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TOPIC | Worst[physical]pain you’ve been in
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I havn't had any much life experience to experience lots of pain, so here might be some minor ones compared to some others listed here. In terms of age, as I grew up:

So, when I was 10 or 11 I got a cold or something which then gave me the nastiest sore throat ever. (I'm very prone to sore throat, eating even a bit of fried food can cause it) It hurt to speak. When I tried to speak only a few creaks came out and sharp pain will come. So painful that I just had to write everything down when I talk. I dreaded to drink water because it would hurt so much, couldn't swallow my own saliva! Even breathing got painful too...but thankfully it went away in a few weeks.

It was a period cramp, lol. I have normal pain for period cramp, but this time it was horrible! When i experience pain I usually just use my phone to distract myself, bit it didn't work. So I tried to lie down, but my lower abdomen got increasingly painful, I had to curl up. Even so it got even worse I couldn't move or I'll feel extreme stabbing pain. It felt like dying at that point! Luckily, it lasted for around 10 minutes or so.

Also when I was out on a holiday I ate something so sour. But I just sucked it up and ate all of it because I didn't want to waste food! And oh my when I went back to my hotel I was so bloated and I felt so nausoeus, frick I started to vomit. Took some medicine to make myself throw up. It was pretty bad. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable, all the sour taste and such. The food wasn't even digested. The worse thing is, we were on a holiday so we would travel in the vehicle for long periods, I had to hold down my urge to vomit. And then I had diarrhea. Welp. Finally the food was cleared from my system, so I recovered!
I havn't had any much life experience to experience lots of pain, so here might be some minor ones compared to some others listed here. In terms of age, as I grew up:

So, when I was 10 or 11 I got a cold or something which then gave me the nastiest sore throat ever. (I'm very prone to sore throat, eating even a bit of fried food can cause it) It hurt to speak. When I tried to speak only a few creaks came out and sharp pain will come. So painful that I just had to write everything down when I talk. I dreaded to drink water because it would hurt so much, couldn't swallow my own saliva! Even breathing got painful too...but thankfully it went away in a few weeks.

It was a period cramp, lol. I have normal pain for period cramp, but this time it was horrible! When i experience pain I usually just use my phone to distract myself, bit it didn't work. So I tried to lie down, but my lower abdomen got increasingly painful, I had to curl up. Even so it got even worse I couldn't move or I'll feel extreme stabbing pain. It felt like dying at that point! Luckily, it lasted for around 10 minutes or so.

Also when I was out on a holiday I ate something so sour. But I just sucked it up and ate all of it because I didn't want to waste food! And oh my when I went back to my hotel I was so bloated and I felt so nausoeus, frick I started to vomit. Took some medicine to make myself throw up. It was pretty bad. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable, all the sour taste and such. The food wasn't even digested. The worse thing is, we were on a holiday so we would travel in the vehicle for long periods, I had to hold down my urge to vomit. And then I had diarrhea. Welp. Finally the food was cleared from my system, so I recovered!
I get really bad lower back pains (like right now) that hurt so much I either cry or vomit. Or both, I guess. Sometimes it’s hard to walk or get out of bed, let alone do any housework.
I get really bad lower back pains (like right now) that hurt so much I either cry or vomit. Or both, I guess. Sometimes it’s hard to walk or get out of bed, let alone do any housework.
I've got 3 for the top contenders, and on a scale of 1-10 they're all a 10 as far as I'm concerned;

- My period cramps can get so bad it's on par with labor pains because PCOS is a nightmare. Forget me doing anything other than laying in bed with meds and a heat pad praying for it to end.

- I have severe tendinitis due to flat feet, so standing or walking for long periods are extremely painful. I tried to work retail once, an 8 hour shift became 12 hours because of reasons and I came home and had to call and quit the next day because I was literally in so much pain in my hips and lower back that I could not stand for the next week let alone walk or work.

- Recently I've started to develop migraines, and boy are they bad. The slightest bit of light or sound (sadly even my cat purring) sets off a chain reaction of pain in my head that feels like someone's got my skull in a vice grip. I can't lay down though, because the pressure of putting my head on the pillow makes it hurt worse so I just end up half upright in a chair and thankful my room is very dark. I can't put in earplugs because they hurt, and forget an eye mask, so it's just sit and close my eyes and wait until it stops hurting.
I've got 3 for the top contenders, and on a scale of 1-10 they're all a 10 as far as I'm concerned;

- My period cramps can get so bad it's on par with labor pains because PCOS is a nightmare. Forget me doing anything other than laying in bed with meds and a heat pad praying for it to end.

- I have severe tendinitis due to flat feet, so standing or walking for long periods are extremely painful. I tried to work retail once, an 8 hour shift became 12 hours because of reasons and I came home and had to call and quit the next day because I was literally in so much pain in my hips and lower back that I could not stand for the next week let alone walk or work.

- Recently I've started to develop migraines, and boy are they bad. The slightest bit of light or sound (sadly even my cat purring) sets off a chain reaction of pain in my head that feels like someone's got my skull in a vice grip. I can't lay down though, because the pressure of putting my head on the pillow makes it hurt worse so I just end up half upright in a chair and thankful my room is very dark. I can't put in earplugs because they hurt, and forget an eye mask, so it's just sit and close my eyes and wait until it stops hurting.
Pings Welcome! Especially if you're quoting me XD
the combination tension headache, muscle soreness, and typical burning sensation that came from getting my massive wraparound back-arm-chest tattoo done in one sitting over about 6 1/2 hours straight

do NOT recommend it. everything hurt. i had to lie in a weird, twisted position for most of those hours. halfway through the lines my artist went "hmm we probably shouldve split this up... oh well." i prayed for his wrist to recover

BUT that was a good pain because i wanted it! it was worth it!

you know what's not? endometriosis cramps so bad you vomit in a public bathroom and pass out on the floor :)
the combination tension headache, muscle soreness, and typical burning sensation that came from getting my massive wraparound back-arm-chest tattoo done in one sitting over about 6 1/2 hours straight

do NOT recommend it. everything hurt. i had to lie in a weird, twisted position for most of those hours. halfway through the lines my artist went "hmm we probably shouldve split this up... oh well." i prayed for his wrist to recover

BUT that was a good pain because i wanted it! it was worth it!

you know what's not? endometriosis cramps so bad you vomit in a public bathroom and pass out on the floor :)
NOTE: my username is quinceLy, not quincy/quincey --- den/lair cleanout!!
The worse pain I've been in happened because I didn't know a particular cat at the shelter i worked at was a shoulder cat, best part is i found out when he took a flying leap at me. I got spooked and ended up wrenching my back. It was... fine the first day, hurt quite a bit and it slowed me down but nothing I couldn't power through. The next day tho? White Hot Fire was racing up and down my spine after just bending a little bit here and there and I didn't have any pain killers to help. I was trying so hard not to cry at work that when i got home I had lost the ability to speak and if i managed to get something out I sounded like someone who smoked for 50 years. And I could. not. stop. crying. when I got home until the painkillers kicked in. (And this is coming from someone who went through childbirth, it was truly tremendously awful)
The worse pain I've been in happened because I didn't know a particular cat at the shelter i worked at was a shoulder cat, best part is i found out when he took a flying leap at me. I got spooked and ended up wrenching my back. It was... fine the first day, hurt quite a bit and it slowed me down but nothing I couldn't power through. The next day tho? White Hot Fire was racing up and down my spine after just bending a little bit here and there and I didn't have any pain killers to help. I was trying so hard not to cry at work that when i got home I had lost the ability to speak and if i managed to get something out I sounded like someone who smoked for 50 years. And I could. not. stop. crying. when I got home until the painkillers kicked in. (And this is coming from someone who went through childbirth, it was truly tremendously awful)
I was born with a tendon defect, the tendons in both my lower legs are shorter than they should be so it forces me to walk on my toes most of the time and puts a lot of strain on my leg joints.

One of the side effects to the condition is it can cause the affected limb to twist and displace your joints, it's done this to my knees so my feet don't face forward like they should, and it causes pure paralysing agony for a few minutes if I straighten my legs out after sitting or sleeping with them in a bent position for too long. I've also had days where my legs hurt so much I couldn't stand up and had to crawl across the floor on my elbows.
I was born with a tendon defect, the tendons in both my lower legs are shorter than they should be so it forces me to walk on my toes most of the time and puts a lot of strain on my leg joints.

One of the side effects to the condition is it can cause the affected limb to twist and displace your joints, it's done this to my knees so my feet don't face forward like they should, and it causes pure paralysing agony for a few minutes if I straighten my legs out after sitting or sleeping with them in a bent position for too long. I've also had days where my legs hurt so much I couldn't stand up and had to crawl across the floor on my elbows.
The most physical pain I've ever been in was probably when I (and I was probably around 6-8 maybe) was running in the house, and as I was zipping around I accidentally slammed my left pinky toe into the edge of the doorframe. It's the only broken bone I've had, and it wasn't bad in the scheme of things, but man did it feel brutal at the time.

Most of the physical pain I've been in has been the result of me not paying attention, or being an absolute klutz. Like, one time I was making coffee and managed to spill half of it, piping hot, over my right arm. I still have a scar that covers my elbow and almost half of my forearm because of it.
The most physical pain I've ever been in was probably when I (and I was probably around 6-8 maybe) was running in the house, and as I was zipping around I accidentally slammed my left pinky toe into the edge of the doorframe. It's the only broken bone I've had, and it wasn't bad in the scheme of things, but man did it feel brutal at the time.

Most of the physical pain I've been in has been the result of me not paying attention, or being an absolute klutz. Like, one time I was making coffee and managed to spill half of it, piping hot, over my right arm. I still have a scar that covers my elbow and almost half of my forearm because of it.
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She/They | FR+0 | [theme]

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tutant meenage neetle teetles
I got a really bad strain of the flu about two years ago
Felt worse than when I broke my toe, or the time I was a little kid and backed up into a iron and burnt my whole arm
I got a really bad strain of the flu about two years ago
Felt worse than when I broke my toe, or the time I was a little kid and backed up into a iron and burnt my whole arm
Believe me, darling
The stars were made for falling
Story time

So little me (Around 10 I believe? 10 or 11 it was between school years and my bday is in the summer) liked climbing trees. And me and my brother went to our aunt's house when our mom was at work. And she had trees! So one day I thought it'd be a good idea to climb one similar to how they climbed up the cliff in The Emperor's New Groove. I did fine going up, but on the way down I must've slipped. I don't remember falling. All I remember is being on the ground crying because the back of my head hurt. I blacked out for what they said was 10 minutes. I had a headache and this big bump on the back of my head since it hit a tree root.

Mama took me to the ER and they said I had a concussion. I don't remember how long I had it since it felt like forever when I was little. I could only really sleep and eat for a few days I think. And after that I had a headache for a good while. So that's the most pain I've been in. Never climbed a tree the same way again.
Story time

So little me (Around 10 I believe? 10 or 11 it was between school years and my bday is in the summer) liked climbing trees. And me and my brother went to our aunt's house when our mom was at work. And she had trees! So one day I thought it'd be a good idea to climb one similar to how they climbed up the cliff in The Emperor's New Groove. I did fine going up, but on the way down I must've slipped. I don't remember falling. All I remember is being on the ground crying because the back of my head hurt. I blacked out for what they said was 10 minutes. I had a headache and this big bump on the back of my head since it hit a tree root.

Mama took me to the ER and they said I had a concussion. I don't remember how long I had it since it felt like forever when I was little. I could only really sleep and eat for a few days I think. And after that I had a headache for a good while. So that's the most pain I've been in. Never climbed a tree the same way again.
She/Her | Pinging is always fine! | Current icon dragon is Rose | Yoyo trinket suggestion
As a cancer survivor, I could list some terrifying stories. But rather than potentially cause any serious anxiety for anyone, I'll just go with my migraines. The pain itself is bad enough, but the other effects just make it feel worse and vice-versa.
As a cancer survivor, I could list some terrifying stories. But rather than potentially cause any serious anxiety for anyone, I'll just go with my migraines. The pain itself is bad enough, but the other effects just make it feel worse and vice-versa.
Formerly known as Brenning.
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