
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Scavenging bug?
I was using my gathering turns to scavenge items in shadow territory, and collected a darktouched chimera.. twice apparently - i wasn't looking all that closely. I put one up for sale because i don't need two, and when i went back to check my hoard, i saw that the remaining one was.. a stack of 4? So i put one in my vault and went to see if the others would also be moved, as I am unaware of familiars stacking (last time i got a double, it was separate stacks) and the remaining "3" just say that the action cannot be completed when i try to move them to vault. I'm guessing it just generated a stack of 4 on accident as if it were a normal item? Not sure what to do with the remaining stack of 3. Not sure if there's a way to delete items without gaining treasure, I wouldn't want to get any illegitimately. Or if it would even let me 'sell' them.
I was using my gathering turns to scavenge items in shadow territory, and collected a darktouched chimera.. twice apparently - i wasn't looking all that closely. I put one up for sale because i don't need two, and when i went back to check my hoard, i saw that the remaining one was.. a stack of 4? So i put one in my vault and went to see if the others would also be moved, as I am unaware of familiars stacking (last time i got a double, it was separate stacks) and the remaining "3" just say that the action cannot be completed when i try to move them to vault. I'm guessing it just generated a stack of 4 on accident as if it were a normal item? Not sure what to do with the remaining stack of 3. Not sure if there's a way to delete items without gaining treasure, I wouldn't want to get any illegitimately. Or if it would even let me 'sell' them.
@detaryudust you should contact someone (mod or admin) to get a for-sure answer on what to do

To unstack them, put them in the AH one at a time for insane prices, then once all but one are put up, cancel the auctions
It might be best to wait to do this until the admins decide what to do
@detaryudust you should contact someone (mod or admin) to get a for-sure answer on what to do

To unstack them, put them in the AH one at a time for insane prices, then once all but one are put up, cancel the auctions
It might be best to wait to do this until the admins decide what to do

G1 sales


art shop banner
old wc adopt gif

Lewis link and G1 sales

ghost hatchlings
TwEcIUG.png[/url] Ae0MsB2.png



Pixel Pearls


SCP hatchery
Click for Don't Starve/FR commissions! [TEMP CLOSED] (Casual collector of 6 digit dergs!)


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Just did so, but nothing changed, still have 3 extra. Not in a hurry to fix it, it's not making it impossible to use the site or anything - I just don't want to get in trouble for illegitimate items :(

Just did so, but nothing changed, still have 3 extra. Not in a hurry to fix it, it's not making it impossible to use the site or anything - I just don't want to get in trouble for illegitimate items :(