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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#4d160a][size=4][b][font=Century Gothic] Salem [/size][/b][/color][/center][/font] [center][size=3][font=Century Gothic] Interacting with nobody (but feel free to interact!) [/size][/center][/font] ----- [font=Century Gothic][size=3] Salem awoke that morning to find that her companion wasn't at her side. She blinked a few times and raised her head. The first thing that caught her attention was a faint smell on the air. It made her crinkle her nose. The second thing that caught her attention was the sound of hissing from just outside her den. It was Jinx, she recognized the sound if it. Turning her head toward the cavern entrance, she could see her companion standing there with it's hackles raised. Salem got to her feet and walked over. [color=#4d160a][b]"What's gotten into you, Jinx?"[/b][/color] She asked. The Lynx looked up at her and then back outside, pawing at her own nose. [color=#4d160a][b]"Ah, it's the smell, isn't it?"[/b][/color] She gestured back into the cave with her nose, [color=#4d160a][b]"It's not so bad in there."[/b][/color] Jinx turned around and rubbed herself gently against Salem's side before padding further back into the cave. Salem watched her go, she was tempted to follow, but curiosity overwhelmed her. She had a bad feeling about that scent on the air. Despite how much her nose protested, she walked forward. As the scent got stronger and stronger, she had to push onward. She gasped when she realized the scent was coming from one of the designated sleeping spots. She remembered the two Gaolers she had met the night before and rushed through the foliage, only to find the charred skeletal remains of another hatchling that she had seen yesterday. She hadn't gotten the chance to talk to the hatchling, it had struck her as being a little odd, but surely it didn't deserve this. The area around the body was scorched and covered with insect remains. Something, some deep instinct, told Salem that this hadn't been just a random forest fire. That strange scent didn't accompany forest fires. Salem backed away from the murder scene, and then turn and ran. [color=#4d160a][b] "Murder! There's been a murder!" [/b][/color] She shouted as she ran. [/size][/font]
Interacting with nobody (but feel free to interact!)

Salem awoke that morning to find that her companion wasn't at her side. She blinked a few times and raised her head. The first thing that caught her attention was a faint smell on the air. It made her crinkle her nose.

The second thing that caught her attention was the sound of hissing from just outside her den. It was Jinx, she recognized the sound if it. Turning her head toward the cavern entrance, she could see her companion standing there with it's hackles raised. Salem got to her feet and walked over.

"What's gotten into you, Jinx?" She asked.

The Lynx looked up at her and then back outside, pawing at her own nose.

"Ah, it's the smell, isn't it?" She gestured back into the cave with her nose, "It's not so bad in there."

Jinx turned around and rubbed herself gently against Salem's side before padding further back into the cave.

Salem watched her go, she was tempted to follow, but curiosity overwhelmed her. She had a bad feeling about that scent on the air.

Despite how much her nose protested, she walked forward. As the scent got stronger and stronger, she had to push onward. She gasped when she realized the scent was coming from one of the designated sleeping spots.

She remembered the two Gaolers she had met the night before and rushed through the foliage, only to find the charred skeletal remains of another hatchling that she had seen yesterday.

She hadn't gotten the chance to talk to the hatchling, it had struck her as being a little odd, but surely it didn't deserve this. The area around the body was scorched and covered with insect remains. Something, some deep instinct, told Salem that this hadn't been just a random forest fire. That strange scent didn't accompany forest fires.

Salem backed away from the murder scene, and then turn and ran.

"Murder! There's been a murder!" She shouted as she ran.

[center][color=#110b29][font=papyrus][b]Ilnae[/b][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#110b29]Interacting with no one in particular, but at the site [rule] [left]Ilnae slept like the dead, as per usual. The noises, cries, and gentle sunlight felt like they were passing through deep water. But sure enough, she was pulled from her bliss like every morning back to the world of the living. Shapes regained clarity, sounds became voices, the dirt and stone under her claws separated into distinct objects. People were crying, yelling, shouting. An acrid tang tickled the remnants of her olfactory. Ilnae buried the memories that threatened to swallow her once more and poked her head into the sun. She dragged herself up, over, to the source of the horror. A small pile of bones, licked clean by fire, stained with soot, absent of the growth and rot that held it together. Baby bones, already picked clean by bugs far before the fire. Tiny, tiny bones, nestled in unforgiving ashes and corpses of even tinier insects. The hollow sockets matched hers. They matched the little sapling bouncing about yesterday. They stared at her, and Ilnae stared back. Ilnae was no professional. But tiny babies should not be left in ashes. Gently, gingerly, she leaned down and plucked every itty-bitty bone from the pile. Every carpal, rib, and vertebrae, held carefully in her arms. She brought them a few good paces away, beyond the charred ring of death, to the exposed roots of a fallen tree. She rubbed excess soot off of each bone with her degrading thumbpads before setting them back down, roughly in order at the base of the treefall, on top of rich soil. Ilnae didn't know the little sapling, but this felt like a better fitting resting place for the little plant. She backed up, behind the trees, and lay down, worrying her tail between her claws.
Interacting with no one in particular, but at the site

Ilnae slept like the dead, as per usual. The noises, cries, and gentle sunlight felt like they were passing through deep water. But sure enough, she was pulled from her bliss like every morning back to the world of the living. Shapes regained clarity, sounds became voices, the dirt and stone under her claws separated into distinct objects.

People were crying, yelling, shouting. An acrid tang tickled the remnants of her olfactory. Ilnae buried the memories that threatened to swallow her once more and poked her head into the sun.

She dragged herself up, over, to the source of the horror. A small pile of bones, licked clean by fire, stained with soot, absent of the growth and rot that held it together. Baby bones, already picked clean by bugs far before the fire. Tiny, tiny bones, nestled in unforgiving ashes and corpses of even tinier insects.

The hollow sockets matched hers. They matched the little sapling bouncing about yesterday. They stared at her, and Ilnae stared back.

Ilnae was no professional. But tiny babies should not be left in ashes. Gently, gingerly, she leaned down and plucked every itty-bitty bone from the pile. Every carpal, rib, and vertebrae, held carefully in her arms. She brought them a few good paces away, beyond the charred ring of death, to the exposed roots of a fallen tree. She rubbed excess soot off of each bone with her degrading thumbpads before setting them back down, roughly in order at the base of the treefall, on top of rich soil. Ilnae didn't know the little sapling, but this felt like a better fitting resting place for the little plant.

She backed up, behind the trees, and lay down, worrying her tail between her claws.
Wishlist -->Untitled1133-20231107165239.png
[center][img][/img] [rule] [color=orange][size=7]Smoksho[/size][/color] [rule] Interacting with: Nobody [rule][/center] Smoksho woke up with the feeling that something was wrong. The smell of smoke was in the air, and it wasn't coming from him or Embertail. He quickly got to the source. Charred bones, charred plants, dead bugs. Somebody had killed Crawly. [i]Oh no. Who did this? [/i]he thought. He backed away from the corpse, afraid somebody would think he did it. [i]I have to tell the others.[/i] However, when he got back, it seemed like the others already knew. Everybody was talking about it. The clan was panicked. [i]One of us is a murderer... and we don't know who.[/i]
Interacting with: Nobody
Smoksho woke up with the feeling that something was wrong. The smell of smoke was in the air, and it wasn't coming from him or Embertail. He quickly got to the source.
Charred bones, charred plants, dead bugs.

Somebody had killed Crawly.

Oh no. Who did this? he thought. He backed away from the corpse, afraid somebody would think he did it. I have to tell the others.

However, when he got back, it seemed like the others already knew. Everybody was talking about it. The clan was panicked.
One of us is a murderer... and we don't know who.

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][color=#d68baa][b]Reverie[/b][/color] [color=#a69fa2]She / Her Interacting With: N/A[/color][/center] ----- Reverie was woken up by screaming and Daydream frantically poking her awake. She yawned, and was about to ask just what the rush was, but then the acrid stench of smoke made her let out a loud whine as it assaulted her senses. She was promptly fully awake. Was someone's house on fire? What happened? Was anyone harmed? She scrambled out of her den, though the first thing she saw was a whole group of big dragons blocking her view. She tried to get closer, but her stubby legs prevented her from getting very far, and thus she resorted to pointing to the scene and asking Daydream to help her. [i]What had even happened?[/i]
She / Her
Interacting With: N/A

Reverie was woken up by screaming and Daydream frantically poking her awake. She yawned, and was about to ask just what the rush was, but then the acrid stench of smoke made her let out a loud whine as it assaulted her senses.

She was promptly fully awake. Was someone's house on fire? What happened? Was anyone harmed? She scrambled out of her den, though the first thing she saw was a whole group of big dragons blocking her view. She tried to get closer, but her stubby legs prevented her from getting very far, and thus she resorted to pointing to the scene and asking Daydream to help her.

What had even happened?
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
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