

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | [WIP] Masterpost of Guides, Tools & Etc.
Wow, I wish I'd found something like this when I started!! If I had I might not have spent so much time developing this Yet Another Familiar Tracker or resurrecting this Hibden Quest Tracker - but I'm happy for them to be shared here if you like.

Regardless, thank you :)
Wow, I wish I'd found something like this when I started!! If I had I might not have spent so much time developing this Yet Another Familiar Tracker or resurrecting this Hibden Quest Tracker - but I'm happy for them to be shared here if you like.

Regardless, thank you :)
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[quote name="Teba" date="2020-01-30 01:30:52" ] [emoji=treasure chest size=1] [b]Hoard Resources[/b] [*][url=]Bestiary Swipp/Baldwin Hibden Sheets[/url] by [url=][color=#986714]Reddhed[/color][/url][br][indent][ spreadsheet ] [ tracker ] [ text only charts ][br]- [i]3 individual spreadsheets you can use to keep track of any of the listed! Instructions for how to use each one are in separate posts on the first page.[/i][/indent] [/quote] @Teba The spreadsheets linked in Reddhed's thread no longer exist. I've taken over maintaining them, and the new thread , and working links, can be found [url=]here[/url].
Teba wrote on 2020-01-30 01:30:52:

Hoard Resources

[*]Bestiary Swipp/Baldwin Hibden Sheets by Reddhed
[ spreadsheet ] [ tracker ] [ text only charts ]
- 3 individual spreadsheets you can use to keep track of any of the listed! Instructions for how to use each one are in separate posts on the first page.

@Teba The spreadsheets linked in Reddhed's thread no longer exist. I've taken over maintaining them, and the new thread , and working links, can be found here.
@Teba this is an incredible resource! if you're still updating it, there's a list of aquatic items that would be helpful in the item list section!

I'm sure you're busy, so I've taken the liberty to write up a possible summary:

- An icon list of all items that are aquatic themed. It includes vistas and scenes, as well as skins and accents released for festivals and those available in the Coliseum, through Swipp, or through the Marketplace.

thanks again for this wonderful list!
@Teba this is an incredible resource! if you're still updating it, there's a list of aquatic items that would be helpful in the item list section!

I'm sure you're busy, so I've taken the liberty to write up a possible summary:

- An icon list of all items that are aquatic themed. It includes vistas and scenes, as well as skins and accents released for festivals and those available in the Coliseum, through Swipp, or through the Marketplace.

thanks again for this wonderful list!

Hello! I've just finished a guide that showcases all of the semi-transparent apparel that allows you to change its colors through overlaying, link here!

Hello! I've just finished a guide that showcases all of the semi-transparent apparel that allows you to change its colors through overlaying, link here!

Hey, just wanted to suggest the addition of my own coli guide: Monsters of the Coliseum

It's essentially a simple-to-read masterlist of coliseum monsters' elements and abilities, including NotN and Warriors Way monsters

Hey, just wanted to suggest the addition of my own coli guide: Monsters of the Coliseum

It's essentially a simple-to-read masterlist of coliseum monsters' elements and abilities, including NotN and Warriors Way monsters
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Hello! May I suggest adding my guide Comprehensive List of Arlo's Plots?

It's a list of each of Arlo's 3 plots, with visuals as to what item is in what plot and the approximate time it takes to complete each plot!
Hello! May I suggest adding my guide Comprehensive List of Arlo's Plots?

It's a list of each of Arlo's 3 plots, with visuals as to what item is in what plot and the approximate time it takes to complete each plot!

maybe it is a stupid question and it is already answered, but can somebody tell me how much is 1 gem in Treasures? Thanks for your answer :-)

maybe it is a stupid question and it is already answered, but can somebody tell me how much is 1 gem in Treasures? Thanks for your answer :-)
@houseofdragon19 usually a 1000 treasure for 1 gem some people may vary
@houseofdragon19 usually a 1000 treasure for 1 gem some people may vary
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@GhostWolf522 thank you very much
@GhostWolf522 thank you very much

Since achievements were added back in it might be worth it to add a new section for it when you have the time. I made a guide for a few specific ones that people might want help on -

And it looks like sharlayan is working on a comprehensive guide, but it's a WIP at the moment. -

Since achievements were added back in it might be worth it to add a new section for it when you have the time. I made a guide for a few specific ones that people might want help on -

And it looks like sharlayan is working on a comprehensive guide, but it's a WIP at the moment. -
A rotating signature of Elden Ring talisman items._
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