
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
TOPIC | Account Liquidation - Everything

Yes, that is what I meant. ^^; Getting my games mixed up, it seems!

I honestly don't know off the top of my head and I'm driving to my parents' today, so I may not be able to check until tomorrow. I sold off ~400 fodder familiars yesterday but those were ones I knew of just by looking at them. I'm sure there are plenty more.

If you're willing to wait a bit, I can check on every item and hopefully get a number back to you tomorrow.

Yes, that is what I meant. ^^; Getting my games mixed up, it seems!

I honestly don't know off the top of my head and I'm driving to my parents' today, so I may not be able to check until tomorrow. I sold off ~400 fodder familiars yesterday but those were ones I knew of just by looking at them. I'm sure there are plenty more.

If you're willing to wait a bit, I can check on every item and hopefully get a number back to you tomorrow.
Liquidating account; everything for sale.
Sounds good! thank you :)
Sounds good! thank you :)
hFZSb6U.png o» lemfolis
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heyo, I see the world liquidate and I go WOOOOO

I'd like to offer my services for bulk purchasing! I buy people's hoards and resell for a profit, essentially doing the listing work and getting paid with a cut of the cost. While apparel and fams are lucrative, I specialize in hibden/swipp/baldwin food/mats, and food stacks. I have experience with everything though! Would you be interested in setting up a deal to have some of your things taken care of?
heyo, I see the world liquidate and I go WOOOOO

I'd like to offer my services for bulk purchasing! I buy people's hoards and resell for a profit, essentially doing the listing work and getting paid with a cut of the cost. While apparel and fams are lucrative, I specialize in hibden/swipp/baldwin food/mats, and food stacks. I have experience with everything though! Would you be interested in setting up a deal to have some of your things taken care of?

Not at the moment, but thank you for the interest.

Not at the moment, but thank you for the interest.
Liquidating account; everything for sale.
@TheFifthSpirit Sooo I dont suppose you have food just hanging around that I could get from you for hungry dragons?
@TheFifthSpirit Sooo I dont suppose you have food just hanging around that I could get from you for hungry dragons?

Thank you for your patience, it took a while to check market prices and the internet where I am is less than stellar. In total I have 1,082 fodder apparel and 92 fodder familiars. All together that's 1,174g.


Unfortunately I do not; I sold all of my food items directly from my hoard.

Thank you for your patience, it took a while to check market prices and the internet where I am is less than stellar. In total I have 1,082 fodder apparel and 92 fodder familiars. All together that's 1,174g.


Unfortunately I do not; I sold all of my food items directly from my hoard.
Liquidating account; everything for sale.

I'll take the 92 fams and 100 apparel for now! I'll be back in 1-2 weeks and see what I can nab after the Wind dom^^ Feel free to send them by PA if possible

I'll take the 92 fams and 100 apparel for now! I'll be back in 1-2 weeks and see what I can nab after the Wind dom^^ Feel free to send them by PA if possible
hFZSb6U.png o» lemfolis
o» fr+3
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Will do! Please feel free to poke me if my count ends up being off. I'll be listing the PAs as you suggested. <3

Will do! Please feel free to poke me if my count ends up being off. I'll be listing the PAs as you suggested. <3
Liquidating account; everything for sale.

Thank you! I'll be able to collect everything later today when I'm at my laptop. If you didn't know, be sure to click the "x" instead of "continue" so that the page doesn't refresh! Makes listing PAs way faster

Thank you! I'll be able to collect everything later today when I'm at my laptop. If you didn't know, be sure to click the "x" instead of "continue" so that the page doesn't refresh! Makes listing PAs way faster
hFZSb6U.png o» lemfolis
o» fr+3
o» chibi art shop
o» project tracker
o» wishlist

I did not know that, wow! Thank you for the tip. <3 My internet is not fabulous where I am at the moment, so I may not be able to list everything in one go; I will get everything up by tonight at the latest.

I did not know that, wow! Thank you for the tip. <3 My internet is not fabulous where I am at the moment, so I may not be able to list everything in one go; I will get everything up by tonight at the latest.
Liquidating account; everything for sale.