
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [Dom Watch] -flexes-
[center][img][/img][br][br] [img][/img][/center][br] [center]It has to be done... for GAINS... [emoji=imperial love size=1][emoji=treasure size=1][emoji=gem size=1][/center][br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>[/color][nextcol]----- [size=5][b][font=Helvetica][color=#000000]WHO'S CURRENTLY PUSHING?[/color][/font][/b][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- Light is profit pushing [/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent] <<<<<[/color][/columns] [br] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=Helvetica][b]FLIGHT DOMINANCE LINKS[/b][/font][/size][br][columns][size=4] [img][/img] [b][color=#d3b460]Light[/color][/b] - [url=]IF Hub (+Events!)[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [br] [columns] [color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]ANNOUNCED UPCOMING PUSHES (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 14 - Jan 20:[/b] Wind (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 21 - Jan 27:[/b] Ice (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 28 - Feb 3:[/b] Water (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 4 - Feb 10:[/b] Light (Conquest, Valightine's)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 11 - Feb 17:[/b] Nature (Conquest, tentative), Plague (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 18 - Feb 24:[/b] Shadow (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 25 - Mar 2:[/b] Plague (Conquest, Double Dom), Earth (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 3 - Mar 9:[/b] Plague (Conquest, Double Dom), Water (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 10 - Mar 16:[/b] Fire (Conquest, Mather's Day)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 17 - Mar 23:[/b] Wind (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 24 - Mar 30:[/b] Nature (Conquest, tentative)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 31 - Apr 6:[/b] Lightning (Conquest)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 7 - Apr 13:[/b] Light (Profit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 14 - Apr 20:[/b] Water (Festival)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 21 - Apr 27:[/b] Earth (Conquest, Earth Day)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<<[/color][nextcol] [/columns] [br] The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. [u][url=]The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE[/url][/u]. [b]Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push[/b], so this list is not comprehensive or certain.[br] Dom Watch [b]encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any[/b] (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.) [br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>>>>>>>>>>>>[/color][nextcol]---------- [size=5][font=Helvetica][b][color=#000000]RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)[/color][/b][/font][/size][br][size=4] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 14 - Jan 20:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Jan 28 - Feb 3:[/b] Water (Arelia, Brit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 4 - Feb 10:[/b] Light (Dessy)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 11 - Feb 17:[/b] Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Plague (Ranmaru, Instar, Peyp)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Feb 18 - Feb 24:[/b] Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 3 - Mar 9:[/b] Water (Arelia, Brit)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 10 - Mar 16:[/b] Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 17 - Mar 23:[/b] Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 24 - Mar 30:[/b] Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Mar 31 - Apr 6:[/b] Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 7 - Apr 13:[/b] Light (Dessy)[/color] [color=#000000]- [b]Apr 14 - Apr 20:[/b] Water (Arelia, Brit)[/color] [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol][br][br][br] [img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]<<<<<<<<<<<<[/color] [/columns] [br] This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.[br] Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts [i]before[/i] other flights. Please [b]do not[/b] announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority. [br][br][br] [columns][color=transparent]>[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]>[nextcol]----- [size=5][b][color=#000000][font=Helvetica]Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising[/font][/color][/b][/size] -----[nextcol][color=transparent]<[/color][nextcol] [img][/img][nextcol] [color=transparent]<[/color][/columns] [br] Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.[br] Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.[br] Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion![br] Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching![br][br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol] [size=6][url=][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watch Ping List Google Form[/b][/font][/url][/size][br] [size=4][color=#000000](Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)[/color][/size][br] [/columns][br] Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.[br] Helpers: [b][url=]October[/url][/b], [b][url=]KyloRen[/url][/b][br] Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.[br] [br][br] ---------- [br] [columns][size=5][color=#000000][font=Helvetica][b]Dom Watching Resources:[/b][/font][/color][/size] [br][size=4]- [b][url=]Dom Watch Tracker[/url][/b][color=#000000] - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore![/color][br] - [b][url=]Dominance Tracker Guide[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Alisette[/url][color=#000000] - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now![/color][br] - [b][url=]Mercenary Group List[/url][/b][color=#000000] - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url].[br] - [b][url=]Dominance, Flights, and You[/url][/b] [color=#000000]by[/color] [url=]Argante[/url][color=#000000] - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved![br][/size][nextcol] [color=transparent]<<<[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [br][br] [columns][img][/img][br][br][br][br] [nextcol][color=transparent]>>>[/color][nextcol][size=4][font=Helvetica][color=#000000][b]Credits:[/b][/color][/font][/size][br] [url=]Arekuru[/url][color=#000000] - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.[/color] [url=]Banyan[/url][color=#000000] - Dom Watch banner artist.[/color] [url=]Sylvandyr[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.[/color] [url=]acheronta[/url][color=#000000] - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.[/color] [url=]October[/url][color=#000000] - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.[/color] [url=]Blanche[/url][color=#000000] - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.[/color] [url=]Cinderfire[/url][color=#000000] - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.[/color] [url=]Sadistic[/url][color=#000000] - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.[/color] [url=]KyloRen[/url][color=#000000] - Ping list helper.[/color] [url=]Osiem[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.[/color] [url=]PoisonedPaper[/url][color=#000000] - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.[/color] [url=]Monotonous[/url][color=#000000] - BBCode helper.[/color][/columns]


It has to be done... for GAINS...

>>>>>> frvs1a.png >>

- Light is profit pushing

<< frvs1a.png



- IF Hub (+Events!)



- Jan 14 - Jan 20: Wind (Conquest)
- Jan 21 - Jan 27: Ice (Festival)
- Jan 28 - Feb 3: Water (Profit)
- Feb 4 - Feb 10: Light (Conquest, Valightine's)
- Feb 11 - Feb 17: Nature (Conquest, tentative), Plague (Profit)
- Feb 18 - Feb 24: Shadow (Festival)
- Feb 25 - Mar 2: Plague (Conquest, Double Dom), Earth (Profit)
- Mar 3 - Mar 9: Plague (Conquest, Double Dom), Water (Profit)
- Mar 10 - Mar 16: Fire (Conquest, Mather's Day)
- Mar 17 - Mar 23: Wind (Festival)
- Mar 24 - Mar 30: Nature (Conquest, tentative)
- Mar 31 - Apr 6: Lightning (Conquest)
- Apr 7 - Apr 13: Light (Profit)
- Apr 14 - Apr 20: Water (Festival)
- Apr 21 - Apr 27: Earth (Conquest, Earth Day)

The above list is only for announced upcoming pushes. The full list (up to a year from now) is available HERE. Flights are not required to announce their plans or decide in advance if they will push, so this list is not comprehensive or certain.

Dom Watch encourages flights to mention any other relevant push details if there are any (for example, involving OOF participation or the intensity of their pushes.)

RESERVE POSTS (next 4 months)

- Jan 14 - Jan 20: Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)
- Jan 28 - Feb 3: Water (Arelia, Brit)
- Feb 4 - Feb 10: Light (Dessy)
- Feb 11 - Feb 17: Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith), Plague (Ranmaru, Instar, Peyp)
- Feb 18 - Feb 24: Shadow (HoneyedBee, Seradis)
- Mar 3 - Mar 9: Water (Arelia, Brit)
- Mar 10 - Mar 16: Fire (eieru, furo, blazebrem)
- Mar 17 - Mar 23: Wind (cloudydawn, Rifter)
- Mar 24 - Mar 30: Nature (Goldia, kirathekat, alyblaith)
- Mar 31 - Apr 6: Lightning (Kywren, DeadlyInformant)
- Apr 7 - Apr 13: Light (Dessy)
- Apr 14 - Apr 20: Water (Arelia, Brit)


This is a list of reserve posts requested by flight representatives. This option is available for flight-run pushes or push preparations that will run during the specified week. Flights are not required to reserve posts, and if no representative is specified, it will be assumed that the flight does not want a reserve post for that week.

Out of respect for pushing flights, reserve posters should always give priority to flights that are pushing during that week. Pushing flights should all get their reserved posts before other flights. Please do not announce that your flight is pushing if your flight isn't going to be primarily exalting dragons to your deity, as this would unfairly bump your flight up in the reserve post priority.

> Grotesque-2-L.png >
Push Announcements, Post Reservations, and Advertising
< Grotesque-2-R.png <

Feel free to ping, PM, leave a profile message, yodel, smoke signal, or carrier pigeon the current host if you'd like to announce that your flight has a planned push and/or would like to reserve a front page post in a future thread.

Dom Watch is a Dominance discussion thread, so we will only advertise threads that are very specifically Dominance-related in the OP. These include, but are not limited to: Dominance raffles, fodder buys, art for fodder threads. The only exception is during elemental holidays, where we will also advertise the flight's event hub.

Advertising other things (such as mercenary threads and personal raffles) are totally fine to do in the thread, but please take care not to overwhelm the discussion!

Thanks everyone and have fun Dom Watching!

HZs3l3c.png >>> Dom Watch Ping List Google Form

(Want to get a ping whenever a new Dom Watch thread is up? Click the link above to add yourself!)

Fill out the form to automatically add or remove yourself. Only your most recent response will count. You will be pinged once a week when a new Dom Watch thread is posted. The list itself will only be viewable by Dom Watch hosts and the ping list helpers.

Helpers: October, KyloRen

Please message above ping list helpers if you cannot use Google Forms, if you would like your name permanently excluded from the list, or if any other complications arise.

Dom Watching Resources:

- Dom Watch Tracker - Old DW links, history, statistics, and graphs galore!

- Dominance Tracker Guide by Alisette - Dom winners from the beginning of FR to now!

- Mercenary Group List - A list of each flight's mercenary group. Maintained by Cinderfire.

- Dominance, Flights, and You by Argante - An introduction to dominance and how to get involved!
<<< LGR5.png


>>> Credits:

Arekuru - DW Creator and original host from Dec 2014 Pilot to Sep 2015.
Banyan - Dom Watch banner artist.
Sylvandyr - Host from Sep 2015 to Apr 2016 and Jul 2017 to March 2018. Dom Watch Tracker Helper.
acheronta - Host from Apr 2016 to Jul 2017.
October - Host from March 2018 to June 2018. Current host starting from March 2019.
Blanche - Host in hiatus. Current host starting from June 2018.
Cinderfire - Host from June 2018 to March 2020.
Sadistic - Current host starting from April 2020. Guest host from December 2019 to April 2020.
KyloRen - Ping list helper.
Osiem - Artist for the Flight Rising and neutral flags used in this thread.
PoisonedPaper - Artist for the recolored assets (swords, quill, statues and books) used in this thread.
Monotonous - BBCode helper.
"That was a nice distraction."
"The time I was able to spend with you... It was like memories of pure light."
"Sweet dreams. I'll be with you before long."
"That's how it's done."
Humans are the most irrational beings.

Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Light: @Dessy @Valoria

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:
- None!

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
Please do not post until the representatives have gotten their reserves!

Pushing flights reserve first:
- Light: @Dessy @Valoria

Other Dom-event-running flights reserve after pushing flights:
- None!

Dom Watch pinglist was here.
"That was a nice distraction."
"The time I was able to spend with you... It was like memories of pure light."
"Sweet dreams. I'll be with you before long."
"That's how it's done."
Humans are the most irrational beings.

[center][img alt="New Year New Gains: A Light Flight Profit Push"][/img][/center] [columns][img alt="A Light Flight branded Shaker Bottle with a chocolate protein shake inside. This is the NYNG general participation Badge."][/img][nextcol][center][color=transparent]X [/color] [size=4][font=candara]It's a new year and Brad the Buffsprite is here to help everyone start their new year off right - in whatever way is best and accessible to them! Armed with big muscles and an even bigger heart, he's happy to help, whether that be lifting a really heavy box (that's why he lifts!) or lending an ear. One of his famous protein shakes in hand and excited to talk, you might not know it yet, but you're already friends! You're having soft tacos later![/font][/size][/columns] [center][emoji=light rune size=1] [size=4][font=candara]Help Brad bring glory to the Lightweaver and have some fun as a community![/font][/size] [emoji=light rune size=1] ----- [columns][center][user=irithyll] [size=2][b][font=candara]irithyll[/font][/b][/size][/center][nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color][nextcol][color=salmon] • [/color][url=][size=4][b][color=c15c00][font=candara] In-Flight Hub[/font][/color][/b][/size][/url] [color=da9250][font=candara]IF Only: January 7 - January 13, 2024[/font][/color] [font=candara][b]Send off your leveled dragons[/b] to get gains with Brad and earn some sweet badges! There are links to our other in-flight events in here![/font][/columns] ----- [font=candara][size=4] Aaaannnddd due to popular demand... we have a super special mini-Brad that you can adopt to look after your badge collection, profile, or whatever else you desire! [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]To earn the mini-brad please send 20kt / 20g to irithyll (me)![/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] [sup]All profits are going to the Light Flight Vault.[/sup] [img alt="A tiny Brad the Buffsprite flexes while smiling!"][/img] [code][url=][img alt="A tiny Brad the Buffsprite flexes while smiling!"][/img][/url][/code] ----- [center][img alt="Brad the Buff Sprite lifting a large weight"][/img]
New Year New Gains: A Light Flight Profit Push
A Light Flight branded Shaker Bottle with a chocolate protein shake inside. This is the NYNG general participation Badge.

It's a new year and Brad the Buffsprite is here to help everyone start their new year off right - in whatever way is best and accessible to them! Armed with big muscles and an even bigger heart, he's happy to help, whether that be lifting a really heavy box (that's why he lifts!) or lending an ear. One of his famous protein shakes in hand and excited to talk, you might not know it yet, but you're already friends! You're having soft tacos later!
Help Brad bring glory to the Lightweaver and have some fun as a community!

___ In-Flight Hub
IF Only: January 7 - January 13, 2024

Send off your leveled dragons to get gains with Brad and earn some sweet badges! There are links to our other in-flight events in here!

Aaaannnddd due to popular demand... we have a super special mini-Brad that you can adopt to look after your badge collection, profile, or whatever else you desire!

To earn the mini-brad please send 20kt / 20g to irithyll (me)!
All profits are going to the Light Flight Vault.

A tiny Brad the Buffsprite flexes while smiling!
[url=][img alt="A tiny Brad the Buffsprite flexes while smiling!"][/img][/url]

Brad the Buff Sprite lifting a large weight
Mooncake Festival 2024 - Light ConquestDom WatchPublic BuyIlluminartiMooncake Festival 2024 - Light Conquest
buffsprite more like HUNKSPRITE WOOH MAMA :muscle emojis:
buffsprite more like HUNKSPRITE WOOH MAMA :muscle emojis:
Oooh, I love the theme <3
Oooh, I love the theme <3
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
BRAD THE BUFFSPRITE. this is an amazing concept.
BRAD THE BUFFSPRITE. this is an amazing concept.
Original comic by markraas on tumblr. [img][/img] [s]This is the stupidest thing I've ever spent time on[/s] I love Brad the Buffsprite so much.
Original comic by markraas on tumblr.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever spent time on I love Brad the Buffsprite so much.
umm is brad single, asking for a friend [emoji=normal eyes size=1][emoji=normal eyes size=1]
umm is brad single, asking for a friend
I've only had Brad the Buffsprite for 10 minutes but if anything happens to him I'll cry
I've only had Brad the Buffsprite for 10 minutes but if anything happens to him I'll cry
@Irithyll is Brad only playing with IF members this push?
@Irithyll is Brad only playing with IF members this push?
GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler