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It don't bother me with what kind so I geuss any.
It don't bother me with what kind so I geuss any.

yep!! fire emblem: awakening is a very fun game and lonqu and gaius are my favorites. fe:a was my first fire emblem game and i'm a rather big fan now ( though, i'm terribly at finishing games 'cause i get so into doing everything, and i've yet to beat it ). i finally managed to beat one of the fire emblem: fates installments not long ago (birthright), and it was very fun if a bit awkward in terms of story mechanics sometimes. you should give it a try once you're done with moon!! i need to finish sun myself, orz. but fe is one of my fav game series up there with pokemon. in fact i think those two are my favs, lol.

nice!! my very first pokemon game was actually ruby! a friend lent it to me after i watched her play it and i was mystified, though i never beat ruby 'cause the last of the final four was too tough for me. i remember playing it when i was so little tho, lol! i played ruby right before platinum came out i think? cause i got that one with my allowance i saved up and what not. it was the first pokemon game i beat all the way through! and i adoooored my empoleon. my favorite team was also in platinum.

its no worries about my town tho, i mean, i can technically just time travel back but.. that takes... so long.... i'm tempted to just see if i can have a friend hold my items and money for me and i restart since i lost my favs too, but idk. itd take a loooong time to drop off all the things i have : / (im a god awful hoarder in video games LOL)

if they make a sinnoh remake ( which i'm sure they will eventually ) you can bet your bottom dollar i'm gonna be Losing It

those are such cute names!!! i love them! it takes me so long to nickname pokemon, lol.

sure thing, i'm sending her your way once i'm done writing this!! i'm glad you like her so much ' u '

yep!! fire emblem: awakening is a very fun game and lonqu and gaius are my favorites. fe:a was my first fire emblem game and i'm a rather big fan now ( though, i'm terribly at finishing games 'cause i get so into doing everything, and i've yet to beat it ). i finally managed to beat one of the fire emblem: fates installments not long ago (birthright), and it was very fun if a bit awkward in terms of story mechanics sometimes. you should give it a try once you're done with moon!! i need to finish sun myself, orz. but fe is one of my fav game series up there with pokemon. in fact i think those two are my favs, lol.

nice!! my very first pokemon game was actually ruby! a friend lent it to me after i watched her play it and i was mystified, though i never beat ruby 'cause the last of the final four was too tough for me. i remember playing it when i was so little tho, lol! i played ruby right before platinum came out i think? cause i got that one with my allowance i saved up and what not. it was the first pokemon game i beat all the way through! and i adoooored my empoleon. my favorite team was also in platinum.

its no worries about my town tho, i mean, i can technically just time travel back but.. that takes... so long.... i'm tempted to just see if i can have a friend hold my items and money for me and i restart since i lost my favs too, but idk. itd take a loooong time to drop off all the things i have : / (im a god awful hoarder in video games LOL)

if they make a sinnoh remake ( which i'm sure they will eventually ) you can bet your bottom dollar i'm gonna be Losing It

those are such cute names!!! i love them! it takes me so long to nickname pokemon, lol.

sure thing, i'm sending her your way once i'm done writing this!! i'm glad you like her so much ' u '

adrian | 27 | he/they
heartlites on tumblr
Thank you, I try! Your art is super cute, by the way!
Thank you, I try! Your art is super cute, by the way!
You will find no answers, only choices.

omg I'm the same way. There are so many games I have yet to finish solely because I don't want to miss anything. Oh, that reminds me! Did you get that new mobile game? Fire Emblem Heroes, I think?

!! I also chose Piplup as my starter! Her name is Pippin and I love her a lot. What was your team in Platinum?

You can time travel in that game?? :0 But I feel you super hard on the hoarder thing. Any game where there's items to collect, I usually end up trying to get at least one of everything I can. It's... Actually the main reason I have yet to finish so many games ^^;;

aaah thank you! Recently I've started doing this thing where I'll pick a theme for the nicknames of my Pokemon team. It makes it fun and narrows down the options lol. In Moon the theme is Solomon's Pillars!

Got her~! Now I just have to think of a good name... *shamelessly browses Behind The Name*

omg I'm the same way. There are so many games I have yet to finish solely because I don't want to miss anything. Oh, that reminds me! Did you get that new mobile game? Fire Emblem Heroes, I think?

!! I also chose Piplup as my starter! Her name is Pippin and I love her a lot. What was your team in Platinum?

You can time travel in that game?? :0 But I feel you super hard on the hoarder thing. Any game where there's items to collect, I usually end up trying to get at least one of everything I can. It's... Actually the main reason I have yet to finish so many games ^^;;

aaah thank you! Recently I've started doing this thing where I'll pick a theme for the nicknames of my Pokemon team. It makes it fun and narrows down the options lol. In Moon the theme is Solomon's Pillars!

Got her~! Now I just have to think of a good name... *shamelessly browses Behind The Name*
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