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So, I’m not allowed? Will keep that in mind @Lonin.
Two more questions: besides G.A.S.P, how would one advertise their accent thread, and are you only allowed to ping G.A.S.P once per accent/skin?
So, I’m not allowed? Will keep that in mind @Lonin.
Two more questions: besides G.A.S.P, how would one advertise their accent thread, and are you only allowed to ping G.A.S.P once per accent/skin?
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arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifDragon Fan

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gifPFP Dragon
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@DrakoTheDragon You could advertise your thread in your profile and/or signature. You could link to your thread in the game database comments of any of your printed skins and you could add any available skins to the auction house. Users might look for a shop if they see your stuff on the AH. The GASP sheet says to only ping once for each skin or accent: [quote]• Do not ping twice from GASP for the same skin/accent, unless you're re-releasing it after a long hiatus/retirement of 6+ months.[/quote]
@DrakoTheDragon You could advertise your thread in your profile and/or signature. You could link to your thread in the game database comments of any of your printed skins and you could add any available skins to the auction house. Users might look for a shop if they see your stuff on the AH.

The GASP sheet says to only ping once for each skin or accent:
• Do not ping twice from GASP for the same skin/accent, unless you're re-releasing it after a long hiatus/retirement of 6+ months.
how long does it take to grind for an egg? and does it become more likly the higher level it is?
how long does it take to grind for an egg? and does it become more likly the higher level it is?
The time is incredibly variable, I now of people who got them on their first scavenging try and I know people that dedicated months to scavenging and still have yet to get one. And no, a higher level does not increase that chance, though I don't think it technically makes it worse?
The time is incredibly variable, I now of people who got them on their first scavenging try and I know people that dedicated months to scavenging and still have yet to get one. And no, a higher level does not increase that chance, though I don't think it technically makes it worse?
@WarriorOfEarth @KrystalRage

It depends on if OP means through Scavenging or through the Coliseum. Short answer for Scavenging is "unknown" and "less likely." Short answer for the coli is "about 35 hours" and "yes but your battle per minute rate is lower so the drop rate per hour generally lowers the higher the venue you battle in."


You can Scavenge eggs at any level. Eggs have a 5 star rarity so they're pretty rare.

As you level up you can "unlock" other 5 star rarity items and thus every time you get a 5 star pull you pull from a larger and larger pool of items so your chance to get unhatched eggs decreases the higher up your Scavenging level is. Personally, I think this is great as it helps new players get eggs.

For the coli it's a combination of factors based on your battle per minute rate in various venues, mob size and frequency of elemental monsters vs. neutral monsters. Only elemental monsters can drop eggs.

Current analysis puts the Training Fields as the best and Ghostlight Ruins as the worst.

Given the low drop rate it's faster to spend time training/exalting fodder and buying from people who got lucky with egg drops. By spending an hour to an hour and a half in the Mire every day I average 1-2 egg drops in that venue. I'll also clear 9 million just from exalting. I'll also pull a ton of drops I can sell.

By comparison I get nearly 3 eggs in venues I can't train exalts but I'll only clear 5 million or so in drops I'd have to take the time to sell. 4 million buys a dozen eggs.
@WarriorOfEarth @KrystalRage

It depends on if OP means through Scavenging or through the Coliseum. Short answer for Scavenging is "unknown" and "less likely." Short answer for the coli is "about 35 hours" and "yes but your battle per minute rate is lower so the drop rate per hour generally lowers the higher the venue you battle in."


You can Scavenge eggs at any level. Eggs have a 5 star rarity so they're pretty rare.

As you level up you can "unlock" other 5 star rarity items and thus every time you get a 5 star pull you pull from a larger and larger pool of items so your chance to get unhatched eggs decreases the higher up your Scavenging level is. Personally, I think this is great as it helps new players get eggs.

For the coli it's a combination of factors based on your battle per minute rate in various venues, mob size and frequency of elemental monsters vs. neutral monsters. Only elemental monsters can drop eggs.

Current analysis puts the Training Fields as the best and Ghostlight Ruins as the worst.

Given the low drop rate it's faster to spend time training/exalting fodder and buying from people who got lucky with egg drops. By spending an hour to an hour and a half in the Mire every day I average 1-2 egg drops in that venue. I'll also clear 9 million just from exalting. I'll also pull a ton of drops I can sell.

By comparison I get nearly 3 eggs in venues I can't train exalts but I'll only clear 5 million or so in drops I'd have to take the time to sell. 4 million buys a dozen eggs.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
I feel like this may be a silly question but is there any reason to keep all the creatures and bugs and plants etc. that you get or should you just convert them to food points right away? Thanks in advance.
I feel like this may be a silly question but is there any reason to keep all the creatures and bugs and plants etc. that you get or should you just convert them to food points right away? Thanks in advance.
If I don't respond it's because I'm either working or busy, I promise I'm not ignoring you.
Also I'm sorry if I ever sound rude, I'm not trying to be, I'm just socially awkward.
@TheBugDetective Some items are used in Baldwin recipes, Swipp swaps, and Hibernal Den tasks! If you click the gear icon in the upper right of your hoard, you can check the box that says "[b]Highlight items[/b] that have [b]important uses[/b] for other features. (Swipp's Swap Stand, Baldwin's Bubbling Brew, etc.)," which will show you a little bar of color with an icon on items that have other uses, like this; [img][/img] Some of these items are really common and aren't worth much more than their non-important-use counterparts, but others are harder to get, and can be kept to use for yourself or sold for a little more profit. We don't always know what is going to be used in future recipes and swaps, so some of us like to keep a stack of everything and convert the rest, but that's not absolutely necessary, especially if you're struggling to feed your clan right now! If you don't care about recipes, swaps, and Hibernal Den slots, or about selling for profit, then there's no reason to save anything in particular :)

Some items are used in Baldwin recipes, Swipp swaps, and Hibernal Den tasks! If you click the gear icon in the upper right of your hoard, you can check the box that says "Highlight items that have important uses for other features. (Swipp's Swap Stand, Baldwin's Bubbling Brew, etc.)," which will show you a little bar of color with an icon on items that have other uses, like this;


Some of these items are really common and aren't worth much more than their non-important-use counterparts, but others are harder to get, and can be kept to use for yourself or sold for a little more profit.

We don't always know what is going to be used in future recipes and swaps, so some of us like to keep a stack of everything and convert the rest, but that's not absolutely necessary, especially if you're struggling to feed your clan right now! If you don't care about recipes, swaps, and Hibernal Den slots, or about selling for profit, then there's no reason to save anything in particular :)
@SeaCrest thank you!
@SeaCrest thank you!
If I don't respond it's because I'm either working or busy, I promise I'm not ignoring you.
Also I'm sorry if I ever sound rude, I'm not trying to be, I'm just socially awkward.
Is there a way to change the color of a dragon?
Is there a way to change the color of a dragon?
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The Tri-Color Scatterscroll is used to change all three colors on a dragon randomly. There is no way to choose what colors you get
The Tri-Color Scatterscroll is used to change all three colors on a dragon randomly. There is no way to choose what colors you get