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Hi, all! I've fixed several of the typos/grammatical errors across the site recently. I'm still working my way back through this thread (and there are a few things I want to follow up on with the team while I get up to speed). So, this certainly isn't everything, but I just wanted to update here with what's been fixed so far. [emoji=tundra happy size=1] Thanks for all your reports, and keep 'em coming! [quote name="mithrel" date="2024-03-07 08:50:30" ] There's a typo in the new Wintertail familiar: "Some old folk tails claim..." Should be "tales." [/quote] Fixed! My pun didn't carry through (and it wound up being too many instances of "tail" in two sentences, anyway). Next time! [emoji=tundra tongue size=1] [quote name="VioletKatGrove" date="2024-02-16 07:38:14" ] idk if this would count as a typo- but the 2024 riot calender says it starts on the 25th, but that's a friday, not a sunday? im guessing its supposed to be the 27th since November 3rd is a sunday [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Lallyhop" date="2024-03-02 02:53:33" ] [item=Perching Scarlet Macaw] There's nothing like a friend [b]who's[/b] cheers can reach over 100 decibels perched on your shoulder. This should be "[b]whose[/b]" [/quote] Noisy birds would probably give me grammatical errors, too. Fixed! [quote name="furbyworm" date="2023-09-16 04:04:39" ] Found on the monthly pursuits page: "Brew and collect 12 recipe at Baldwin's Bubbling Brew" [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="puppypaw" date="2024-02-25 11:00:34" ] sorry if this isnt considered a typo! :"D not sure if this really is an error or not, but the formatting in the trickmurk apparel description is a little different! the "2024" is out of place [/quote] We'd definitely rather be consistent! This has been updated to keep it in convention with similar items. That said, I know there are a few holiday items across the site that have small differences in their descriptions. I'll be slowly working on matching those up as I have time! [quote name="KingVulture" date="2024-02-24 14:19:53" ] Not really sure if this is the right place to post this, as it's more outdated than an actual typo, but one question on Tomo's Trivia Tablet asks which breeds can eat all four types of food. The correct answer is "Guardians, Imperials, and Veilspun" - which is correct - though Aberrations can also eat all four types of food. I'm guessing that this question was added before Aberrations were released and it was never updated. [img][/img] On the more "typo" side of things, there are a couple of minor typos in the answers: [LIST] [*]"Ridgeback" as opposed to "Ridgebacks" (there are a few breeds where the plural doesn't have an "S" at the end according to their Encyclopedia entries - Aether, Auraboa, Banescale, Coatl, Fae, Sandsurge, and Veilspun - but Ridgebacks aren't one of them) [*]Lack of oxford comma in the second answer, when there were oxford commas in the other ones. [/LIST] [/quote] Good catch! The Tomo question has been updated, and the typos have been fixed. [quote name="enternamehere" date="2023-11-24 13:53:31" ] In each one of these achievements: How Does this Pile Never Get Smaller? Pull # totel items from Pinkerton's Plundered Pile at the Trading Post the word "totel" is spelled wrong, it's supposed to be "total" [/quote] Several folks caught this one, which affected all the achievements in that series. All have now been fixed! [quote name="fletchling" date="2024-01-24 14:06:00" ] Obelisk encyclopedia entry for their diet says "seafod" instead of seafood [/quote] As delicious as fod sounds, this has been fixed! [quote name="Konz" date="2024-02-10 07:05:58" ] [item=Charoite Enhancements][item=Cinnabar Enhancements][item=Heliodor Enhancements][item=Spessartine Enhancements] Ocular is misspelled as occular in all of the bundle descriptions above. [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Niya" date="2024-02-09 03:32:51" ] Typos in descriptions Wrong: Flameforgers Festival Correct: Flameforger's Festival + Missing part: Holiday Item Wrong: Flameforger Festival Correct: Flameforger's Festival [/quote] All fixed! [quote name="AriNemera" date="2024-02-08 19:01:47" ] Tomo question with no 'correct' answer: [img][/img] Either Marketplace needs to be changed to 'Auction House' or the correct answer needs to be changed to 'Genes'. [/quote] Updated the Tomo answer! [quote name="QuietlyAlice" date="2024-02-04 15:35:41" ] Tomo asked: [quote="Tomo"]Where can a clan view the known world of Sornieth? The Coliseum Festive Favors? The Fairgrounds The World Map[/quote] The question mark after "Festive Favors" probably shouldn't be there. [/quote] Fixed? ...Fixed! [quote name="Scarfsickle" date="2024-01-30 09:14:02" ] Inconsistent use of numerals in the [url=]Aberration encyclopedia entry[/url]: [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] Updated to stay consistent throughout! [quote name="GhostDogBones" date="2023-11-23 12:00:47" ] There’s a trivia question that asks “What was the theme of the familiars that came from Marva's Hats in April 2013?” When that event was from 2014. Not sure if it’s a typo, or just an error though [/quote] This was sure a flashback to the past while double-checking dates... Fixed! [quote name="Lundlaeva" date="2024-01-27 17:11:11" ] There is a capitalisation error in Arvelle's closed dialogue. It reads: [quote]The Warrior's Way battle event is now over. the shop is closed right now, lick your wounds, strengthen your body, and hone your skill in preparation for next year's Warrior's Way! If I survive this year I will return with new items to celebrate your legendary victories. [/quote] The "the" at the start of the second sentence should be capitalised. The second sentence also is a bit of a run-on sentence as it is. It would benefit from either adding the word "so" ("... closed right now, so lick your wounds ...") OR just being split into separate sentences ("... closed right now. Lick your wounds ...") [/quote] Both fixed! [quote name="kazna" date="2024-01-22 12:23:51" ] The Gaoler encyclopedia thread has an issue: Quote: Social: Created to be the custodians of ancient horrors imprisoned by the Icewarden, Gaolers are duty-bound to seek out and contain the Shade and creatures alien to Sornieth. Gaoler society is highly structured and formed around 5 orders. Until a Gaoler joins an order, they are viewed as a child and do not have any responsibilities— or the respect of their brethren. When a Gaoler comes of age, they will join an order and receive a name. (I was helpfully pointed here :D ) [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="SkyBlaze" date="2024-01-22 04:09:50" ] not exactly a typo, but could the jigsaw pursuits be adjusted to not specify a difficulty since normal/hard ones do still count for them? [/quote] Updated for clarity! [quote name="izzwizzz" date="2023-12-22 13:53:53" ] There is a question on tomo i just got, it is “what type of gene is scraper” without a “?” at the end of it [/quote] Sometimes Tomo just gets tired. [emoji=snapper sleepy size=1] Fixed! [quote name="i3utterflyEffect" date="2023-12-11 09:11:07" ] Just noticed this typo while looking at the Sandsurge encyclopedia, pretty sure it's suppose to be 'loose' [quote]Sandsurge lair deep underground, preferring their dwellings to be well below any sand or [u][b]lose[/b][/u] soil and into hard-packed earth and stone.[/quote] [/quote] Yep, it is. Fixed! [quote name="SoftFrogger" date="2023-11-23 23:03:04" ] in the molecricket bio, it says "cusine" instead of "cuisine"! [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="echoez" date="2023-12-29 17:05:12" ] is ''beauty'' in the description of this item meant to be capitalised to match the title or is this intentional? /g [item=Dark-bordered Beauty] [/quote] Looks like it needed the caps. Fixed! [quote name="pheaux" date="2023-12-25 20:42:51" ] At the end of the database entry for Bountiful Fishnet and Heavy Grainbasket (and likely the other micro-holiday items), it says "This item most commonly found..." instead of "This item is most commonly found..." [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Flatbooty" date="2023-12-18 20:07:53" ] In the NotN encyclopedia entry: The very first sentence: “… elusive Nocturnes are begin to spread …” I don’t think the “are” should be there, or it should be “are beginning” [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="raumfahrer" date="2023-12-18 11:00:20" ] [img][/img] one of tomo's trivia has a typo, it should read "decapod" rather than "decopod" [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Aeriel" date="2023-12-17 07:12:17" ] I noticed a couple of typos in the new familiar listings: For Band of Companionship, 'lil should be li'l. The apostrophe indicates where letters (tt in this case) have been omitted. For Die of Bargaining, delt should be dealt. [/quote] The Die's description is fixed! For the Band, it's been updated to "lil'" to shift to a more accepted abbreviation but still keep it casual. [emoji=tundra happy size=1] [quote name="Havic" date="2023-12-07 16:49:03" ] I just noticed that the [gamedb item=28573]'s description seems to have a typo. It reads: [quote]Unlike its icy cousin, this plucky mammal doesn't catch fish for its own sustenance, but rather to [u]very[/u] barter with shoreline Ridgeback families for nuts, grains, and grasses.[/quote] Is "very" meant to be there? [/quote] Nope! Fixed. [quote name="NobleLycanthrope" date="2023-12-10 16:16:07" ] There are a whole bunch of messed up punctuation marks in the Harpies' Encyclopedia entry that have been there since the entry was first added. Looks like all the apostrophes and and em-dash got corrupted or something and show up as a bunch of other weird symbols instead now lol [/quote] Yeah, some types of pages don't play well with "smart" punctuation. These have all been cleaned up! [quote name="Servali" date="2023-12-08 13:43:24" ] In the description of the Moth Keeper's lantern, there is an extra apostrophe. It reads: "Oh, the [b]friend's[/b] you'll find... and keep." when it should read as: "Oh, the [b]friends[/b] you'll find... and keep." [item=moth keeper's lantern] [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="SalishSea" date="2023-12-05 16:37:04" ] Glass and Gloss' info has an extra 'the' in it! Quote: Are you looking for new genes to liven up Ancient blood? Have we got the the scrolls for you! [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Amazonite" date="2023-11-26 12:41:50" ] Time for Hot Cocoa and a Fireplace! Probably been mentioned already, but the description for this achievement calls the new digsite "Ice Age" when it's actually called "Frozen Age." [/quote] Updated this to match the digsite name! [quote name="Arianethel" date="2023-12-04 10:38:19" ] I didn't see this one listed, so here it is: In my bestiary, the Sorrowsnow Bulemoth says 'Thanks for noticin? them'. In the game database and on the bio page with the dragon, there is an apostrophe after the n, not a ? [/quote] Looks like there was an error with the database reading the apostrophe. Fixed! [quote]A symbiotic creature from whom the fungi benefit from being nurtured by different soil every evening, while the mammal benefits from a poisonous hide.[/quote] Updated to be clearer. [quote]A carefully cultivated assortment of fungi may help this creature to attract a mate, or it may gather them purely for its own enjoyment.[/quote] Updated to clean up the subject. [quote]It's poisonous, not venomous. Petition to rename "Poisonparty Kelpie".[/quote] Keeping this one as-is, so that the short-hand keeps it feeling like a joke. [quote]Dispatching an ink ant is a messy proposition: Don't wear your finest.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]May contain the hazel bracelet, goblet, wreath, robe, sandals, tail twist, and vines. Will provide TWO random items.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]Its name is "Courage: the courageous warhorse".[/quote] Removed quotes. [quote]Abyss vultures scavenge carrion off the seabed. They are not picky eaters. Today you eat Abyss vulture, years from now Abyss vulture eats you…[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]These fish are unable to tolerate water touched by plaguebringer's brood. Their presence is a good indication if the water is safe to drink.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. Oops, so sorry, Plaguebringer! [emoji=aberration scared size=1] [quote]An ...attempt at protective wear.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]at this point i have no idea if "flight" (as in "water flight", "plague flight") is meant to be capitalized - it isn't in the current caller raiment's description, but it is in the descriptions of all the deity statues. should be made consistent either way.[/quote] Updated to keep "flight" lowercase for consistency. [quote]Which of the following is a food item indigenous to The Southern Icefield?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]The deepsea Maren hunt relentlessly for fossils to bring to their found family far below the surface.[/quote] Fixed description, added hyphen. [quote]Deep sea Maren wear enchanted fossils that allow them to traverse the upper reaches of the sea without the difference in pressure affecting them.[/quote] Fixed description, added hyphen. [quote]The Undertide species originates from the The Deep: a span abyssal ocean outside of most acknowledged elemental territories. Access to The Deep can be gained by traversing the Leviathan Trench and following its southwestern exit.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue and missing word. [quote]passages wide enough to allow passage of Maren an dragon alike.[/quote] Fixed "and" typo. [quote]These familiars call The Blooming Grove home:[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue for this and another trivia question with the same problem. [quote]Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal Venue?[/quote] Fixed, removed capitalization from "venue" in multiple Tomo questions. [quote]Sparkslyph[/quote] Fixed capitalization and spelling issues. [quote]What are the official colours of the Windsinger?[/quote] Updated to the American spelling of "color" to keep it consistent with the rest of the site. [quote]Which of the following is a Baldwin's Brew Gene?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]Where is a Chimera Relic made? (...)Cairnestone Reach[/quote] Updated to "Cairnstone Rest" to match the map. [quote]What type of gene is Clouded[/quote] Added question mark. [quote]What type of gene is Jaguar? [..] A baldwin gene[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Baldwin! [emoji=bogsneak winking size=1] [quote]Red-Breasted hainu flocks call this territory home:[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]At the end of which age was The Pillar destroyed?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue to bring this in line with existing conventions. [quote]Which of the following is a coliseum venue? (...)The Training Fields[/quote] Removed "The" to match the venue's exact name. [quote]Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savannah?[/quote] Corrected to "Savanna" in multiple Tomo questions. [quote]What is the name of the Plague Holiday?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue across multiple Tomo questions. [quote]What is the breeding cooldown of an imperial dragon?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Imperials! [emoji=imperial deadpan size=1] [quote]Which Deity slumbered on the very top of The Pillar?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issues. [quote]September 22nd brings: (...) Autumn Breeze and Vista Autumn[/quote] Added colon to correct item's name. [quote]What is the name of the water domain? (...) Tsumani Trench[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue for this and several other domain names in Tomo questions. Corrected "Tsunami" spelling. [quote]Which creature calls the scorched forest home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue and removed extra comma, also applied this fix to other affected Tomo questions. [quote]Purchase tokens of affection for your friends and loved ones at Susie's Sweet Sentiments shop. This shop will remain open for the duration of the Love is in the Air.[/quote] Added "event" to end of sentence. [quote]A fusion of the dessicated Imperial corpses foolishly left unburied[...][/quote] Corrected to "A fusion of desiccated..." [quote]Players may also use this monthly shop to spend Prismatic Tokens to purchase unique color variant items ala carte! should be 'à la carte' (or even just 'a la carte')[/quote] Fixed! [quote]cycled-out items page You may find a list of the Flight Rising's cycled out items 'the' should be removed.[/quote] Fixed! [quote]imperial encyclopedia page: from The Beacon of the Radiant Eye 'the' should not be capitalized[/quote] Fixed! [quote]and an impressive pair of fringed leather wings should be 'leathery'[/quote] Fixed! [quote]and the shed essence of the Lightweaver - excavated from ancient battle sites should have an em dash: "of the Lightweaver — excavated from..."[/quote] Corrected to an em dash. [quote]these dragons are difficult to read with those who are not familiar with each individual 'with' should be 'to'[/quote] Restructured the sentence to clean it up a little. [quote]Emperor dragons are danger on a battlefield where many Imperials have fallen. missing an 'a': "are a danger on..."[/quote] Updated to "a risk on..." for clarity. [quote]These ghastly behemoths are a mindless monstrosity, fused from the bodies of fallen Imperials with some specimens known to have reached over 100 meters in length.[/quote] Updated, broke the second part into its own sentence. [quote]the larger the emperor 'emperor' should be capitalized[/quote] Fixed! [quote]should be named "crystalclaw sheath" (sheathe is a verb, sheath is a noun)[/quote] Fixed! [quote]moth keeper Awww, look at all those little guys- Oh, oh no...[/quote] Corrected to em dash. [quote]capitalization of 'assassin bug' is inconsistent[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue in description. [quote]watermelon puffer should be "li'l"[/quote] Updated description to "lil'" to keep the casual tone. [quote]fire grub exoskeleton, silk thread, glow worm shed "fire grub" and "glow worm" are capitalized in all familiar descriptions that mention them, but not in material descriptions (there are more familiars that mention them; these are just a few)[/quote] Fixed capitalization issues. [quote]A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Auraboa dragon to Hex . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Aberration dragon to Ripple . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Aberration dragon to Cherub . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Okapi . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Runes . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed spacing issue. [quote]and here, and here... (these are clown (sandsurge); jaguar (sandsurge); thread (aether); blend (undertide); blend (gaoler) should the item name change break these icons!)[/quote] Fixed spacing issues throughout. [quote]A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Arowana This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Added missing period. [quote]A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Aether dragon to spines. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one banescale dragon to Paisley. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Undertide dragon to tentacles. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]How many days are required for a coatl to be able to breed again after laying a nest?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]What type of gene is bumble?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue with this and several other gene names in Tomo's questions. [quote]What is the breeding cooldown of a spiral dragon?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue with this and several other breed names in Tomo's questions. Sorry, uhhh... everybody! D: [quote]Information about the hardy tundra dragon species.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Tundras! [emoji=tundra laughing size=1] [quote]Information regarding the stellar Aether Dragon species.[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote]Swipp will trade a crown of bones in exchange for which of these items?[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. [quote name="Fuzzycryptid" date="2023-11-26 23:09:21" ] [img][/img] [b]All of the these![/b] Probably meant to say "All of these"-- It gave me a laugh [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="sky09" date="2023-11-26 17:10:32" ] Description says "Acquire a Auraboa dragon." It should say "Acquire an Auraboa dragon." [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="Lallyhop" date="2024-03-12 10:46:56" ] The 2021 holiday charms (all of them) bear the "Born by those blessed by the ___" text - this should be "Borne", as in carried, not "Born" as in birthed. i.e. [item=Light's Charm] [/quote] Fixed across all the different items! [quote name="Gryphonlady" date="2024-03-15 10:02:22" ] [quote name="Undel" date="2023-09-18 11:06:50" ] [b]Primary Gene: Python, Secondary Gene: Morph,[/b] and [b]Tertiary Gene: Flecks[/b] have had their rarity changed from Uncommon to Limited. [/quote] The [url=]Encyclopedia page[/url] for Modern genes still lists these three as Uncommon instead of Limited. The Ancient variants, where applicable, are all correct. [/quote] Good catch--fixed! [quote name="crowbartender" date="2024-03-24 06:22:28" ] An inconsistency rather than typo: this Tomos Trivia question has inconsistent pronouns of a hypothetical dragon in the same sentence: [/quote] Updated for consistency! [quote name="Renaiwom" date="2024-04-06 19:32:11" ] Tomo question- "Which of the following Ancient Breeds originated from Shadow? - Nocturne Dragons - Obelisk Dragons - Banescale Dragons - Veilspun Dragons" The phrasing implies that all the answers are Ancients, but half are Moderns- it should be "Which of the following is an Ancient Breed originating from Shadow". [/quote] Updated for clarity! [quote name="SeraphicVictory" date="2024-04-13 09:49:58" ] Not really a typo or a bug but a friend of mine suggested I share the issue I found here: One of Tomo's Trivia questions now has two correct answers [img][/img] This question is likely from before the item "Lavender Harvest" was introduced and is also only referring to the garland/lei/flower crown/corsage sets of flower apparel but that isn't clear. I made a thread about it in the suggestions forums [url=]here[/url], since I wasn't sure where to bring up the issue. [/quote] Ah, yeah, looks like that one is outdated. Lavender has been removed as one of the options! [quote name="fistfulofdragons" date="2024-04-18 06:54:39" ] From the dusthide breed article: [quote]...usually about their latest competitive victories or adrenaline-inducing [b]past times[/b]![/quote] Should this be pastimes? Pastimes as in leisure activities is one word. [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="885ertd" date="2024-04-19 12:55:27" ] The Breed Change: Dusthide description reads [quote]Changes the breed of one dragon to Dusthide. [b]Dusthidedragons [/b]are an ancient breed with a 20-day breeding cooldown. Applying this item will reset all of the target dragon’s genes to Basic.[/quote] The second sentence should have a space between "Dusthide" and "dragons." [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="figura" date="2024-04-21 08:20:08" ] The winning wavecrest skincent "Salmonella Mozzarella" has been accidentally credited in the winners post and item database as being by Iamsweete with a capital letter "I" rather than lamsweete with a lowercase L. Hopefully staff can nab this one ASAP, so this user doesn't miss out on well-deserved accolades! [/quote] Oops, so sorry, @lamsweete! It's been updated now, so at least anyone cycling back to the post can be directed to the proper page. [quote name="Sorenna" date="2024-04-28 21:18:38" ] The description for the Bluemoon Aviar familiar reads, "Aviar possess complex vocal chords, enabling them [...]." That should be vocal cords. [/quote] Updated! [quote name="Defure" date="2023-11-26 11:15:38" ] In the overview, there is an extra "the", leading to it saying "The Undertide species originates from the The Deep:". [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="minim" date="2023-11-22 23:58:27" ] In the Auraboa encyclopedia page, the last line of the second paragraph under 'social' has this error 'compared to how they share information the Loop.' This should say: information in the loop [/quote] Fixed! [quote name="LouckyKoneko" date="2023-11-22 16:17:45" ] there are a few broken apostrophes in the Auraboa encyclopedia article [/quote] Fixed! -- And that's what I've got for now! I'll be back soon with more as time allows. Thanks for the reports, all!
Hi, all! I've fixed several of the typos/grammatical errors across the site recently. I'm still working my way back through this thread (and there are a few things I want to follow up on with the team while I get up to speed). So, this certainly isn't everything, but I just wanted to update here with what's been fixed so far. Thanks for all your reports, and keep 'em coming!

mithrel wrote on 2024-03-07 08:50:30:
There's a typo in the new Wintertail familiar: "Some old folk tails claim..." Should be "tales."
Fixed! My pun didn't carry through (and it wound up being too many instances of "tail" in two sentences, anyway). Next time!

VioletKatGrove wrote on 2024-02-16 07:38:14:
idk if this would count as a typo- but the 2024 riot calender says it starts on the 25th, but that's a friday, not a sunday? im guessing its supposed to be the 27th since November 3rd is a sunday

Lallyhop wrote on 2024-03-02 02:53:33:
Perching Scarlet Macaw

There's nothing like a friend who's cheers can reach over 100 decibels perched on your shoulder.

This should be "whose"
Noisy birds would probably give me grammatical errors, too. Fixed!

furbyworm wrote on 2023-09-16 04:04:39:
Found on the monthly pursuits page:

"Brew and collect 12 recipe at Baldwin's Bubbling Brew"

puppypaw wrote on 2024-02-25 11:00:34:
sorry if this isnt considered a typo! :"D

not sure if this really is an error or not, but the formatting in the trickmurk apparel description is a little different! the "2024" is out of place
We'd definitely rather be consistent! This has been updated to keep it in convention with similar items. That said, I know there are a few holiday items across the site that have small differences in their descriptions. I'll be slowly working on matching those up as I have time!

KingVulture wrote on 2024-02-24 14:19:53:
Not really sure if this is the right place to post this, as it's more outdated than an actual typo, but one question on Tomo's Trivia Tablet asks which breeds can eat all four types of food. The correct answer is "Guardians, Imperials, and Veilspun" - which is correct - though Aberrations can also eat all four types of food. I'm guessing that this question was added before Aberrations were released and it was never updated.


On the more "typo" side of things, there are a couple of minor typos in the answers:
  • "Ridgeback" as opposed to "Ridgebacks" (there are a few breeds where the plural doesn't have an "S" at the end according to their Encyclopedia entries - Aether, Auraboa, Banescale, Coatl, Fae, Sandsurge, and Veilspun - but Ridgebacks aren't one of them)
  • Lack of oxford comma in the second answer, when there were oxford commas in the other ones.
Good catch! The Tomo question has been updated, and the typos have been fixed.

enternamehere wrote on 2023-11-24 13:53:31:
In each one of these achievements:
How Does this Pile Never Get Smaller?
Pull # totel items from Pinkerton's Plundered Pile at the Trading Post
the word "totel" is spelled wrong, it's supposed to be "total"
Several folks caught this one, which affected all the achievements in that series. All have now been fixed!

fletchling wrote on 2024-01-24 14:06:00:
Obelisk encyclopedia entry for their diet says "seafod" instead of seafood
As delicious as fod sounds, this has been fixed!

Konz wrote on 2024-02-10 07:05:58:
Charoite Enhancements Cinnabar Enhancements Heliodor Enhancements Spessartine Enhancements

Ocular is misspelled as occular in all of the bundle descriptions above.

Niya wrote on 2024-02-09 03:32:51:
Typos in descriptions
Wrong: Flameforgers Festival
Correct: Flameforger's Festival
+ Missing part: Holiday Item
Wrong: Flameforger Festival
Correct: Flameforger's Festival
All fixed!

AriNemera wrote on 2024-02-08 19:01:47:
Tomo question with no 'correct' answer:

Either Marketplace needs to be changed to 'Auction House' or the correct answer needs to be changed to 'Genes'.
Updated the Tomo answer!

QuietlyAlice wrote on 2024-02-04 15:35:41:
Tomo asked:
Tomo wrote:
Where can a clan view the known world of Sornieth?
The Coliseum
Festive Favors?
The Fairgrounds
The World Map

The question mark after "Festive Favors" probably shouldn't be there.
Fixed? ...Fixed!

Scarfsickle wrote on 2024-01-30 09:14:02:
Inconsistent use of numerals in the Aberration encyclopedia entry:
Updated to stay consistent throughout!

GhostDogBones wrote on 2023-11-23 12:00:47:
There’s a trivia question that asks “What was the theme of the familiars that came from Marva's Hats in April 2013?” When that event was from 2014.

Not sure if it’s a typo, or just an error though
This was sure a flashback to the past while double-checking dates... Fixed!

Lundlaeva wrote on 2024-01-27 17:11:11:
There is a capitalisation error in Arvelle's closed dialogue. It reads:
The Warrior's Way battle event is now over. the shop is closed right now, lick your wounds, strengthen your body, and hone your skill in preparation for next year's Warrior's Way! If I survive this year I will return with new items to celebrate your legendary victories.

The "the" at the start of the second sentence should be capitalised.

The second sentence also is a bit of a run-on sentence as it is. It would benefit from either adding the word "so" ("... closed right now, so lick your wounds ...") OR just being split into separate sentences ("... closed right now. Lick your wounds ...")
Both fixed!

kazna wrote on 2024-01-22 12:23:51:
The Gaoler encyclopedia thread has an issue:

Created to be the custodians of ancient horrors imprisoned by the Icewarden, Gaolers are duty-bound to seek out and contain the Shade and creatures alien to Sornieth. Gaoler society is highly structured and formed around 5 orders. Until a Gaoler joins an order, they are viewed as a child and do not have any responsibilities— or the respect of their brethren. When a Gaoler comes of age, they will join an order and receive a name.

(I was helpfully pointed here :D )

SkyBlaze wrote on 2024-01-22 04:09:50:
not exactly a typo, but could the jigsaw pursuits be adjusted to not specify a difficulty since normal/hard ones do still count for them?
Updated for clarity!

izzwizzz wrote on 2023-12-22 13:53:53:
There is a question on tomo i just got, it is “what type of gene is scraper” without a “?” at the end of it
Sometimes Tomo just gets tired. Fixed!

i3utterflyEffect wrote on 2023-12-11 09:11:07:
Just noticed this typo while looking at the Sandsurge encyclopedia, pretty sure it's suppose to be 'loose'
Sandsurge lair deep underground, preferring their dwellings to be well below any sand or lose soil and into hard-packed earth and stone.
Yep, it is. Fixed!

SoftFrogger wrote on 2023-11-23 23:03:04:
in the molecricket bio, it says "cusine" instead of "cuisine"!

echoez wrote on 2023-12-29 17:05:12:
is ''beauty'' in the description of this item meant to be capitalised to match the title or is this intentional? /g

Dark-bordered Beauty
Looks like it needed the caps. Fixed!

pheaux wrote on 2023-12-25 20:42:51:
At the end of the database entry for Bountiful Fishnet and Heavy Grainbasket (and likely the other micro-holiday items), it says "This item most commonly found..." instead of "This item is most commonly found..."

Flatbooty wrote on 2023-12-18 20:07:53:
In the NotN encyclopedia entry:
The very first sentence: “… elusive Nocturnes are begin to spread …”
I don’t think the “are” should be there, or it should be “are beginning”

raumfahrer wrote on 2023-12-18 11:00:20:

one of tomo's trivia has a typo, it should read "decapod" rather than "decopod"

Aeriel wrote on 2023-12-17 07:12:17:
I noticed a couple of typos in the new familiar listings:

For Band of Companionship, 'lil should be li'l. The apostrophe indicates where letters (tt in this case) have been omitted.

For Die of Bargaining, delt should be dealt.
The Die's description is fixed! For the Band, it's been updated to "lil'" to shift to a more accepted abbreviation but still keep it casual.

Havic wrote on 2023-12-07 16:49:03:
I just noticed that the Fenfisher Flattail's description seems to have a typo. It reads:
Unlike its icy cousin, this plucky mammal doesn't catch fish for its own sustenance, but rather to very barter with shoreline Ridgeback families for nuts, grains, and grasses.

Is "very" meant to be there?
Nope! Fixed.

NobleLycanthrope wrote on 2023-12-10 16:16:07:
There are a whole bunch of messed up punctuation marks in the Harpies' Encyclopedia entry that have been there since the entry was first added. Looks like all the apostrophes and and em-dash got corrupted or something and show up as a bunch of other weird symbols instead now lol
Yeah, some types of pages don't play well with "smart" punctuation. These have all been cleaned up!

Servali wrote on 2023-12-08 13:43:24:
In the description of the Moth Keeper's lantern, there is an extra apostrophe.
It reads:
"Oh, the friend's you'll find... and keep."
when it should read as:
"Oh, the friends you'll find... and keep."
Moth Keeper's Lantern

SalishSea wrote on 2023-12-05 16:37:04:
Glass and Gloss' info has an extra 'the' in it!

Are you looking for new genes to liven up Ancient blood? Have we got the the scrolls for you!

Amazonite wrote on 2023-11-26 12:41:50:
Time for Hot Cocoa and a Fireplace!

Probably been mentioned already, but the description for this achievement calls the new digsite "Ice Age" when it's actually called "Frozen Age."
Updated this to match the digsite name!

Arianethel wrote on 2023-12-04 10:38:19:
I didn't see this one listed, so here it is:

In my bestiary, the Sorrowsnow Bulemoth says 'Thanks for noticin? them'. In the game database and on the bio page with the dragon, there is an apostrophe after the n, not a ?
Looks like there was an error with the database reading the apostrophe. Fixed!

A symbiotic creature from whom the fungi benefit from being nurtured by different soil every evening, while the mammal benefits from a poisonous hide.
Updated to be clearer.

A carefully cultivated assortment of fungi may help this creature to attract a mate, or it may gather them purely for its own enjoyment.
Updated to clean up the subject.

It's poisonous, not venomous. Petition to rename "Poisonparty Kelpie".
Keeping this one as-is, so that the short-hand keeps it feeling like a joke.

Dispatching an ink ant is a messy proposition: Don't wear your finest.
Fixed capitalization issue.

May contain the hazel bracelet, goblet, wreath, robe, sandals, tail twist, and vines. Will provide TWO random items.
Fixed capitalization issue.

Its name is "Courage: the courageous warhorse".
Removed quotes.

Abyss vultures scavenge carrion off the seabed. They are not picky eaters. Today you eat Abyss vulture, years from now Abyss vulture eats you…
Fixed capitalization issue.

These fish are unable to tolerate water touched by plaguebringer's brood. Their presence is a good indication if the water is safe to drink.
Fixed capitalization issue. Oops, so sorry, Plaguebringer!

An ...attempt at protective wear.
Fixed spacing issue.

at this point i have no idea if "flight" (as in "water flight", "plague flight") is meant to be capitalized - it isn't in the current caller raiment's description, but it is in the descriptions of all the deity statues. should be made consistent either way.
Updated to keep "flight" lowercase for consistency.

Which of the following is a food item indigenous to The Southern Icefield?
Fixed capitalization issue.

The deepsea Maren hunt relentlessly for fossils to bring to their found family far below the surface.
Fixed description, added hyphen.

Deep sea Maren wear enchanted fossils that allow them to traverse the upper reaches of the sea without the difference in pressure affecting them.
Fixed description, added hyphen.

The Undertide species originates from the The Deep: a span abyssal ocean outside of most acknowledged elemental territories. Access to The Deep can be gained by traversing the Leviathan Trench and following its southwestern exit.
Fixed capitalization issue and missing word.

passages wide enough to allow passage of Maren an dragon alike.
Fixed "and" typo.
These familiars call The Blooming Grove home:
Fixed capitalization issue for this and another trivia question with the same problem.
Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal Venue?
Fixed, removed capitalization from "venue" in multiple Tomo questions.

Fixed capitalization and spelling issues.

What are the official colours of the Windsinger?
Updated to the American spelling of "color" to keep it consistent with the rest of the site.

Which of the following is a Baldwin's Brew Gene?
Fixed capitalization issue.

Where is a Chimera Relic made?
(...)Cairnestone Reach
Updated to "Cairnstone Rest" to match the map.

What type of gene is Clouded
Added question mark.

What type of gene is Jaguar?
A baldwin gene
Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Baldwin!

Red-Breasted hainu flocks call this territory home:
Fixed capitalization issue.

At the end of which age was The Pillar destroyed?
Fixed capitalization issue to bring this in line with existing conventions.

Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
(...)The Training Fields
Removed "The" to match the venue's exact name.

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savannah?
Corrected to "Savanna" in multiple Tomo questions.

What is the name of the Plague Holiday?
Fixed capitalization issue across multiple Tomo questions.

What is the breeding cooldown of an imperial dragon?
Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Imperials!

Which Deity slumbered on the very top of The Pillar?
Fixed capitalization issues.

September 22nd brings:
Autumn Breeze and Vista Autumn
Added colon to correct item's name.

What is the name of the water domain?
Tsumani Trench
Fixed capitalization issue for this and several other domain names in Tomo questions. Corrected "Tsunami" spelling.

Which creature calls the scorched forest home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Fixed capitalization issue and removed extra comma, also applied this fix to other affected Tomo questions.

Purchase tokens of affection for your friends and loved ones at Susie's Sweet Sentiments shop. This shop will remain open for the duration of the Love is in the Air.
Added "event" to end of sentence.

A fusion of the dessicated Imperial corpses foolishly left unburied[...]
Corrected to "A fusion of desiccated..."

Players may also use this monthly shop to spend Prismatic Tokens to purchase unique color variant items ala carte!
should be 'à la carte' (or even just 'a la carte')

cycled-out items page
You may find a list of the Flight Rising's cycled out items
'the' should be removed.

imperial encyclopedia page:
from The Beacon of the Radiant Eye
'the' should not be capitalized

and an impressive pair of fringed leather wings
should be 'leathery'

and the shed essence of the Lightweaver - excavated from ancient battle sites
should have an em dash: "of the Lightweaver — excavated from..."
Corrected to an em dash.

these dragons are difficult to read with those who are not familiar with each individual
'with' should be 'to'
Restructured the sentence to clean it up a little.

Emperor dragons are danger on a battlefield where many Imperials have fallen.
missing an 'a': "are a danger on..."
Updated to "a risk on..." for clarity.

These ghastly behemoths are a mindless monstrosity, fused from the bodies of fallen Imperials with some specimens known to have reached over 100 meters in length.
Updated, broke the second part into its own sentence.

the larger the emperor
'emperor' should be capitalized

should be named "crystalclaw sheath" (sheathe is a verb, sheath is a noun)

moth keeper
Awww, look at all those little guys- Oh, oh no...
Corrected to em dash.

capitalization of 'assassin bug' is inconsistent
Fixed capitalization issue in description.

watermelon puffer
should be "li'l"
Updated description to "lil'" to keep the casual tone.

fire grub exoskeleton, silk thread, glow worm shed
"fire grub" and "glow worm" are capitalized in all familiar descriptions that mention them, but not in material descriptions (there are more familiars that mention them; these are just a few)
Fixed capitalization issues.

A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Auraboa dragon to Hex . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed spacing issue.

A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Aberration dragon to Ripple . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed spacing issue.

A scroll that will change the primary gene of one Aberration dragon to Cherub . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed spacing issue.

A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Okapi . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed spacing issue.

A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Runes . This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed spacing issue.

and here, and here... (these are clown (sandsurge); jaguar (sandsurge); thread (aether); blend (undertide); blend (gaoler) should the item name change break these icons!)
Fixed spacing issues throughout.

A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one Sandsurge dragon to Arowana This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Added missing period.

A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Aether dragon to spines. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed capitalization issue.

A scroll that will change the secondary gene of one banescale dragon to Paisley. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed capitalization issue.

A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one Undertide dragon to tentacles. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
Fixed capitalization issue.

How many days are required for a coatl to be able to breed again after laying a nest?
Fixed capitalization issue.

What type of gene is bumble?
Fixed capitalization issue with this and several other gene names in Tomo's questions.

What is the breeding cooldown of a spiral dragon?
Fixed capitalization issue with this and several other breed names in Tomo's questions. Sorry, uhhh... everybody! D:

Information about the hardy tundra dragon species.
Fixed capitalization issue. Sorry, Tundras!

Information regarding the stellar Aether Dragon species.
Fixed capitalization issue.

Swipp will trade a crown of bones in exchange for which of these items?
Fixed capitalization issue.

Fuzzycryptid wrote on 2023-11-26 23:09:21:

All of the these!
Probably meant to say "All of these"-- It gave me a laugh

sky09 wrote on 2023-11-26 17:10:32:
Description says "Acquire a Auraboa dragon."

It should say "Acquire an Auraboa dragon."

Lallyhop wrote on 2024-03-12 10:46:56:
The 2021 holiday charms (all of them) bear the "Born by those blessed by the ___" text - this should be "Borne", as in carried, not "Born" as in birthed.

Light's Charm
Fixed across all the different items!

Gryphonlady wrote on 2024-03-15 10:02:22:
Undel wrote on 2023-09-18 11:06:50:
Primary Gene: Python, Secondary Gene: Morph, and Tertiary Gene: Flecks have had their rarity changed from Uncommon to Limited.

The Encyclopedia page for Modern genes still lists these three as Uncommon instead of Limited. The Ancient variants, where applicable, are all correct.
Good catch--fixed!

crowbartender wrote on 2024-03-24 06:22:28:
An inconsistency rather than typo: this Tomos Trivia question has inconsistent pronouns of a hypothetical dragon in the same sentence:
Updated for consistency!

Renaiwom wrote on 2024-04-06 19:32:11:
Tomo question-
"Which of the following Ancient Breeds originated from Shadow?
- Nocturne Dragons
- Obelisk Dragons
- Banescale Dragons
- Veilspun Dragons"

The phrasing implies that all the answers are Ancients, but half are Moderns- it should be "Which of the following is an Ancient Breed originating from Shadow".
Updated for clarity!

SeraphicVictory wrote on 2024-04-13 09:49:58:
Not really a typo or a bug but a friend of mine suggested I share the issue I found here:

One of Tomo's Trivia questions now has two correct answers

This question is likely from before the item "Lavender Harvest" was introduced and is also only referring to the garland/lei/flower crown/corsage sets of flower apparel but that isn't clear. I made a thread about it in the suggestions forums here, since I wasn't sure where to bring up the issue.
Ah, yeah, looks like that one is outdated. Lavender has been removed as one of the options!

fistfulofdragons wrote on 2024-04-18 06:54:39:
From the dusthide breed article:
...usually about their latest competitive victories or adrenaline-inducing past times!

Should this be pastimes? Pastimes as in leisure activities is one word.

885ertd wrote on 2024-04-19 12:55:27:
The Breed Change: Dusthide description reads
Changes the breed of one dragon to Dusthide. Dusthidedragons are an ancient breed with a 20-day breeding cooldown. Applying this item will reset all of the target dragon’s genes to Basic.

The second sentence should have a space between "Dusthide" and "dragons."

figura wrote on 2024-04-21 08:20:08:
The winning wavecrest skincent "Salmonella Mozzarella" has been accidentally credited in the winners post and item database as being by Iamsweete with a capital letter "I" rather than lamsweete with a lowercase L.

Hopefully staff can nab this one ASAP, so this user doesn't miss out on well-deserved accolades!
Oops, so sorry, @lamsweete! It's been updated now, so at least anyone cycling back to the post can be directed to the proper page.

Sorenna wrote on 2024-04-28 21:18:38:
The description for the Bluemoon Aviar familiar reads, "Aviar possess complex vocal chords, enabling them [...]."

That should be vocal cords.

Defure wrote on 2023-11-26 11:15:38:
In the overview, there is an extra "the", leading to it saying "The Undertide species originates from the The Deep:".

minim wrote on 2023-11-22 23:58:27:
In the Auraboa encyclopedia page, the last line of the second paragraph under 'social' has this error

'compared to how they share information the Loop.'

This should say: information in the loop

LouckyKoneko wrote on 2023-11-22 16:17:45:
there are a few broken apostrophes in the Auraboa encyclopedia article


And that's what I've got for now! I'll be back soon with more as time allows. Thanks for the reports, all!
Unsure if this is a typo or not but just wanted to make sure! [img][/img] "..There are not enough pieces left to discern what the original statue or [b]relief[/b] looked like." Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the word be relic instead of relief?
Unsure if this is a typo or not but just wanted to make sure!


"..There are not enough pieces left to discern what the original statue or relief looked like."

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the word be relic instead of relief?
[quote name="Romion" date="2024-05-08 18:46:51" ] [quote]Sparkslyph[/quote] Fixed capitalization issue. So is the spelling of "Sparks[b]ly[/b]ph" intentional? The familiar is "Sparks[b]yl[/b]ph."
Romion wrote on 2024-05-08 18:46:51:

Fixed capitalization issue.

So is the spelling of "Sparkslyph" intentional? The familiar is "Sparksylph."
[quote name="mithrel" date="2024-05-08 19:30:16" ] So is the spelling of "Sparks[b]ly[/b]ph" intentional? The familiar is "Sparks[b]yl[/b]ph." [/quote] Ah, sorry, that was fixed as well! I just forgot to put it in my notes.
mithrel wrote on 2024-05-08 19:30:16:
So is the spelling of "Sparkslyph" intentional? The familiar is "Sparksylph."

Ah, sorry, that was fixed as well! I just forgot to put it in my notes.
[quote name="PlagueBats" date="2024-05-08 19:25:44" ] Unsure if this is a typo or not but just wanted to make sure! [img][/img] "..There are not enough pieces left to discern what the original statue or [b]relief[/b] looked like." Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the word be relic instead of relief? [/quote] Technically, it's correct. A relief is a method of sculpture that emphasis raised bits on a flat plane. Though I kinda agree relic would be better here, but it could also be considered redundant. Honestly I'd just say 'sculpture' or 'structure' rather than 'statue or relief.'
PlagueBats wrote on 2024-05-08 19:25:44:
Unsure if this is a typo or not but just wanted to make sure!


"..There are not enough pieces left to discern what the original statue or relief looked like."

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the word be relic instead of relief?
Technically, it's correct. A relief is a method of sculpture that emphasis raised bits on a flat plane. Though I kinda agree relic would be better here, but it could also be considered redundant. Honestly I'd just say 'sculpture' or 'structure' rather than 'statue or relief.'
Previously Oakensleaf
FR +3
thank you so much for the fixes!!! very glad when i noticed some of them going in recently. here's some stuff i noticed recently (i'll hold off on going through all the encyclopedia stuff for now) [item=bean beetle][item=Lady Bug] [quote]While [b]lady bugs[/b] are a gardener's joy, bean beetles are considered a pest. Eat them before they eat your flowers![/quote] should be "ladybugs" [item=Wrapped Morsel] [quote]A snack for a dragon [b]on-the-go[/b].[/quote] what with this sentence being phrased as it is, i don't think the hyphens in 'on-the-go' are necessary [item=Eel Larvae] should probably be "larva" considering there's only one in the picture [item=Pre-Packaged Snack] [quote]Surely the [b]fire grubs[/b] won't miss this if you just take one.[/quote] 'fire grub' needs to be capitalized here too [item=Cater Fruit][item=Dragon Fruit] [quote]This fruit is for Catercroaks [b]-[/b] not dragons![/quote] [quote]This fruit is for dragons[b],[/b] not Catercroaks![/quote] getting ridiculously nitpicky here, but these matching item descriptions are inconsistent re: usage of hyphen (which should've been an em dash regardless) versus comma [item=Sea Bass] [quote]When a [b]coatl[/b] approaches, there are no more bass to see.[/quote] [item=Spotted Grasshopper] [quote]Particularly vibrant specimens are collected by [b]fae[/b] dragons and pinned to the walls of their dens. Fae dragons are weird.[/quote] [item=Pretty Pink Mums] [quote]A favorite of courting [b]tundras[/b], both a romantic gesture and a sweet snack. (Special thanks to Adventure.)[/quote] [item=Bamboo Leaves] [quote]Delicious, but only if one is a panda or a tundra dragon.[/quote] breed names missing capitalization [item=Springfoot Poult] [quote]You're... you're not gonna eat that are you?[/quote] should have a comma between "that" and "are" [item=Smallmouth Bass] [quote]It tried too hard to re-brand its image that other fish are hesitant to point out that its mouth is still quite large.[/quote] grammar's wrong here [item=Crystalline Myctophid] [quote]Boreal [b]myctophid[/b] remain stationary, close to the surface of the water, hoping to develop a crown of crystals to attract a potential mate.[/quote] should be "myctophids" [item=Lap Octopus] [quote]The octopus doesn't appreciate being on your lap. Denmates don't appreciate it being on your lap. You don't [b]like it on your lap.[/b] It's not very fun to pet.[/quote] the description isn't incorrect per se, but given the repetition in it i'm just checking - is there a third "being" missing here? [item=Livewire Endlers] [quote]Groups of these [b]electro-conducive[/b] fish are routinely kept in glass jugs. Their internal glow and highly-reflective scales mixed with the refractory qualities of the water make for an amazing light show.[/quote] should be 'conductive' [item=Earwig] [quote]This insect has earned a bad name; [b]C[/b]ontrary to popular myth, they are no more or less likely than any other bug to crawl into a dragon's ear.[/quote] shouldn't be capitalized here [item=Southern Grass Cicada] [quote]The [b]nymph form of cicadas are[/b] flightless. This only makes them easier to catch if one is willing to dig...[/quote] pluralization seems off here [gamedb item=21404] [quote]Despite an imposing silhouette, the scorpion fly only keeps its tail for a few days [b]after[/b] its post-larval form. Pity, that's the tastiest part.[/quote] should be 'in' (also maybe change "an imposing silhouette" to "its imposing silhouette") [quote=tomo question]Which of the following [b]enemies[/b] are not found in the Golem Workshop? & Which of the following [b]enemies[/b] cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?[/quote] since some variants of these questions have answers such as 'joxar' and 'galore', these should either be rephrased (e.g. "which of the following is not [an enemy] found in the golem workshop?") or we should get the lore on why tomo considers them enemies ;p also, the wording could stand to be made consistent on these questions as well ('are not' vs. 'cannot') [item=Lesser Dreadram] [quote]These smaller, less-imposing creatures are routinely seen in large groups flanking a single dreadram[b] -[/b]who is itself a rare and buffed out mutation of the species.[/quote] [item=Blacktongue Pepper] [quote]Consumed for its seeds [b]-[/b]which exhibit the highest level of pungency in Sornieth[b]-[/b] this pepper is harvested at midnight for the best batch.[/quote] hyphen placed incorrectly (also should be em dash rather than hyphen) [item=Rat Tangle] [quote]No one's entirely sure how this happened, though there are a suspicious number of them in [b]The[/b] Waterway.[/quote] 'the' shouldn't be capitalized actually, going through the database i realize i'm not 100% sure what the flight rising style guide (tm) says on capitalization of familiar names, but there's quite some inconsistency on that (and other creatures' names as well, especially those based on & named after real-life animals) - based on this most recent round of typo fixes i assume that at the very least familiar names are intended to be capitalized, in which case here's a list of descriptions lacking capitals: [size=2]note that some of these are more questionable than others, since they refer to species rather than specific familiers (e.g. sprangyroo, yeti, noggle) but i'm including them here for completion's sake[/size] [item=Vilevenom Barb] [quote]A vilevenom barb shares its coloration with the much more dangerous [b]vilevenom kelpie[/b]. Neither is venomous though.[/quote] [item=Inky Baby] ('pupae' also should be 'pupa') [quote]An [b]ink ant[/b] pupae is a messy snack that stains the fangs.[/quote] [item=Redtail Crane] [quote]Mimicking the plumage of redtail gryphons ensures that river predators will steer clear of this trickster.[/quote] [item=False Podid] [quote]A smaller cousin of the [b]common podid[/b], these little fellas taste best roasted in the shell.[/quote] [item=Wallaby] [quote]It's like a tiny, furious [b]sprangyroo[/b]![/quote] [item=Vampire Bat] [quote]In a stunning display of irony, this critter feeds primarily on [b]duskflapper[/b] blood.[/quote] [item=Nogglebane Leaf Beetle] ('waterway' also should be capitalized since it's a venue name) [quote]While these tasty beetles make an excellent snack on their own, they are better used to fish for [b]waterway noggle[/b].[/quote] [item=Spotted Seal] [quote]You went [b]yeti[/b]-hunting and you came back with a seal. 'A' for effort, though.[/quote] [item=Stonewatch Flatblade] [quote][b]Stonewatch harpies[/b] may have evolved their plumage to better camouflage with the native plant life.[/quote] stopping here for now but will probably edit this later to add more
thank you so much for the fixes!!! very glad when i noticed some of them going in recently. here's some stuff i noticed recently (i'll hold off on going through all the encyclopedia stuff for now)

Bean Beetle Lady Bug
While lady bugs are a gardener's joy, bean beetles are considered a pest. Eat them before they eat your flowers!
should be "ladybugs"

Wrapped Morsel
A snack for a dragon on-the-go.
what with this sentence being phrased as it is, i don't think the hyphens in 'on-the-go' are necessary

Eel Larvae
should probably be "larva" considering there's only one in the picture

Pre-Packaged Snack
Surely the fire grubs won't miss this if you just take one.
'fire grub' needs to be capitalized here too

Cater Fruit Dragon Fruit
This fruit is for Catercroaks - not dragons!
This fruit is for dragons, not Catercroaks!
getting ridiculously nitpicky here, but these matching item descriptions are inconsistent re: usage of hyphen (which should've been an em dash regardless) versus comma

Sea Bass
When a coatl approaches, there are no more bass to see.
Spotted Grasshopper
Particularly vibrant specimens are collected by fae dragons and pinned to the walls of their dens. Fae dragons are weird.
Pretty Pink Mums
A favorite of courting tundras, both a romantic gesture and a sweet snack. (Special thanks to Adventure.)
Bamboo Leaves
Delicious, but only if one is a panda or a tundra dragon.
breed names missing capitalization

Springfoot Poult
You're... you're not gonna eat that are you?
should have a comma between "that" and "are"

Smallmouth Bass
It tried too hard to re-brand its image that other fish are hesitant to point out that its mouth is still quite large.
grammar's wrong here

Crystalline Myctophid
Boreal myctophid remain stationary, close to the surface of the water, hoping to develop a crown of crystals to attract a potential mate.
should be "myctophids"

Lap Octopus
The octopus doesn't appreciate being on your lap. Denmates don't appreciate it being on your lap. You don't like it on your lap. It's not very fun to pet.
the description isn't incorrect per se, but given the repetition in it i'm just checking - is there a third "being" missing here?

Livewire Endlers
Groups of these electro-conducive fish are routinely kept in glass jugs. Their internal glow and highly-reflective scales mixed with the refractory qualities of the water make for an amazing light show.
should be 'conductive'

This insect has earned a bad name; Contrary to popular myth, they are no more or less likely than any other bug to crawl into a dragon's ear.
shouldn't be capitalized here

Southern Grass Cicada
The nymph form of cicadas are flightless. This only makes them easier to catch if one is willing to dig...
pluralization seems off here

Scorpion Fly
Despite an imposing silhouette, the scorpion fly only keeps its tail for a few days after its post-larval form. Pity, that's the tastiest part.
should be 'in' (also maybe change "an imposing silhouette" to "its imposing silhouette")
tomo question wrote:
Which of the following enemies are not found in the Golem Workshop? & Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?
since some variants of these questions have answers such as 'joxar' and 'galore', these should either be rephrased (e.g. "which of the following is not [an enemy] found in the golem workshop?") or we should get the lore on why tomo considers them enemies ;p
also, the wording could stand to be made consistent on these questions as well ('are not' vs. 'cannot')

Lesser Dreadram
These smaller, less-imposing creatures are routinely seen in large groups flanking a single dreadram -who is itself a rare and buffed out mutation of the species.
Blacktongue Pepper
Consumed for its seeds -which exhibit the highest level of pungency in Sornieth- this pepper is harvested at midnight for the best batch.
hyphen placed incorrectly (also should be em dash rather than hyphen)

Rat Tangle
No one's entirely sure how this happened, though there are a suspicious number of them in The Waterway.
'the' shouldn't be capitalized

actually, going through the database i realize i'm not 100% sure what the flight rising style guide (tm) says on capitalization of familiar names, but there's quite some inconsistency on that (and other creatures' names as well, especially those based on & named after real-life animals) - based on this most recent round of typo fixes i assume that at the very least familiar names are intended to be capitalized, in which case here's a list of descriptions lacking capitals:
note that some of these are more questionable than others, since they refer to species rather than specific familiers (e.g. sprangyroo, yeti, noggle) but i'm including them here for completion's sake
Vilevenom Barb
A vilevenom barb shares its coloration with the much more dangerous vilevenom kelpie. Neither is venomous though.
Inky Baby ('pupae' also should be 'pupa')
An ink ant pupae is a messy snack that stains the fangs.
Redtail Crane
Mimicking the plumage of redtail gryphons ensures that river predators will steer clear of this trickster.
False Podid
A smaller cousin of the common podid, these little fellas taste best roasted in the shell.
It's like a tiny, furious sprangyroo!
Vampire Bat
In a stunning display of irony, this critter feeds primarily on duskflapper blood.
Nogglebane Leaf Beetle ('waterway' also should be capitalized since it's a venue name)
While these tasty beetles make an excellent snack on their own, they are better used to fish for waterway noggle.
Spotted Seal
You went yeti-hunting and you came back with a seal. 'A' for effort, though.
Stonewatch Flatblade
Stonewatch harpies may have evolved their plumage to better camouflage with the native plant life.

stopping here for now but will probably edit this later to add more
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check out some of my projects? → or the coliseum bounty npc suggestion!

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[quote name="micahjaguar" date="2018-01-22 07:20:13" ] In Tomo's trivia: Quote: These familiars herald from Redrock Cove: Noxious Coralclimber Hoarfrost Mauler Palefoot Tadhop Shalebuck The phrase you want is "hail from" (Verb phrases 9. hail from, to have as one's place of birth or residence: Nearly everyone here hails from the Midwest.) [/quote] Came to report this typo as well. While herald and hail are synonyms, "hail from" is a use I can find in the dictionary while "herald from" is not. [url=]I was able to find a discussion thread on the use in the anime Panty and Stocking on wordreference. I agree it may be an eggcorn by the translator.[/url]
micahjaguar wrote on 2018-01-22 07:20:13:
In Tomo's trivia:

These familiars herald from Redrock Cove:

Noxious Coralclimber
Hoarfrost Mauler
Palefoot Tadhop

The phrase you want is "hail from" (Verb phrases 9.
hail from, to have as one's place of birth or residence:
Nearly everyone here hails from the Midwest.)

Came to report this typo as well. While herald and hail are synonyms, "hail from" is a use I can find in the dictionary while "herald from" is not.

I was able to find a discussion thread on the use in the anime Panty and Stocking on wordreference. I agree it may be an eggcorn by the translator.
Bone Friend needed.
Dragons for Sale!
Glimmer and Gloom Very Hard: Memorize it!
thanks, romion, for all your work! inconsistent plural/singular in the description for [item=wetland amphithere]: "Wetland Amphithere hatch with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after it emerges." should be: "Wetland Amphithere hatch with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after they emerge." or: "A Wetland Amphithere hatches with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after it emerges."
thanks, romion, for all your work!

inconsistent plural/singular in the description for Wetland Amphithere :

"Wetland Amphithere hatch with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after it emerges."

should be:

"Wetland Amphithere hatch with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after they emerge."


"A Wetland Amphithere hatches with a large eggtooth that falls off several days after it emerges."
Man, you just fixed it, but... the Tomo question about where to find the known world of Sornieth, with "Festive Favors" (formerly "Festive Favors?") as an answer probably needs that wrong answer switched to "The Grand Exchange", since "Festive Favors" isn't a sidebar link anymore, and isn't visible outside of festivals anyways...

(Side note, I personally interpreted the question mark as the player being unsure of things? I think there may be others like that, fwiw... but I suppose that's a bit more casual tone than may be wanted, anyways)
Man, you just fixed it, but... the Tomo question about where to find the known world of Sornieth, with "Festive Favors" (formerly "Festive Favors?") as an answer probably needs that wrong answer switched to "The Grand Exchange", since "Festive Favors" isn't a sidebar link anymore, and isn't visible outside of festivals anyways...

(Side note, I personally interpreted the question mark as the player being unsure of things? I think there may be others like that, fwiw... but I suppose that's a bit more casual tone than may be wanted, anyways)
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, but not mass ones.
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
Unsure if this qualifies as a typo or a grammar consistency error, but the "Daffodil of Mistral" and "Sweet Pea of Wavecrest" are missing the capitalization of the flowers in their respective tooltips. Examples of the capitalization of two other familiars in the same line: [item=Violet of Trickmurk][item=Snowdrop of Crystalline] And the two missing consistency: [item=Daffodil of Mistral][item=Sweet Pea of Wavecrest] Notice how in the two examples 'Violet' and 'Snowdrop' are capitalized in the tooltip, as compared to the lowercase 'daffodil' and 'sweet pea'. The other flower snake familiars of the festival line do not have this consistency error, just these two.
Unsure if this qualifies as a typo or a grammar consistency error, but the "Daffodil of Mistral" and "Sweet Pea of Wavecrest" are missing the capitalization of the flowers in their respective tooltips.
Examples of the capitalization of two other familiars in the same line:
Violet of Trickmurk Snowdrop of Crystalline

And the two missing consistency:
Daffodil of Mistral Sweet Pea of Wavecrest

Notice how in the two examples 'Violet' and 'Snowdrop' are capitalized in the tooltip, as compared to the lowercase 'daffodil' and 'sweet pea'. The other flower snake familiars of the festival line do not have this consistency error, just these two.
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