
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Are Dragons Friend-Shaped? (Live!)
[center][b]Tuesday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Coldwater reads the note and carefully gets the quill and paper from the nightstand so as not to wake her mate, Deeprealm, who is snoring softly. After making sure he was likely to stay asleep, she begins to write back. [i]Good morning, Asorio! I have found that different dragons enjoy different things, but everyone seems to love it when you take the time to make something for someone you care about -- no matter what it is! Our clan cook likes to make a dragon's favourite food on their birthday, several of our scribes write poems for their friends, the clan potter makes special mugs and bowls for her friends, and I have made some pendants for many of the members of my clan. You see, all the dragons in our clan love rocks and crystals! Some like sparkly ones, some like smooth stones. Each dragon likes a different kind! I thought if I took some wire and wrapped it around a dragon's favourite rock then they could wear it! Everyone seems to love it. It's pretty easy to do, too. Even if you don't do it for your friend, it might be fun to try! I will enclose instructions, wire, and a few rocks to get you started. Have fun, and I hope you find the perfect gift for your friend! Yours, ~Coldwater [/i] [/center]

Coldwater reads the note and carefully gets the quill and paper from the nightstand so as not to wake her mate, Deeprealm, who is snoring softly. After making sure he was likely to stay asleep, she begins to write back.

Good morning, Asorio!

I have found that different dragons enjoy different things, but everyone seems to love it when you take the time to make something for someone you care about -- no matter what it is!

Our clan cook likes to make a dragon's favourite food on their birthday, several of our scribes write poems for their friends, the clan potter makes special mugs and bowls for her friends, and I have made some pendants for many of the members of my clan.

You see, all the dragons in our clan love rocks and crystals! Some like sparkly ones, some like smooth stones. Each dragon likes a different kind! I thought if I took some wire and wrapped it around a dragon's favourite rock then they could wear it! Everyone seems to love it. It's pretty easy to do, too. Even if you don't do it for your friend, it might be fun to try!

I will enclose instructions, wire, and a few rocks to get you started. Have fun, and I hope you find the perfect gift for your friend!


Earth Gryphon
Riftie • They/Them • FR+3
Member of Earth Dom Team
Just your friendly neighbourhood cicada

a soul in tension that's learning to fly
Glass Cicada
[center]Tuesday [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [quote] Hi Asoria I am Divam! I like presents a lot! Sometimes when I'm very good, Uncle Stheno will make me a new dolly out of wicker. He's very good at making them, he twists those sticks up like magic! Auntie Palm always gives everyone lots of funny smelling little packets when she comes back from her travels, and dragons seem to like them a lot, but I'm not sure why? Twinkle says its medicine, but I don't know. Another present that everyone likes is treats! One time we all got candy floss with our favourite flavours. Mine was full of sugarbees! It was really sweet. I think candy and toys are the best presents, but Grandmere says any present you make yourself is a Gift From The Heart. Ok I hope your friend likes your present! Byebye! [/quote]


Hi Asoria I am Divam! I like presents a lot!

Sometimes when I'm very good, Uncle Stheno will make me a new dolly out of wicker. He's very good at making them, he twists those sticks up like magic!

Auntie Palm always gives everyone lots of funny smelling little packets when she comes back from her travels, and dragons seem to like them a lot, but I'm not sure why? Twinkle says its medicine, but I don't know.

Another present that everyone likes is treats! One time we all got candy floss with our favourite flavours. Mine was full of sugarbees! It was really sweet. I think candy and toys are the best presents, but Grandmere says any present you make yourself is a Gift From The Heart.

Ok I hope your friend likes your present! Byebye!

[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] The message arrives by carrier fly. [font=papyrus][color=midnightblue][size=4]Greetings Asorio, Dragons make all sorts of things! From little cards to art pieces to songs to runestone to little trinkets… the dragons of Shardbreak Clan are handy crafters! The cutest gift I’ve seen is a little batch of rocks Kuesuto made for his Kuesuto-volunteered foster mom, Cassidy. Kuesuto painted each one of them by himself! And with the help of Rei, made them all sparkle and shine! A dragon that I knew back before I moved here made little dolls out of leaves, flowers, and twigs. They were adorable! Sometimes they would use dried flower stems and reeds as well! Just make and give something from your heart! You can never go wrong with that. ~ Anonymous Fae

The message arrives by carrier fly.

Greetings Asorio,

Dragons make all sorts of things! From little cards to art pieces to songs to runestone to little trinkets… the dragons of Shardbreak Clan are handy crafters! The cutest gift I’ve seen is a little batch of rocks Kuesuto made for his Kuesuto-volunteered foster mom, Cassidy. Kuesuto painted each one of them by himself! And with the help of Rei, made them all sparkle and shine!

A dragon that I knew back before I moved here made little dolls out of leaves, flowers, and twigs. They were adorable! Sometimes they would use dried flower stems and reeds as well!

Just make and give something from your heart! You can never go wrong with that.

~ Anonymous Fae

~ they/them ~ +0 frt ~

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@Luei @MarinaQuakenbush @Koyako @Beatoriche @beskad @tigressRising @Storygeek @RiftenThief @P03 @LissaJade @MotherOfBeardies @ChaiSpicedTea @mrgbmommy @AlphaSnowdust @Skycloud @Tenrecidae @ReginaChaos @aura12 @Kothra @MistyGold @Disillusionist @Lundlaeva @TheDeathseer @Nihilis @Dessy @MapleMantle @ktg1214 @findingpears @Eialyne @Cnidocyte @Wolfdawn @Magmish @1sun1spirit @SailboatSea @engendro @Auralyx @beBlueberry @Beezarre @Acetheaxolotl @Jeevas @daycat @BunnySox @Vriouss @Bxy26 @sockmonkeygerald @raggirare @Venusian @Doozie @JoweeTheRaposa @TwelveBrackets @nebuloous @Elfydragon @Saronai @IzzytheBatpone @RGXiumin

This afternoon you are in a contemplative mood. You have learned something that will have absolutely no effect on the greater world but has turned your small corner of it upside-down.

Today you learned that paper can feel shy.

After making a small mental list of Clanmates who need to have their horizons expanded with this fact you actually open the letter.


My name is Eltoren. I am...writing to you from under my bed. My sister is having a party today because she's growing up and there are a lot of Fairies here and it's scary and...

Um, anyway, I was wondering what Dragons do when they become adults? Do you have parties? Or maybe feasts? Magic rituals?

I think I'll stay here under the bed and imagine lots of Dragons with glowy paws...


  1. Catfeather Loop: Dustfeather Sphinx, Thunderhead Savanna
  2. Good Eater Award: Scavenging Plague/Ice/Water/Nature/Light 24+
  3. Blue Parrot Tulip: Foraging Ice/Lightning/Water 10+
  4. Brilliant Length: Goldfin River Flight, Waterway
  5. Greatowl Feather: Hulking Greatowl, Arena

[*] Apologies for today's examples being a bit disjointed. I was trying to pick things that one might give as a gift or pass down as an heirloom. Luckily ya'll tend to be more creative than me so it'll work out!
[*] Today's request was inspired by my Bearded Dragon hiding under my couch when the apartment's property manager randomly stopped by. She is a shy lizard.
@Luei @MarinaQuakenbush @Koyako @Beatoriche @beskad @tigressRising @Storygeek @RiftenThief @P03 @LissaJade @MotherOfBeardies @ChaiSpicedTea @mrgbmommy @AlphaSnowdust @Skycloud @Tenrecidae @ReginaChaos @aura12 @Kothra @MistyGold @Disillusionist @Lundlaeva @TheDeathseer @Nihilis @Dessy @MapleMantle @ktg1214 @findingpears @Eialyne @Cnidocyte @Wolfdawn @Magmish @1sun1spirit @SailboatSea @engendro @Auralyx @beBlueberry @Beezarre @Acetheaxolotl @Jeevas @daycat @BunnySox @Vriouss @Bxy26 @sockmonkeygerald @raggirare @Venusian @Doozie @JoweeTheRaposa @TwelveBrackets @nebuloous @Elfydragon @Saronai @IzzytheBatpone @RGXiumin

This afternoon you are in a contemplative mood. You have learned something that will have absolutely no effect on the greater world but has turned your small corner of it upside-down.

Today you learned that paper can feel shy.

After making a small mental list of Clanmates who need to have their horizons expanded with this fact you actually open the letter.


My name is Eltoren. I am...writing to you from under my bed. My sister is having a party today because she's growing up and there are a lot of Fairies here and it's scary and...

Um, anyway, I was wondering what Dragons do when they become adults? Do you have parties? Or maybe feasts? Magic rituals?

I think I'll stay here under the bed and imagine lots of Dragons with glowy paws...


  1. Catfeather Loop: Dustfeather Sphinx, Thunderhead Savanna
  2. Good Eater Award: Scavenging Plague/Ice/Water/Nature/Light 24+
  3. Blue Parrot Tulip: Foraging Ice/Lightning/Water 10+
  4. Brilliant Length: Goldfin River Flight, Waterway
  5. Greatowl Feather: Hulking Greatowl, Arena

[*] Apologies for today's examples being a bit disjointed. I was trying to pick things that one might give as a gift or pass down as an heirloom. Luckily ya'll tend to be more creative than me so it'll work out!
[*] Today's request was inspired by my Bearded Dragon hiding under my couch when the apartment's property manager randomly stopped by. She is a shy lizard.
[center] [b]Edit: This is Tuesday's prompt![/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Urchiid blinked as the paper fluttered off her head and rested on the ice in front of her paws. She shook herself awake, and smiled at Bamboolie, who snorted and blinked rapidly next to her. It seems that the sudden rush of cold wind had woken up her familiar, too. Urchiid yawned, then reached out to the paper in front of her - covered in a strange glitter, which seemed to be stuck to the paper, as none of it fell off when she picked it up and shook it. Puzzled, she began to read the text written on it in fancy handwriting. It seemed to be a letter of some sort. [quote name="Asorio"] [i]The sun is shining! Are you up? Hi! I'm Asorio! May I pick your brain? I wish to make a very special gift for a very special friend. I think something from a whole different culture would be REALLY special so could you tell me about things Dragons make for each other? Please? Oh and sorry if you weren't awake when I sent this. I'm a bit of a morning Fairy! Very yours, Asorio[/i] [/quote] [i]Well, this is strange,[/i] Urchiid thought to herself, looking over the bright handwriting once more. [i]I don't think I've ever agreed to speak to any Fairy before.[/i] Still, it would be rude of her if she didn't respond to the letter, and so she pulls herself to her feet, stretches, yawns, and heads to the back of her cave to fetch a pen, some parchment, and ink. She finds herself gravitating towards one of [url=]Moonflight[/url]'s old shed feathers to use as a pen this morning. Being the clan's Wishkeeper, pressing a feather into a piece of parchment paper was no big deal for Urchiid. It was her job, after all! "A gift from one dragon to another, hm?" She muses, stroking her thick fur, which was already beginning to shed, to soon be replaced by a lighter summer coat. Urchiid almost didn't have to think at all as she quickly fell into the familiar rhythm of stroking symbols into paper, weaving letters into words. Moonflight's shed feathers always wrote in a beautiful cerulean blue-green hue, and so the sentences Urchiid wrote stood out over the washed tan in a glitter the color of foxfire mushrooms. True as always to Moonflight's birthplace, the Tangled Wood. [quote name="Urchiid"] [color=00B3D5]Dear Asorio: Hello! My name is Urchiid, and I'm the Wishkeeper of my clan. That means I keep track of all the different items my clan wishes to obtain. That also means that I have a good idea on what dragons give each other as gifts! It might seem a little strange to you that we give each other what seems to be just weird scrolls or vials of liquid, but they contain the power to change one's appearance. They are very valuable and precious to us, as they are difficult to obtain and the power they hold is immaculate and life-changing - quite literally! Most dragons aren't able to afford these scrolls and vials, however, so they resort to gifting rare creatures to each other. We call these creatures "familiars," and they are treated as pets and companions. I happen to have one myself, though my familiar wasn't gifted to me by someone else. However, there are quite a few dragons in my clan who have been gifted a familiar by someone else, and they usually end up becoming great companions with their new familiar partners. Although, there's a lot of us who just prefer to give little trinkets, clothing items, and lots of miscellaneous other things to other dragons. Be it books, feathers, runestones, canvas scraps, food items, gloves, jewelry, gemstones, dolls, glass shards... you name it, that can be just as much a precious gift to someone as an expensive scroll or a unique familiar. Sometimes, it's just the thought that counts, and some dragons treasure what seems to be useless items, because of the emotions they hold for them. I hope my response turns out to be helpful to you! I wish you luck on finding that special gift for your special friend! Sincerely, Wishkeeper Urchiid [/quote] Urchiid read over her letter once, twice, three times, checking for any errors or missing information. Then she smiled, and put Moonflight's sludgey feather back in its special jar. She stepped outside, making sure to wash her paws of any extra cerulean liquid, and after drying them off in her fur (it was better than nothing, wasn't it?), she carefully wrapped the letter in a neat scroll and tied it with a purple ribbon. Most of the clan was still asleep. Asorio, true to his word, was quite the early riser. Luckily, Urchiid knew of a few dragons who would most definitely be up at this hour: the clan's leader, [url=]Softpatch[/url], the Chocolate Queen's mate [url=]Moondust[/url], and the messenger, [url=]Flintfire[/url]. Softpatch would be busy with her own affairs, although Urchiid was sure that her aunt would appreciate a visit from her. Moondust was always awake at this hour because of his dedication to his charge - protecting his mate. Flintfire was just about ready to leave when Urchiid caught him in the nick of time. She requested he send a letter for her, and when he asked of the recipient, she smiled and shrugged, and replied that it was for a fairy friend of hers. Flintfire gave her a puzzled look, then nodded as he realized where he needed to go. Which was good, because frankly Urchiid had no idea whatsoever. "Safe travels," she called as the flint-and-strawberry Skydancer took off in what seemed to be the direction of the Fortress of Ends. A strange place to go to find a Fairy, huh. Urchiid tried not to think much of it, and proceeded with carrying on with her day. [b](Oops, I might have gotten a little too carried away with this. I'm sorry. Writing makes me really excited.)[/b]
Edit: This is Tuesday's prompt!

Urchiid blinked as the paper fluttered off her head and rested on the ice in front of her paws. She shook herself awake, and smiled at Bamboolie, who snorted and blinked rapidly next to her. It seems that the sudden rush of cold wind had woken up her familiar, too.

Urchiid yawned, then reached out to the paper in front of her - covered in a strange glitter, which seemed to be stuck to the paper, as none of it fell off when she picked it up and shook it. Puzzled, she began to read the text written on it in fancy handwriting. It seemed to be a letter of some sort.
Asorio wrote:
The sun is shining! Are you up?

Hi! I'm Asorio! May I pick your brain?

I wish to make a very special gift for a very special friend. I think something from a whole different culture would be REALLY special so could you tell me about things Dragons make for each other? Please?

Oh and sorry if you weren't awake when I sent this. I'm a bit of a morning Fairy!

Very yours,

Well, this is strange, Urchiid thought to herself, looking over the bright handwriting once more. I don't think I've ever agreed to speak to any Fairy before. Still, it would be rude of her if she didn't respond to the letter, and so she pulls herself to her feet, stretches, yawns, and heads to the back of her cave to fetch a pen, some parchment, and ink.

She finds herself gravitating towards one of Moonflight's old shed feathers to use as a pen this morning. Being the clan's Wishkeeper, pressing a feather into a piece of parchment paper was no big deal for Urchiid. It was her job, after all!

"A gift from one dragon to another, hm?" She muses, stroking her thick fur, which was already beginning to shed, to soon be replaced by a lighter summer coat.

Urchiid almost didn't have to think at all as she quickly fell into the familiar rhythm of stroking symbols into paper, weaving letters into words. Moonflight's shed feathers always wrote in a beautiful cerulean blue-green hue, and so the sentences Urchiid wrote stood out over the washed tan in a glitter the color of foxfire mushrooms. True as always to Moonflight's birthplace, the Tangled Wood.
Urchiid wrote:
Dear Asorio:

Hello! My name is Urchiid, and I'm the Wishkeeper of my clan. That means I keep track of all the different items my clan wishes to obtain. That also means that I have a good idea on what dragons give each other as gifts!

It might seem a little strange to you that we give each other what seems to be just weird scrolls or vials of liquid, but they contain the power to change one's appearance. They are very valuable and precious to us, as they are difficult to obtain and the power they hold is immaculate and life-changing - quite literally!

Most dragons aren't able to afford these scrolls and vials, however, so they resort to gifting rare creatures to each other. We call these creatures "familiars," and they are treated as pets and companions. I happen to have one myself, though my familiar wasn't gifted to me by someone else. However, there are quite a few dragons in my clan who have been gifted a familiar by someone else, and they usually end up becoming great companions with their new familiar partners.

Although, there's a lot of us who just prefer to give little trinkets, clothing items, and lots of miscellaneous other things to other dragons. Be it books, feathers, runestones, canvas scraps, food items, gloves, jewelry, gemstones, dolls, glass shards... you name it, that can be just as much a precious gift to someone as an expensive scroll or a unique familiar. Sometimes, it's just the thought that counts, and some dragons treasure what seems to be useless items, because of the emotions they hold for them.

I hope my response turns out to be helpful to you! I wish you luck on finding that special gift for your special friend!

Wishkeeper Urchiid

Urchiid read over her letter once, twice, three times, checking for any errors or missing information. Then she smiled, and put Moonflight's sludgey feather back in its special jar. She stepped outside, making sure to wash her paws of any extra cerulean liquid, and after drying them off in her fur (it was better than nothing, wasn't it?), she carefully wrapped the letter in a neat scroll and tied it with a purple ribbon.

Most of the clan was still asleep. Asorio, true to his word, was quite the early riser. Luckily, Urchiid knew of a few dragons who would most definitely be up at this hour: the clan's leader, Softpatch, the Chocolate Queen's mate Moondust, and the messenger, Flintfire. Softpatch would be busy with her own affairs, although Urchiid was sure that her aunt would appreciate a visit from her. Moondust was always awake at this hour because of his dedication to his charge - protecting his mate.

Flintfire was just about ready to leave when Urchiid caught him in the nick of time. She requested he send a letter for her, and when he asked of the recipient, she smiled and shrugged, and replied that it was for a fairy friend of hers. Flintfire gave her a puzzled look, then nodded as he realized where he needed to go. Which was good, because frankly Urchiid had no idea whatsoever.

"Safe travels," she called as the flint-and-strawberry Skydancer took off in what seemed to be the direction of the Fortress of Ends. A strange place to go to find a Fairy, huh.

Urchiid tried not to think much of it, and proceeded with carrying on with her day.

(Oops, I might have gotten a little too carried away with this. I'm sorry. Writing makes me really excited.)
Temple of Time Hatchery ACOZFAh.png

Peeps, there's only one 'd' in my username.
If in doubt, just copy n paste! Thanks!
205d1fb3e4a3f86e3f5d7bdc2e9354d57fbb63cc.png SftyrSi.png
@Blizzardream You're more than fine! It makes me happy when people enjoy my games! lol Would you like me to add you to the pinglist? Also: You're free to do the past days' prompts too if you'd like to catch up.
@Blizzardream You're more than fine! It makes me happy when people enjoy my games! lol Would you like me to add you to the pinglist? Also: You're free to do the past days' prompts too if you'd like to catch up.
@8611945 oh woah I'd love to be on the pinglist, thank you so much! I'm glad to know I didn't overdo anything, haha. And I'm totally aware that I can catch up, though I just wanted to try my hand at today's topic just to see if I want to continue doing this. I appreciate the help though!^^
@8611945 oh woah I'd love to be on the pinglist, thank you so much! I'm glad to know I didn't overdo anything, haha. And I'm totally aware that I can catch up, though I just wanted to try my hand at today's topic just to see if I want to continue doing this. I appreciate the help though!^^
Temple of Time Hatchery ACOZFAh.png

Peeps, there's only one 'd' in my username.
If in doubt, just copy n paste! Thanks!
205d1fb3e4a3f86e3f5d7bdc2e9354d57fbb63cc.png SftyrSi.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Hello Eltoren! Don't worry! I think that the other Fairies are nice and you'll eventually enjoy their company, if you decide to get out! I was a shy hatchling too, but then this one extraverted dragon found me and bring me to a meeting with other dragons and wow, everyone was so nice to me! Now I have a group of great friends! I hope the same will happen to you, are you and your sister close? She might help you! Back to the question - we only celebrate our birthdays, but there's no specific event for growing up. Also - being an adult is so boring! I hope I'll stay a kid forever! Adult dragons go to job, have to pay for everything - if you are a kid, everything is simple and fun! Take care! ~Feather~"
"Hello Eltoren!
Don't worry! I think that the other Fairies are nice and you'll eventually enjoy their company, if you decide to get out! I was a shy hatchling too, but then this one extraverted dragon found me and bring me to a meeting with other dragons and wow, everyone was so nice to me! Now I have a group of great friends! I hope the same will happen to you, are you and your sister close? She might help you!
Back to the question - we only celebrate our birthdays, but there's no specific event for growing up. Also - being an adult is so boring! I hope I'll stay a kid forever! Adult dragons go to job, have to pay for everything - if you are a kid, everything is simple and fun!
Take care!
''And you don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero''
~ Vriska Serket ~
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Wednesday[/b][/center] "I found this letter poking out of my locker today," Chess says, waving the envelope at her uncle. "I thought it was from one of the kids, but it says it's from a...fairy?" The Fae's frills arc in a smile. "Roxley mentioned something similar the other day. They're going around, getting dropped off at different dragons' places." "I think it was written by a [i]kid[/i] fairy, anyway," Chess says, after giving the letter another quick scan. Bohrium's frills waggle in amusement. "Will you answer it, then?" he suggests. He gets to work making tea and orange juice while his niece nibbles a pen, thinking of a reply. [i]Hi, Eltoren! In my clan, every year, many hatchlings celebrate their hatchdays or birthdays. This can be the date they were born, or it can be a date that's special to them (like me, for example: I don't know when I hatched, so instead, I celebrate the day I came to this clan). During these times, the hatchlings have parties with their friends, relatives, familiars, people they like. There's a lot of food, and usually there are games and presents, too. When we become adults, we celebrate in different ways. Some dragons just have small, quiet parties, while others have loud and exciting celebrations. I like games, so I had a big party when I grew up! We had plenty of music and stories, and a lot of friends from other clans came over, too. Different clans celebrate in different ways, so I hope you get plenty of interesting answers! I think parties are usual. And the best thing about them is, you don't need to have a special reason to throw a party. If you've got something to be happy about, any day can be a party! Have a great day! From: Chess[/i]
56613660.png 54539237.png

"I found this letter poking out of my locker today," Chess says, waving the envelope at her uncle. "I thought it was from one of the kids, but it says it's from a...fairy?"

The Fae's frills arc in a smile. "Roxley mentioned something similar the other day. They're going around, getting dropped off at different dragons' places."

"I think it was written by a kid fairy, anyway," Chess says, after giving the letter another quick scan. Bohrium's frills waggle in amusement. "Will you answer it, then?" he suggests. He gets to work making tea and orange juice while his niece nibbles a pen, thinking of a reply.

Hi, Eltoren!

In my clan, every year, many hatchlings celebrate their hatchdays or birthdays. This can be the date they were born, or it can be a date that's special to them (like me, for example: I don't know when I hatched, so instead, I celebrate the day I came to this clan). During these times, the hatchlings have parties with their friends, relatives, familiars, people they like. There's a lot of food, and usually there are games and presents, too.

When we become adults, we celebrate in different ways. Some dragons just have small, quiet parties, while others have loud and exciting celebrations. I like games, so I had a big party when I grew up! We had plenty of music and stories, and a lot of friends from other clans came over, too.

Different clans celebrate in different ways, so I hope you get plenty of interesting answers! I think parties are usual. And the best thing about them is, you don't need to have a special reason to throw a party. If you've got something to be happy about, any day can be a party!

Have a great day!
From: Chess
Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][b]Day 4 Letter: Wednesday[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] A shy letter, he blinks. Will the wonders of nymphs never cease? [emoji=old parchment size=1][/center] Hello Eltoren, Thank you for taking the time to write me this letter. Dragons grow up fast. One day you're a hatchling and the next day you have become an adult. I can hardly recall my days as a youngling, but the day I became an adult was a memorable occasion. No parties or magic rituals, but a test of sorts. My parents flew me and my twin down the Reedcleft Ascent, a series of cliffs, stairs and strong winds. As Wind Dragons, we were told to make our way alone up the cliffs. Of course we weren't expected to make it all the way to top, and our parents kept close watch. Once we got as far as we could, they brought us home and we had a wonderful feast. Our days after that were spent tackling the cliffs until we made it to the top. My oldest sister would accompany us some times, for she just loves ascending the cliffs. We have since moved our lair away from the Reedclefts, but I'm certain she visits it occasionally. There were some scary parts during our journey to the top, but as a whole, it is now a memory that I look back on fondly. It was quite the sight once you reach the highest pillar, and there was a feeling of satisfaction when we got up there. I am sure your sister would love to see you at the party. I can understand why it must be scary having so many Fairies, but perhaps you'll find the strength to leave the bed and join them. After some time, when there are less Fairies around? I believe in you! [right]With glowy paws, Miaoli[/right] ------ OoC: very cute story about the Bearded Dragon! My brother's cat hid under my bed once when my brother invited his friends over. Although I don't think it was due to shyness, he didn't seem fond of them xD
Day 4 Letter: Wednesday

A shy letter, he blinks. Will the wonders of nymphs never cease?

Hello Eltoren,

Thank you for taking the time to write me this letter.

Dragons grow up fast. One day you're a hatchling and the next day you have become an adult. I can hardly recall my days as a youngling, but the day I became an adult was a memorable occasion. No parties or magic rituals, but a test of sorts. My parents flew me and my twin down the Reedcleft Ascent, a series of cliffs, stairs and strong winds. As Wind Dragons, we were told to make our way alone up the cliffs.

Of course we weren't expected to make it all the way to top, and our parents kept close watch. Once we got as far as we could, they brought us home and we had a wonderful feast. Our days after that were spent tackling the cliffs until we made it to the top. My oldest sister would accompany us some times, for she just loves ascending the cliffs. We have since moved our lair away from the Reedclefts, but I'm certain she visits it occasionally.

There were some scary parts during our journey to the top, but as a whole, it is now a memory that I look back on fondly. It was quite the sight once you reach the highest pillar, and there was a feeling of satisfaction when we got up there.

I am sure your sister would love to see you at the party. I can understand why it must be scary having so many Fairies, but perhaps you'll find the strength to leave the bed and join them. After some time, when there are less Fairies around?

I believe in you!
With glowy paws, Miaoli

OoC: very cute story about the Bearded Dragon! My brother's cat hid under my bed once when my brother invited his friends over. Although I don't think it was due to shyness, he didn't seem fond of them xD
