
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [WCS] Bayou Boat Race
@KaitoFletcher @Robotzebra @icepools

Yeah I think I agree. Team 2 and 4 would probably use their Fae's and Coatl's abilities to gain more points because they look like the best moves for them but Team 6 can still attack us with a Ridge and Team 2 can still decide to attack instead of doubling their rolls
@KaitoFletcher @Robotzebra @icepools

Yeah I think I agree. Team 2 and 4 would probably use their Fae's and Coatl's abilities to gain more points because they look like the best moves for them but Team 6 can still attack us with a Ridge and Team 2 can still decide to attack instead of doubling their rolls

FR time +9 | >Instagram
@AlphaSnowdust @hat17 @Sol4rEclips3

Well that was a strange one!

Winter Guard - One other team's ability that would Affect this team is neutralized. If any dragon on the attacking team is of the Ice element, add its current dice roll to this team's Round Total after the ability is neutralized (if there are two or more dragons, choose the highest roll).

Confusing Dance - Switch this team's Round Total and dice rolls with those of the team with the highest Round Total this round. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Lucky Leap - All team mates who rolled a 1 or 2 get their rolls bumped to a 6.

Knotted Up - The team in first place in the race standings loses 12 points unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 points. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Well seeing as we all rolled a 1 or a 2, perhaps try for Lucky Leap again?
@AlphaSnowdust @hat17 @Sol4rEclips3

Well that was a strange one!

Winter Guard - One other team's ability that would Affect this team is neutralized. If any dragon on the attacking team is of the Ice element, add its current dice roll to this team's Round Total after the ability is neutralized (if there are two or more dragons, choose the highest roll).

Confusing Dance - Switch this team's Round Total and dice rolls with those of the team with the highest Round Total this round. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Lucky Leap - All team mates who rolled a 1 or 2 get their rolls bumped to a 6.

Knotted Up - The team in first place in the race standings loses 12 points unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 points. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Well seeing as we all rolled a 1 or a 2, perhaps try for Lucky Leap again?
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p1pwDi9.png d5DfzOU.png
@dreamclaws, may I have these questions regarding abilities and standings clarified?

  1. If the first two teams are tied with the same number of points, are they both considered 1st place with the 2nd place team being the 3rd team or do we go by race standings? (See Heat B's current standings.)
  2. If we are viewing the standings by the first option, does a Spiral's ability affect both first place teams seeing as they have the same number of points? If we use the race standings, then wouldn't that be a little unfair to whoever gets chosen as 1st place?
  3. If there is a tie at the end of the race for first place, do both teams win first place prize or is a coin flipped to see who wins 2nd?

Apologies if these are difficult questions. I am currently trying to strategize for my team, but these questions popped up in my analysis that I did not know how to answer.
@dreamclaws, may I have these questions regarding abilities and standings clarified?

  1. If the first two teams are tied with the same number of points, are they both considered 1st place with the 2nd place team being the 3rd team or do we go by race standings? (See Heat B's current standings.)
  2. If we are viewing the standings by the first option, does a Spiral's ability affect both first place teams seeing as they have the same number of points? If we use the race standings, then wouldn't that be a little unfair to whoever gets chosen as 1st place?
  3. If there is a tie at the end of the race for first place, do both teams win first place prize or is a coin flipped to see who wins 2nd?

Apologies if these are difficult questions. I am currently trying to strategize for my team, but these questions popped up in my analysis that I did not know how to answer.

@Nimsi @CourierSix @Dragoneko

My intuition tells me to go with Enlightened Soul, except I'm pretty sure that'd bring us to 16 (4x4), right? In that case, I'm pretty evenly split between Serpent Secret (brings us to 22) and Knotted Up. The team in 1st place (team 2) might use their Guardian to keep them from being Affected, so I'm leaning a bit more towards Serpent Secret-- unless we wanna gamble a bit with Knotted Up!

Accidentally read another team's numbers, whoops! Enlightened Soul sounds just fine!
@Nimsi @CourierSix @Dragoneko

My intuition tells me to go with Enlightened Soul, except I'm pretty sure that'd bring us to 16 (4x4), right? In that case, I'm pretty evenly split between Serpent Secret (brings us to 22) and Knotted Up. The team in 1st place (team 2) might use their Guardian to keep them from being Affected, so I'm leaning a bit more towards Serpent Secret-- unless we wanna gamble a bit with Knotted Up!

Accidentally read another team's numbers, whoops! Enlightened Soul sounds just fine!
@BunnySox @Vaixation @Bashett
That's why I hadn't posted what I chose last time until asked.
@BunnySox @Vaixation @Bashett
That's why I hadn't posted what I chose last time until asked.
@Dragonpals The PC ability would actually bring us to 25! We are currently at 16, which is already a square number, so the next one up is 5 squared, 25.
@Dragonpals The PC ability would actually bring us to 25! We are currently at 16, which is already a square number, so the next one up is 5 squared, 25.
cVk0Zxx.png sYgDCwU.png pI7xfuy.png
They/Them || Xe/Xir

Pfft, I was reading the wrong team's numbers at first. In that case, that'd be our best bet!

Pfft, I was reading the wrong team's numbers at first. In that case, that'd be our best bet!
@dragonpals It is a good bet! But Slow and Steady would bring us 13 points up, so that would put us to 29, instead of 25. I think? I would personally vote for that, but we can absolutely use it anytime.
@dragonpals It is a good bet! But Slow and Steady would bring us 13 points up, so that would put us to 29, instead of 25. I think? I would personally vote for that, but we can absolutely use it anytime.
cVk0Zxx.png sYgDCwU.png pI7xfuy.png
They/Them || Xe/Xir
@dragonpals @CourierSix @Nimsi
(I hope this formatting isn't annoying or anything, it helps me think it through!)

We're in 5th place right now, with 46 points.
Our score for this round is 16 (3 + 3 + 6 + 4).

Enlightened Soul - The team's current Round Total is bumped up to the next square number (even if it is already a square number).

Knotted Up - The team in first place in the race standings loses 12 points unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 points. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Serpent Secret - Double the rolls equal to or less than the position of this team in the race standings, eg: if it is in 3rd place, double rolls of 1, 2, and 3. If it is the first round, use the round standings.

Slow and Steady - If this team is in the last half of teams in the race standings, it gains as many points as is needed to pass the #3 team in the race standings by 1. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points.

Pearlcatcher would bring us to 25. (+9)

Spiral effects (current standing + this round's rolls - spiral effect):
1st - Team 3 : 61 points + 19 - 12 = 69 (3rd)
2nd - Team 1 : 61 points +14 = 75 (2nd)
3rd - Team 2 : 58 points + 19 = 77 (1st)
4th - Team 6 : 52 points + 16 = 68 (4th)
5th - Team 4 : 46 points + 16 = 62 (5th)
6th - Team 5 : 40 points + 15 = 55 (6th)

Coatl would double our 3, 3, and 4, for a total of 26. (+10)

Snapper would give us the third place team's total, plus one. That would be team one's 75 in third, so we would get a 76. (+30?)

The snapper's ability does say race standings so that's the number I've calculated here, but I'm maybe misunderstanding it, because that feels like a lot.

If that is how it works, Snapper is definitely our best bet.

If not, Coatl is once again a good choice. Using Spiral wouldn't really benefit us at all right now.
Also, the spreadsheet has a place where each ability chosen is listed, so teams with Guardians may be able to check if they're getting attacked anyway (also unclear).
@dragonpals @CourierSix @Nimsi
(I hope this formatting isn't annoying or anything, it helps me think it through!)

We're in 5th place right now, with 46 points.
Our score for this round is 16 (3 + 3 + 6 + 4).

Enlightened Soul - The team's current Round Total is bumped up to the next square number (even if it is already a square number).

Knotted Up - The team in first place in the race standings loses 12 points unless that is this dragon's team, in which case the second place team loses 6 points. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points. (This ability Affects the other team.)

Serpent Secret - Double the rolls equal to or less than the position of this team in the race standings, eg: if it is in 3rd place, double rolls of 1, 2, and 3. If it is the first round, use the round standings.

Slow and Steady - If this team is in the last half of teams in the race standings, it gains as many points as is needed to pass the #3 team in the race standings by 1. If this ability occurs in the first round, the only effect is that the team gains 3 points.

Pearlcatcher would bring us to 25. (+9)

Spiral effects (current standing + this round's rolls - spiral effect):
1st - Team 3 : 61 points + 19 - 12 = 69 (3rd)
2nd - Team 1 : 61 points +14 = 75 (2nd)
3rd - Team 2 : 58 points + 19 = 77 (1st)
4th - Team 6 : 52 points + 16 = 68 (4th)
5th - Team 4 : 46 points + 16 = 62 (5th)
6th - Team 5 : 40 points + 15 = 55 (6th)

Coatl would double our 3, 3, and 4, for a total of 26. (+10)

Snapper would give us the third place team's total, plus one. That would be team one's 75 in third, so we would get a 76. (+30?)

The snapper's ability does say race standings so that's the number I've calculated here, but I'm maybe misunderstanding it, because that feels like a lot.

If that is how it works, Snapper is definitely our best bet.

If not, Coatl is once again a good choice. Using Spiral wouldn't really benefit us at all right now.
Also, the spreadsheet has a place where each ability chosen is listed, so teams with Guardians may be able to check if they're getting attacked anyway (also unclear).
@Dragoneko the thread owner confirmed Snapper would bring us up by 13! It is still the best bet.
@Dragoneko the thread owner confirmed Snapper would bring us up by 13! It is still the best bet.
cVk0Zxx.png sYgDCwU.png pI7xfuy.png
They/Them || Xe/Xir