True, not all those 30 were evil, some were just listing insane amounts of sound-alike fest mats (eg. copper ore and rich copper ore) so blocking them removes all the noise from my search seeing as there is no other filter for that.
But others are listing Rainbow Sprites for Water Sprite prices because the icons look similar on tiny screens - so the trickery, its sprinkled through the AH in various forms. Its analogous to RL really
True, not all those 30 were evil, some were just listing insane amounts of sound-alike fest mats (eg. copper ore and rich copper ore) so blocking them removes all the noise from my search seeing as there is no other filter for that.
But others are listing Rainbow Sprites for Water Sprite prices because the icons look similar on tiny screens - so the trickery, its sprinkled through the AH in various forms. Its analogous to RL really