
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
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Do we have an ETA for the return of AH search by color?
Do we have an ETA for the return of AH search by color?
@VerdantDargon, we do not. Code is fixed when it is fixed and implementing it too soon could result in other areas of the site breaking, which is the reason why it was removed so shortly after being pushed.
@VerdantDargon, we do not. Code is fixed when it is fixed and implementing it too soon could result in other areas of the site breaking, which is the reason why it was removed so shortly after being pushed.
Thanks for the info! Please let us know when it is fixed and close to re-implementation!
Thanks for the info! Please let us know when it is fixed and close to re-implementation!
@Aequorin this is a weirdly specific code related question, but is there some way to create anchors within a post/thread so you can jump to a specific part of a post?

I just recently set up my hatchery and some of the posts, have two sections (i.e. Breeding Pairs and lower Ping Lists)

I can get to the post itself, but I was wondering how I would go about creating a table of contents that jumps specifically to the part of the post that says Ping Lists?

Or is that simply not possible at all with the current code for the forums?
@Aequorin this is a weirdly specific code related question, but is there some way to create anchors within a post/thread so you can jump to a specific part of a post?

I just recently set up my hatchery and some of the posts, have two sections (i.e. Breeding Pairs and lower Ping Lists)

I can get to the post itself, but I was wondering how I would go about creating a table of contents that jumps specifically to the part of the post that says Ping Lists?

Or is that simply not possible at all with the current code for the forums?
@Mignonne, you can grab the anchor URL that appears immediately after you post a comment and use that to link.
@Mignonne, you can grab the anchor URL that appears immediately after you post a comment and use that to link.
@Aequorin oh yes, that works to link to the post itself. I was just wondering if there was a tag that would work to link to different parts within any given post post.


Table of Contents
Link to Topic 1
Link to Topic 2

- Topic 1

relevant topic one text.

-Topic 2
@Aequorin oh yes, that works to link to the post itself. I was just wondering if there was a tag that would work to link to different parts within any given post post.


Table of Contents
Link to Topic 1
Link to Topic 2

- Topic 1

relevant topic one text.

-Topic 2
@Mignonne, ah, I see! My apologies.

No, there is not. If you'd like to see it, feel free to post a topic in Suggestions about it!
@Mignonne, ah, I see! My apologies.

No, there is not. If you'd like to see it, feel free to post a topic in Suggestions about it!
@Aequorin more or less figured that. And I will, thank you so much for your help :)
@Aequorin more or less figured that. And I will, thank you so much for your help :)
Flightrising, I'm concern with the sever amount of ads littering the website, I know you survive on gem purchases and Ads, but this amount is kinda impacting the gameplay of the entire website. I can't hover my mouse over a word without a small ad window popping up. Just letting you know! _<
Flightrising, I'm concern with the sever amount of ads littering the website, I know you survive on gem purchases and Ads, but this amount is kinda impacting the gameplay of the entire website. I can't hover my mouse over a word without a small ad window popping up. Just letting you know! _<