
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Sornieth Sagas ((CYOA Game)) (Open!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia[/color][/center]Once again, Nettle goes to sleep wrapped comfortably in foliage... and wakes up completely uncovered, stirring to the feeling of air on his scales. His heart drops even further as he realizes it's [i]worse this time.[/i] His leaves are gone, and so is his satchel. His [i]satchel[/i]. All of his supplies, [i]gone[/i]. Epiphany is in the same dilemma. Aeon is... not. Nettle isn't sure how to confront that information. "I'm going to... to follow the trail," he decides, putting the Aeon revelation off for [i]later[/i]. "Maybe it wasn't washed away- maybe there's kelp, too..." He trails into muttering, planning his next leaf-hunt to himself as he wanders towards the tidepools. (@Autumnfall123 would it be possible to investigate around the pools where the trail leads and see if anything can be found?)
interacting with Epiphany and Aeon @pandakitty1 @Storia
Once again, Nettle goes to sleep wrapped comfortably in foliage... and wakes up completely uncovered, stirring to the feeling of air on his scales.

His heart drops even further as he realizes it's worse this time. His leaves are gone, and so is his satchel. His satchel. All of his supplies, gone.

Epiphany is in the same dilemma.

Aeon is... not.

Nettle isn't sure how to confront that information.

"I'm going to... to follow the trail," he decides, putting the Aeon revelation off for later. "Maybe it wasn't washed away- maybe there's kelp, too..."

He trails into muttering, planning his next leaf-hunt to himself as he wanders towards the tidepools.

(@Autumnfall123 would it be possible to investigate around the pools where the trail leads and see if anything can be found?)
[center][size=7][b][i][color=#0D0DA1]~[/color] [color=#2711A6]U[/color][color=#3513A9]n[/color][color=#4215AC]i[/color][color=#4F17AE]v[/color][color=#5D1AB1]e[/color][color=#6A1CB4]r[/color][color=#771EB7]s[/color][color=#8520B9]e[/color] [color=#9F24BF]~[/color][/i][/b][/size][/center] ----- [indent] [i][b]Following the Trail[/i][/b] Nettle follows the vague trail to the tidepools. The first few he finds don't seem to have his items, but vague dark shapes at the bottom of one could be Epiphany's items. He follows the trail to a further tidepool, discovering his items with the giveaway of a few leaves floating on the surface. There are a few dragons nearby and more coming from the cliff-wall hotel by the moment. At present, the nearest dragons were in far tidepools, but the newcomers could very well enter the tidepools containing Nettle's and Epiphany's items if Nettle didn't hurry. [/indent][center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1](@natsinabucket)[/size][/center]
~ Universe ~

Following the Trail

Nettle follows the vague trail to the tidepools.

The first few he finds don't seem to have his items, but vague dark shapes at the bottom of one could be Epiphany's items.

He follows the trail to a further tidepool, discovering his items with the giveaway of a few leaves floating on the surface.

There are a few dragons nearby and more coming from the cliff-wall hotel by the moment. At present, the nearest dragons were in far tidepools, but the newcomers could very well enter the tidepools containing Nettle's and Epiphany's items if Nettle didn't hurry.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with Epiphany @pandakitty1[/color][/center]Nettle's muttering trails off as he stares at the leaves bobbing in the tidepool. Leaves- not seagrass or random ocean-plant leaves, [i]his leaves.[/i] Already becoming waterlogged and sinking below the surface to join the rest of his stuff, though. ... It looks like Nettle isn't done swimming. But first, he whips around to wave his short arms in the air at his companions. "EPIPHANY," he calls in a jubilant rush, "YOUR THINGS MIGHT BE HERE- UM, JUST A LITTLE UNDERWATER."
interacting with Epiphany @pandakitty1
Nettle's muttering trails off as he stares at the leaves bobbing in the tidepool. Leaves- not seagrass or random ocean-plant leaves, his leaves.

Already becoming waterlogged and sinking below the surface to join the rest of his stuff, though.


It looks like Nettle isn't done swimming. But first, he whips around to wave his short arms in the air at his companions.

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#719bbd][size=4][b]Epiphany[/b][/size][/color] [color=#6f777d][size=2]He/Him[/size][/color] Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket) -----[/center] Nettle awoke in a panic, grasping for his spoon. To his horror, he couldn't find it [i]anywhere[/i]. He dug through the sand, only to come up with nothing. He started to hyperventilate until Nettle's voice finally broke through his panic. [i]Spoon![/i] Epiphany followed Nettle's voice to the tidepools. (@AutumnFall123 Action to try and retrieve Epiphany's spoon and possibly other stuff?)


Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket)

Nettle awoke in a panic, grasping for his spoon. To his horror, he couldn't find it anywhere. He dug through the sand, only to come up with nothing. He started to hyperventilate until Nettle's voice finally broke through his panic.


Epiphany followed Nettle's voice to the tidepools.

(@AutumnFall123 Action to try and retrieve Epiphany's spoon and possibly other stuff?)
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with puddle @Autumnfall123[/color][/center] As soon as Epiphany starts following him, Nettle turns his attention back to the tidepools. He first reaches in to recover a leaf still floating on the surface, pulling it safely to land. [i]You're safe now.[/i] The rest won't be so easy. With a swallow, Nettle steps up to the edge of the tidepool and begins the hunt. (@/Autumn hello could I also attempt to retrieve whatever possible?)
interacting with puddle @Autumnfall123
As soon as Epiphany starts following him, Nettle turns his attention back to the tidepools.

He first reaches in to recover a leaf still floating on the surface, pulling it safely to land. You're safe now.

The rest won't be so easy.

With a swallow, Nettle steps up to the edge of the tidepool and begins the hunt.

(@/Autumn hello could I also attempt to retrieve whatever possible?)
[center][size=7][b][i][color=#0D0DA1]~[/color] [color=#2711A6]U[/color][color=#3513A9]n[/color][color=#4215AC]i[/color][color=#4F17AE]v[/color][color=#5D1AB1]e[/color][color=#6A1CB4]r[/color][color=#771EB7]s[/color][color=#8520B9]e[/color] [color=#9F24BF]~[/color][/i][/b][/size][/center] ----- [indent] [i][b]Collecting the Items[/i][/b] Nettle and Epiphany both perch on the edge of their respective tidepools, a good distance apart. They look at each other, count down, and slip into the water. [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Epiphany's Luck: 4 out of 20[/center] Epiphany forgets to plug his nose before plunging in, and is forced to return to the edge of the pool so he can cough and choke out the water. [center][emoji=d20 size=1] Nettle's Luck: 14 out of 20[/center] Nettle took a deep breath before diving in, using his experience in the ocean yesterday to assist him now. The two swim deeper in their tidepools... [center][emoji=d20 size=1]Luck: 15 out of 20[/center] ...with little to no trouble and are able to retrieve all of their things. All of their items are greatly waterlogged. [/indent][center] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=1](@natsinabucket, @pandakitty1)[/size][/center]
~ Universe ~

Collecting the Items

Nettle and Epiphany both perch on the edge of their respective tidepools, a good distance apart. They look at each other, count down, and slip into the water.
Epiphany's Luck: 4 out of 20

Epiphany forgets to plug his nose before plunging in, and is forced to return to the edge of the pool so he can cough and choke out the water.
Nettle's Luck: 14 out of 20

Nettle took a deep breath before diving in, using his experience in the ocean yesterday to assist him now.

The two swim deeper in their tidepools...
Luck: 15 out of 20

...with little to no trouble and are able to retrieve all of their things. All of their items are greatly waterlogged.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b][color=#556B2F]Nettle[/color][/b] [color=#556B2F]he/him[/color] [color=#556B2F]interacting with Epiphany @pandakitty1[/color][/center] Nettle scrambles his way back onto land, sopping satchel and soaked leaves clutched tight to his chest. He deposits them on the shore with wide eyes, shuffling through his items until he's [i]sure[/i] everything is there. He can hear Epiphany doing a similar scramble nearby. Thank the Gladekeeper. Oh, and the Stormcatcher, since this is his domain and probably his mercy. Nettle spreads the leaves out in a line in the sun, waiting anxiously for them to dry and firm up a bit before he can wrap himself up in them again. And his [i]poor[/i] satchel. The knife is really the only thing he owns that isn't now a sopping mess. Nettle finishes spreading his things out in the sun and then collapses a bit dramatically next to the display. "Did you get everything?" he asks Epiphany in a grumble, exhausted. But he can't shut down. Not with a party to keep together.
interacting with Epiphany @pandakitty1
Nettle scrambles his way back onto land, sopping satchel and soaked leaves clutched tight to his chest. He deposits them on the shore with wide eyes, shuffling through his items until he's sure everything is there.

He can hear Epiphany doing a similar scramble nearby.

Thank the Gladekeeper. Oh, and the Stormcatcher, since this is his domain and probably his mercy. Nettle spreads the leaves out in a line in the sun, waiting anxiously for them to dry and firm up a bit before he can wrap himself up in them again.

And his poor satchel. The knife is really the only thing he owns that isn't now a sopping mess.

Nettle finishes spreading his things out in the sun and then collapses a bit dramatically next to the display.

"Did you get everything?" he asks Epiphany in a grumble, exhausted.

But he can't shut down. Not with a party to keep together.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#719bbd][size=4][b]Epiphany[/b][/size][/color] [color=#6f777d][size=2]He/Him[/size][/color] Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket) -----[/center] Epiphany calmed down as soon as he retrieved his spoon from the tide pool. "Oh, hell", he said as he pulled his waterlogged stuffed animal from the water. Buffy would need to sit in the sun for hours after this because she, uh, looked like a wet, sloppy rag. Epiphany gathered his items close as he turned to the shoreline. Nettle had retrieved his own items while Aeon simply watched on from the distance. It was highly suspicious how she hadn't lost a single thing. Epiphany pulls his stuff even closer to him. "I got everything. I just hope Buffy will be alright." Epiphany frowned. This trip had really sucked. [i]Really[/i] sucked. This was not the first time Epiphany thought this, and it was certainly not the last.


Interacting with Nettle (@natsinabucket)

Epiphany calmed down as soon as he retrieved his spoon from the tide pool.

"Oh, hell", he said as he pulled his waterlogged stuffed animal from the water. Buffy would need to sit in the sun for hours after this because she, uh, looked like a wet, sloppy rag.

Epiphany gathered his items close as he turned to the shoreline. Nettle had retrieved his own items while Aeon simply watched on from the distance. It was highly suspicious how she hadn't lost a single thing. Epiphany pulls his stuff even closer to him.

"I got everything. I just hope Buffy will be alright." Epiphany frowned.

This trip had really sucked. Really sucked. This was not the first time Epiphany thought this, and it was certainly not the last.
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][img][/img][/center] [Center][Size=7][b][u]~Final Night~[/u][/b][/size] @pinglist-30155 / @pinglist-30170 [Size=6][u]~Chapter Summary~[/u][/size][/center] [quote="Story Progression"] As Nettle and Epiphany returned to their makeshift camp with soggy items in tow, they discovered the very obvious absence of one of their party members. "Where did she go?" Nettle asked quietly, partly speaking aloud and partly asking Epiphany. The tiny veilspun raised his shin in the air and marched forward, making a bit of a show at his pretend searching for Aeon. "Well! It looks like she [I]finally[/I] took her leave!" Nettle glanced at Epiphany in slight confusion as he began to lay his flora on his body once again, relaxing as each strand and leaf went in place. He'd wanted to let them dry on the sand, but Nettle didn't trust the hyper crowd of dragons that was starting to gather around the tidepools. "What do you mean? You think she wanted to leave?" Epiphany turned back to Nettle while hugging his emotional support spoon. "Maybe! Maybe not! But it only makes sense that she's been causing all these problems. First she ate all the sour kelp, then she caught the ship on fire and [I]now[/I] she tossed out stuff in the water! But her stuff was safe. Hmph! Serves her right, leaving without a word. I never want to see her face again!" At the end of his rant, Epiphany fluttered up onto Nettle's shoulder as Nettle began walking along the beach, hoping to see someone who could give directions to them. Or rather, who they could ask. Nettle had had enough of other dragons for a lifetime, but he had made a friend along the way. Maybe having a friend wasn't so bad. "Hey, Epiphany? If it was her all along, who tried to- y'know, uh, kill her? That night?" Epiphany thought for a few moments before shrugging rather pettily. "Maybe she lied about that too. We're better on our own." Nettle wasn't so certain, but he couldn't argue. It [I]did[/I] make sense. This adventure was exhausting for Nettle, who just wanted to get home. "Maybe you're right. Uh... Do you need to go anywhere, or something? If you need somewhere to stay, you could stay with me for a bit, maybe?" "Welllll...." Epiphany grinned at the wonderful idea. The bestest idea! "That sounds perfect!" He would get a break from his parents yet! And so, the pair made their way to Nettle's clan, the last remaining characters of their party enjoying the peace of the gardens. Until Epiphany's parents came to get him, at least. They were [I]not happy in the slightest.[I] [/quote] ----- Tl;dr: [LIST] [*] Aeon eloped with herself [*] Epiphany and Nettle walked into the sunset together. [*] Pathetic Pringle and Anxious Leaf couple?!?! (REAL!!!)(NOT FAKE!!!!)(GONE WRONG!!!!!!!) [*] No night abilities were used due to this being the final night [/LIST] ----- [Center][Size=6][u]~Profiles~[/u][/size][/center] [Quote][Url=][img][/img][/url] [B]1: Abyssal Bolt.[/B] Makes the target feel irrationally spooked afterward as if they saw a ghost. It has the same strengths and weaknesses as bright bolt: strong against plague, shadow, and wind; weak against arcane, light, lightning, and nature. [B]2: Projectile Slash.[/B] It sends a projectile slash of air, which is effective at knocking down an opponent. [B]3: Ensnare.[/B] 1/2 success chance. Traps the target in a strong, invisible net. [B]4: Camouflage.[/B] Simple skill, ability to hide anywhere. ----- [Url=][img][/img][/url] [b]1: Jungle slash.[/b] A close-range talon-slash. [b]2: Leaf bolt.[/b] A surge of jungle magic that hurls a ranged projectile of vegetation at one enemy. [b]3: Natural disguise.[/b] Blends into the undergrowth in a forested or planted environment, becoming pretty much invisible. Does not work when there isn't vegetation nearby. [b]4: Aura of repulsion.[/b] Enhances naturally off-putting appearance so dragons feel a visceral desire to stay away. Makes attacks less effective.[/quote] [Center][i]Onto the final chapter...[/i] Please stand by for the Day Update.
~Final Night~
@SS - General / @SS - Game 1

~Chapter Summary~
Story Progression wrote:
As Nettle and Epiphany returned to their makeshift camp with soggy items in tow, they discovered the very obvious absence of one of their party members.

"Where did she go?" Nettle asked quietly, partly speaking aloud and partly asking Epiphany.

The tiny veilspun raised his shin in the air and marched forward, making a bit of a show at his pretend searching for Aeon. "Well! It looks like she finally took her leave!"

Nettle glanced at Epiphany in slight confusion as he began to lay his flora on his body once again, relaxing as each strand and leaf went in place. He'd wanted to let them dry on the sand, but Nettle didn't trust the hyper crowd of dragons that was starting to gather around the tidepools.

"What do you mean? You think she wanted to leave?"

Epiphany turned back to Nettle while hugging his emotional support spoon. "Maybe! Maybe not! But it only makes sense that she's been causing all these problems. First she ate all the sour kelp, then she caught the ship on fire and now she tossed out stuff in the water! But her stuff was safe. Hmph! Serves her right, leaving without a word. I never want to see her face again!" At the end of his rant, Epiphany fluttered up onto Nettle's shoulder as Nettle began walking along the beach, hoping to see someone who could give directions to them.

Or rather, who they could ask. Nettle had had enough of other dragons for a lifetime, but he had made a friend along the way.

Maybe having a friend wasn't so bad.

"Hey, Epiphany? If it was her all along, who tried to- y'know, uh, kill her? That night?"

Epiphany thought for a few moments before shrugging rather pettily. "Maybe she lied about that too. We're better on our own."

Nettle wasn't so certain, but he couldn't argue. It did make sense.

This adventure was exhausting for Nettle, who just wanted to get home. "Maybe you're right. Uh... Do you need to go anywhere, or something? If you need somewhere to stay, you could stay with me for a bit, maybe?"

"Welllll...." Epiphany grinned at the wonderful idea. The bestest idea! "That sounds perfect!" He would get a break from his parents yet!

And so, the pair made their way to Nettle's clan, the last remaining characters of their party enjoying the peace of the gardens.

Until Epiphany's parents came to get him, at least. They were not happy in the slightest.

  • Aeon eloped with herself
  • Epiphany and Nettle walked into the sunset together.
  • Pathetic Pringle and Anxious Leaf couple?!?! (REAL!!!)(NOT FAKE!!!!)(GONE WRONG!!!!!!!)
  • No night abilities were used due to this being the final night

1: Abyssal Bolt. Makes the target feel irrationally spooked afterward as if they saw a ghost. It has the same strengths and weaknesses as bright bolt: strong against plague, shadow, and wind; weak against arcane, light, lightning, and nature.
2: Projectile Slash. It sends a projectile slash of air, which is effective at knocking down an opponent.
3: Ensnare. 1/2 success chance. Traps the target in a strong, invisible net.
4: Camouflage. Simple skill, ability to hide anywhere.
1: Jungle slash. A close-range talon-slash.
2: Leaf bolt. A surge of jungle magic that hurls a ranged projectile of vegetation at one enemy.
3: Natural disguise. Blends into the undergrowth in a forested or planted environment, becoming pretty much invisible. Does not work when there isn't vegetation nearby.
4: Aura of repulsion. Enhances naturally off-putting appearance so dragons feel a visceral desire to stay away. Makes attacks less effective.
Onto the final chapter...
Please stand by for the Day Update.
[center][img][/img][/center] [Center][Size=7][b][u]~Results~[/u][/b][/size] @pinglist-30155 / @pinglist-30170 [Size=6][u]~Round Stats~[/u][/size][/center][LIST] [*] Winners: 1 (Nettle) [*] Losers: 1 (Epiphany) [*] Dropouts: 3 (Harukaze, Ortham, Aeon) [*] Locations visited: 3 (Floatsm Town, Sea of a Thousand Currents, Tsunami Flats) [*] NPCs met: 3 (Papon, Rigging, Captain Sailta) [*] Items bought: 0 [*] Overall luck: [emoji=d20 size=1] 9.75 out of 20 [*] N1 actions: - Epiphany sleep-ate all the Sour Kelp - Ortham tried to throw Aeon overboard [*] N2 actions: - Epiphany started the fire on deck with Nettle's plants - Nettle checked Aeon [*] N3 actions: - Epiphany dumped his and Nettle's items into the Tidepools - Nettle checked Epiphany [/LIST] [center][Size=6][u]~Ranking~[/u][/size] WINNERS REWARDS [Item=Dreadtooth Ravager]x1 [Item=Deepsea Anchor]x1 [emoji=treasure size=1] 30,000 [url=][img][/img][/url] Nettle (@/natsinabucket), 1st place, Night 4 [Lover - ended the game with only one other dragon.] ----- LOSERS REWARDS [Item=Tincture of Dissolution]x1[Item=Regeneration]x1 [emoji=treasure size=1] 15,000 [url=][img][/img][/url] Epiphany (@/Pandakitty1), 2nd place, Night 4 [Loner - needed to be the last dragon in the group. Ended the game with another player.] ----- DROPOUTS No rewards. [url=][img][/img][/url] Harukaze (@/KungFuCutBug), 0, Day 1 [Collector - collect one of every item of the Chess set.] [url=][img][/img][/url] Ortham (@/Voidshade), 0, Night 2 [Paranoid - kill or exile everyone else in your group.] [url=][img][/img][/url] Aeon (@/Storia), 0, Day 3 [Runaway - be exiled or kicked out by your group.] ----- [Center][Size=6][u]~What happens next?~[/u][/size][LIST] [*] Your game mod will send out your rewards. [*] Once you have accepted your rewards, you may ask to be put on the wait-list again. [*] If you enjoyed, please spread the word about this game! [/LIST] ----- [center][i]The end of one story is merely the beginning of another...[/i] (Thank you for playing!)
@SS - General / @SS - Game 1

~Round Stats~
  • Winners: 1 (Nettle)
  • Losers: 1 (Epiphany)
  • Dropouts: 3 (Harukaze, Ortham, Aeon)
  • Locations visited: 3 (Floatsm Town, Sea of a Thousand Currents, Tsunami Flats)
  • NPCs met: 3 (Papon, Rigging, Captain Sailta)
  • Items bought: 0
  • Overall luck: 9.75 out of 20
  • N1 actions:
    - Epiphany sleep-ate all the Sour Kelp
    - Ortham tried to throw Aeon overboard
  • N2 actions:
    - Epiphany started the fire on deck with Nettle's plants
    - Nettle checked Aeon
  • N3 actions:
    - Epiphany dumped his and Nettle's items into the Tidepools
    - Nettle checked Epiphany

Dreadtooth Ravager x1 Deepsea Anchor x1
81926685.png Nettle (@/natsinabucket), 1st place, Night 4 [Lover - ended the game with only one other dragon.]

Tincture of Dissolution x1 Regeneration x1
94497509.png Epiphany (@/Pandakitty1), 2nd place, Night 4 [Loner - needed to be the last dragon in the group. Ended the game with another player.]
No rewards.
94338394.png Harukaze (@/KungFuCutBug), 0, Day 1 [Collector - collect one of every item of the Chess set.]
86644656.png Ortham (@/Voidshade), 0, Night 2 [Paranoid - kill or exile everyone else in your group.]
82874456.png Aeon (@/Storia), 0, Day 3 [Runaway - be exiled or kicked out by your group.]

~What happens next?~
  • Your game mod will send out your rewards.
  • Once you have accepted your rewards, you may ask to be put on the wait-list again.
  • If you enjoyed, please spread the word about this game!

The end of one story is merely the beginning of another...
(Thank you for playing!)