house of a specific breed. [/i][/b][/color]
[indent]Roll for d20 and pick from the number list.
[*]Bogsneak Dragons
[*]Coatl Dragons
[*]Fae Dragons
[*]Guardian Dragons
[*]Imperial Dragons
[*]Mirror Dragons
[*]Nocturne Dragons
[*]Obelisk Dragons
[*]Pearlcatcher Dragons
[*]Ridgeback Dragons
[*]Skydancer Dragons
[*]Snapper Dragons
[*]Spiral Dragons
[*]Tundra Dragons
[*]Wildclaw Dragons
[*]Aberration Dragons
[*]Banescale Dragons
[*]Gaoler Dragons
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Apparel -[i] Breed two of your dragons. [/i][/b][/color]
[indent]The dragons you pick are up to you. You can also change one of the genes on a dragon, or use a scatterscroll if you are rich and crazy.[/indent]
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Trinkets - [i]Write something.[/i][/b][/color]
[indent] It doesn’t have to be long. A short bio for one of the dragons. A small little scene between two dergs, or maybe some lore. See what you can come up with in 10 minutes!
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Materials - [i]Roll for an Event[/i][/b][/color]
[indent]Roll a d20 and then use the Events list to see what will happen.[/indent]
[Size=4][b][color=forestgreen]Battle Stones - [i]Roll for 4 Events[/i][/b][/color]
[indent]Roll a d20 and then use the Events list to see what will happen. But do this 4 times, will today be good or bad by the end?[/indent]
[quote name="Angelicdotcom" date="2023-03-09 19:34:25" ]
[center][b][Size=6][color=green] Events [/color] [/size][/b][/center]
[Size=4][b]1. [color=forestgreen]There’s a scandal (or romance) afoot.[/b][/color]
[indent]Pick two of your ready-to-breed dragons at random if you have any. Put them in a nest. The hatchlings, if they survive, join your clan. If nobody is ready to breed, grab a random hatchling off the AH. A secret forbidden child or sibling has been uncovered![/indent]
[Size=4][b]2. [color=forestgreen]Emperor Dragon Slaughter.[/b][/color]
[indent]Your clan's territory is rampaged by a giant emperor dragon! Rolls a d10 for every dragon in your clan. If they get a 1, the dragon is dead/ loses a life. [/indent]
[Size=4][b]3. [color=forestgreen]Brew Gone Wrong.[/b][/color]
[indent]Someone was experimenting with brewing but the drink was poison not something nice. Some one loses a life. The dice decide who. If it was their last life, they are now dead.
[Size=4][b]4. [color=forestgreen]Who are you?[/b][/color]
[indent]A random dragon wanders into your territory. Buy the cheapest dragon off the auction house and they join.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]5. [color=forestgreen]Permanent Vacation.[/b][/color]
[indent]One dragon in your lair decides to go on vacation to never return. Get rid of one dragon of your choice.
[Size=4][b]6. [color=forestgreen]Train the Newbies.[/b][/color]
Take your 3 lowest level dragons and raise them a level. They are invincible for this coli trip. [/indent]
[Size=4][b]7. [color=forestgreen]Great Caesar! Beware the Ides of March![/b][/color]
[indent]Get rid of your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.
[Size=4][b]8. [color=forestgreen]Leader’s Courtship.[/b][/color]
[indent]Your Leader is lonely and wants a permanent mate! Use the random number picker to decide who is your Leader’s Mate. After which they can only breed with their Mate and will form a Death Bond with them. If your leader is an Ancient breed, pick from your pool of that breed. If you don’t have any others of that breed, buy the cheapest one from the auction house of that same breed. [/indent]
[Size=4][b]9. [color=forestgreen]Playing Favorites![/b][/color]
[indent][i]Add one extra life to any dragon you want![/i][/indent]
[Size=4][b]10. [color=forestgreen]Time for a Hunting trip.[/b][/color]
[indent]Choose any three dragons in your clan and enter a coliseum area low enough that they won’t gain XP. Use the Meat rules. You can switch out dragons in between battles.
[*]For any familiar, battle stone, and apparel drops, give a random dragon on the team one extra life.
[*]If you get special drops such as an egg, skin/accent chest, or genes give a random dragon three extra lives.[/list]
Roll a 1d6 for each dragon after. If any roll a 1 they are exalted / lose a life.
[Size=4][b]11. [color=forestgreen]There is Black Magic Abouts?[/b][/color]
[indent]Someone was playing with black magic and now two dragons have a Deathbond.
Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a death bond and their fates are bound together. If one gets booted, so does the other. Death Bonds ignore extra lives.
[Size=4][b]12. [color=forestgreen]It’s Peaceful….[/b][/color]
[indent]Nothing happens today. Maybe use an item from the Cache if you feel the need.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]13. [color=forestgreen]Trash or Treasure? [/b][/color]
[indent]Pull an random item from your trash or cache and use it. If you have neither or the item can’t be used, go to Crim and see what the first item she is trying to buy. Then use that item. If none of that works, do nothing.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]14. [color=forestgreen]Dumpster Dive! [/b][/color]
[indent]Pull an item of your choice from your Trash Pile and use it.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]15. [color=forestgreen]The Plague…. [/b][/color]
[indent]A great sickness comes over your entire clan. Roll a 1d12 for every dragon including your Leader. On a 1 the dragon does not survive or loses a life.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]16. [color=forestgreen]This Drink Isn’t Right…[/b][/color]
[indent]Help! The Leader has been poisoned! Roll a d4!
[*]They succumb to the poison. The Leader loses a life or is dead. If Dead randomly pick a new Leader. If the Leader had a Mate, they die because of the Dead Bond.
[*]The poison causes the Leader to go mad! Choose a random dragon and flip a coin. On heads, the Leader kills them. Flip an additional coin to see if the Leader is cured of madness. On heads, you target another random dragon. Any tails mean the Leader snaps out of the madness.
[*]Randomize a dragon for the one who poisoned the Leader. Flip a coin. On heads, they know who poisoned them and had them killed. On tails, the poisoner got away this time.
[*]The Leader just ate something that disagreed with them. Everything’s fine the next morning.
[Size=4][b]17. [color=forestgreen]Gone Fishing.[/b][/color]
[indent]Leader is missing, leaving only a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign. Flip a coin. Heads, you pick a new leader of your choice and the old one is dead. Tails, they were indeed just Gone Fishing and come back a few days later.
[Size=4][b]18. [color=forestgreen]Matchmaker Matchmaker![/b][/color]
[indent]Randomly pair two dragons together, they are now mates and have a Dead Bond.[/indent]
[Size=4][b]19. [color=forestgreen]Going Fishing?[/b][/color]
Pick the Leader and then two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise them a level. Roll a 10-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, They lose a life or they’re exalted as they were lost in the water. If the Leader is killed, choose a new Leader from the remaining Coli party.
[Size=4][b]20. [color=forestgreen]Liar Liar Pants on Fire![/b][/color]
[indent]If your Leader had a Mate, the Death Bond doesn’t work. The Mate kills the Leader and takes their place.
If the Leader has no Mate, pick a random dragon to duel with the Leader. Flip a coin. Heads, the Leader wins and but was so impressed that they now are Mates. Tails, the random dragon kills the Leader and takes their place.[/indent]
Angelicdotcom wrote on 2023-03-09 19:34:08:
1. Every dragon starts with 2 lives. Once the lives are used up they are dead.
Exalt them, sell them, stick in another lair tab if you can’t bare to get rid of them. Giving them two lives gives you some wiggle room if that Rose Mith just killed them all in their first battle.
2. Nests are beholden to the coin, flip a coin to see to see if each hatching stays or goes.
Heads = Stay, Tails = Goes. Special eyed hatchings get a free pass to stay.
3. Dress your dragons up however you like.
Have fun.
4. Names must come from the site’s Randomizer.
Unless a renaming scroll drops in the coli or the dragon comes prenamed.
5. You must have a leader for your band of dergs.
The leader gets on extra life for a total of 3 and nest at will. If your original one loses all their lives, time for a new one. So on and so forth.
6. Death Bonds mean both die.
In some events, a Death Bond can be created. When one of the pair die, both die. This ignores any extra lives.
7. During Events, dragons are invincible and cannot die in Coli.
8. Once a dragon has a mate, they can only nest with that mate.
Angelicdotcom wrote on 2023-03-09 19:34:11:
Item Cache
The Item Cache- You can reserve items.
When you get busy and need to skip a few days, or you just don’t have the dragons to breed or you don’t want to write. You can put items aside in your cache. The Item Cache is kept at the very bottom of the posts so the followers are able to see how many items you have. You can have up to 25 items in your cache.
Crim’s Cart Sacrifice - Sacrificing items to try and get a new derg.
If you have many apparel items there in your cache mocking you and your just don’t have the dragons to breed, this allows you to take advantage of Pinkerton’s sister’s hoarding habits.
You can go to Crim’s Cart once a day go through her offers. If she offers to buy a familiar from you, you sacrifice 3 items from your cache which includes one of the offending apparel items.
If you have multiple dragons available to breed, use random number gen to pick who gets a mate. The new dragon must be the same breed as the lucky dragon and ready to breed. Buy the cheapest appropriate dragon from the auction house, the breed them with the lucky dragon.
Trash Pile, Item Cache discard pile.
Once you reach 25 items in your Item Cache, you have to throw out some items. You need to keep track of what is in your Trash Pile, you might get to Dumper Dive later...
Roll d20 3 times to decide what 3 things go to the trash pile. If you get a 20 you can pick which item to trash.
Angelicdotcom wrote on 2023-03-09 19:34:21:
Pinkerton Drops

Food - Coli time, pick 3 random dragons. Flip a coin, hard or easy mode?
You can count each round or you can put a timer on for a set amount of time
- Plants: 10-20 matches (5 minutes on the timer)
- Insects: 20-30 matches (10 minutes)
- Seafood: 30-40 matches (15 minutes)
- Meat: 40-50 matches (20 minutes)
Easy mode - Choose whichever venue you want and go for it. Running from battles, using health pots, and ending the battle streak is fine.
Hard mode - Select the coliseum arena that corresponds to the lowest level dragon of that group. If the dragons level up mid session, it’s on to the corresponding venue for the lowest dragon.
Familiars - Buy the cheapest dragon in the auction house of a specific breed.
Roll for d20 and pick from the number list.
- Bogsneak Dragons
- Coatl Dragons
- Fae Dragons
- Guardian Dragons
- Imperial Dragons
- Mirror Dragons
- Nocturne Dragons
- Obelisk Dragons
- Pearlcatcher Dragons
- Ridgeback Dragons
- Skydancer Dragons
- Snapper Dragons
- Spiral Dragons
- Tundra Dragons
- Wildclaw Dragons
- Aberration Dragons
- Banescale Dragons
- Gaoler Dragons
Apparel - Breed two of your dragons.
The dragons you pick are up to you. You can also change one of the genes on a dragon, or use a scatterscroll if you are rich and crazy.
Trinkets - Write something.
It doesn’t have to be long. A short bio for one of the dragons. A small little scene between two dergs, or maybe some lore. See what you can come up with in 10 minutes!
Materials - Roll for an Event
Roll a d20 and then use the Events list to see what will happen.
Battle Stones - Roll for 4 Events
Roll a d20 and then use the Events list to see what will happen. But do this 4 times, will today be good or bad by the end?
Angelicdotcom wrote on 2023-03-09 19:34:25:

1. There’s a scandal (or romance) afoot.
Pick two of your ready-to-breed dragons at random if you have any. Put them in a nest. The hatchlings, if they survive, join your clan. If nobody is ready to breed, grab a random hatchling off the AH. A secret forbidden child or sibling has been uncovered!
2. Emperor Dragon Slaughter.
Your clan's territory is rampaged by a giant emperor dragon! Rolls a d10 for every dragon in your clan. If they get a 1, the dragon is dead/ loses a life.
3. Brew Gone Wrong.
Someone was experimenting with brewing but the drink was poison not something nice. Some one loses a life. The dice decide who. If it was their last life, they are now dead.
4. Who are you?
A random dragon wanders into your territory. Buy the cheapest dragon off the auction house and they join.
5. Permanent Vacation.
One dragon in your lair decides to go on vacation to never return. Get rid of one dragon of your choice.
6. Train the Newbies.
Take your 3 lowest level dragons and raise them a level. They are invincible for this coli trip.
7. Great Caesar! Beware the Ides of March!
Get rid of your leader. They have been dramatically betrayed by the others a la the ides of march. Determine a new leader from the remaining dragons. The highest level dragon will be it. If there is a tie, the oldest tied dragon shall be the leader. Level the tied dragon one level to make it better than its peers.
8. Leader’s Courtship.
Your Leader is lonely and wants a permanent mate! Use the random number picker to decide who is your Leader’s Mate. After which they can only breed with their Mate and will form a Death Bond with them. If your leader is an Ancient breed, pick from your pool of that breed. If you don’t have any others of that breed, buy the cheapest one from the auction house of that same breed.
9. Playing Favorites!
Add one extra life to any dragon you want!
10. Time for a Hunting trip.
Choose any three dragons in your clan and enter a coliseum area low enough that they won’t gain XP. Use the Meat rules. You can switch out dragons in between battles.
- For any familiar, battle stone, and apparel drops, give a random dragon on the team one extra life.
- If you get special drops such as an egg, skin/accent chest, or genes give a random dragon three extra lives.
Roll a 1d6 for each dragon after. If any roll a 1 they are exalted / lose a life.
11. There is Black Magic Abouts?
Someone was playing with black magic and now two dragons have a Deathbond.
Pick two dragons at random. They are now in a death bond and their fates are bound together. If one gets booted, so does the other. Death Bonds ignore extra lives.
12. It’s Peaceful….
Nothing happens today. Maybe use an item from the Cache if you feel the need.
13. Trash or Treasure?
Pull an random item from your trash or cache and use it. If you have neither or the item can’t be used, go to Crim and see what the first item she is trying to buy. Then use that item. If none of that works, do nothing.
14. Dumpster Dive!
Pull an item of your choice from your Trash Pile and use it.
15. The Plague….
A great sickness comes over your entire clan. Roll a 1d12 for every dragon including your Leader. On a 1 the dragon does not survive or loses a life.
16. This Drink Isn’t Right…
Help! The Leader has been poisoned! Roll a d4!
- They succumb to the poison. The Leader loses a life or is dead. If Dead randomly pick a new Leader. If the Leader had a Mate, they die because of the Dead Bond.
- The poison causes the Leader to go mad! Choose a random dragon and flip a coin. On heads, the Leader kills them. Flip an additional coin to see if the Leader is cured of madness. On heads, you target another random dragon. Any tails mean the Leader snaps out of the madness.
- Randomize a dragon for the one who poisoned the Leader. Flip a coin. On heads, they know who poisoned them and had them killed. On tails, the poisoner got away this time.
- The Leader just ate something that disagreed with them. Everything’s fine the next morning.
17. Gone Fishing.
Leader is missing, leaving only a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign. Flip a coin. Heads, you pick a new leader of your choice and the old one is dead. Tails, they were indeed just Gone Fishing and come back a few days later.
18. Matchmaker Matchmaker!
Randomly pair two dragons together, they are now mates and have a Dead Bond.
19. Going Fishing?
Pick the Leader and then two dragons at random. They have to go on a quest now. Raise them a level. Roll a 10-sided die for each. If it’s a 1, They lose a life or they’re exalted as they were lost in the water. If the Leader is killed, choose a new Leader from the remaining Coli party.
20. Liar Liar Pants on Fire!
If your Leader had a Mate, the Death Bond doesn’t work. The Mate kills the Leader and takes their place.
If the Leader has no Mate, pick a random dragon to duel with the Leader. Flip a coin. Heads, the Leader wins and but was so impressed that they now are Mates. Tails, the random dragon kills the Leader and takes their place.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872493]Rules [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872494] Dragons [/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3227621/1#post_53872495]Posts[/url][/center]
Lives 5/7
lvl 7
[Mated to Sugarmeadow]
Lives 1/2
lvl 4
Lives 4/4
lvl 5
Lives 3/3
lvl 7
[Mated to Frostbloom]
Lives 2/2
lvl 3
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
[Mated to Nadine]
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
[Mated to Presto]
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 2
[Mated to Zamza]
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
[Mated to Larimar]
Lives 0/3
Lvl 4
[Betrayed by mate Kyrith]
Lives 0/3
Lvl 4
[mated to Ayida]
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
[mated to Kyrith]
[i]Leader [/i]
Lives 3/3
lvl 1
Lives 0/4
lvl 7
[Bonded To Madoc]
Lives 0/2
lvl 2
[Bonded to Remington]
Lives 0/3
lvl 6
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 5
[Deathbonded to Xii]
Lives 0/4
lvl 6
[Deathbonded to Rosetta]
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 5
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/5
lvl 6
[Mated to Zev]
Lives 0/2
lvl 5
[Mated to Steady]
Lives 5/7
lvl 7
[Mated to Sugarmeadow]
Lives 1/2
lvl 4
Lives 4/4
lvl 5
Lives 3/3
lvl 7
[Mated to Frostbloom]
Lives 2/2
lvl 3
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
[Mated to Nadine]
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
[Mated to Presto]
Lives 2/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 2
[Mated to Zamza]
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
[Mated to Larimar]
Lives 0/3
Lvl 4
[Betrayed by mate Kyrith]
Lives 0/3
Lvl 4
[mated to Ayida]
Lives 0/2
Lvl 1
[mated to Kyrith]
Lives 3/3
lvl 1
Lives 0/4
lvl 7
[Bonded To Madoc]

Lives 0/2
lvl 2
[Bonded to Remington]
Lives 0/3
lvl 6
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 5
[Deathbonded to Xii]
Lives 0/4
lvl 6
[Deathbonded to Rosetta]
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/3
lvl 5
Lives 0/2
lvl 1
Lives 0/5
lvl 6
[Mated to Zev]

Lives 0/2
lvl 5
[Mated to Steady]
Day 1 - Shed Cobalt Scale - Material
A Matieral is a an event roll so lets see *rolls* 3...
3. Brew Gone Wrong.
Someone was experimenting with brewing but the drink was poison not something nice. Some one loses a life. The dice decide who. If it was their last life, they are now dead.
*rolls to see who looses a life* And.. it's Ironstrike down a life...
On the upside, Ironstrike and our leader Larimar now have a nest of 3 eggs?
Day 1 - Shed Cobalt Scale - Material
A Matieral is a an event roll so lets see *rolls* 3...
3. Brew Gone Wrong.
Someone was experimenting with brewing but the drink was poison not something nice. Some one loses a life. The dice decide who. If it was their last life, they are now dead.
*rolls to see who looses a life* And.. it's Ironstrike down a life...
On the upside, Ironstrike and our leader Larimar now have a nest of 3 eggs?
Well... that's not a great start.
Well... that's not a great start.
Day 2 - Camouflaged Cocoon - Material
Event Roll...again...
17. Gone Fishing.
Leader is missing, leaving only a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign. Flip a coin. Heads, you pick a new leader of your choice and the old one is dead. Tails, they were indeed just Gone Fishing and come back a few days later.
Okay then... *flips coin* Tails, thank goodness.
Larimar went fishing and had the other two worried since she didn't leave a note, but she came home the next day.
Day 2 - Camouflaged Cocoon - Material
Event Roll...again...
17. Gone Fishing.
Leader is missing, leaving only a ‘Gone Fishing’ sign. Flip a coin. Heads, you pick a new leader of your choice and the old one is dead. Tails, they were indeed just Gone Fishing and come back a few days later.
Okay then... *flips coin* Tails, thank goodness.
Larimar went fishing and had the other two worried since she didn't leave a note, but she came home the next day.