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my dad calls people like us members of Crybaby Fraidy-Cat Club xD

A puppy?! Give him lots of snuggles and kisses for me! We've got a dog, too, but he's a fussy old man and I swear he looks offended every time I try to play fetch with him. I'm glad things are settling down for you!

And my favorite part of the site so far has to be the Creative Corner. I haven't posted there yet, but I have read through the lore a few people have posted there and I think it's really cool how people are able to give these super detailed backstories to their dragons.

Edit: Just saw that you called me adorable asfghgfds thank you!! (>////<)

my dad calls people like us members of Crybaby Fraidy-Cat Club xD

A puppy?! Give him lots of snuggles and kisses for me! We've got a dog, too, but he's a fussy old man and I swear he looks offended every time I try to play fetch with him. I'm glad things are settling down for you!

And my favorite part of the site so far has to be the Creative Corner. I haven't posted there yet, but I have read through the lore a few people have posted there and I think it's really cool how people are able to give these super detailed backstories to their dragons.

Edit: Just saw that you called me adorable asfghgfds thank you!! (>////<)

Hello! Welcome to Flight Rising! We hope you enjoy it here! :D
If you have questions or need help with something, then feel free to ask me or anyone in the community! :>

Tbh that's pretty cool that you're homeschooled!
I was homeschooled all my life up until earlier this year when I finally got my GED.

Yoooo you should tell me about your OCs! I love hearing about other people's OCs. :')

Hello! Welcome to Flight Rising! We hope you enjoy it here! :D
If you have questions or need help with something, then feel free to ask me or anyone in the community! :>

Tbh that's pretty cool that you're homeschooled!
I was homeschooled all my life up until earlier this year when I finally got my GED.

Yoooo you should tell me about your OCs! I love hearing about other people's OCs. :')
cor7xR1.gifYtbHYZr.gif x8bDWFu.png

Thank you, and so far I really have! (^o^)

!! Wow! It's rare to meet another homeschooled. Was it for any special reason?

/////// They're not really very good; just a bunch of self inserts me and some internet friends made, except they have cooler backstories and more emotional baggage LOL. I don't mind talking about them if you still want to hear about them though!

Thank you, and so far I really have! (^o^)

!! Wow! It's rare to meet another homeschooled. Was it for any special reason?

/////// They're not really very good; just a bunch of self inserts me and some internet friends made, except they have cooler backstories and more emotional baggage LOL. I don't mind talking about them if you still want to hear about them though!

No problem! :>

Yeah! I haven't met too many people that are homeschooled. D:
My mom didn't really want me going to a school because she was bullied a lot when she was in school & she didn't want me to go through what she did. ((sadly, she got pressured a lot by some of our relatives that are against homeschooling but she never listened to them & I'm glad she didn't! :> ))

That's all right. ;v;
Ah, so they're basically like you & your friends's personas? That's pretty cool. :D
I'm still pretty interested in knowing more about them. c:

No problem! :>

Yeah! I haven't met too many people that are homeschooled. D:
My mom didn't really want me going to a school because she was bullied a lot when she was in school & she didn't want me to go through what she did. ((sadly, she got pressured a lot by some of our relatives that are against homeschooling but she never listened to them & I'm glad she didn't! :> ))

That's all right. ;v;
Ah, so they're basically like you & your friends's personas? That's pretty cool. :D
I'm still pretty interested in knowing more about them. c:
cor7xR1.gifYtbHYZr.gif x8bDWFu.png
Welcome! I joined during this ref period too! I've had friends help me ! If you ever have questions just ask! I know I am not a all knowing but it would be fun if we can figure it out together!
Welcome! I joined during this ref period too! I've had friends help me ! If you ever have questions just ask! I know I am not a all knowing but it would be fun if we can figure it out together!
@Eurybia Oh no!! I'm sorry your mom had to go through that. Both of those things! But, I'm really happy she was able to stick to her guns and do what she thought was right. The best kind of people are the ones who do what they think is best for the important people in their lives, even if it's not popular! Your mom must be a really strong person (^_^)

I was homeschooled because my dad's a worrywart xD He was paranoid that I'd get mugged or kidnapped walking to school, but he didn't have the time to drive me himself and there was no one I could carpool with, either. Eccentric person that he is, he decided that his best option was to hire a home tutor

And yeah! Fair warning: They've got some weeby names lol. We're thinking of changing them, but at this point we're so used to how the original ones sound that trying out any others just feels... wrong. Like they don't fit, y'know?

My friend Asher named his "Kiseki Yukimura" using the kanji for 'miracle' and 'snowy village'
He's 1/3 water-nymph and looks completely human, but he also can't breathe underwater or purify tainted water since his blood's too diluted. He can, however, control water to a certain degree! Basically he's a water bender I guess?? He loves rainstorms and sometimes just runs out into them without an umbrella or a raincoat and just... Stands there, face to the sky, feeling the raindrops pelt his face and loving every second of it.
He's actually really studious and a practical kind of guy, even if you wouldn't be able to tell at first glance because of his three-tone hair, casually punk clothes, and ear piercings. Super dry sense of humor. Tries to be the responsible one in the group but ends up failing a lot because of his short temper. Or rather, it's not that he has a short temper? More like a low tolerance for the shenanigans his best friend gets into that he himself doesn't enable.
My OC is his adoptive younger sibling!

Then there's Akira Shirogane, Akira spelled with the kanji for 'come after,' 'pray,' and 'good,' (Ian interpreted it to mean 'the good that comes after prayer' but we're not really sure how you'd read that?) and Shirogane spelled with 'white' and 'gold'. He's half kitsune and is Kiseki's best friend, even though most of what he does drives Kiseki absolutely insane. He's tries to be a charmer and is playfully flirtatious a lot of the time, buuuut he also has a mean streak when it comes to causing mischief. He loves playing pranks and has a kind of warped sense of justice? He's also very mouthy and blunt towards guys lol. Doesn't pull any punches and will cheerfully call someone out. He also has a habit of saying things that he knows will make someone mad just because he thinks it's funny how they get worked up--
The best way to sum him up would be 'lovable *******', I guess? He's also really touchy-feely with friends.
Despite some of his quirks, he really does care about his friends and he and Kiseki as a pair are nigh-unstoppable, especially when he actually manages to convince Kiseki to go along with some hairbrained idea or another

Plumeria, my best friend, named her OC "Sumomo Mutou". Her OC's name is the most straightforward, meaning "Plum" and "Wisteria Illusion". She's just a normal human for the most part, no special powers or anything like that, unless you count her being OBSCENELY good at games. She's the group strategist. She's also very tiny and cute and sometimes uses this to her advantage. One of her favorite things to do is torture my OC by making them dress up in feminine clothes and makeup LOL. She's really good at conflict deescalation and making negotiations as well, so normally any PR stuff gets left to her. This is also where the tiny, cute, and harmless looking part comes in handy. Since she's so small and doesn't have good reach with most weapons or hand-to-hand, she fights using a collapsible staff. She's trying to learn how to become a tamer/summoner, but so far she hasn't had much luck.

And finally there's my OC, Kisa Baldrsen! Kisa's first name is actually Russian for 'kitty', and their last name is a reference to the norse god of light Baldr. They're agender and usually choose to present as masculine while in public, so most people assume they're male and use male pronouns for them. They don't really bother to correct them because they don't think it matters whether they're a guy or a girl as long as they're treated with respect. However, they kiiiind of hate how so many people will treat a girl completely differently from a guy, which is the reason why they bother with presenting masc.
Another reason they do this though is because it makes it easier for them to keep their public life separate from their life as an idol. Their idol stage name is actually my username! As an idol they appear exclusively as female, which makes it super easy for them to walk around unnoticed in day to day life. They don't actually understand people all that well, though, and have a lot of trouble connecting with others with just talking, so they try to let their music do it for them.

@Hubris Okay, I will! (^_^)
@Eurybia Oh no!! I'm sorry your mom had to go through that. Both of those things! But, I'm really happy she was able to stick to her guns and do what she thought was right. The best kind of people are the ones who do what they think is best for the important people in their lives, even if it's not popular! Your mom must be a really strong person (^_^)

I was homeschooled because my dad's a worrywart xD He was paranoid that I'd get mugged or kidnapped walking to school, but he didn't have the time to drive me himself and there was no one I could carpool with, either. Eccentric person that he is, he decided that his best option was to hire a home tutor

And yeah! Fair warning: They've got some weeby names lol. We're thinking of changing them, but at this point we're so used to how the original ones sound that trying out any others just feels... wrong. Like they don't fit, y'know?

My friend Asher named his "Kiseki Yukimura" using the kanji for 'miracle' and 'snowy village'
He's 1/3 water-nymph and looks completely human, but he also can't breathe underwater or purify tainted water since his blood's too diluted. He can, however, control water to a certain degree! Basically he's a water bender I guess?? He loves rainstorms and sometimes just runs out into them without an umbrella or a raincoat and just... Stands there, face to the sky, feeling the raindrops pelt his face and loving every second of it.
He's actually really studious and a practical kind of guy, even if you wouldn't be able to tell at first glance because of his three-tone hair, casually punk clothes, and ear piercings. Super dry sense of humor. Tries to be the responsible one in the group but ends up failing a lot because of his short temper. Or rather, it's not that he has a short temper? More like a low tolerance for the shenanigans his best friend gets into that he himself doesn't enable.
My OC is his adoptive younger sibling!

Then there's Akira Shirogane, Akira spelled with the kanji for 'come after,' 'pray,' and 'good,' (Ian interpreted it to mean 'the good that comes after prayer' but we're not really sure how you'd read that?) and Shirogane spelled with 'white' and 'gold'. He's half kitsune and is Kiseki's best friend, even though most of what he does drives Kiseki absolutely insane. He's tries to be a charmer and is playfully flirtatious a lot of the time, buuuut he also has a mean streak when it comes to causing mischief. He loves playing pranks and has a kind of warped sense of justice? He's also very mouthy and blunt towards guys lol. Doesn't pull any punches and will cheerfully call someone out. He also has a habit of saying things that he knows will make someone mad just because he thinks it's funny how they get worked up--
The best way to sum him up would be 'lovable *******', I guess? He's also really touchy-feely with friends.
Despite some of his quirks, he really does care about his friends and he and Kiseki as a pair are nigh-unstoppable, especially when he actually manages to convince Kiseki to go along with some hairbrained idea or another

Plumeria, my best friend, named her OC "Sumomo Mutou". Her OC's name is the most straightforward, meaning "Plum" and "Wisteria Illusion". She's just a normal human for the most part, no special powers or anything like that, unless you count her being OBSCENELY good at games. She's the group strategist. She's also very tiny and cute and sometimes uses this to her advantage. One of her favorite things to do is torture my OC by making them dress up in feminine clothes and makeup LOL. She's really good at conflict deescalation and making negotiations as well, so normally any PR stuff gets left to her. This is also where the tiny, cute, and harmless looking part comes in handy. Since she's so small and doesn't have good reach with most weapons or hand-to-hand, she fights using a collapsible staff. She's trying to learn how to become a tamer/summoner, but so far she hasn't had much luck.

And finally there's my OC, Kisa Baldrsen! Kisa's first name is actually Russian for 'kitty', and their last name is a reference to the norse god of light Baldr. They're agender and usually choose to present as masculine while in public, so most people assume they're male and use male pronouns for them. They don't really bother to correct them because they don't think it matters whether they're a guy or a girl as long as they're treated with respect. However, they kiiiind of hate how so many people will treat a girl completely differently from a guy, which is the reason why they bother with presenting masc.
Another reason they do this though is because it makes it easier for them to keep their public life separate from their life as an idol. Their idol stage name is actually my username! As an idol they appear exclusively as female, which makes it super easy for them to walk around unnoticed in day to day life. They don't actually understand people all that well, though, and have a lot of trouble connecting with others with just talking, so they try to let their music do it for them.

@Hubris Okay, I will! (^_^)

I forgot to reply to this ORZ ;;
please forgive me, I am quite forgetful. ;o;

But it's all right! I'm also pretty glad that she did what she thought was best for me. Besides, in the end I proved my relatives wrong. :3c ((all my life they would say homeschooling would """socially cripple""" me but low & behold, I managed to get my GED in under a year & I've also made quite a few really awesome friends!))

Ah, I see. |D

Nah it's cool.

I really like them tbh! They're all very unique in their own ways, so they're all pretty interesting. :D
Do you have pictures of them? If so, I'd love to see their designs. ;w;

I forgot to reply to this ORZ ;;
please forgive me, I am quite forgetful. ;o;

But it's all right! I'm also pretty glad that she did what she thought was best for me. Besides, in the end I proved my relatives wrong. :3c ((all my life they would say homeschooling would """socially cripple""" me but low & behold, I managed to get my GED in under a year & I've also made quite a few really awesome friends!))

Ah, I see. |D

Nah it's cool.

I really like them tbh! They're all very unique in their own ways, so they're all pretty interesting. :D
Do you have pictures of them? If so, I'd love to see their designs. ;w;
cor7xR1.gifYtbHYZr.gif x8bDWFu.png

Don't worry about it! I am also very forgetful to the point that I got tested for some kind of problem with my brain storing information. Doctor said nope, just easily distracted xD

I'm really happy for you! It's always nice to prove close-minded relatives wrong |D But you must be really smart to get it in under a year!

Thank you! And we do have pictures, but I'm still on mobile until a little after the end of the year and they're not uploaded anywhere that I know of. I say 'that i know of' because there's no telling if Ian cataloged them in some dark, dreary, and possibly questionable corner of the internet. Like 4chan. Or Myspace. I try not to ask too many questions about what he's up to although sometimes he'll still tell me

Don't worry about it! I am also very forgetful to the point that I got tested for some kind of problem with my brain storing information. Doctor said nope, just easily distracted xD

I'm really happy for you! It's always nice to prove close-minded relatives wrong |D But you must be really smart to get it in under a year!

Thank you! And we do have pictures, but I'm still on mobile until a little after the end of the year and they're not uploaded anywhere that I know of. I say 'that i know of' because there's no telling if Ian cataloged them in some dark, dreary, and possibly questionable corner of the internet. Like 4chan. Or Myspace. I try not to ask too many questions about what he's up to although sometimes he'll still tell me

I didn't know you were tested for something like that. :0

Definitely! And when my graduation came along in May I didn't invite them. :P (Actually, they didn't even know I took GED classes until mom posted a video of the graduation on her Facebook account)
They threw a bunch of tantrums (and it was so pathetic it was actually kinda funny ngl) because they felt they should have been there even though they really didn't deserve to since they made all kinds of really rude remarks to mom & I for so many years.

You're very welcome! :D
Ah, I see. |3

Oh! I almost forgot to ask, but are you & your friends going to be using your OCs in any stories or just some kind of original project(s)? ovo
(Don't mind me, I'm a really curious person & I ask a lot of questions. lol)

I didn't know you were tested for something like that. :0

Definitely! And when my graduation came along in May I didn't invite them. :P (Actually, they didn't even know I took GED classes until mom posted a video of the graduation on her Facebook account)
They threw a bunch of tantrums (and it was so pathetic it was actually kinda funny ngl) because they felt they should have been there even though they really didn't deserve to since they made all kinds of really rude remarks to mom & I for so many years.

You're very welcome! :D
Ah, I see. |3

Oh! I almost forgot to ask, but are you & your friends going to be using your OCs in any stories or just some kind of original project(s)? ovo
(Don't mind me, I'm a really curious person & I ask a lot of questions. lol)
cor7xR1.gifYtbHYZr.gif x8bDWFu.png

Mm! My dad was really exasperated with me ^^;; But he was also happy that there wasn't anything seriously wrong.

x3 that must have felt so good to give them a figurative middle finger like that. Justice for Eurybia!

And nope, nothing cool like that. We're just a bunch of a dweebs who think it's fun to make up our own adventures or insert our OCs into our favorite fictional universes. It's kind of like roleplaying?? Except we're mostly just discussing scenarios. There's no dialogue or anything like that. And don't worry about the questions! I kind of like answering them lol

Mm! My dad was really exasperated with me ^^;; But he was also happy that there wasn't anything seriously wrong.

x3 that must have felt so good to give them a figurative middle finger like that. Justice for Eurybia!

And nope, nothing cool like that. We're just a bunch of a dweebs who think it's fun to make up our own adventures or insert our OCs into our favorite fictional universes. It's kind of like roleplaying?? Except we're mostly just discussing scenarios. There's no dialogue or anything like that. And don't worry about the questions! I kind of like answering them lol
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