
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | clan names
Mine's Fallen Stars :) one because Arcane and two because the place the clan started was a crater caused by a meteorite/fallen star
Mine's Fallen Stars :) one because Arcane and two because the place the clan started was a crater caused by a meteorite/fallen star
Mine's Sekhet Aaru (Field of Reeds) which is a direct reference to Sekhet Aaru of Kemetism, the Elysian Fields or heaven. It is not actually anything ethereal, it's just a normal oasis, but it's symbolic for people's "rebirth" from their old selves and old life, reaching "salvation and an eternal paradise" (still just a normal oasis) for having done good deeds and not having a heavy heart (soul).

Again, everything is purely symbolic and referential, it's still a very physical and realistic setting.
Mine's Sekhet Aaru (Field of Reeds) which is a direct reference to Sekhet Aaru of Kemetism, the Elysian Fields or heaven. It is not actually anything ethereal, it's just a normal oasis, but it's symbolic for people's "rebirth" from their old selves and old life, reaching "salvation and an eternal paradise" (still just a normal oasis) for having done good deeds and not having a heavy heart (soul).

Again, everything is purely symbolic and referential, it's still a very physical and realistic setting.
Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
[quote name="DoubleO" date="2023-01-21 12:44:19" ] Cirquefrost - Cirque is both the French word for circle but it's also the geographical term for how snow piles up and erodes rock to form circular "bowls" or basins in mountainous regions.[/quote] Just a quick FYI, Cirque doesn't mean circle in French. Cirque in French is either the geological feature or the French word for 'circus'. The French word for circle is 'cercle'.
DoubleO wrote on 2023-01-21 12:44:19:
Cirquefrost - Cirque is both the French word for circle but it's also the geographical term for how snow piles up and erodes rock to form circular "bowls" or basins in mountainous regions.

Just a quick FYI, Cirque doesn't mean circle in French. Cirque in French is either the geological feature or the French word for 'circus'. The French word for circle is 'cercle'.


For a while my clan had no name. Then after exalting my progens I gave them the name Wavedancer (my custom progen's name.) I started writing lore and decided their two surviving children would name the clan in honor of their mother. Even after I decided to get my progens back the clan is still called the Wavedancer Clan. Still welcoming any and all dragons who wish peace with the Wavedancer's (as well as a training ground for those who wish to go on to serve the Tidelord.)
For a while my clan had no name. Then after exalting my progens I gave them the name Wavedancer (my custom progen's name.) I started writing lore and decided their two surviving children would name the clan in honor of their mother. Even after I decided to get my progens back the clan is still called the Wavedancer Clan. Still welcoming any and all dragons who wish peace with the Wavedancer's (as well as a training ground for those who wish to go on to serve the Tidelord.)
My clan is called Buried Beacon because a beacon is a light, I'm in the light flight and in-lore, my lair is underground.
My clan is called Buried Beacon because a beacon is a light, I'm in the light flight and in-lore, my lair is underground.
any pronouns except it/its
my name is Roe or Orange
FR time +2
I tend to overuse exclamation points, I promise I'm not yelling at you!
Eryne Nasp, which is in the profile, came from the phrase "Everyone Naps" Just a little bit of shuffling and removing letters and now you have... that. :P
Eryne Nasp, which is in the profile, came from the phrase "Everyone Naps" Just a little bit of shuffling and removing letters and now you have... that. :P
Sanidars_Sorrow.png[/left] FObX7rS.png rix3ppo.png Most of my Permas are in my HibDen, please check there for Forum Games too please.
The Cusp! "A home for vagabonds, refugees, and the damned." everyone is absolutely welcome. my coan tries to lend a wing to those who need it the most; those who are on the cusp of life and motivations.
The Cusp! "A home for vagabonds, refugees, and the damned." everyone is absolutely welcome. my coan tries to lend a wing to those who need it the most; those who are on the cusp of life and motivations.
blanc Nice to meet you, loser! They call me Misfire. Long story. Actually, you know what? It isn't. It's a very short story involving a machine gun, a misunderstanding, and a dozen dead Decepticons. -1 fr time

bedrock comet
my clan's name is based off of a warrior cat character name xD
(Fallen Leaves)
I chose it because it's nature-y and autumn-y and i like that
my clan's name is based off of a warrior cat character name xD
(Fallen Leaves)
I chose it because it's nature-y and autumn-y and i like that
f0PgqbB.png Call me Alex, or Kieran!
pronouns: he/him, they/them
FR +0
old-oaks-2.png Lair sales
Old Oaks sales (lair)
Old Oaks sales (HibDen)
Lucia, from saint Lucia aka saint Lucy. She's got her own holiday/day here in Finland, which can't be said for too many christian saints. She's kind of.. like a lightbringer/wayfinder.

My light clan has this mysterious dragon that they can't find any information on, but that is etched into the old buildings.

For sub areas, cowboy/wild west type names or something with themes. Agora, Goldenglow row.. Smoldering bush.
Lucia, from saint Lucia aka saint Lucy. She's got her own holiday/day here in Finland, which can't be said for too many christian saints. She's kind of.. like a lightbringer/wayfinder.

My light clan has this mysterious dragon that they can't find any information on, but that is etched into the old buildings.

For sub areas, cowboy/wild west type names or something with themes. Agora, Goldenglow row.. Smoldering bush.

Always looking for a sanddollar/coral/gold range tert G1.. hit me up if you have one! I collect them
Mine is Verdanbaster, derived from the names of my two progens, Verdance and Abaster.

I'm not 100% happy with it, and in lore neither are they. But their offspring told them it was past time the lair had an official name, so unless they could come up with something better, that was what it was going to be called.

And they/I couldn't, so that's its name.
Mine is Verdanbaster, derived from the names of my two progens, Verdance and Abaster.

I'm not 100% happy with it, and in lore neither are they. But their offspring told them it was past time the lair had an official name, so unless they could come up with something better, that was what it was going to be called.

And they/I couldn't, so that's its name.
Buying an additional apparel slot
unlocks it for ALL your dragons,
not just one!