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TOPIC | Weirdest dreams you ever had?
Ne’r seen this thread before. Might as well bite
When i was like 7 or something i had a really weird dream where i was in a school bus, riding to school, then it turned from city to desert, the bus got more banged up as we got further into the desert, and the driver became Springtrap from FNAF. A bomb was taped to the front of the bus on the roof and it was beeping. The beeping got louder and louder and springtrap got closer and closer before grabbing me.
I wake up to my alarm clock, the source of the beeping in the dream.
I was late to school.
Ne’r seen this thread before. Might as well bite
When i was like 7 or something i had a really weird dream where i was in a school bus, riding to school, then it turned from city to desert, the bus got more banged up as we got further into the desert, and the driver became Springtrap from FNAF. A bomb was taped to the front of the bus on the roof and it was beeping. The beeping got louder and louder and springtrap got closer and closer before grabbing me.
I wake up to my alarm clock, the source of the beeping in the dream.
I was late to school.
beware of spelling errord, my keyboard is broken and my hands finemotor skills are too.
please click on my creatures, thanks
Lab Profile
So in my dream, we were camping somewhere with my cousins, and we decide to walk down to the lake. At the lake we see my aunt (who is a very sensible lady) dancing in the lake, and dolphins are jumping behind her disney-style (the whole circles kinda thing) and for some reason these dolphins had HANDS. And in the dream, I was like, yeah, sure cool, but im pretty sure that dolphins had flippers, at least they do in colouring books.
so yeah. i compared real life to colouring books
So in my dream, we were camping somewhere with my cousins, and we decide to walk down to the lake. At the lake we see my aunt (who is a very sensible lady) dancing in the lake, and dolphins are jumping behind her disney-style (the whole circles kinda thing) and for some reason these dolphins had HANDS. And in the dream, I was like, yeah, sure cool, but im pretty sure that dolphins had flippers, at least they do in colouring books.
so yeah. i compared real life to colouring books
Pretty Purples
Owner of Silver's Naming Services!
She/he please!


Can't really pinpoint my actual weirdest dream, I usually remember most of my dreams after I wake up and when you remember that many details it's a lot rarer when things DO make sense lol

I did keep a dream diary for a while so there's definitely some weird stuff in there that I'd skim through if I felt like actually finding it. I stopped when it got harder to sit there and write for like half an hour every morning remembering all the details and trying to describe things.

But anyway my dream today was weirder than normal because I started dreaming...while I was still awake?? That almost never happens to me and it was kinda freaky. Like I was still aware that I was awake but I could hear footsteps and feel things touching me or feeling pressure and hearing voices, one of which being my fiance but I could still hear him snoring so I know he wasn't actually talking. Thought I had ghosts in the house until I actually started dreaming and realized what had happened after I woke up for real.
Also my dream said it was VERY VERY IMPORTANT that I share the following words with everyone in "the outside world":

There were two more but I can't remember them so I guess they weren't as important, not that I have the slightest idea how these are important but there you go I guess ¯\_(?)_/¯
Can't really pinpoint my actual weirdest dream, I usually remember most of my dreams after I wake up and when you remember that many details it's a lot rarer when things DO make sense lol

I did keep a dream diary for a while so there's definitely some weird stuff in there that I'd skim through if I felt like actually finding it. I stopped when it got harder to sit there and write for like half an hour every morning remembering all the details and trying to describe things.

But anyway my dream today was weirder than normal because I started dreaming...while I was still awake?? That almost never happens to me and it was kinda freaky. Like I was still aware that I was awake but I could hear footsteps and feel things touching me or feeling pressure and hearing voices, one of which being my fiance but I could still hear him snoring so I know he wasn't actually talking. Thought I had ghosts in the house until I actually started dreaming and realized what had happened after I woke up for real.
Also my dream said it was VERY VERY IMPORTANT that I share the following words with everyone in "the outside world":

There were two more but I can't remember them so I guess they weren't as important, not that I have the slightest idea how these are important but there you go I guess ¯\_(?)_/¯
my dreams are sometimes repetitive but i have had two wierd dreams that have made me wake up in confusion but i only clearly remember one:

I was helping the shadowbinder with her homework over the phone then someone calls me on that same phone, it was galacta knight (who was female in this dream). she said in a sweet voice, "can i speak with master spryzen" so i answered, singing the word "speaking~". then her sweet voice changed to something more menacing then she said "listen here you little brat! when i get my hands on you-"
i cut the call out of confusion and i don't know if the shadowbinder heard her or she already knew but she asked me "what was that all about?"
my dreams are sometimes repetitive but i have had two wierd dreams that have made me wake up in confusion but i only clearly remember one:

I was helping the shadowbinder with her homework over the phone then someone calls me on that same phone, it was galacta knight (who was female in this dream). she said in a sweet voice, "can i speak with master spryzen" so i answered, singing the word "speaking~". then her sweet voice changed to something more menacing then she said "listen here you little brat! when i get my hands on you-"
i cut the call out of confusion and i don't know if the shadowbinder heard her or she already knew but she asked me "what was that all about?"
[quote name="OwlTea" date="2022-09-28 16:02:03" ] Also my dream said it was VERY VERY IMPORTANT that I share the following words with everyone in "the outside world": "stenk" "barpie" "dloppywood" [/quote] those are indeed some very important words, thank you for sharing
OwlTea wrote on 2022-09-28 16:02:03:
Also my dream said it was VERY VERY IMPORTANT that I share the following words with everyone in "the outside world":
those are indeed some very important words, thank you for sharing
68572896.png88337571.pngHe / Him 110.png Be kind pls87747951.png64198642.png
I’m sure I’ve had weirder, but the absolute WEIRDEST I can remember having had in recent years was a WILD mess of Pirates of the Caribbean and other stuff and I must share:

For some reason, I was the captain of the Black Pearl. We’d somehow gotten the ship grounded on a spiky rock reef on the shores of this huge island, and had been there for about a year. The ship’s perch on these rocks was very precarious, and we often had to move things around to balance the ship back out or it would tip and presumably break on other rocks. Ensue wacky dream physics of walking to one side of the deck and feeling the whole ship start tilting. We also had (working?) modern amenities like a fridge and stove and coffee maker and the fact our prized pasta maker had been tipped over the edge once was our greatest loss

We’d been trying to figure out how to get the Pearl free for a long time, but I had a sudden spark of inspiration. There was a king tide coming soon, apparently on the night of the solstice. We looked and found out that was in two days. Apparently, this would involve a complicated plan involving mapping out the area better since it was very risky; we’d need a week for it, but I declared that we’d get it done in two days. Preparations were coming along pretty well, but we soon found out that the Flying Dutchman had anchored itself underwater offshore, and we somehow knew that it was because Davy Jones held some sort of grudge against us and specifically me

Apparently whatever we’d done had ****** him off enough that he wanted to use his one day on land to kill us personally, which the crew took as a very bad omen. Cuz tbf it definitely was. Now everyone was very tense, demoralized, and honestly kinda mad at me

Sure enough, on the night of the king tide, the Dutchman’s crew climbed the rock spires and boarded us while we were waiting for the water to rise. Davy Jones engaged me in an epic swordfight, even as the water rose enough and floated the Pearl back into the bay and we had to enact our plan to sail out of the very treacherous area while being attacked by fish men. Through clever quips and sarcastic questions during our battle, I managed to get Jones to admit that the reason he was trying to kill me was his heart, which he wanted back. That threw me for a loop since I most definitely did not have it. We’d been here for a year and I think I would’ve known if I did, and besides, I “definitely would’ve used it to get out of here, don’t you think?”. That at least convinced him to stop trying to stab me for a second

We were both trying to figure out what to do next—keep killing each other most likely—when villain plot twist reveal! It was my first mate, who I don’t know why we ever trusted because he looked like Jafar but wearing fancy coin jewelry of shipwreck doubloons. He had somehow gotten ahold of the heart awhile ago and had been plotting to kill me for even longer. I’m not sure why he didn’t use it before; he might’ve said something about not wanting to become Davy Jones by killing him so fair I guess?

He also apparently had a small fleet of more pirates which had been waiting on the other side of the island for his command and we’re coming to get us now. He was about to start monologuing as day broke, but both me and Jones were now angry at him for separate reasons and attacked him. The final battle was suitably epic, since he could somehow hold off two very skilled swordmen and also possessed some sort of “tide jewel”, a glowing blue gem that he used to make huge waves and tilt the deck unpredictably

I don’t remember how but the epic finale involved the kraken hurling his ship with us still on it into the stratosphere like sometimes happens in Sea of Thieves, and we somehow continued the battle as it plummeted downward at terminal velocity (that one Wind Waker stage in Smash Bros, anyone?). We managed to grab the heart after I stabbed him and pinned him to the past, and then used our swords to cut away an entire sail, allowing us to parachute away as the ship shattered on the sea below

If I’m remembering right, we parted ways on vaguely amiable terms, as far as that’s concerned with Davy Jones. I then remember his shark-headed first mate guy throwing our pasta maker at me like “here, consider us even” and everyone on deck cheered

I did not tell Jones that I’d kept the tide jewel in my pocket when I stabbed my first mate
I’m sure I’ve had weirder, but the absolute WEIRDEST I can remember having had in recent years was a WILD mess of Pirates of the Caribbean and other stuff and I must share:

For some reason, I was the captain of the Black Pearl. We’d somehow gotten the ship grounded on a spiky rock reef on the shores of this huge island, and had been there for about a year. The ship’s perch on these rocks was very precarious, and we often had to move things around to balance the ship back out or it would tip and presumably break on other rocks. Ensue wacky dream physics of walking to one side of the deck and feeling the whole ship start tilting. We also had (working?) modern amenities like a fridge and stove and coffee maker and the fact our prized pasta maker had been tipped over the edge once was our greatest loss

We’d been trying to figure out how to get the Pearl free for a long time, but I had a sudden spark of inspiration. There was a king tide coming soon, apparently on the night of the solstice. We looked and found out that was in two days. Apparently, this would involve a complicated plan involving mapping out the area better since it was very risky; we’d need a week for it, but I declared that we’d get it done in two days. Preparations were coming along pretty well, but we soon found out that the Flying Dutchman had anchored itself underwater offshore, and we somehow knew that it was because Davy Jones held some sort of grudge against us and specifically me

Apparently whatever we’d done had ****** him off enough that he wanted to use his one day on land to kill us personally, which the crew took as a very bad omen. Cuz tbf it definitely was. Now everyone was very tense, demoralized, and honestly kinda mad at me

Sure enough, on the night of the king tide, the Dutchman’s crew climbed the rock spires and boarded us while we were waiting for the water to rise. Davy Jones engaged me in an epic swordfight, even as the water rose enough and floated the Pearl back into the bay and we had to enact our plan to sail out of the very treacherous area while being attacked by fish men. Through clever quips and sarcastic questions during our battle, I managed to get Jones to admit that the reason he was trying to kill me was his heart, which he wanted back. That threw me for a loop since I most definitely did not have it. We’d been here for a year and I think I would’ve known if I did, and besides, I “definitely would’ve used it to get out of here, don’t you think?”. That at least convinced him to stop trying to stab me for a second

We were both trying to figure out what to do next—keep killing each other most likely—when villain plot twist reveal! It was my first mate, who I don’t know why we ever trusted because he looked like Jafar but wearing fancy coin jewelry of shipwreck doubloons. He had somehow gotten ahold of the heart awhile ago and had been plotting to kill me for even longer. I’m not sure why he didn’t use it before; he might’ve said something about not wanting to become Davy Jones by killing him so fair I guess?

He also apparently had a small fleet of more pirates which had been waiting on the other side of the island for his command and we’re coming to get us now. He was about to start monologuing as day broke, but both me and Jones were now angry at him for separate reasons and attacked him. The final battle was suitably epic, since he could somehow hold off two very skilled swordmen and also possessed some sort of “tide jewel”, a glowing blue gem that he used to make huge waves and tilt the deck unpredictably

I don’t remember how but the epic finale involved the kraken hurling his ship with us still on it into the stratosphere like sometimes happens in Sea of Thieves, and we somehow continued the battle as it plummeted downward at terminal velocity (that one Wind Waker stage in Smash Bros, anyone?). We managed to grab the heart after I stabbed him and pinned him to the past, and then used our swords to cut away an entire sail, allowing us to parachute away as the ship shattered on the sea below

If I’m remembering right, we parted ways on vaguely amiable terms, as far as that’s concerned with Davy Jones. I then remember his shark-headed first mate guy throwing our pasta maker at me like “here, consider us even” and everyone on deck cheered

I did not tell Jones that I’d kept the tide jewel in my pocket when I stabbed my first mate
okay so i have this bad habit of plucking my eyebrows out with my fingers. in my dream i was doing the same thing but instead i ripped out my whole eyebrow. i didn't even notice until my sister told me. i think my dream is trying to tell me something buuuut that's still not gonna stop me from plucking them-
okay so i have this bad habit of plucking my eyebrows out with my fingers. in my dream i was doing the same thing but instead i ripped out my whole eyebrow. i didn't even notice until my sister told me. i think my dream is trying to tell me something buuuut that's still not gonna stop me from plucking them-
don't click on this dragon--> 80511390.png
Junior asparagus had an evil twin in another dimension that was like some kind of fantasy game. He wore a purple dracula cape. He went dimension hopping and at one point (or two? it was one of those times where it felt like the scenario had replayed) he ended up in the regular veggie tales dimension, as he was carried on a wooden carriage pulled by two pale orange asparagus dudes frantically running down a path lined with 3D cartoon trees, sorta palm trees but with the leaves going down. When he got to where the regular veggies were, he went over to this Evil Hand Box, a big purple jack in the box with a spindly hand sticking out the top (why did they have that there?) and he pulled its lever, (in the first version of the scenario it had made the smash bros master hand appear) but this time it made evil junior tempt the others with the power to grow hands, and his example of a hand growth turned into a gigantic grey bumpy yet cartoonish frog with incredibly long spindly toes, and it took up the entirety of a fountain. Then they were all playing some ball game and real junior hit his evil twin with the ball really hard. It eventually became a dream about a very abstract video game that had nothing to do with any of that.
Junior asparagus had an evil twin in another dimension that was like some kind of fantasy game. He wore a purple dracula cape. He went dimension hopping and at one point (or two? it was one of those times where it felt like the scenario had replayed) he ended up in the regular veggie tales dimension, as he was carried on a wooden carriage pulled by two pale orange asparagus dudes frantically running down a path lined with 3D cartoon trees, sorta palm trees but with the leaves going down. When he got to where the regular veggies were, he went over to this Evil Hand Box, a big purple jack in the box with a spindly hand sticking out the top (why did they have that there?) and he pulled its lever, (in the first version of the scenario it had made the smash bros master hand appear) but this time it made evil junior tempt the others with the power to grow hands, and his example of a hand growth turned into a gigantic grey bumpy yet cartoonish frog with incredibly long spindly toes, and it took up the entirety of a fountain. Then they were all playing some ball game and real junior hit his evil twin with the ball really hard. It eventually became a dream about a very abstract video game that had nothing to do with any of that.
68572896.png88337571.pngHe / Him 110.png Be kind pls87747951.png64198642.png
Springtrap as a busdriver. Hmm.... not a good driver if that were actually true. But jeez, being late to school is the worst. I remember oversleeping because I forgot my alarm. I woke up 9.02 am. I then got to school at 9.12 am.

A ridiculous little dream it is, though I have never known anybody comparing their dreams to some sort of real-life item, especially from coloring books.

Ahhhh yes, the classical good old important dream words: "stenk", "barpie" and "dloppywood".

Shadowbinder, out of all the deities you could've dreamed about. Tbh I would be confused too. At least your dream isn't as confusing as my crackship I made up out of boredom which is totally not The Arcanist and TOICHIRO SUZUKI FROM MOB PSYCHO 100-

Hohohohohoo!! Pirate dream with fighting! Nice! I don't even get fighting scenes in my dreams as long as yours, man.

Jeez no don't rip out your entire eyebrow out- But yeah, habits are difficult to break.

Veggietales out of all the dreams. Also another dimension related dreams? Same here, man, same here. Also hands? Uhh, strange thing in your dream.
Abstract video game? Oh boy I feel like I want to hear it, because I have read that someone commented that their sister dreamt about a two floors horse. Like, a horse that is like two floors.
Springtrap as a busdriver. Hmm.... not a good driver if that were actually true. But jeez, being late to school is the worst. I remember oversleeping because I forgot my alarm. I woke up 9.02 am. I then got to school at 9.12 am.

A ridiculous little dream it is, though I have never known anybody comparing their dreams to some sort of real-life item, especially from coloring books.

Ahhhh yes, the classical good old important dream words: "stenk", "barpie" and "dloppywood".

Shadowbinder, out of all the deities you could've dreamed about. Tbh I would be confused too. At least your dream isn't as confusing as my crackship I made up out of boredom which is totally not The Arcanist and TOICHIRO SUZUKI FROM MOB PSYCHO 100-

Hohohohohoo!! Pirate dream with fighting! Nice! I don't even get fighting scenes in my dreams as long as yours, man.

Jeez no don't rip out your entire eyebrow out- But yeah, habits are difficult to break.

Veggietales out of all the dreams. Also another dimension related dreams? Same here, man, same here. Also hands? Uhh, strange thing in your dream.
Abstract video game? Oh boy I feel like I want to hear it, because I have read that someone commented that their sister dreamt about a two floors horse. Like, a horse that is like two floors.
That strange, cringey kid from the past who now grew up into a gamer/artist. My Flight Rising time is 9+
Had one where Pizza Hut had its own Baseball League and they had me sign up, and turns out that I was really good at it? The problems were A) The Baseball bat they gave me was super tiny? B) my arms were injured and I wanted to say but I was scared that they wouldn't be able to find someone else and I was their perfect to-go-to?? (Personally, I would've just dropped out lol)

Then there was another one about a Halloween Apocalypse? Basically, it was just some survival thing except there were Halloween creatures like scarecrow pumpkin-head men and werewolves and stuff. Couldn't tell you much detail, but to defeat them we had to go do some trial thing where we had to go into some building and do parkour or something.
Had one where Pizza Hut had its own Baseball League and they had me sign up, and turns out that I was really good at it? The problems were A) The Baseball bat they gave me was super tiny? B) my arms were injured and I wanted to say but I was scared that they wouldn't be able to find someone else and I was their perfect to-go-to?? (Personally, I would've just dropped out lol)

Then there was another one about a Halloween Apocalypse? Basically, it was just some survival thing except there were Halloween creatures like scarecrow pumpkin-head men and werewolves and stuff. Couldn't tell you much detail, but to defeat them we had to go do some trial thing where we had to go into some building and do parkour or something.
Clara the Blaziken, She/Her, 2+ Fr time, Lady Who Writes Too Much