BayLeaff I still have a bit more than 900 spare gems, feel free to send a CR for however many you want!
BayLeaff I still have a bit more than 900 spare gems, feel free to send a CR for however many you want!
How does it work? Like if I wanted 900 of them what do I do, how much? I’m new lol.
How does it work? Like if I wanted 900 of them what do I do, how much? I’m new lol.
BayLeaff Send me a two-way crossroad with (900×1025=) 922,500 treasure, and I'll add 900 Gems in the trade!
BayLeaff Send me a two-way crossroad with (900×1025=) 922,500 treasure, and I'll add 900 Gems in the trade!
Hedon Sending 307,500t for 300g
Hedon Sending 307,500t for 300g