

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | ¤~~an endless garden [2.5] ~~¤
@Natron [emoji=familiar heart size=1]Nondeterministic errors my beloved[emoji=familiar heart size=1] aaaagh, well, it's probably something down deep in the async code, because that's where all the demons live. Sadly I ripped Edge out by the registry roots on my Windows machine and reinstalling it would probably have ~side effects~, so I'll see if I can replicate on Chrome (Edge being Chromium-based). Sorry bout all that. If you run into more issues, Firefox is usually the most stable...but telling someone to use a different browser is hardly a solution. Since it was an "out of spritesheet order" issue, I at least know what part of the code I should focus on! That garden looks AMAZING though, I adore the depth-of-field effect! Gorgeous, gorgeous colors too. Sorry there's not really a "dunes" background, I've tried and failed a few times, hah. But that really does look tremendous.
@Natron Nondeterministic errors my beloved

aaaagh, well, it's probably something down deep in the async code, because that's where all the demons live. Sadly I ripped Edge out by the registry roots on my Windows machine and reinstalling it would probably have ~side effects~, so I'll see if I can replicate on Chrome (Edge being Chromium-based). Sorry bout all that. If you run into more issues, Firefox is usually the most stable...but telling someone to use a different browser is hardly a solution. Since it was an "out of spritesheet order" issue, I at least know what part of the code I should focus on!

That garden looks AMAZING though, I adore the depth-of-field effect! Gorgeous, gorgeous colors too. Sorry there's not really a "dunes" background, I've tried and failed a few times, hah. But that really does look tremendous.
@Natron Hi again. Long stalk! That's a really simple request, have two! I'm happy to see one get some love, fun fact they're actually sprite #0. Bw+SSBxKgY, BwyCwCA+G0 If I did this right, one should have the cattail seed head-like thing, the other should have none in case you needed it as a single reed. The to-do list thing...yeah, that's not very clear. That's old, old design...the idea was that the first 12 tasks of the day would let you choose plants, but the remaining wouldn't. The hope was that it'd avoid a "dark pattern" you get in some games, FOMO essentially, where you see the next thing and you gotta get it...then the next and you gotta get the list would freeze the choices starting at item 13 to reduce the risk of feeling like you need to invent new tasks before the day ends. But the UI doesn't reflect that at all! I have a proposed redesign I might be pinging the beta tester list about, but for now, yeah, it's intentional. Just not very good, hah. ----- @Sciencing I'm glad you like the update! also I saw you recommending this thing in FRD and that made my day, thank you :] 3) Very possibly! So, the reason the old seed swap still exists is in case anyone was confused by the raw seedstuff thing. Only now do I realize they have entirely different "inventories"--not sure when or how I did that. So if you want the inventories merged (double the inventory in the "new" swap), that should be possible! Just gotta figure out how they drifted. Palette control--it's not super documented, so sanity check first, have you tried going into the "palettes" tab in the completion tracker and clicking palettes? They should insert into the active palette. If you already knew that one and have something else in mind, let me know! 4) Thank you, that's exactly what I'm aiming for <3 5) Oh god sorry about the RS! On backing it up...what I really need to do is a proper, comprehensive "save system" for the whole tool. Mostly been putting it off because I wanted to get garden saving done first, but now that that's there, maybe it's time for a look? ----- @forestmouse I'm really glad you like it, makes me happy to hear [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Custom bingo is very doable! I used to have this awful google sheets editor for the purpose. Are you thinking more making one custom board you could share with friends,, or something more like the self-care bingo, where you could define a list of challenges and a board would pull from that? I really like the garden, I love anything that pairs night and fire colors, plus the lil guy :] ----- @gardening Thank you! And yeah, your tea sets look so good, it was hard to pick the freebs oops ----- @SunstonePhoenix 3. Ah beans I think the fog update (which reworked how all forms of overlay are drawn) might have broken those actually. Owe you a bughunting seed if so. Anyways, cheat sheet, can do! Actually there's something else I want to try real quick vis-a-vis making it much easier to position things, but it'll take me a few days to check feasibility. But very reasonable ask. 4/5. Thank you!!! Honestly, all these nice words about balance, that's definitely the part I was most afraid had gotten borked. 6. That could be a fun combo with the prompt thing! An all-inclusive little writer's engine...hmm. 8. Ooh, what did you have in mind? Code there meaning, like, the positioning codes for the seeds, or something else? OH MY GOD YES. I almost put that in the post but I didn't want anyone to feel pressured. There's so many greens! I made a [url=]spreadsheet[/url], grab a column and please feel free to rename any I have a name listed for (this goes for anyone else too, please feel free to suggest names) ----- @Frigate I'm glad you like it! I love how that one came out. 1. It's happening! Grab [url=]a column[/url] if you want to submit name ideas 2. That sounds awesome :O please do 3a. Ooh, how would you feel about a double-click-to-confirm? First click, it shows "press again to confirm", and then so long as you keep pressing it within some countdown, it keeps randomizing without requiring another double-click. 3b. Should be! Or I'm not really sure why I wrote it like that and can't imagine why it'd have to be that way, at least. 3c. Yes! I mentioned to Natron, the to-do list is one of the oldest parts of the tool and it kind of shows, and I'd like to try a bit of a redesign (time permitting, I got some GG and IRL stuff to do whoops). That will definitely make room for a "rebuild from memory" kind of thing. 4. Happy to hear it! I won't mess with it too much then :]
@Natron Hi again. Long stalk! That's a really simple request, have two! I'm happy to see one get some love, fun fact they're actually sprite #0. Bw+SSBxKgY, BwyCwCA+G0 If I did this right, one should have the cattail seed head-like thing, the other should have none in case you needed it as a single reed.

The to-do list thing...yeah, that's not very clear. That's old, old design...the idea was that the first 12 tasks of the day would let you choose plants, but the remaining wouldn't. The hope was that it'd avoid a "dark pattern" you get in some games, FOMO essentially, where you see the next thing and you gotta get it...then the next and you gotta get the list would freeze the choices starting at item 13 to reduce the risk of feeling like you need to invent new tasks before the day ends. But the UI doesn't reflect that at all!

I have a proposed redesign I might be pinging the beta tester list about, but for now, yeah, it's intentional. Just not very good, hah.

@Sciencing I'm glad you like the update! also I saw you recommending this thing in FRD and that made my day, thank you :]

3) Very possibly! So, the reason the old seed swap still exists is in case anyone was confused by the raw seedstuff thing. Only now do I realize they have entirely different "inventories"--not sure when or how I did that. So if you want the inventories merged (double the inventory in the "new" swap), that should be possible! Just gotta figure out how they drifted.

Palette control--it's not super documented, so sanity check first, have you tried going into the "palettes" tab in the completion tracker and clicking palettes? They should insert into the active palette. If you already knew that one and have something else in mind, let me know!

4) Thank you, that's exactly what I'm aiming for <3

5) Oh god sorry about the RS! On backing it up...what I really need to do is a proper, comprehensive "save system" for the whole tool. Mostly been putting it off because I wanted to get garden saving done first, but now that that's there, maybe it's time for a look?

@forestmouse I'm really glad you like it, makes me happy to hear Custom bingo is very doable! I used to have this awful google sheets editor for the purpose. Are you thinking more making one custom board you could share with friends,, or something more like the self-care bingo, where you could define a list of challenges and a board would pull from that?

I really like the garden, I love anything that pairs night and fire colors, plus the lil guy :]

@gardening Thank you! And yeah, your tea sets look so good, it was hard to pick the freebs oops


3. Ah beans I think the fog update (which reworked how all forms of overlay are drawn) might have broken those actually. Owe you a bughunting seed if so. Anyways, cheat sheet, can do! Actually there's something else I want to try real quick vis-a-vis making it much easier to position things, but it'll take me a few days to check feasibility. But very reasonable ask.

4/5. Thank you!!! Honestly, all these nice words about balance, that's definitely the part I was most afraid had gotten borked.

6. That could be a fun combo with the prompt thing! An all-inclusive little writer's engine...hmm.

8. Ooh, what did you have in mind? Code there meaning, like, the positioning codes for the seeds, or something else?

OH MY GOD YES. I almost put that in the post but I didn't want anyone to feel pressured. There's so many greens! I made a spreadsheet, grab a column and please feel free to rename any I have a name listed for (this goes for anyone else too, please feel free to suggest names)

@Frigate I'm glad you like it! I love how that one came out.

1. It's happening! Grab a column if you want to submit name ideas

2. That sounds awesome :O please do

3a. Ooh, how would you feel about a double-click-to-confirm? First click, it shows "press again to confirm", and then so long as you keep pressing it within some countdown, it keeps randomizing without requiring another double-click.

3b. Should be! Or I'm not really sure why I wrote it like that and can't imagine why it'd have to be that way, at least.

3c. Yes! I mentioned to Natron, the to-do list is one of the oldest parts of the tool and it kind of shows, and I'd like to try a bit of a redesign (time permitting, I got some GG and IRL stuff to do whoops). That will definitely make room for a "rebuild from memory" kind of thing.

4. Happy to hear it! I won't mess with it too much then :]
WELL, hope whatever's causing that eventually shows its face and gives us answers lol

Thank you for the seeds and the nice comments!! Also, I see! That actually makes a lot more sense, I don't have any issues with having set seeds for the to-do list, it actually might make my life a little easier.
WELL, hope whatever's causing that eventually shows its face and gives us answers lol

Thank you for the seeds and the nice comments!! Also, I see! That actually makes a lot more sense, I don't have any issues with having set seeds for the to-do list, it actually might make my life a little easier.
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
  1. Any ideas for new palettes?
    Maybe a sepia palette? Light warm gray-brown to a deep reddish brown?
  2. What about new bases?
    Always happy to see new critters! But I'd be super interested in more unusual plants. Perhaps the "ghost pipe" (Monotropa uniflora) or a pitcher plant, or even a corpse flower (perhaps one in bloom for a flowerand a separate not on bloom for a different category)?
  3. Any QoL you'd want to see?
    I'd like the ability to mark bases like we do with palettes. I'd absolutely adore the ability the "favorite" certain categories/specific plants in our catalogue, especially if we could sort by favorites. I have some personal favorites I'd enjoy being able to get to easily, without having to sift through everything else.

    I also currently am all but unable to do the coli bingo - I'm stuck on mobile, and neither the board nor my coli session particularly likes it when I go to a different tab for longer than a couple of seconds. Right now, I have to Export the board (and copy/paste that export to my notes app for later), and take a picture of the board itself and pull the picture up in a different app so I can see what I need to do without clicking out of my coli session. It's very tedious, and I have to rely on my horrible, terrible memory (that, or have a notepad/paper with me). It's doable, but sadly not worth the time or effort for me at the moment.
  4. How do you feel about the rate you get plants at in general? Should it be easier? Harder?
    Honestly I think it's really nice. Not too overwhelming, but you definitely get a very decent amount of plants pretty quickly.
  5. What about raw seedstuff, would you want more ways to earn that?
    I definitely wouldn't mind it, but I don't think it's an absolute necessity.
  6. If I was going to add a new way to get either, what would you want to see? (my only current ideas: writing prompt challenges, a habit calendar where you get rewards per day you stick with something).
    I love the idea of prompt challenges - maybe it could work for either writing or art? Or maybe some sort of scrying/dressing challenge or competition would be fun.
  7. Is there anything specific you'd want a nerf/buff for?
    Honestly, I'm just excited for the potentiality of the To-Do list and catalogue saving for me. For the former, I run into similar issues as the coli board (I do a lot of deleting extra To-Do and Self-Care seeds, oops).
  8. What part of the tool do you think needs the most love? (UI facelift, better documentation, etc).
    I would say better mobile access. That being said, I know absolutely nothing about coding, so I don't know how easy or even possible any of this is. I can absolutely keep doing what I have been doing for as long as needed (and hopefully I'll actually get a decent laptop again sometime in the near future). I don't mean to complain or anything, I promise! And maybe someday I can actually contribute a seed...
  1. Any ideas for new palettes?
    Maybe a sepia palette? Light warm gray-brown to a deep reddish brown?
  2. What about new bases?
    Always happy to see new critters! But I'd be super interested in more unusual plants. Perhaps the "ghost pipe" (Monotropa uniflora) or a pitcher plant, or even a corpse flower (perhaps one in bloom for a flowerand a separate not on bloom for a different category)?
  3. Any QoL you'd want to see?
    I'd like the ability to mark bases like we do with palettes. I'd absolutely adore the ability the "favorite" certain categories/specific plants in our catalogue, especially if we could sort by favorites. I have some personal favorites I'd enjoy being able to get to easily, without having to sift through everything else.

    I also currently am all but unable to do the coli bingo - I'm stuck on mobile, and neither the board nor my coli session particularly likes it when I go to a different tab for longer than a couple of seconds. Right now, I have to Export the board (and copy/paste that export to my notes app for later), and take a picture of the board itself and pull the picture up in a different app so I can see what I need to do without clicking out of my coli session. It's very tedious, and I have to rely on my horrible, terrible memory (that, or have a notepad/paper with me). It's doable, but sadly not worth the time or effort for me at the moment.
  4. How do you feel about the rate you get plants at in general? Should it be easier? Harder?
    Honestly I think it's really nice. Not too overwhelming, but you definitely get a very decent amount of plants pretty quickly.
  5. What about raw seedstuff, would you want more ways to earn that?
    I definitely wouldn't mind it, but I don't think it's an absolute necessity.
  6. If I was going to add a new way to get either, what would you want to see? (my only current ideas: writing prompt challenges, a habit calendar where you get rewards per day you stick with something).
    I love the idea of prompt challenges - maybe it could work for either writing or art? Or maybe some sort of scrying/dressing challenge or competition would be fun.
  7. Is there anything specific you'd want a nerf/buff for?
    Honestly, I'm just excited for the potentiality of the To-Do list and catalogue saving for me. For the former, I run into similar issues as the coli board (I do a lot of deleting extra To-Do and Self-Care seeds, oops).
  8. What part of the tool do you think needs the most love? (UI facelift, better documentation, etc).
    I would say better mobile access. That being said, I know absolutely nothing about coding, so I don't know how easy or even possible any of this is. I can absolutely keep doing what I have been doing for as long as needed (and hopefully I'll actually get a decent laptop again sometime in the near future). I don't mean to complain or anything, I promise! And maybe someday I can actually contribute a seed...
Ashen Lightning Glass

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))


Doubled inventory for the new seedswap would be very exciting!

Now you mention it, I have a vague recollection of picking palettes for the bases page from the palettes page, I had just completely forgotten! That's more than adequate functionality.

Honestly I think even without RS the backup system is very nice - I would have been sad to lose my collection but RS I could re-accumulate no problem. There's certainly scope for a more comprehensive save system but I wouldn't say it's urgent.

Doubled inventory for the new seedswap would be very exciting!

Now you mention it, I have a vague recollection of picking palettes for the bases page from the palettes page, I had just completely forgotten! That's more than adequate functionality.

Honestly I think even without RS the backup system is very nice - I would have been sad to lose my collection but RS I could re-accumulate no problem. There's certainly scope for a more comprehensive save system but I wouldn't say it's urgent.
TO-DO before next alpha push (growing list! If you asked for something and it's not here, I either forgot or had a details question)
  • mess with goodies on chrome, see if I can reproduce Natron's issue
  • Double seed swap inventory
  • weird awful alpha implementation of the garden seed shifter
  • weird awful alpha implementation of the wander-o-matic
  • Names for palettes (Thank you SunstonePhoenix and harpyja!)
  • Get the names displaying
  • Analyze tab stays on selected plant when re-sorting
  • Bingo caching
  • Another mobile pass
  • Double-click to confirm the randomize
  • Make the colors: field appear properly editable
  • Increment/decrement on x/y/width?
  • Sync width button

Further down the road:
  • Tool-wide save system
  • To-do list rewrite
  • Plant favoriting
TO-DO before next alpha push (growing list! If you asked for something and it's not here, I either forgot or had a details question)
  • mess with goodies on chrome, see if I can reproduce Natron's issue
  • Double seed swap inventory
  • weird awful alpha implementation of the garden seed shifter
  • weird awful alpha implementation of the wander-o-matic
  • Names for palettes (Thank you SunstonePhoenix and harpyja!)
  • Get the names displaying
  • Analyze tab stays on selected plant when re-sorting
  • Bingo caching
  • Another mobile pass
  • Double-click to confirm the randomize
  • Make the colors: field appear properly editable
  • Increment/decrement on x/y/width?
  • Sync width button

Further down the road:
  • Tool-wide save system
  • To-do list rewrite
  • Plant favoriting
[quote name="Oranitha" date="2024-05-18 17:58:50" ] ----- @forestmouse I'm really glad you like it, makes me happy to hear [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Custom bingo is very doable! I used to have this awful google sheets editor for the purpose. Are you thinking more making one custom board you could share with friends,, or something more like the self-care bingo, where you could define a list of challenges and a board would pull from that? I really like the garden, I love anything that pairs night and fire colors, plus the lil guy :] ----- [/quote] Either is great! I was definitely thinking of single custom boards, but pulling from a list would be [chefs kiss] for replayability [emoji=blue star size=1]
Oranitha wrote on 2024-05-18 17:58:50:

@forestmouse I'm really glad you like it, makes me happy to hear Custom bingo is very doable! I used to have this awful google sheets editor for the purpose. Are you thinking more making one custom board you could share with friends,, or something more like the self-care bingo, where you could define a list of challenges and a board would pull from that?

I really like the garden, I love anything that pairs night and fire colors, plus the lil guy :]

Either is great!
I was definitely thinking of single custom boards, but pulling from a list would be [chefs kiss] for replayability
lETvBuW.png u can call me val or syn, he/she pronouns, don't be afraid to ping or message me for anything!

[center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [i]You can't guess how long this town has been abandoned. Long enough for plants to begin their takeover, at any rate. The houses are still standing, but look like they're on the verge of collapse. The stones at your feet are blackened, even burned. And the grass...grass is not supposed to be that color. The altar and monument answer your biggest question, but new and terrible questions take its place. [center][b]This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it! Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture. This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here. What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger. The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours. The danger is to the body, and it can kill. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.[/b][/i][/center] The "Not A Place Of Honor" garden I've been contemplating for a long time, in three versions: old generator without background, old generator with background, and new generator. I find I miss palette matching, [s]and I have also discovered that if you want a longer garden than 450px, the new generator's grass will not grow to accommodate you[/s] well, I figured out how to do this, it's just not very intuitive. The ones I did with the old generator are both 500px. I may keep making new versions as I learn my way around the new generator. [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] I think I'm getting the hang of it now. [center][img][/img][/center] This. I think this one is officially It. [center][img][/img][/center]

You can't guess how long this town has been abandoned. Long enough for plants to begin their takeover, at any rate. The houses are still standing, but look like they're on the verge of collapse. The stones at your feet are blackened, even burned. And the grass...grass is not supposed to be that color. The altar and monument answer your biggest question, but new and terrible questions take its place.

This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!

Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.

This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.

What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.

The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

The danger is to the body, and it can kill.

This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.

The "Not A Place Of Honor" garden I've been contemplating for a long time, in three versions: old generator without background, old generator with background, and new generator. I find I miss palette matching, and I have also discovered that if you want a longer garden than 450px, the new generator's grass will not grow to accommodate you well, I figured out how to do this, it's just not very intuitive. The ones I did with the old generator are both 500px.

I may keep making new versions as I learn my way around the new generator.

I think I'm getting the hang of it now.

This. I think this one is officially It.
An Elder Scrolls fandragon project
[quote name="forestmouse" date="2024-05-15 10:25:31" ] Hiya! I seem to have encountered a bug? Sorry if this has already been brought up. Attempting to use the goodies messes with the garden generator for me. Certain ones bork the garden when I hit the generate button, making everything invisible until I add another layer (grey_cat, pots'n_pans). Other ones bring up this hovering palette (grazing_goat, light_uni). In all cases the goodie doesn't appear. [img][/img] I'm using firefox for reference. I tried closing and opening the tab, restarting my browser, clearing my cache, to no avail. During the process of clearing the cache and thought I lost my entire collection... thank goodness for the backup feature! I've been using it! lol [/quote] I had that happen with an actual seed. Give me a hot minute and I'll see if I can replicate it.
forestmouse wrote on 2024-05-15 10:25:31:
Hiya! I seem to have encountered a bug? Sorry if this has already been brought up.

Attempting to use the goodies messes with the garden generator for me.
Certain ones bork the garden when I hit the generate button, making everything invisible until I add another layer (grey_cat, pots'n_pans). Other ones bring up this hovering palette (grazing_goat, light_uni). In all cases the goodie doesn't appear.


I'm using firefox for reference.
I tried closing and opening the tab, restarting my browser, clearing my cache, to no avail.
During the process of clearing the cache and thought I lost my entire collection... thank goodness for the backup feature! I've been using it! lol
I had that happen with an actual seed. Give me a hot minute and I'll see if I can replicate it.
An Elder Scrolls fandragon project
Double click to confirm sounds super good, perfectly solves the problem of accidental overwriting while not being intrusive if you wanted to keep rolling random gardens :D
Double click to confirm sounds super good, perfectly solves the problem of accidental overwriting while not being intrusive if you wanted to keep rolling random gardens :D
Ghetsis' sprite from Pokémon Black and White.
Pixel plasma frigate animation (art by me) Ghetsis' sprite from Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.