
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lore Whining Days v3
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Atsumu and Shinsuke share matching lockets, and while they keep the contents of such a closely guarded secret it seems to comfort them to each have a connect to one another no matter how far away they are from one another. While other dragons never bother Shinsuke about the locket besides a couple curious questions from hatchlings playing around the farm and some light teasing from Aran, Atsumu finds himself fighting for his life anytime his crew catches him looking at it wistfully. [/center]

Atsumu and Shinsuke share matching lockets, and while they keep the contents of such a closely guarded secret it seems to comfort them to each have a connect to one another no matter how far away they are from one another. While other dragons never bother Shinsuke about the locket besides a couple curious questions from hatchlings playing around the farm and some light teasing from Aran, Atsumu finds himself fighting for his life anytime his crew catches him looking at it wistfully.
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Managed to get a bit of writing for [url=]Lum[/url] and [url=]Thorne[/url] done! Neither of them are quite finished, but fairly happy with what’s there so far. In terms of the prompt… [url=][img][/img][/url] Invidia has her Shadow Strike apparel piece. Comes in handy for keeping others away. No one makes fun of her for wearing it - in fact no one comments on it if they can help it. [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] Bronte and Fane have matching rings. It’s not known where Bronte got his, since Fane’s always been quite open about the fact she stole hers from the pirate ship she used to serve on. It’s possible that there might have been a pair, rather than just the one, however. There might occasionally be the odd comment/question from curious individuals about them, but overall the rings don’t draw that much attention.
Managed to get a bit of writing for Lum and Thorne done! Neither of them are quite finished, but fairly happy with what’s there so far.

In terms of the prompt…


Invidia has her Shadow Strike apparel piece. Comes in handy for keeping others away. No one makes fun of her for wearing it - in fact no one comments on it if they can help it.


Bronte and Fane have matching rings. It’s not known where Bronte got his, since Fane’s always been quite open about the fact she stole hers from the pirate ship she used to serve on. It’s possible that there might have been a pair, rather than just the one, however. There might occasionally be the odd comment/question from curious individuals about them, but overall the rings don’t draw that much attention.
[b]How has your Clan grown over the year?[/b] Oh wow, i haven't done one of these in a long time! I've been gone for most of the year but lore-wise my clan hasn't grown too much.. but the events of this anniversary have shaken things up. Especially with the relation to the shade. In my lore my progens and their kids actually have a 'shade element' in which kids of theirs' are born with a small amount of shade within them, and are more resistant to the shade. But they can be overwhelmed by their power into being shade-touched. I'm working on a short story set up for an Oasis dragon, Ula, to run to find my two Progens (Windguide and Surge) and mention what she heard of tidecaller's message. The idea of the shade having more influence worries them, because they don't know what their own shade abilities truly entail. They'll either be instrumental in the fight back against the growing shade presence, or they may be ticking time bombs of powerful shade-touched dragons. --------- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] Ula dragged herself the remainder of the way to Oasis clan's leaders, using the little of her arcane magic available to teleport herself back to Oasis clan. Her heavy breathing was the first sign something was horribly wrong. Windguide was the first to notice, perking up her head fins at the sight of the fellow leader. Before anyone could speak, Ula collapsed. Surge dived to catch her, softening her fall with his arm and fluffy mane. Windguide approached cautiously, trying to asses the situation. "Tidecaller.." ula began. "We.. heard him.. bubbles.. cave in.. the shade.." the couple looked to each other in concern. "Ula, what about the shade? Has tidelord..?" "No" ula spat, not wanting to even consider the idea that a deity could be consumed by the shade. "His message.. was broken.. hard to decipher.." she said, the room eerily quiet as the skydancer desperately took in more air. "He sounded scared.. i believe.. the shade is getting stronger. He wants to rebuild the pillar" she continued. Instinctively, Windguide clutched her chest. Again her and surge shared a worried glance. What would happen to them if the shade got stronger? Did they truly control their own infections? More over, what would happen if the deities rebuilt the pillar- or found another way to magically repel the shade again.. would they still be able to live on this planet? What of their children? Unfortunately, no one in that room had any certain answers to those questions...
How has your Clan grown over the year?

Oh wow, i haven't done one of these in a long time! I've been gone for most of the year but lore-wise my clan hasn't grown too much.. but the events of this anniversary have shaken things up. Especially with the relation to the shade. In my lore my progens and their kids actually have a 'shade element' in which kids of theirs' are born with a small amount of shade within them, and are more resistant to the shade. But they can be overwhelmed by their power into being shade-touched.

I'm working on a short story set up for an Oasis dragon, Ula, to run to find my two Progens (Windguide and Surge) and mention what she heard of tidecaller's message. The idea of the shade having more influence worries them, because they don't know what their own shade abilities truly entail. They'll either be instrumental in the fight back against the growing shade presence, or they may be ticking time bombs of powerful shade-touched dragons.

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Ula dragged herself the remainder of the way to Oasis clan's leaders, using the little of her arcane magic available to teleport herself back to Oasis clan. Her heavy breathing was the first sign something was horribly wrong. Windguide was the first to notice, perking up her head fins at the sight of the fellow leader. Before anyone could speak, Ula collapsed. Surge dived to catch her, softening her fall with his arm and fluffy mane. Windguide approached cautiously, trying to ***** the situation.

"Tidecaller.." ula began.
"We.. heard him.. bubbles.. cave in.. the shade.." the couple looked to each other in concern.
"Ula, what about the shade? Has tidelord..?"
"No" ula spat, not wanting to even consider the idea that a deity could be consumed by the shade.
"His message.. was broken.. hard to decipher.." she said, the room eerily quiet as the skydancer desperately took in more air.
"He sounded scared.. i believe.. the shade is getting stronger. He wants to rebuild the pillar" she continued. Instinctively, Windguide clutched her chest. Again her and surge shared a worried glance.

What would happen to them if the shade got stronger?
Did they truly control their own infections?
More over, what would happen if the deities rebuilt the pillar- or found another way to magically repel the shade again.. would they still be able to live on this planet?
What of their children?
Unfortunately, no one in that room had any certain answers to those questions...

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Does one of your dragons have a unique piece of apparel or accessory that they just can’t leave home without? Where did they get it and what makes it special? What do others think of this Accessory? Do they find it strange, creepy, weird, or interesting? Banchee keeps a very special brooch on her at all times. See she was wandering the halls of the Keep when she came upon the treasure room. So many glass cases and shelves holding trinkets. As she peered through the countless rows of jems and oddities she came upon a lone glass case. It was smaller than the others and quite far from the rest of the treasures. Inside was a small brooch with a harpy face engraved upon its smooth surface. The others in her clan stayed away from the brooch for some reason. To Banchee, it was perfect. She [i]needed[/i] it. Banchee blinked and the feeling faded. Feeling embarrassed she quickly left the room. But each day she would come back to stare at the golden brooch. It didn’t take long for the eyes of Seraphine to report her activity. The next day Seraphine was waiting for Banchee. Initially Banchee thought herself in trouble, the treasure room was open to the public, but maybe her routine visits were frowned upon. Then the most wonderous thing happened. Seraphine opened the case and presented Banchee with the glittering brooch. “This specific item maybe be best suited to you than other dragon,” Seraphine said. Banchee glowed with pride that quickly turned to confusion. Seeing the look on Banchee’s face Seraphine elaborated. “You can whisper spells into it, but be carful if you give it too much power, it will be you being worn.” [url=][img][/img][/url]
Does one of your dragons have a unique piece of apparel or accessory that they just can’t leave home without? Where did they get it and what makes it special? What do others think of this Accessory? Do they find it strange, creepy, weird, or interesting?

Banchee keeps a very special brooch on her at all times. See she was wandering the halls of the Keep when she came upon the treasure room. So many glass cases and shelves holding trinkets. As she peered through the countless rows of jems and oddities she came upon a lone glass case. It was smaller than the others and quite far from the rest of the treasures. Inside was a small brooch with a harpy face engraved upon its smooth surface. The others in her clan stayed away from the brooch for some reason. To Banchee, it was perfect. She needed it. Banchee blinked and the feeling faded. Feeling embarrassed she quickly left the room. But each day she would come back to stare at the golden brooch. It didn’t take long for the eyes of Seraphine to report her activity. The next day Seraphine was waiting for Banchee. Initially Banchee thought herself in trouble, the treasure room was open to the public, but maybe her routine visits were frowned upon. Then the most wonderous thing happened. Seraphine opened the case and presented Banchee with the glittering brooch.
“This specific item maybe be best suited to you than other dragon,” Seraphine said. Banchee glowed with pride that quickly turned to confusion. Seeing the look on Banchee’s face Seraphine elaborated. “You can whisper spells into it, but be carful if you give it too much power, it will be you being worn.”

[center][url=][img][/img] [b]Monk[/b][/url][/center] Monk never leaves their home without their many animal companions. While it's not apparel in my lore, it is counted as it on-site. Monk just likes to let their friends tag along, though it’s best for others to be wary around them since their friends aren’t always the most tame and trained creatures. They also act as guards in the off-chance that someone or something decides to try and attack them. The Monk might not be good at fighting or wielding weapons, but the power of friendship is a very strong thing when said friends are apex predators and beastclans. --------- [center][url=][img][/img] [b]Larimar[/b][/url][center] Larimar, despite never using it in battle or even knowing how to use it at all, always has her Kusarigama with her. Perhaps it’s because she wanted something other than armor to denote herself as a Coliseum Fighter, or maybe it’s for an intimidation factor... or maybe it’s just because she thinks it looks cool. Chances are that it’s the latter, but she’ll never tell. [emoji=fae winking size=1] You better not gossip and speculate on why she has it though! She’d [i]totally[/i] hate that. Like, why would she ever want to end up needing to write about herself in her news magazine? The drama is [i]totally[/i] unneeded and [i]not[/i] exactly what she wanted. --------- [center][url=][img][/img] [b]Spearmaster[/b][/url][/center] The Spearmaster has a few things that they’ll never travel without. Thankfully my clan is rather inclusive due to how many dragons are from equally weird and unique backgrounds - accepting eachother and the world around them is the only way for them to go at this point. The Spearmaster still gets some odd looks and the occasional insensitive question despite that though. First is their Nocturne mask. It’s a comfort blanket of sorts to them, like how some people with anxiety might still wear facemasks in public or wear big hoodies. They’re very self-conscious about their mouth, or rather their [i]lack[/i] of mouth. The mask hides that fact and also serves as a way to help express themselves in lieu of their natural lack thereof. The Spearmaster chose a Nocturne mask in specific because they feel a connection with the species. They too have had to learn how to adapt and mimic the behaviors of others since their odd upbringing didn’t allow them to form “proper” social skills. They would breed change into a nocturne, but due to their unnatural biology such a transformation could end up potentially killing them in the process. The next, while they are two individual items, are their red scarf and sunsong haori. The short version as to why they’re so attached is that the items are a gift from their parent-of-sorts, [url=]Suns[/url]. The long version is that, after returning from their second message delivery, Suns felt remorse for the damage they had sustained from the unexpectedly harrowing trip. The gift was supposed to be only temporary as it was made up of two pieces from Suns’ old ceremonial garbs, but they ended up letting them keep it after they grew attached to the apparel. The colors remind the Spearmaster of Suns as well, and they feel like they’re always bringing a piece of their parent along with them when they’re wearing them. -------- [center]I would write for more of my dragons since there are plenty that live outside of the Village and have apparel that, while odd, they value highly. However, I've spent approx. an hour writing so I think I'm done for now lol.[/center]
Monk never leaves their home without their many animal companions. While it's not apparel in my lore, it is counted as it on-site. Monk just likes to let their friends tag along, though it’s best for others to be wary around them since their friends aren’t always the most tame and trained creatures. They also act as guards in the off-chance that someone or something decides to try and attack them. The Monk might not be good at fighting or wielding weapons, but the power of friendship is a very strong thing when said friends are apex predators and beastclans.
Larimar, despite never using it in battle or even knowing how to use it at all, always has her Kusarigama with her. Perhaps it’s because she wanted something other than armor to denote herself as a Coliseum Fighter, or maybe it’s for an intimidation factor... or maybe it’s just because she thinks it looks cool. Chances are that it’s the latter, but she’ll never tell.

You better not gossip and speculate on why she has it though! She’d totally hate that. Like, why would she ever want to end up needing to write about herself in her news magazine? The drama is totally unneeded and not exactly what she wanted.

The Spearmaster has a few things that they’ll never travel without. Thankfully my clan is rather inclusive due to how many dragons are from equally weird and unique backgrounds - accepting eachother and the world around them is the only way for them to go at this point. The Spearmaster still gets some odd looks and the occasional insensitive question despite that though.

First is their Nocturne mask. It’s a comfort blanket of sorts to them, like how some people with anxiety might still wear facemasks in public or wear big hoodies. They’re very self-conscious about their mouth, or rather their lack of mouth. The mask hides that fact and also serves as a way to help express themselves in lieu of their natural lack thereof. The Spearmaster chose a Nocturne mask in specific because they feel a connection with the species. They too have had to learn how to adapt and mimic the behaviors of others since their odd upbringing didn’t allow them to form “proper” social skills. They would breed change into a nocturne, but due to their unnatural biology such a transformation could end up potentially killing them in the process.

The next, while they are two individual items, are their red scarf and sunsong haori. The short version as to why they’re so attached is that the items are a gift from their parent-of-sorts, Suns. The long version is that, after returning from their second message delivery, Suns felt remorse for the damage they had sustained from the unexpectedly harrowing trip. The gift was supposed to be only temporary as it was made up of two pieces from Suns’ old ceremonial garbs, but they ended up letting them keep it after they grew attached to the apparel. The colors remind the Spearmaster of Suns as well, and they feel like they’re always bringing a piece of their parent along with them when they’re wearing them.
I would write for more of my dragons since there are plenty that live outside of the Village and have apparel that, while odd, they value highly. However, I've spent approx. an hour writing so I think I'm done for now lol.
Silt Wolf She/They
Lore Clan
Fandragon Clan
Swamp Wolf 82915464_CVXRsl7YprlkILT.png
Oho! I've been on hiatus from FR, so I didn't know a version 3 of the Whining Days had started up! How wonderful!
Oho! I've been on hiatus from FR, so I didn't know a version 3 of the Whining Days had started up! How wonderful!
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Lore whining time!

good to see all that lore being worked on last time. Keep up the amazing work!

Prompt for June 24th, 2024

Do you have a dragon that is like an open book, when it comes to things about themselves? Are they still able to hide somethings about themselves, despite being easy to read?
What about the opposite? Do you have a dragon that is impossible to read no matter how much others try to get to know them?
Is there a dragon that is really good at reading others despite how much they may try to hide?

Lore whining time!

good to see all that lore being worked on last time. Keep up the amazing work!

Prompt for June 24th, 2024

Do you have a dragon that is like an open book, when it comes to things about themselves? Are they still able to hide somethings about themselves, despite being easy to read?
What about the opposite? Do you have a dragon that is impossible to read no matter how much others try to get to know them?
Is there a dragon that is really good at reading others despite how much they may try to hide?

[url=][img][/img][/url] Kinna doesn’t have secrets. Doesn’t see the point in keeping them. If there’s something she wants to say, then she’ll say it. While she hasn’t told anyone everything about her life, it’s more that she doesn’t really think they need to know every single detail. It’s pretty easy for anyone to tell what she’s thinking or feeling, simply from the expression on her face. [url=][img][/img][/url] Arren wasn’t hard to read at first. While reserved, he would usually show some expression. However, after a certain event, he’s become a lot more closed off and secretive. He’s become pretty adept at hiding things from others, and tends to adopt a fairly neutral expression…no matter what he’s feeling. [url=][img][/img][/url] Sromaigh’s pretty good at reading others. He can tell what someone might be feeling by the twitch of an ear/fin or their body language.

Kinna doesn’t have secrets. Doesn’t see the point in keeping them. If there’s something she wants to say, then she’ll say it. While she hasn’t told anyone everything about her life, it’s more that she doesn’t really think they need to know every single detail. It’s pretty easy for anyone to tell what she’s thinking or feeling, simply from the expression on her face.


Arren wasn’t hard to read at first. While reserved, he would usually show some expression. However, after a certain event, he’s become a lot more closed off and secretive. He’s become pretty adept at hiding things from others, and tends to adopt a fairly neutral expression…no matter what he’s feeling.


Sromaigh’s pretty good at reading others. He can tell what someone might be feeling by the twitch of an ear/fin or their body language.
Lore Whining time!

Prompt for July 4th, 2024
Do you have a particularly sleepy dragon that just always seems to be sleeping the majority of the time? or perhaps a dragon that appears to be on the lazy side? write a little about them and perhaps some of their interactions with some of the other dragons.

Lore Whining time!

Prompt for July 4th, 2024
Do you have a particularly sleepy dragon that just always seems to be sleeping the majority of the time? or perhaps a dragon that appears to be on the lazy side? write a little about them and perhaps some of their interactions with some of the other dragons.

Small progress while catching up with some prompts Does one of your dragons have a unique piece of apparel or accessory that they just can’t leave home without? Where did they get it and what makes it special? What do others think of this Accessory? Do they find it strange, creepy, weird, or interesting? I have multiple actually that fit well with this prompt. For this one I decided to actually give my badge collector a proper bio! Gives her more depth than just holding my dom badges (we’re going to ignore how half of them are broken, still recovering from the discord purge) I added a little note in Myfina’s bio about her bag of art supplies. Given how it’s already hard to tell which of her feathers are just brightly colored and which ones have paint on them, it’s pretty normal for her. That’s just how art kids are I guess. She’s gotta be ready to draw something before she looses the idea. [url=][img][/img][/url] And then Hex is from a lore lineage where one of the things mentioned is that their father makes them some article of clothing, and how their siblings can recognize his craftsmanship to identify eachother, so I added a little note about that in her bio about the scarf. [url=][img][/img][/url] And nothing new added bc I’ve already written about it, just wanted to share because it’s such a subtle part of their design that it’s soo easy to miss, but 4 of my dragons have matching friendship rings! They are the first dragons I bought after coming back from a 4 year hiatus and really starting to play the game for the first time. So their like a second generation of first dragons, and as such are all pretty sentimental. They’re all born within a day or two of eachother, so they grew up together. It’s super cheesy but it means a lot to them so even though they’re really too old for friendship rings, they still wear them all the time. (Aditonally, Lorewarden is also a dragon who’s really bad at keeping secrets, which is another prompt) [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
Small progress while catching up with some prompts

Does one of your dragons have a unique piece of apparel or accessory that they just can’t leave home without? Where did they get it and what makes it special? What do others think of this Accessory? Do they find it strange, creepy, weird, or interesting?

I have multiple actually that fit well with this prompt. For this one I decided to actually give my badge collector a proper bio! Gives her more depth than just holding my dom badges (we’re going to ignore how half of them are broken, still recovering from the discord purge)

I added a little note in Myfina’s bio about her bag of art supplies. Given how it’s already hard to tell which of her feathers are just brightly colored and which ones have paint on them, it’s pretty normal for her. That’s just how art kids are I guess. She’s gotta be ready to draw something before she looses the idea.

And then Hex is from a lore lineage where one of the things mentioned is that their father makes them some article of clothing, and how their siblings can recognize his craftsmanship to identify eachother, so I added a little note about that in her bio about the scarf.

And nothing new added bc I’ve already written about it, just wanted to share because it’s such a subtle part of their design that it’s soo easy to miss, but 4 of my dragons have matching friendship rings! They are the first dragons I bought after coming back from a 4 year hiatus and really starting to play the game for the first time. So their like a second generation of first dragons, and as such are all pretty sentimental. They’re all born within a day or two of eachother, so they grew up together. It’s super cheesy but it means a lot to them so even though they’re really too old for friendship rings, they still wear them all the time.

(Aditonally, Lorewarden is also a dragon who’s really bad at keeping secrets, which is another prompt)

A sideways aromantic flag next to the word ‘aromantic’A sideways asexual flag next to the word ‘asexual’A sideways agender flag next to the words ‘they/them’
hi there, i have no clue what im doing
please ping me in all replies!
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