
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | Questionnaire Galore
1 2 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 33 34
[center][size=2][b]1. What’s your name?[/b] Kayla (: [b]2. Got it, how are you doing?[/b] Alright. I've been tired but that's just life for ya [b]3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?[/b] I be a gal [b]4. I see, so what brings you here?[/b] Just seeing what was going on in the GD and saw this. Was a bit bored and decided "Why not?" [b]5. Where are you most active in the forums?[/b] Dragon Share. I'm trying to expand a little though. [b]6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?[/b] Green and red. I've been leaning for towards red, but green as always been a favorite. [b]7. Favorite shoe brand?[/b] Converse~ [b]8. Red or blue?[/b] Red! Nothing against blue, but I just love red better >> [b]. What is your actual favorite color?[/b] Red >> And green.. [b]10. Strawberry or chocolate?[/b] Hmm.. Depends on my mood and or what it is. If it's milk, then either. Any other depends [b]11. Mario or Luigi?[/b] Gotta go with my boi Luigi [b]12. Do you plan on taking over the world?[/b] Nah. If it happens it happens but I won't actively seek it out xD [b]13. Do you own any pets?[/b] 6! Two dogs, two cats and two guinea pigs! I want to own a bunch more in the future though. [b]14. Are you apart of any fandoms?[/b] Oh yes. Assassin's Creed, Hannibal, RDR, Pokemon, [s]Flight Rising[/s]. Just to name a few [b]15. Can you whistle?[/b] Yep! Not as well as other people though. Can't whistle that loud. [b]16. How many pillows do you own?[/b] Personally I own.. 4? [b]17. Should you be asleep right now?[/b] Nah. As of this question it's 8:45PM [b]18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?[/b] My least favorite.. I'm not sure honestly. Haven't came across a flavor I haven't not at least liked. [b]19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?[/b] Well.. I have sensitive teeth so a lot of the time I don't really like cold drinks/food/treats. But, usually cubed is the way I go. [b]20. Which continent are you from?[/b] North America (: [b]21. Do you wear glasses?[/b] Nope! Only sunglasses [b]22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?[/b] That one with the bears. They're cute. Beyond that I have no clue xD [b]23. Worst video game you ever played?[/b] Hmm.. I can't say it was explicitly [i]bad[/i], but for me, Assassin's Creed Unity was the worst for me. I just could not get the control down, and everything about them just felt janky to me. I liked the story behind the actual game though. [b]24. Have you ever won a contest before?[/b] I got third place in a science fair once? Does that count? [b]25. Tea or coffee?[/b] If the teas cold then tea. If not then coffee. [b]26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?[/b] Hmm.. [item=Leucistic Crow] [size=2]Because I love birds and corvids are my favorite <3 [b]27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?[/b] Depends on if they're good vampires and if they have a reason to be over, or I know them. [b]28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?[/b] Sure. as long as they actually use the phone >> [b]29. Favorite emoji?[/b] [emoji=ridgeback happy] [b]30. Your favorite movie genre?[/b] Don't really have a favorite genre of movie [b]31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?[/b] Hmm.. Not sure honestly >> [b]32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?[/b] [i]Do you take me for a WEAKLING[/i] Because if you do then you're right. I cannot xD [b]33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?[/b] Singer. I was in band so I have more of a musical sense than a dance sense. Not that I'm any good singing either xD [b]34. Are you an early bird or night owl?[/b] hooo? hoo? [b]35. What is some of your pet peeves?[/b] My biggest one is chewing noises. I'm 95% positive I have a small(?) form of misophonia because of it. I just get soo irritated when I here chewing or slapping jaws. I just can't. Even my pets aren't safe.. [b]36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?[/b] Hmm. I think both? You wouldn't be able to find much to eat on a beach, and you won't find fresh water either. But, depending on the materials that washed up on shore with me, I could Mythbuster my way to some fresh water. Or just go look for it. [b]37. What is the last song you were listening to?[/b] Ah crap uh.. I wanna say it was Uncontainable- Set It Off. I recently discovered them and I can't stop listening >> [b]38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?[/b] I don't have a fear of clowns. I DO however have a small fear of elevators. so i think I'll go hang out with Ronald McDonald for a bit [b]39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?[/b] I have, and I hated it [b]40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?[/b] Nope! [b]41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?[/b] You betcha~ Well.. When I can. Don't actually have one where I live. [b]42. What is the meaning of life?[/b] 42 [s]I see what you did there[/s] [b]43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?[/b] Uh.. Couple weeks ago? [b]44. Do you collect anything?[/b] feathers and rocks :D [b]45. How’s the weather over there?[/b] Cold 'n Cloudy. Suppose to warm up though.. And be rainy. [b]46. Are you eating anything right now?[/b] Just had dinner not too long ago. But as of this question no. [b]47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?[/b] Depends! [b]48. Favorite cereal?[/b] Have you tired Oreo O's? They're amazing. And Honey Smacks. [b]49. Are you wearing a hat right now?[/b] My head it currently uncovered. [b]50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?[/b] ... Yes ... [b]51. What about getting some water?[/b] Yep! [b]52. Have you seen Bird Box?[/b] No [b]53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?[/b] Hmm.. Can I just be the Avatar? [b]54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?[/b] [s]It's kinda that that cheap, plastic tile you can get at the hardware store. We've had it for ages.[/s] OH.. BEDROOM. I thought it said bathroom ;-; I have carpet/hardwood in my room. [b]55. Do you have any organizational advice?[/b] I'm not very organized myself.. [b]56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?[/b] tater chips pls. Unless I'm having Mexican type food. [b]57. Crayons or markers?[/b] Uh.. Crayons. Though I prefer colored pencils >> [b]58. Smartphones or tablets?[/b] I got a smartphone~ [b]59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?[/b] My bro Lucario or Meta Knight [b]60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?[/b] I.. don't know.. He looks weird :T [b]61. What is one useless fact you can list here?[/b] did you know that cashews come from a fruit? [b]62. What is your eye color?[/b] Blue! [b]63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?[/b] Dude, I would love to have like.. Neon green eyes or red eyes [b]64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?[/b] Hmm.. Nothing really. It was a pretty chill day yesterday. [b]65. What’s your favorite season of the year?[/b] Fall! [b]66. Do you enjoy reading?[/b] Not as much as I should.. [b]67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?[/b] .. Food.. Maybe.. Idk [b]68. Have you ever traveled by plane?[/b] Yep! [b]69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?[/b] Hmm.. I feel like.. A bull sized rat bite would hurt way for than 50 tiny bull horns trying to gore me.. [b]70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?[/b] Judging by my horror movie knowledge, I think I would wait to see who (Or what) opened the door. Could just be Cindy from down the street. If it was the killer then. [i]I have a spoon[/i] [b]71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?[/b] Ugh you're gonna make me choose? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'll go with Abel. [b]72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?[/b] Yes! It's been quite enjoyable (: [b]73. Would you recommend it to others?[/b] Sure [b]74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?[/b] Kind of? 90's things kinda bled into the early 2000's. even though I was born in the late 90s. [b]75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?[/b] A giant teddy bear. Perfect. [b]76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?[/b] I'll relive the 90s. Why not? [b]77. Savory or sweet foods?[/b] Both! It depends on what mood I'm in. [b]78. Can you do a backflip?[/b] Nope. [b]79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?[/b] Yep! [b]80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?[/b] I had my tonsils and adenoids removed [b]81. Can you handle spicy foods?[/b] Up to a point [b]82. What is/was your favorite school subject?[/b] Science! [b]83. Do you have allergies?[/b] I actually just found one out not too long ago. Gain Moonlight Breeze Laundry Softener. We think it was the dye because regular Gain doesn't do it. other than that Generic Liquid Children's ibuprofen. So I don't even take that any more. [b]84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?[/b] Hm.. Daffy. [b]85. Have you seen Sharktale before?[/b] Workin' at the CAR WASH (I love the jelly fish bros) [b]86. Pixar or Dreamworks?[/b] Oh, don't make me choose, please. [b]87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?[/b] I don;t really read webcomics.. [b]88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?[/b] Libra! [b]89. Pizza or burgers?[/b] Depends [b]90. Favorite Pokemon?[/b] Garchomp :D [b]91. Best eeveelution?[/b] Umbreon [b]92. How would you describe your fashion sense?[/b] Goth, but not really? I wear a lot of black but I'm not goth. [b]93. Favorite number?[/b] *Glaces at username* [b]94. What animal would you be?[/b] RAVEN [b]95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?[/b] Hmm.. Mermaid [b]96. How many languages can you speak?[/b] One technically. I can say a few words in other languages but not enough to get by. [b]97. Pancakes or waffles?[/b] Both! [i]98. How did you find FR?[/i] On another game I play, Pokeheroes. Someone was talking about it and I just fell in love. [b]99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?[/b] eh. Maybe [b]100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?[/b] Why?
1. What’s your name?
Kayla (:

2. Got it, how are you doing?
Alright. I've been tired but that's just life for ya

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I be a gal

4. I see, so what brings you here?
Just seeing what was going on in the GD and saw this. Was a bit bored and decided "Why not?"

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
Dragon Share. I'm trying to expand a little though.

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Green and red. I've been leaning for towards red, but green as always been a favorite.

7. Favorite shoe brand?

8. Red or blue?
Red! Nothing against blue, but I just love red better >>

. What is your actual favorite color?
Red >> And green..

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Hmm.. Depends on my mood and or what it is. If it's milk, then either. Any other depends

11. Mario or Luigi?
Gotta go with my boi Luigi

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
Nah. If it happens it happens but I won't actively seek it out xD

13. Do you own any pets?
6! Two dogs, two cats and two guinea pigs! I want to own a bunch more in the future though.

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Oh yes. Assassin's Creed, Hannibal, RDR, Pokemon, Flight Rising. Just to name a few

15. Can you whistle?
Yep! Not as well as other people though. Can't whistle that loud.

16. How many pillows do you own?
Personally I own.. 4?

17. Should you be asleep right now?
Nah. As of this question it's 8:45PM

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
My least favorite.. I'm not sure honestly. Haven't came across a flavor I haven't not at least liked.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Well.. I have sensitive teeth so a lot of the time I don't really like cold drinks/food/treats. But, usually cubed is the way I go.

20. Which continent are you from?
North America (:

21. Do you wear glasses?
Nope! Only sunglasses

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
That one with the bears. They're cute. Beyond that I have no clue xD

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Hmm.. I can't say it was explicitly bad, but for me, Assassin's Creed Unity was the worst for me. I just could not get the control down, and everything about them just felt janky to me. I liked the story behind the actual game though.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I got third place in a science fair once? Does that count?

25. Tea or coffee?
If the teas cold then tea. If not then coffee.

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Leucistic Crow
Because I love birds and corvids are my favorite <3

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Depends on if they're good vampires and if they have a reason to be over, or I know them.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Sure. as long as they actually use the phone >>

29. Favorite emoji?

30. Your favorite movie genre?
Don't really have a favorite genre of movie

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Hmm.. Not sure honestly >>

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Do you take me for a WEAKLING
Because if you do then you're right. I cannot xD

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Singer. I was in band so I have more of a musical sense than a dance sense. Not that I'm any good singing either xD

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
hooo? hoo?

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
My biggest one is chewing noises. I'm 95% positive I have a small(?) form of misophonia because of it. I just get soo irritated when I here chewing or slapping jaws. I just can't. Even my pets aren't safe..

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Hmm. I think both? You wouldn't be able to find much to eat on a beach, and you won't find fresh water either. But, depending on the materials that washed up on shore with me, I could Mythbuster my way to some fresh water. Or just go look for it.

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Ah crap uh.. I wanna say it was
Uncontainable- Set It Off.
I recently discovered them and I can't stop listening >>

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
I don't have a fear of clowns. I DO however have a small fear of elevators. so i think I'll go hang out with Ronald McDonald for a bit

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
I have, and I hated it

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
You betcha~
Well.. When I can. Don't actually have one where I live.

42. What is the meaning of life?
I see what you did there

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Uh.. Couple weeks ago?

44. Do you collect anything?
feathers and rocks :D

45. How’s the weather over there?
Cold 'n Cloudy. Suppose to warm up though.. And be rainy.

46. Are you eating anything right now?
Just had dinner not too long ago. But as of this question no.

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
Have you tired Oreo O's? They're amazing. And Honey Smacks.

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
My head it currently uncovered.

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
... Yes ...

51. What about getting some water?

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
Hmm.. Can I just be the Avatar?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
It's kinda that that cheap, plastic tile you can get at the hardware store. We've had it for ages.
OH.. BEDROOM. I thought it said bathroom ;-;
I have carpet/hardwood in my room.

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
I'm not very organized myself..

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
tater chips pls. Unless I'm having Mexican type food.

57. Crayons or markers?
Uh.. Crayons. Though I prefer colored pencils >>

58. Smartphones or tablets?
I got a smartphone~

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
My bro Lucario or Meta Knight

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
I.. don't know.. He looks weird :T

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
did you know that cashews come from a fruit?

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Dude, I would love to have like.. Neon green eyes or red eyes

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
Hmm.. Nothing really. It was a pretty chill day yesterday.

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Not as much as I should..

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
.. Food.. Maybe.. Idk

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
Hmm.. I feel like.. A bull sized rat bite would hurt way for than 50 tiny bull horns trying to gore me..

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Judging by my horror movie knowledge, I think I would wait to see who (Or what) opened the door. Could just be Cindy from down the street. If it was the killer then. I have a spoon

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Ugh you're gonna make me choose?


I'll go with Abel.

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
Yes! It's been quite enjoyable (:

73. Would you recommend it to others?

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
Kind of? 90's things kinda bled into the early 2000's. even though I was born in the late 90s.

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
A giant teddy bear. Perfect.

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
I'll relive the 90s. Why not?

77. Savory or sweet foods?
Both! It depends on what mood I'm in.

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
I had my tonsils and adenoids removed

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Up to a point

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?

83. Do you have allergies?
I actually just found one out not too long ago. Gain Moonlight Breeze Laundry Softener. We think it was the dye because regular Gain doesn't do it. other than that Generic Liquid Children's ibuprofen. So I don't even take that any more.

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Hm.. Daffy.

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
Workin' at the CAR WASH
(I love the jelly fish bros)

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Oh, don't make me choose, please.

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I don;t really read webcomics..

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
Garchomp :D

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Goth, but not really? I wear a lot of black but I'm not goth.

93. Favorite number?
*Glaces at username*

94. What animal would you be?

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
Hmm.. Mermaid

96. How many languages can you speak?
One technically. I can say a few words in other languages but not enough to get by.

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
On another game I play, Pokeheroes. Someone was talking about it and I just fell in love.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
eh. Maybe

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?

ooo IJkKw0f.pngo K H U Z D U L
- - - - - - - - - - -
oo Avatar dragon
About me
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• Did you hatch an
Abyss/Copper/X gen1,
but don't want them?
Don't exalt them! Hit me up ;)
1. What’s your name? ive gotten used to being called death online, and yes there is a story there. 2. Got it, how are you doing? pretty ok, just finished eating one of those single serving ice cream things. 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? gal. 4. I see, so what brings you here? if by here you mean this thread, i was board and looking around for things to do and i like oversharing to strangers online so here i am. 5. Where are you most active in the forums? dragon sharing! i love doing the pick an X from the person before you threads. 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? grey! the perfect middle ground between black and white. 7. Favorite shoe brand? sketchers, purely because i never learned to tie a knot and they have laceless sneakers. 8. Red or blue? blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? any blue greens, they make me very happy to look at. 10. Strawberry or chocolate? chocolate, its been years since i've eaten anything strawberry flavored and i plan on keeping it that way. 11. Mario or Luigi? luigi. 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? only a little bit. 13. Do you own any pets? i do! i have 4 dogs! 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? i am! im big into the persona 5 fandom, and if you can call me, two friends and a potted plant a fandom then im also in the saiki k one. 15. Can you whistle? a little, i can make sound but thats about it, changing pitch or anything fancy like that is beyond me. 16. How many pillows do you own? ive never actually counted but i have 2 that i use regularly. 17. Should you be asleep right now? yes. 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? anything with more chocolate in it than is in cookie dough, which is already too much in my opinion. 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? cubed. 20. Which continent are you from? north america. 21. Do you wear glasses? yep! got the astigmatism gene from my dad. 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? no preference, i don't do the shopping in my house. 23. Worst video game you ever played? red dead redemption, its not bad per say, but i do get very angry if i play it for more than 30 minutes at a time and does not deserve to be the highest rated game. 24. Have you ever won a contest before? no. 25. Tea or coffee? neither, both are far to bitter for me. 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? id probably switch through various familars as my fave changed. 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? yes, but only if they ask nicely. 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? they still gotta ask nicely. 29. Favorite emoji? if you want emojis i use off this site then, ¯\_(?)_/¯ but for fr emojis this one is the best. [emoji=coatl confused] 30. Your favorite movie genre? comedy. 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? i don't know any celebrity's well enough to want to hang out with any of them. 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? i cannot. 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? singer. i absolutely have two left feet. 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? night owl. 35. What is some of your pet peeves? when someone refuse to admit they did something wrong even after being caught in the act, and people who keep explaining the same point over and over, even after everyone's already got it are two big ones. 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? stay in the open, make it harder for something to sneak up on me. 37. What is the last song you were listening to? don't forget the sun by get scared. 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? as long as its not pennywise ill take the clown and the working lights. 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? i have! expedition Everest was my first. 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? i have, my wrist. ive also had a hair line fracture on my eye socket from the same accident. the doctors seemed to think that one was more important. 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? once, i got a funko and a poketwatch necklace. 42. What is the meaning of life? 42. 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? a few hours ago. 44. Do you collect anything? acrylic charms! 45. How’s the weather over there? dark and almost warm. 46. Are you eating anything right now? not now, but i just finished an ice cream. 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? oreos! 48. Favorite cereal? froot loops, or lucky charms i like them both. 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? nope! 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? nope! 51. What about getting some water? not for a while. 52. Have you seen Bird Box? i have not and i have no interest in it. i cant handle horror or suspense at all. 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? I've always been partial to water. 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? carpet. 55. Do you have any organizational advice? do the exact opposite of whatever i do and you'll be the most organized person on the planet. 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? potato. 57. Crayons or markers? markers. 58. Smartphones or tablets? tablet. 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? joker as soon as he comes out, but right now i use mostly marth. 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? i could not care less. 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? your butt has taste buds inside it. 62. What is your eye color? ive been told their a blue grey. 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? if i could get gold, or red eyes i would in a hear beat. 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? i cant think of anything, i mostly just slept all day. 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? fall, still warm enough to not die without the pollen of spring, or the brightness of summer. 66. Do you enjoy reading. i do! 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? idk, depends on what catches my attention while shopping. 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? yep! to colorado a few years ago, and i will again in a few months. 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? 50 rat sized bulls. 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? i take the door, id rather got my death over with faster. 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? spiritrise! 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? i have, as mentioned before i love getting the chance to overshare to strangers online. 73. Would you recommend it to others? probablym if i had someone to rec it to. 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? only if the 90's includes the early 2000's. 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? a wall. 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? id relive it, seems the better trade off. 77. Savory or sweet foods? savory. 78. Can you do a backflip? absolutely not. 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? no, but i want to. 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? no, and i hope i never have to. 81. Can you handle spicy foods? not in the slightest. 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? anatomy and physiology, (took it in highschool and loved it) 83. Do you have allergies? a monor one to goose down, had a doctor do the allergy test thing to find that out. 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? daffy duck 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? i have. 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? pixar. 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? not really, i dont read any. 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? virgo. 89. Pizza or burgers? pizza. 90. Favorite Pokemon? gardivoir, crowbat, or serperior, i love all all three of these and refuse to choose just one. 91. Best eeveelution? vaporeon. 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? lazy. 93. Favorite number? 8. 94. What animal would you be? either a snow leopard or a snowy owl. 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? mermaid! 96. How many languages can you speak? just the one, though id love to learn another, i just dont have the ear to teach myslef and i dont want to waste money on classes at a collage. 97. Pancakes or waffles? pancakes. 98. How did you find FR? i dont remember, i think i was looking for any breeding games i could find and it popped up on its own. 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? probably not. 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? "why are you like this."
1. What’s your name?
ive gotten used to being called death online, and yes there is a story there.

2. Got it, how are you doing?
pretty ok, just finished eating one of those single serving ice cream things.

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
if by here you mean this thread, i was board and looking around for things to do and i like oversharing to strangers online so here i am.

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
dragon sharing! i love doing the pick an X from the person before you threads.

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
grey! the perfect middle ground between black and white.

7. Favorite shoe brand?
sketchers, purely because i never learned to tie a knot and they have laceless sneakers.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
any blue greens, they make me very happy to look at.

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
chocolate, its been years since i've eaten anything strawberry flavored and i plan on keeping it that way.

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
only a little bit.

13. Do you own any pets?
i do! i have 4 dogs!

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
i am! im big into the persona 5 fandom, and if you can call me, two friends and a potted plant a fandom then im also in the saiki k one.

15. Can you whistle?
a little, i can make sound but thats about it, changing pitch or anything fancy like that is beyond me.

16. How many pillows do you own?
ive never actually counted but i have 2 that i use regularly.

17. Should you be asleep right now?

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
anything with more chocolate in it than is in cookie dough, which is already too much in my opinion.

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?

20. Which continent are you from?
north america.

21. Do you wear glasses?
yep! got the astigmatism gene from my dad.

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
no preference, i don't do the shopping in my house.

23. Worst video game you ever played?
red dead redemption, its not bad per say, but i do get very angry if i play it for more than 30 minutes at a time and does not deserve to be the highest rated game.

24. Have you ever won a contest before?

25. Tea or coffee?
neither, both are far to bitter for me.

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
id probably switch through various familars as my fave changed.

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
yes, but only if they ask nicely.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
they still gotta ask nicely.

29. Favorite emoji?
if you want emojis i use off this site then, ¯\_(?)_/¯ but for fr emojis this one is the best.
30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
i don't know any celebrity's well enough to want to hang out with any of them.

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
i cannot.

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
singer. i absolutely have two left feet.

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
night owl.

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
when someone refuse to admit they did something wrong even after being caught in the act, and people who keep explaining the same point over and over, even after everyone's already got it are two big ones.

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
stay in the open, make it harder for something to sneak up on me.

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
don't forget the sun by get scared.

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
as long as its not pennywise ill take the clown and the working lights.

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
i have! expedition Everest was my first.

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
i have, my wrist. ive also had a hair line fracture on my eye socket from the same accident. the doctors seemed to think that one was more important.

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
once, i got a funko and a poketwatch necklace.

42. What is the meaning of life?
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
a few hours ago.

44. Do you collect anything?
acrylic charms!

45. How’s the weather over there?
dark and almost warm.

46. Are you eating anything right now?
not now, but i just finished an ice cream.

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

48. Favorite cereal?
froot loops, or lucky charms i like them both.

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?
not for a while.

52. Have you seen Bird Box?
i have not and i have no interest in it. i cant handle horror or suspense at all.

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
I've always been partial to water.

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
do the exact opposite of whatever i do and you'll be the most organized person on the planet.

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
joker as soon as he comes out, but right now i use mostly marth.

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
i could not care less.

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
your butt has taste buds inside it.

62. What is your eye color?
ive been told their a blue grey.

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
if i could get gold, or red eyes i would in a hear beat.

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
i cant think of anything, i mostly just slept all day.

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
fall, still warm enough to not die without the pollen of spring, or the brightness of summer.

66. Do you enjoy reading.
i do!

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
idk, depends on what catches my attention while shopping.

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
yep! to colorado a few years ago, and i will again in a few months.

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
50 rat sized bulls.

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
i take the door, id rather got my death over with faster.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
i have, as mentioned before i love getting the chance to overshare to strangers online.

73. Would you recommend it to others?
probablym if i had someone to rec it to.

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
only if the 90's includes the early 2000's.

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
a wall.

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
id relive it, seems the better trade off.

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?
absolutely not.

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
no, but i want to.

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
no, and i hope i never have to.

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
not in the slightest.

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
anatomy and physiology, (took it in highschool and loved it)

83. Do you have allergies?
a monor one to goose down, had a doctor do the allergy test thing to find that out.

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
daffy duck

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
i have.

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
not really, i dont read any.

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
gardivoir, crowbat, or serperior, i love all all three of these and refuse to choose just one.

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
either a snow leopard or a snowy owl.

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
96. How many languages can you speak?
just the one, though id love to learn another, i just dont have the ear to teach myslef and i dont want to waste money on classes at a collage.

97. Pancakes or waffles?

98. How did you find FR?
i dont remember, i think i was looking for any breeding games i could find and it popped up on its own.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
probably not.

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
"why are you like this."
i have work to do but how about instead i do this 1. What’s your name? i prefer to go by xylia online 2. Got it, how are you doing? honestly im like in that in-between where i dont really feel bad but i definitely dont feel good. just kinda a whole lot of nothing 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? gal 4. I see, so what brings you here? i find answering surveys oddly fun 5. Where are you most active in the forums? dragon share and general discussion and that's honestly kind of it for the most part 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? blue 7. Favorite shoe brand? i prefer sandals to shoes 8. Red or blue? blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? i actually don't really have one because it changes so often, so i just say blue because i literally can't pick one 10. Strawberry or chocolate? depends, but chocolate usually 11. Mario or Luigi? luigi 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? nah too much effort 13. Do you own any pets? yep, two cats 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? a bunch, but some of my biggest are pokemon, fma, and homestuck (and flight rising, if you want to count it) 15. Can you whistle? yeah but not with my fingers. i've never figured out how people manage to do that 16. How many pillows do you own? two, but i only sleep with one 17. Should you be asleep right now? no but i wish i was 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? sherbet (sorbet is fine, but i hate sherbet) 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? cubed but only if it's easily crunchable 20. Which continent are you from? north america 21. Do you wear glasses? nope 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? anything that doesn't fray 23. Worst video game you ever played? garfield kart. oh wait, you said WORST game? 24. Have you ever won a contest before? i think so? 25. Tea or coffee? coffee but i drink tea more 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? probably some art of a favorite character 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? yeah sure. maybe theyre just looking to hang out 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? yea 29. Favorite emoji? either the eyes emoji or the ok hand 30. Your favorite movie genre? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? i feel like id be too worried about embarrassing myself to actually have fun 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? According to the laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, however, flies anyway, because a bee does not care what scientists think. [s]thats as close as i can get without looking[/s] 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? both, but badly 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? depends but recently it's been night owl 35. What is some of your pet peeves? when i've just cleaned something and it instantly gets dirty again, sound only coming through one ear, having to hear other people talk because they have no concept of an inside voice (this one doesnt bug me with most people but theres a certain person i live with who does this and its the most annoying thing to have to constantly hear) 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? probably venture into the jungle after a while 37. What is the last song you were listening to? Stall Me - Panic! at the Disco 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? how soon am i getting released? 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? yea but ive only ever been on cheap easy ones cause as a kid i was too scared to try the big ones 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? nope 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? yep 42. What is the meaning of life? nothing 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? oh god, uh... like i wanna say 2015?? 44. Do you collect anything? minerals! 45. How’s the weather over there? sunny and clear 46. Are you eating anything right now? no but i DID just finish a bowl of cereal 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? oreos, chips ahoy are like simultaneously dry and greasy 48. Favorite cereal? it changes, but i really like kashi's shredded wheat 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? nope 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? nope 51. What about getting some water? nope 52. Have you seen Bird Box? nope 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? oh god uhhh probably earth? 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? carpet 55. Do you have any organizational advice? watch tidying up with marie kondo 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? potato chips are tastier but tortilla chips are,, SOMETIMES healthier so hng 57. Crayons or markers? markers 58. Smartphones or tablets? phones 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? shulk 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? oh good god no 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? the humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the state fish of hawaii 62. What is your eye color? brown 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? nah 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? [img][/img] 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? whatever season we're not currently in but probably autumn 66. Do you enjoy reading? yea but its weird for me cause ill go like 2 months without reading much of anything and then spend a couple weeks reading every single chance i get and then go back to not reading for a while 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? maybe baked goods or some kind of poster or something 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? only once 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? rat-sized bulls 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? the hallway 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? this ALSO changes a lot but i really like this guy: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? yea its been pretty fun. i mean i really dont need to be procrastinating like this but yknow 73. Would you recommend it to others? yea probably 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? nope 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? my cat who already IS my best friend you fool 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? fast forward to 2020s 77. Savory or sweet foods? Yes. 78. Can you do a backflip? nope 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? not really. i once got a streak of purple after my mom had some leftover dye from dyeing her own, but my hair is dark brown and we didn't bleach it so it was like this streak of very slightly purple brown you could only see if the light hit it right 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? yea 81. Can you handle spicy foods? yea up to a certain point 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? changes a lot, right now i'm enjoying us history because my teacher is great. generally though math 83. Do you have allergies? i think so? but none that affect my daily life 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? bugs bunny 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? nope 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? eh 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? [s]wow op, calling me out for being a homestuck[/s] never satisfied, cucumber quest, parallax 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? capricorn, which means im goverment-assigned clown kin 89. Pizza or burgers? both 90. Favorite Pokemon? silvally or scizor 91. Best eeveelution? sylveon 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? literally just t shirts and sweatpants 93. Favorite number? 69 94. What animal would you be? probably something weird 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? fairy 96. How many languages can you speak? english and french but im still working on french 97. Pancakes or waffles? waffles but theyre harder to make so i never really have them 98. How did you find FR? i honestly dont remember. i think my friends told me to join? 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? gave me a fun activity to do 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? can we get to work now or are we still gonna procrastinate
i have work to do but how about instead i do this
1. What’s your name?
i prefer to go by xylia online

2. Got it, how are you doing?
honestly im like in that in-between where i dont really feel bad but i definitely dont feel good. just kinda a whole lot of nothing

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?

4. I see, so what brings you here?
i find answering surveys oddly fun

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
dragon share and general discussion and that's honestly kind of it for the most part

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?

7. Favorite shoe brand?
i prefer sandals to shoes

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?
i actually don't really have one because it changes so often, so i just say blue because i literally can't pick one

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
depends, but chocolate usually

11. Mario or Luigi?

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
nah too much effort

13. Do you own any pets?
yep, two cats

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
a bunch, but some of my biggest are pokemon, fma, and homestuck (and flight rising, if you want to count it)

15. Can you whistle?
yeah but not with my fingers. i've never figured out how people manage to do that

16. How many pillows do you own?
two, but i only sleep with one

17. Should you be asleep right now?
no but i wish i was

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
sherbet (sorbet is fine, but i hate sherbet)

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
cubed but only if it's easily crunchable

20. Which continent are you from?
north america

21. Do you wear glasses?

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
anything that doesn't fray

23. Worst video game you ever played?
garfield kart. oh wait, you said WORST game?

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
i think so?

25. Tea or coffee?
coffee but i drink tea more

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
probably some art of a favorite character

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
yeah sure. maybe theyre just looking to hang out

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?

29. Favorite emoji?
either the eyes emoji or the ok hand

30. Your favorite movie genre?

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
i feel like id be too worried about embarrassing myself to actually have fun

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
According to the laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, however, flies anyway, because a bee does not care what scientists think. thats as close as i can get without looking

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
both, but badly

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
depends but recently it's been night owl

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
when i've just cleaned something and it instantly gets dirty again, sound only coming through one ear, having to hear other people talk because they have no concept of an inside voice (this one doesnt bug me with most people but theres a certain person i live with who does this and its the most annoying thing to have to constantly hear)

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
probably venture into the jungle after a while

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Stall Me - Panic! at the Disco

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
how soon am i getting released?

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
yea but ive only ever been on cheap easy ones cause as a kid i was too scared to try the big ones

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
oh god, uh... like i wanna say 2015??

44. Do you collect anything?

45. How’s the weather over there?
sunny and clear

46. Are you eating anything right now?
no but i DID just finish a bowl of cereal

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
oreos, chips ahoy are like simultaneously dry and greasy

48. Favorite cereal?
it changes, but i really like kashi's shredded wheat

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
oh god uhhh probably earth?

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
watch tidying up with marie kondo

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
potato chips are tastier but tortilla chips are,, SOMETIMES healthier so hng

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
oh good god no

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
the humuhumunukunukuapua'a is the state fish of hawaii

62. What is your eye color?

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
whatever season we're not currently in but probably autumn

66. Do you enjoy reading?
yea but its weird for me cause ill go like 2 months without reading much of anything and then spend a couple weeks reading every single chance i get and then go back to not reading for a while

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
maybe baked goods or some kind of poster or something

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
only once

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
rat-sized bulls

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
the hallway

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
this ALSO changes a lot but i really like this guy:


72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
yea its been pretty fun. i mean i really dont need to be procrastinating like this but yknow

73. Would you recommend it to others?
yea probably

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
my cat who already IS my best friend you fool

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
fast forward to 2020s

77. Savory or sweet foods?

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
not really. i once got a streak of purple after my mom had some leftover dye from dyeing her own, but my hair is dark brown and we didn't bleach it so it was like this streak of very slightly purple brown you could only see if the light hit it right

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
yea up to a certain point

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
changes a lot, right now i'm enjoying us history because my teacher is great. generally though math

83. Do you have allergies?
i think so? but none that affect my daily life

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
bugs bunny

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
wow op, calling me out for being a homestuck never satisfied, cucumber quest, parallax

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
capricorn, which means im goverment-assigned clown kin

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
silvally or scizor

91. Best eeveelution?

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
literally just t shirts and sweatpants

93. Favorite number?

94. What animal would you be?
probably something weird

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?

96. How many languages can you speak?
english and french but im still working on french

97. Pancakes or waffles?
waffles but theyre harder to make so i never really have them

98. How did you find FR?
i honestly dont remember. i think my friends told me to join?

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
gave me a fun activity to do

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
can we get to work now or are we still gonna procrastinate
FR + 0
1. What’s your name? Dreaming 2. Got it, how are you doing? I’m doing well 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? Gal 4. I see, so what brings you here? Thought this would be fun, and procrastination 5. Where are you most active in the forums? Probably Dragon Share 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? I have three! Blue, purple and green 7. Favorite shoe brand? Adidas or Vans. I tend to wear those a lot and they match w/ most of my clothing 8. Red or blue? Blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? Out of all three of them? Probably blue 10. Strawberry or chocolate? Chocolate 11. Mario or Luigi? Luigi 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? That defeats the surprise of it 13. Do you own any pets? Three - two cats and a dog 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? A ton (a lot of books, kpop and anime ones mainly) 15. Can you whistle? I can, and for a long period of time actually 16. How many pillows do you own? No idea, I only sleep with one though 17. Should you be asleep right now? Nope 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? Pistachio 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? Depends on the brand™ but probably cubed 20. Which continent are you from? North America 21. Do you wear glasses? I don’t 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? Anything that doesn’t feel like paper and is only one ply 23. Worst video game you ever played? I don’t play video games 24. Have you ever won a contest before? I think I have 25. Tea or coffee? Neither? I prefer hot chocolate 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? Probably fanart 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? They seem cool, sure 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? Sure 29. Favorite emoji? I like the moon one with the face, and a couple others for being ironic 30. Your favorite movie genre? Action/historical drama 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? I have no idea,, there’s too many people I’d want to hang w/ 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? Verbatim 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? Singer 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? Both, and it sucks. The later I go to bed, the earlier I wake up 35. What is some of your pet peeves? People who don’t know how to drive, and who don’t have common sense are up there 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? Go into the jungle and find some shelter and resources 37. What is the last song you were listening to? Wakey Wakey - NCT 127 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? What type of clown are we talking about? 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? I have 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? I haven’t 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? For merch, yes (those Funko Pop figurines are my kryptonite) 42. What is the meaning of life? 42 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? Over a year 44. Do you collect anything? Not really, but I have a growing collection of Funko Pops 45. How’s the weather over there? Sunny 46. Are you eating anything right now? No 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Unpopular opinion, I don’t like Oreos, so Chips Ahoy 48. Favorite cereal? Frosted Flakes 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? No 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? No 51. What about getting some water? No 52. Have you seen Bird Box? No 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? Water 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? Carpet 55. Do you have any organizational advice? It’s okay to have your own way of organizing things, as long as you can find what you’re looking for, you do you 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? Potato chips 57. Crayons or markers? Marker 58. Smartphones or tablets? Phone 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? No idea 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? Somethings are better left uninvented 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? Your body stops regenerating cells faster than they can replace dying ones at 25, so technically you start dying at 25. 62. What is your eye color? Green 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? I think having purple eyes would be fun 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? You know that video that’s been circulating of the dude sensually making ice cream? Yeah, I saw an edit of that 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? Spring 66. Do you enjoy reading? I do. I can usually polish off a book in one sitting 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? Scented soaps,, or college tuition 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? Many times 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? Rat-sized bulls 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? The hallway 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? I have 73. Would you recommend it to others? I would 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? No 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? My charger 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? Fast forward 77. Savory or sweet foods? Depends on my mood. More often than not, sweet 78. Can you do a backflip? No 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? No 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? No 81. Can you handle spicy foods? Yes 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? History or math 83. Do you have allergies? I don’t 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? No 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? Dreamworks 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? There’s a couple on WEBTOON that I like. Particularly, “I Love Yoo” and “True Beauty” 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? Cancer 89. Pizza or burgers? Pizza, I don’t like burgers 90. Favorite Pokemon? Ice Ninetales 91. Best eeveelution? Espeon, Umbreon, or Slyveon 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? Causal and preppy 93. Favorite number? 7 94. What animal would you be? Fox or owl 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? Mermaid 96. How many languages can you speak? One fluently, one not-so-fluently 97. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles, I don’t like pancakes 98. How did you find FR? A different site recommended it 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? It gave me something to do so yes 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? Why won’t you just do something productive?
1. What’s your name?


2. Got it, how are you doing?

I’m doing well

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?


4. I see, so what brings you here?

Thought this would be fun, and procrastination

5. Where are you most active in the forums?

Probably Dragon Share

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?

I have three! Blue, purple and green

7. Favorite shoe brand?

Adidas or Vans. I tend to wear those a lot and they match w/ most of my clothing

8. Red or blue?


9. What is your actual favorite color?

Out of all three of them? Probably blue

10. Strawberry or chocolate?


11. Mario or Luigi?


12. Do you plan on taking over the world?

That defeats the surprise of it

13. Do you own any pets?

Three - two cats and a dog

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?

A ton (a lot of books, kpop and anime ones mainly)

15. Can you whistle?

I can, and for a long period of time actually

16. How many pillows do you own?

No idea, I only sleep with one though

17. Should you be asleep right now?


18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?


19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?

Depends on the brand™ but probably cubed

20. Which continent are you from?

North America

21. Do you wear glasses?

I don’t

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?

Anything that doesn’t feel like paper and is only one ply

23. Worst video game you ever played?

I don’t play video games

24. Have you ever won a contest before?

I think I have

25. Tea or coffee?

Neither? I prefer hot chocolate

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?

Probably fanart

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?

They seem cool, sure

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?


29. Favorite emoji?

I like the moon one with the face, and a couple others for being ironic

30. Your favorite movie genre?

Action/historical drama

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?

I have no idea,, there’s too many people I’d want to hang w/

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?


33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?


34. Are you an early bird or night owl?

Both, and it sucks. The later I go to bed, the earlier I wake up

35. What is some of your pet peeves?

People who don’t know how to drive, and who don’t have common sense are up there

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?

Go into the jungle and find some shelter and resources

37. What is the last song you were listening to?

Wakey Wakey - NCT 127

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?

What type of clown are we talking about?

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?

I have

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

I haven’t

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

For merch, yes (those Funko Pop figurines are my kryptonite)

42. What is the meaning of life?


43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?

Over a year

44. Do you collect anything?

Not really, but I have a growing collection of Funko Pops

45. How’s the weather over there?


46. Are you eating anything right now?


47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?

Unpopular opinion, I don’t like Oreos, so Chips Ahoy

48. Favorite cereal?

Frosted Flakes

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?


50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?


51. What about getting some water?


52. Have you seen Bird Box?


53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?


54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?


55. Do you have any organizational advice?

It’s okay to have your own way of organizing things, as long as you can find what you’re looking for, you do you

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?

Potato chips

57. Crayons or markers?


58. Smartphones or tablets?


59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?

No idea

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?

Somethings are better left uninvented

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?

Your body stops regenerating cells faster than they can replace dying ones at 25, so technically you start dying at 25.

62. What is your eye color?


63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?

I think having purple eyes would be fun

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?

You know that video that’s been circulating of the dude sensually making ice cream? Yeah, I saw an edit of that

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?


66. Do you enjoy reading?

I do. I can usually polish off a book in one sitting

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?

Scented soaps,, or college tuition

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?

Many times

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?

Rat-sized bulls

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?

The hallway

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?


72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

I have

73. Would you recommend it to others?

I would

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?


75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?

My charger

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?

Fast forward

77. Savory or sweet foods?

Depends on my mood. More often than not, sweet

78. Can you do a backflip?


79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?


80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?


81. Can you handle spicy foods?


82. What is/was your favorite school subject?

History or math

83. Do you have allergies?

I don’t

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?


85. Have you seen Sharktale before?


86. Pixar or Dreamworks?


87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?

There’s a couple on WEBTOON that I like. Particularly, “I Love Yoo” and “True Beauty”

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?


89. Pizza or burgers?

Pizza, I don’t like burgers

90. Favorite Pokemon?

Ice Ninetales

91. Best eeveelution?

Espeon, Umbreon, or Slyveon

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Causal and preppy

93. Favorite number?


94. What animal would you be?

Fox or owl

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?


96. How many languages can you speak?

One fluently, one not-so-fluently

97. Pancakes or waffles?

Waffles, I don’t like pancakes

98. How did you find FR?

A different site recommended it

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?

It gave me something to do so yes

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?

Why won’t you just do something productive?
1. What’s your name? Anthrax
2. Got it, how are you doing? Not to bad
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? Gal
4. I see, so what brings you here? Boredom
5. Where are you most active in the forums? Forum games
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? Black
7. Favorite shoe brand? Vans
8. Red or blue? Red
9. What is your actual favorite color? Black
10. Strawberry or chocolate? Strawberry
11. Mario or Luigi? Mario
12. Do you plan on taking over the world? Nop
13. Do you own any pets? An orange catto
14. Are you apart of any fandoms? Not anymore, I’d love to get back into some though
15. Can you whistle? Ya
16. How many pillows do you own? On my bed? 4
17. Should you be asleep right now? Nooo
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? All of them if it’s dairy
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? Crushed
20. Which continent are you from? Europe
21. Do you wear glasses? Nope but I’m suppose to
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? Andrex
23. Worst video game you ever played? Fortnite, it’s too competitive and full of toxicity for me
24. Have you ever won a contest before? I won a pot noodle towel once??
25. Tea or coffee? Tea
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? I’d keep it as is
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? Nope nope
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? Depends if they’re going to rob me or not
29. Favorite emoji? :D
30. Your favorite movie genre? Anything heavy
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? Corey Taylor
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? No....ok maybe
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? Neither ahahaha
34. Are you an early bird or night owl? Night owl
35. What is some of your pet peeves? People eating with their mouth open
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? Jungle, there’s more chance of making a shelter
37. What is the last song you were listening to? Braveheart by King 810
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? *** neither ahhh. Is the clown a friendly clown????
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? Yes
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? Nopeee
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? No, we don’t have those in my country. If we did I probably would of ten years ago though
42. What is the meaning of life? Man that’s too deep for me
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? Last month, had a veggie wrap
44. Do you collect anything? Saberforge lightsabers and games consoles
45. How’s the weather over there? Nice and warm
46. Are you eating anything right now? No, might change that though
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Deffo Oreos
48. Favorite cereal? I don’t eat cereal
49. Are you wearing a hat right now? Nope
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? Thankyouuu
51. What about getting some water? I’ve got a Pepsi
52. Have you seen Bird Box? Nope
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? Water, can blood bend then
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? Carpet
55. Do you have any organizational advice? No because I’m a terrible organiser
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? Potato
57. Crayons or markers? Markers
58. Smartphones or tablets? Smartphones
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? Link
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? Haven’t seen it yet
61. What is one useless fact you can list here? A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel
62. What is your eye color? Grey
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? Yeah I want brown eyes
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? My cat threw up in front of me that was gross
65. What’s your favorite season of the year? Spring
66. Do you enjoy reading? Yes
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? Snacks
68. Have you ever traveled by plane? Yea
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? 50 rat sized bulls
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? The hallway
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? Gooby
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? Yeah it’s passed the time
73. Would you recommend it to others? If they liked this sort of thing
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? Vaguely
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? A fan
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? 90s 100% ahhh all the bands I could see
77. Savory or sweet foods? Savoury
78. Can you do a backflip? Noe
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? Yes
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? Nope
81. Can you handle spicy foods? Not at all
82. What is/was your favorite school subject? History
83. Do you have allergies? Wasps
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs
85. Have you seen Sharktale before? Yes
86. Pixar or Dreamworks? Pixar
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? I don’t know if any
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? Sagittarius
89. Pizza or burgers? Pizza
90. Favorite Pokemon? Yveltal
91. Best eeveelution? Espeon
92. How would you describe your fashion sense? “Edgy” ***** depends on the day
93. Favorite number? 96
94. What animal would you be? Lion
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? Fairy
96. How many languages can you speak? 1.5
97. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
98. How did you find FR? I can’t actually remember, all my for friends quit years ago :’(
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? Helped me pass time
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? Why are you like this
1. What’s your name? Anthrax
2. Got it, how are you doing? Not to bad
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? Gal
4. I see, so what brings you here? Boredom
5. Where are you most active in the forums? Forum games
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? Black
7. Favorite shoe brand? Vans
8. Red or blue? Red
9. What is your actual favorite color? Black
10. Strawberry or chocolate? Strawberry
11. Mario or Luigi? Mario
12. Do you plan on taking over the world? Nop
13. Do you own any pets? An orange catto
14. Are you apart of any fandoms? Not anymore, I’d love to get back into some though
15. Can you whistle? Ya
16. How many pillows do you own? On my bed? 4
17. Should you be asleep right now? Nooo
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? All of them if it’s dairy
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? Crushed
20. Which continent are you from? Europe
21. Do you wear glasses? Nope but I’m suppose to
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? Andrex
23. Worst video game you ever played? Fortnite, it’s too competitive and full of toxicity for me
24. Have you ever won a contest before? I won a pot noodle towel once??
25. Tea or coffee? Tea
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? I’d keep it as is
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? Nope nope
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? Depends if they’re going to rob me or not
29. Favorite emoji? :D
30. Your favorite movie genre? Anything heavy
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? Corey Taylor
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? No....ok maybe
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? Neither ahahaha
34. Are you an early bird or night owl? Night owl
35. What is some of your pet peeves? People eating with their mouth open
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? Jungle, there’s more chance of making a shelter
37. What is the last song you were listening to? Braveheart by King 810
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? *** neither ahhh. Is the clown a friendly clown????
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? Yes
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? Nopeee
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? No, we don’t have those in my country. If we did I probably would of ten years ago though
42. What is the meaning of life? Man that’s too deep for me
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? Last month, had a veggie wrap
44. Do you collect anything? Saberforge lightsabers and games consoles
45. How’s the weather over there? Nice and warm
46. Are you eating anything right now? No, might change that though
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Deffo Oreos
48. Favorite cereal? I don’t eat cereal
49. Are you wearing a hat right now? Nope
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? Thankyouuu
51. What about getting some water? I’ve got a Pepsi
52. Have you seen Bird Box? Nope
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? Water, can blood bend then
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? Carpet
55. Do you have any organizational advice? No because I’m a terrible organiser
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? Potato
57. Crayons or markers? Markers
58. Smartphones or tablets? Smartphones
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? Link
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? Haven’t seen it yet
61. What is one useless fact you can list here? A giraffe can go without water longer than a camel
62. What is your eye color? Grey
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? Yeah I want brown eyes
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? My cat threw up in front of me that was gross
65. What’s your favorite season of the year? Spring
66. Do you enjoy reading? Yes
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? Snacks
68. Have you ever traveled by plane? Yea
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? 50 rat sized bulls
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? The hallway
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? Gooby
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? Yeah it’s passed the time
73. Would you recommend it to others? If they liked this sort of thing
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? Vaguely
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? A fan
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? 90s 100% ahhh all the bands I could see
77. Savory or sweet foods? Savoury
78. Can you do a backflip? Noe
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? Yes
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? Nope
81. Can you handle spicy foods? Not at all
82. What is/was your favorite school subject? History
83. Do you have allergies? Wasps
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs
85. Have you seen Sharktale before? Yes
86. Pixar or Dreamworks? Pixar
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? I don’t know if any
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? Sagittarius
89. Pizza or burgers? Pizza
90. Favorite Pokemon? Yveltal
91. Best eeveelution? Espeon
92. How would you describe your fashion sense? “Edgy” ***** depends on the day
93. Favorite number? 96
94. What animal would you be? Lion
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? Fairy
96. How many languages can you speak? 1.5
97. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
98. How did you find FR? I can’t actually remember, all my for friends quit years ago :’(
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? Helped me pass time
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? Why are you like this
yknow what why not 1. What’s your name? Still working on that, but probably Harvest? I go by Spectral online, though. 2. Got it, how are you doing? tired. very 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? I use she/her/they/them pronouns! 4. I see, so what brings you here? long car ride and I’m bored 5. Where are you most active in the forums? frd, usually! the meme-y parts 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? On FR? Probably copper or saffron, their accent colors are Very Pretty 7. Favorite shoe brand? I have no opinions on foot coverings, honestly 8. Red or blue? blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? Dark magenta, kind of like wine on fr? Or white’s accent colors in Mosaic. 10. Strawberry or chocolate? chocolate 11. Mario or Luigi? Peach 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? yes 13. Do you own any pets? yup, three rattie rats! 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? yes! I’m shy though so I’m not an active participant skdjsh 15. Can you whistle? badly, yes 16. How many pillows do you own? oh god too many 17. Should you be asleep right now? i’d like to be, but seeing as it’s 2 p.m., no 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? cotton candy 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? cubed bc I can crunch it 20. Which continent are you from? North America 21. Do you wear glasses? nope 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? somehow I have even fewer opinions on toilet paper than I do shoes 23. Worst video game you ever played? not a gamer 24. Have you ever won a contest before? yeah, nothing serious though (most notably “weirdest five items i’d take to a desert island”) 25. Tea or coffee? tea, but I like both 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? probably a picture stolen from a moodboard I’ve made 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? if they’re pretty and look like they might turn me into a vampire, yes. if they’re old and dusty, no 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? bold of u to assume i have a telephone 29. Favorite emoji? [emoji=eclipsed sun size=1] 30. Your favorite movie genre? animated 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? probably Rosé from Blackpink because she’s cool and also no language barrier 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? yes 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? singer, but I’m bad at both 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? night owl 35. What is some of your pet peeves? shoe shopping, loud tapping, people using my stuff without permission 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? let’s explore heck yeah 37. What is the last song you were listening to? You and I by Dreamcatcher, right now actually 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? alone with no lights 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? yes 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? no 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? no 42. What is the meaning of life? 42 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? I never have, actually 44. Do you collect anything? books and those little shiny stones they put in fake flower vases 45. How’s the weather over there? too hot 46. Are you eating anything right now? freeze-dried corn 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos 48. Favorite cereal? I haven’t had cereal in a year 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? nope 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? nope 51. What about getting some water? yup 52. Have you seen Bird Box? nope 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? water bc I love swimming and I want to breathe underwater 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? wood 55. Do you have any organizational advice? haha no 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? potato! 57. Crayons or markers? markers 58. Smartphones or tablets? phones 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? I have no idea who’s in that skdj 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? no 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? clovers are legumes 62. What is your eye color? dark brown as the void 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? maybe? to those eyes that are brown with streaks of green bc they’re beautiful 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? my mom’s look of disgust at my puns 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? autumn 66. Do you enjoy reading? heck yes 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? tea, probably 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? yes 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? one bull-sized rat. I have pet rats and I do not want to fight 50 of them bc I would lose 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? stay still and head towards the entry to the hallway, and see who’s trying to break in. if they’re scary i’ll run. if i think i can take them i fight 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? Wisp, probably 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? yup! 73. Would you recommend it to others? no, bc I’m the only one with that amount of patience 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? nope 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? a pocketbag 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? live through the 1990s 77. Savory or sweet foods? savory 78. Can you do a backflip? nope 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? no, but I’m planning to 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? no, but I’ve gotten stitches 81. Can you handle spicy foods? no 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? english 83. Do you have allergies? yes, dust and cats and chlorine 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs Bunny 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? no 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? Dreamworks bc Shrek 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? no 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? Scorpio 89. Pizza or burgers? pizza 90. Favorite Pokemon? Misdreavus 91. Best eeveelution? Leafeon 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? leggings 93. Favorite number? 13 94. What animal would you be? a hedgehog bc I Poke 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? a mermaid what kind of question is that 96. How many languages can you speak? two (one and three-quarters of another and one-quarter of a third) 97. Pancakes or waffles? pancakes 98. How did you find FR? lots of my friends were on it 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? no longer bored 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? why are you like this
yknow what why not

1. What’s your name?
Still working on that, but probably Harvest? I go by Spectral online, though.
2. Got it, how are you doing?
tired. very
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I use she/her/they/them pronouns!
4. I see, so what brings you here?
long car ride and I’m bored
5. Where are you most active in the forums?
frd, usually! the meme-y parts
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
On FR? Probably copper or saffron, their accent colors are Very Pretty
7. Favorite shoe brand?
I have no opinions on foot coverings, honestly
8. Red or blue?
9. What is your actual favorite color?
Dark magenta, kind of like wine on fr? Or white’s accent colors in Mosaic.
10. Strawberry or chocolate?
11. Mario or Luigi?
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
13. Do you own any pets?
yup, three rattie rats!
14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
yes! I’m shy though so I’m not an active participant skdjsh
15. Can you whistle?
badly, yes
16. How many pillows do you own?
oh god too many
17. Should you be asleep right now?
i’d like to be, but seeing as it’s 2 p.m., no
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
cotton candy
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
cubed bc I can crunch it
20. Which continent are you from?
North America
21. Do you wear glasses?
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
somehow I have even fewer opinions on toilet paper than I do shoes
23. Worst video game you ever played?
not a gamer
24. Have you ever won a contest before?
yeah, nothing serious though (most notably “weirdest five items i’d take to a desert island”)
25. Tea or coffee?
tea, but I like both
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
probably a picture stolen from a moodboard I’ve made
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
if they’re pretty and look like they might turn me into a vampire, yes. if they’re old and dusty, no
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
bold of u to assume i have a telephone
29. Favorite emoji?

30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
probably Rosé from Blackpink because she’s cool and also no language barrier
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
singer, but I’m bad at both
34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
night owl
35. What is some of your pet peeves?
shoe shopping, loud tapping, people using my stuff without permission
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
let’s explore heck yeah
37. What is the last song you were listening to?
You and I by Dreamcatcher, right now actually
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
alone with no lights
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
42. What is the meaning of life?
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
I never have, actually
44. Do you collect anything?
books and those little shiny stones they put in fake flower vases
45. How’s the weather over there?
too hot
46. Are you eating anything right now?
freeze-dried corn
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
48. Favorite cereal?
I haven’t had cereal in a year
49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
51. What about getting some water?
52. Have you seen Bird Box?
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
water bc I love swimming and I want to breathe underwater
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
55. Do you have any organizational advice?
haha no
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
57. Crayons or markers?
58. Smartphones or tablets?
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
I have no idea who’s in that skdj
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
clovers are legumes
62. What is your eye color?
dark brown as the void
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
maybe? to those eyes that are brown with streaks of green bc they’re beautiful
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
my mom’s look of disgust at my puns
65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
66. Do you enjoy reading?
heck yes
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
tea, probably
68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
one bull-sized rat. I have pet rats and I do not want to fight 50 of them bc I would lose
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
stay still and head towards the entry to the hallway, and see who’s trying to break in. if they’re scary i’ll run. if i think i can take them i fight
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Wisp, probably
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
73. Would you recommend it to others?
no, bc I’m the only one with that amount of patience
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
a pocketbag
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
live through the 1990s
77. Savory or sweet foods?
78. Can you do a backflip?
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
no, but I’m planning to
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
no, but I’ve gotten stitches
81. Can you handle spicy foods?
82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
83. Do you have allergies?
yes, dust and cats and chlorine
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny
85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Dreamworks bc Shrek
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
89. Pizza or burgers?
90. Favorite Pokemon?
91. Best eeveelution?
92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
93. Favorite number?
94. What animal would you be?
a hedgehog bc I Poke
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
a mermaid what kind of question is that
96. How many languages can you speak?
two (one and three-quarters of another and one-quarter of a third)
97. Pancakes or waffles?
98. How did you find FR?
lots of my friends were on it
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
no longer bored
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
why are you like this
nightskyseer |answers to parts of username or Spectral|she/her/they/them | fr time +0
1. What’s your name?
Em/Oddball are the most common
2. Got it, how are you doing?
Pretty good!
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
no idea tbh
4. I see, so what brings you here?
I'm bored and waiting for a friend to come over
5. Where are you most active in the forums?
General discussion
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
7. Favorite shoe brand?
I mean, I wear reebok most the time so...
8. Red or blue?
9. What is your actual favorite color?
Still green
10. Strawberry or chocolate?
11. Mario or Luigi?
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
13. Do you own any pets?
I have 1 dog!
14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
I'm not particularly active in any...
15. Can you whistle?
16. How many pillows do you own?
Too many. (Like, 15 counting all the decorative ones...)
17. Should you be asleep right now?
I'd hope not!
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Shaved ice!
20. Which continent are you from?
North America
21. Do you wear glasses?
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
23. Worst video game you ever played?
Some DS metroid game. The objective wasn't clear at all, the controls were rather strange, and everything looked the same...
24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Kind of? I won by luck, so...
25. Tea or coffee?
Tea. Coffee is too bitter
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably something from my mass of danganronpa character faces
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Why not? They asked nicely.
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Why not? They asked nicely.
29. Favorite emoji?
:) filled with ominous yet happy energy
30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
don't really want to, honestly...
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Not anymore...
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
35. What is some of your pet peeves?
chewing with your mouth open and sneezing/coughing without covering your mouth are the main ones
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Stay put.
37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story-Roselia cover
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
No lights.
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
yes and it was very fun
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
42. What is the meaning of life?
see question number
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Like, 5 years ago?
44. Do you collect anything?
Not really...
45. How’s the weather over there?
Bright, sunny, and hot
46. Are you eating anything right now?
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
48. Favorite cereal?
Reese's Puffs
49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
Stretched earlier, actually!
51. What about getting some water?
Have some right next to me.
52. Have you seen Bird Box?
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Carpet, but I kinda want to replace it with a concrete floor
55. Do you have any organizational advice?
What you don't need, don't have. I frequently go through folders and things and throw away old papers I don't need.
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Potato chips
57. Crayons or markers?
58. Smartphones or tablets?
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
I used to main Duck Hunt when I played
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
what is that cgi
61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
There is a useless website generator that will literally take you to the most strange and useless sites on the internet.
62. What is your eye color?
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
I'll keep them green!
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
the AP test scores
65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
66. Do you enjoy reading?
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Gift cards!
68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
1 bull-sized rat.
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
I'll take the door, thanks.
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Minami, my avatar dragon!
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
73. Would you recommend it to others?
If they needed something to do..
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
Just barely not.
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
My headset
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Stuck to re-live the 1990s
77. Savory or sweet foods?
78. Can you do a backflip?
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
81. Can you handle spicy foods?
They're my favorite kind of food so... yeah!
82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
83. Do you have allergies?
spring is the worst season
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny
85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
I vaguely remember it
86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
Sleepless Domain, Cut Time, and Monster Pulse
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
89. Pizza or burgers?
90. Favorite Pokemon?
91. Best eeveelution?
92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Sporty casual. Have to stay cool where I live!
93. Favorite number?
94. What animal would you be?
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
96. How many languages can you speak?
97. Pancakes or waffles?
98. How did you find FR?
I think I found it through Pokefarm?
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Helped my boredom for about 10 minutes
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Why did it take you so long to remember a useless fact?
1. What’s your name?
Em/Oddball are the most common
2. Got it, how are you doing?
Pretty good!
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
no idea tbh
4. I see, so what brings you here?
I'm bored and waiting for a friend to come over
5. Where are you most active in the forums?
General discussion
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
7. Favorite shoe brand?
I mean, I wear reebok most the time so...
8. Red or blue?
9. What is your actual favorite color?
Still green
10. Strawberry or chocolate?
11. Mario or Luigi?
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
13. Do you own any pets?
I have 1 dog!
14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
I'm not particularly active in any...
15. Can you whistle?
16. How many pillows do you own?
Too many. (Like, 15 counting all the decorative ones...)
17. Should you be asleep right now?
I'd hope not!
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Shaved ice!
20. Which continent are you from?
North America
21. Do you wear glasses?
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
23. Worst video game you ever played?
Some DS metroid game. The objective wasn't clear at all, the controls were rather strange, and everything looked the same...
24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Kind of? I won by luck, so...
25. Tea or coffee?
Tea. Coffee is too bitter
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Probably something from my mass of danganronpa character faces
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Why not? They asked nicely.
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Why not? They asked nicely.
29. Favorite emoji?
:) filled with ominous yet happy energy
30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
don't really want to, honestly...
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Not anymore...
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
35. What is some of your pet peeves?
chewing with your mouth open and sneezing/coughing without covering your mouth are the main ones
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Stay put.
37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Six Trillion Years and an Overnight Story-Roselia cover
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
No lights.
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
yes and it was very fun
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
42. What is the meaning of life?
see question number
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Like, 5 years ago?
44. Do you collect anything?
Not really...
45. How’s the weather over there?
Bright, sunny, and hot
46. Are you eating anything right now?
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
48. Favorite cereal?
Reese's Puffs
49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
Stretched earlier, actually!
51. What about getting some water?
Have some right next to me.
52. Have you seen Bird Box?
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
Carpet, but I kinda want to replace it with a concrete floor
55. Do you have any organizational advice?
What you don't need, don't have. I frequently go through folders and things and throw away old papers I don't need.
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Potato chips
57. Crayons or markers?
58. Smartphones or tablets?
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
I used to main Duck Hunt when I played
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
what is that cgi
61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
There is a useless website generator that will literally take you to the most strange and useless sites on the internet.
62. What is your eye color?
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
I'll keep them green!
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
the AP test scores
65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
66. Do you enjoy reading?
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Gift cards!
68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
1 bull-sized rat.
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
I'll take the door, thanks.
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Minami, my avatar dragon!
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
73. Would you recommend it to others?
If they needed something to do..
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
Just barely not.
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
My headset
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Stuck to re-live the 1990s
77. Savory or sweet foods?
78. Can you do a backflip?
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
81. Can you handle spicy foods?
They're my favorite kind of food so... yeah!
82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
83. Do you have allergies?
spring is the worst season
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny
85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
I vaguely remember it
86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
Sleepless Domain, Cut Time, and Monster Pulse
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
89. Pizza or burgers?
90. Favorite Pokemon?
91. Best eeveelution?
92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Sporty casual. Have to stay cool where I live!
93. Favorite number?
94. What animal would you be?
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
96. How many languages can you speak?
97. Pancakes or waffles?
98. How did you find FR?
I think I found it through Pokefarm?
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Helped my boredom for about 10 minutes
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Why did it take you so long to remember a useless fact?
em/sai | all pronouns | fr+2 | pings ok
wishlist | fandragon project
probably on ffxiv
This is my secret text... Let's keep it between us, ok?
1. What’s your name?
I don't have a problem with others knowing my name but I like it more private like that haha

2. Got it, how are you doing?
Amazing! There's a thunderstorm here and the power went off - it's working again, but no, amazing wasn't sarcasm.

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I'm female but for me gender doesn't exactly play a role, I've almost always been okay with being female but yeah... If you ask me if I feel feminine? No. Masculine? Also no. I won't correct any pronoun people use but it might take me a while to respond to they/them so if I ever ignore you, hit me virtually XD

4. I see, so what brings you here?
I like stalking the general discussions at times.

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
General discussion

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Blue (totally not obvious)

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Nah, really don't care XD My favorite shoes were from GEOX though.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Both :o

11. Mario or Luigi?
Wrong topic

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
No, but the psycho Boneknapper does °v°

13. Do you own any pets?
Unfortunately not

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
HTTYD (but I'm taking a break because I haven't watched the movie yet) and Guns N' Roses. I like a lot more but that's the only ones where I'm actively interacting with other fans.

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?
Too many to count

17. Should you be asleep right now?
I guess so XD

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
I tend to not like water ice that much

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Crushed or shaved

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?
Not right now. I should, but they hurt my eyes and make my brain dumber than it usually is.

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
Not sure and I can't check at the moment because I'm not at home

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Not thay much of a gamer, sorry...

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Not on my own, but my group won and I was their representative.

25. Tea or coffee?

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Possibly a screenshot from Holos Krainy, I have too many of them from making comics for poor @Zikta

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Well, maybe? Depends on the situation.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Most likely

29. Favorite emoji?
I tend to use the bird a lot... for ragepuff reasons.

30. Your favorite movie genre?
I don't watch a lot of music but I'd say comedy or horror, IF they're good of course.

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Oh no, not that question... I'd probably still say Izzy Stradlin, woops

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Rather night owl at the moment

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
When people judge people or things by the only thing they know about it and there's no way you can change their opinion

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
I think I'd go into the jungle

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Moja Krew by Republika

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
Second one

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yes! It was great!

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?
I refuse

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
A few months ago...

44. Do you collect anything?
Feathers from pillows and branches of Christmas trees XD

45. How’s the weather over there?

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
Tbh I don't know Chips Ahoy...

48. Favorite cereal?
I can't decide...

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?
Recently did that

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
I'd like it to be air but I think it would be earth

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Hell no, I don't know how I made it through school like that XD

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Potato chips but both are good

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?
Smartphones - never had a tablet

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros?
No idea??

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Neber seen it

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
I don't think any fact is useless...

62. What is your eye color?
Nooooo, not that question... sometimes it looks light blue, sometimes grey and sometimes green. Pick one because I can't tell.

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Although it puts me in some weird situations because I can't change it, no, I wouldn't.

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
Someone throwing a cigarette out of the car

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
I like all, but autumn

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yes, a lot!

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Phew, I guess either on food or on presents or on books or (together with more money of course) on something like a cassette player if I can even find one anywhere except for in the internet

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Take me high, take me high my airplane!
Actually no, I haven't

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
One bull-sized rat

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Spoons are dangerous- oops, a plastic spoon. Well, never lose hope on the almighty spoons. Hm... I think maybe the door.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Oh no, that's so difficult because I'm not picky at all... maybe... maybe Viyna. Or the unnamed Tundra with crackle. But that brown Ridgeback is also beautiful...

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?
They have to find it themselves

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
Charger. Hi charger, how are you? *hugs charger*

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Stuck to re-live the 90s

77. Savory or sweet foods?
Depends on the situation...

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Not especially well if they're really spicy

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I can't decide, but if courses count it was astronomy

83. Do you have allergies?
Fortunately none thay I know of

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I don't even know any...

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
I don't know enough to be able to answer this question seriously

91. Best eeveelution?
See question 90

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
To be honest, I don't care about clothes that much, I mainly just wear whatever I find in the wardrobe, but if I buy new clothes... *thinks* I give up. All I can say it I like socks that cover the anke much better the ones that don't, that I mainly own blue jeans but also quite a few leather pants, and that I prefer wider shirts/whatever I wear up there.

93. Favorite number?
Help... I'm just gonna say 4 because I had a serious obsession with 4 as a child.

94. What animal would you be?
I think a donkey or a wolf.

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
A fairy, I think

96. How many languages can you speak?
I mean, correctly? None. Well, I can communicate without big grammar difficulties in three languages (though with horrible accent in two of them :c), I could certainly make myself understood in two other languages, and I'm learning another one I'm still rather new to, and I gues I should mention I'm sort of learning another language passively but I won't ever be able to speak it because my mouth isn't made for extremely beautiful languages. And... I'm just gonna say Latin at school but I can't actually speak it. Make of that what you want XD

97. Pancakes or waffles?
Both... but if I have to choose I'll choose waffles.

98. How did you find FR?
A friend sent screenshots and when I saw the one of her baby Mirror I decided to make an account.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Yes, I learned what some things are called in English

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Don't you think you should seriously question your life because you couldn't answer so many if these questions?
1. What’s your name?
I don't have a problem with others knowing my name but I like it more private like that haha

2. Got it, how are you doing?
Amazing! There's a thunderstorm here and the power went off - it's working again, but no, amazing wasn't sarcasm.

3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
I'm female but for me gender doesn't exactly play a role, I've almost always been okay with being female but yeah... If you ask me if I feel feminine? No. Masculine? Also no. I won't correct any pronoun people use but it might take me a while to respond to they/them so if I ever ignore you, hit me virtually XD

4. I see, so what brings you here?
I like stalking the general discussions at times.

5. Where are you most active in the forums?
General discussion

6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
Blue (totally not obvious)

7. Favorite shoe brand?
Nah, really don't care XD My favorite shoes were from GEOX though.

8. Red or blue?

9. What is your actual favorite color?

10. Strawberry or chocolate?
Both :o

11. Mario or Luigi?
Wrong topic

12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
No, but the psycho Boneknapper does °v°

13. Do you own any pets?
Unfortunately not

14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
HTTYD (but I'm taking a break because I haven't watched the movie yet) and Guns N' Roses. I like a lot more but that's the only ones where I'm actively interacting with other fans.

15. Can you whistle?

16. How many pillows do you own?
Too many to count

17. Should you be asleep right now?
I guess so XD

18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
I tend to not like water ice that much

19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Crushed or shaved

20. Which continent are you from?

21. Do you wear glasses?
Not right now. I should, but they hurt my eyes and make my brain dumber than it usually is.

22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
Not sure and I can't check at the moment because I'm not at home

23. Worst video game you ever played?
Not thay much of a gamer, sorry...

24. Have you ever won a contest before?
Not on my own, but my group won and I was their representative.

25. Tea or coffee?

26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Possibly a screenshot from Holos Krainy, I have too many of them from making comics for poor @Zikta

27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Well, maybe? Depends on the situation.

28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
Most likely

29. Favorite emoji?
I tend to use the bird a lot... for ragepuff reasons.

30. Your favorite movie genre?
I don't watch a lot of music but I'd say comedy or horror, IF they're good of course.

31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
Oh no, not that question... I'd probably still say Izzy Stradlin, woops

32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?

33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?

34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Rather night owl at the moment

35. What is some of your pet peeves?
When people judge people or things by the only thing they know about it and there's no way you can change their opinion

36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
I think I'd go into the jungle

37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Moja Krew by Republika

38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
Second one

39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yes! It was great!

40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?

41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?

42. What is the meaning of life?
I refuse

43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
A few months ago...

44. Do you collect anything?
Feathers from pillows and branches of Christmas trees XD

45. How’s the weather over there?

46. Are you eating anything right now?

47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
Tbh I don't know Chips Ahoy...

48. Favorite cereal?
I can't decide...

49. Are you wearing a hat right now?

50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?

51. What about getting some water?
Recently did that

52. Have you seen Bird Box?

53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
I'd like it to be air but I think it would be earth

54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?

55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Hell no, I don't know how I made it through school like that XD

56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
Potato chips but both are good

57. Crayons or markers?

58. Smartphones or tablets?
Smartphones - never had a tablet

59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros?
No idea??

60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
Neber seen it

61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
I don't think any fact is useless...

62. What is your eye color?
Nooooo, not that question... sometimes it looks light blue, sometimes grey and sometimes green. Pick one because I can't tell.

63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
Although it puts me in some weird situations because I can't change it, no, I wouldn't.

64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
Someone throwing a cigarette out of the car

65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
I like all, but autumn

66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yes, a lot!

67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Phew, I guess either on food or on presents or on books or (together with more money of course) on something like a cassette player if I can even find one anywhere except for in the internet

68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Take me high, take me high my airplane!
Actually no, I haven't

69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
One bull-sized rat

70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Spoons are dangerous- oops, a plastic spoon. Well, never lose hope on the almighty spoons. Hm... I think maybe the door.

71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
Oh no, that's so difficult because I'm not picky at all... maybe... maybe Viyna. Or the unnamed Tundra with crackle. But that brown Ridgeback is also beautiful...

72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?

73. Would you recommend it to others?
They have to find it themselves

74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?

75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
Charger. Hi charger, how are you? *hugs charger*

76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
Stuck to re-live the 90s

77. Savory or sweet foods?
Depends on the situation...

78. Can you do a backflip?

79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?

80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?

81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Not especially well if they're really spicy

82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
I can't decide, but if courses count it was astronomy

83. Do you have allergies?
Fortunately none thay I know of

84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny

85. Have you seen Sharktale before?

86. Pixar or Dreamworks?

87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
I don't even know any...

88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?

89. Pizza or burgers?

90. Favorite Pokemon?
I don't know enough to be able to answer this question seriously

91. Best eeveelution?
See question 90

92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
To be honest, I don't care about clothes that much, I mainly just wear whatever I find in the wardrobe, but if I buy new clothes... *thinks* I give up. All I can say it I like socks that cover the anke much better the ones that don't, that I mainly own blue jeans but also quite a few leather pants, and that I prefer wider shirts/whatever I wear up there.

93. Favorite number?
Help... I'm just gonna say 4 because I had a serious obsession with 4 as a child.

94. What animal would you be?
I think a donkey or a wolf.

95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
A fairy, I think

96. How many languages can you speak?
I mean, correctly? None. Well, I can communicate without big grammar difficulties in three languages (though with horrible accent in two of them :c), I could certainly make myself understood in two other languages, and I'm learning another one I'm still rather new to, and I gues I should mention I'm sort of learning another language passively but I won't ever be able to speak it because my mouth isn't made for extremely beautiful languages. And... I'm just gonna say Latin at school but I can't actually speak it. Make of that what you want XD

97. Pancakes or waffles?
Both... but if I have to choose I'll choose waffles.

98. How did you find FR?
A friend sent screenshots and when I saw the one of her baby Mirror I decided to make an account.

99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
Yes, I learned what some things are called in English

100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Don't you think you should seriously question your life because you couldn't answer so many if these questions?
P(I have enough dragons)=1/9999999999999999999999999999^9999999
It's a bad obsession, it's always messing, it's always messing my lair
News about my dragons
1. What’s your name? Lily 2. Got it, how are you doing? Pretty well. Haven’t gotten out of bed yet. 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? Girl 4. I see, so what brings you here? Idk. I clicked on someone’s signature, it went to a thread on General, and this was on the front page. 5. Where are you most active in the forums? FRD 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? Blue 7. Favorite shoe brand? I don’t have one. I hate wearing shoes. 8. Red or blue? Blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? Still blue. 10. Strawberry or chocolate? Chocolate 11. Mario or Luigi? I don’t play video games, but I guess Mario. 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? No. 13. Do you own any pets? Yes, I have four Siberian huskies. 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? Yup. WoF, PJo/HoO/ToA, MCGA, KC, and a few others I can’t think of right now. 15. Can you whistle? Yes 16. How many pillows do you own? Two 17. Should you be asleep right now? No 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? Coffee. 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? Shaved, I guess? 20. Which continent are you from? North America 21. Do you wear glasses? Mm-hm. I can’t see a thing if it’s farther than two feet away from me. 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? Charmin. (I feel like that’s spelled wrong) 23. Worst video game you ever played? Er... I honestly don’t know. I haven’t played very many, and I don’t remember them very well. 24. Have you ever won a contest before? I think so. 25. Tea or coffee? Tea all the way 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? Maybe [item=charming sage lantern] 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? Probably not. 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? I don’t let strangers in my house. 29. Favorite emoji? [emoji=unicorn size=1] 30. Your favorite movie genre? Sci-fi/fantasy 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? ... I don’t know. 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? Hehehehehe, noooo. 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? Singer, but only around my friends. I get embarrassed. 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? Night owl 35. What is some of your pet peeves? When my brother leaves the toilet seat up 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? Stay put for awhile, then get curious and bored. 37. What is the last song you were listening to? Speechless from Aladdin, I’m pretty sure 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? Elevator? 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? Yeah, the little kid one once. I hated it. 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? I broke my right arm twice. 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? No 42. What is the meaning of life? It’s clearly 42. 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? Like, a few years ago. 44. Do you collect anything? [s]Dust[/s] 45. How’s the weather over there? Pretty nice. I can hear birds. 46. Are you eating anything right now? Nope. 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos. 48. Favorite cereal? Mama’s Best honey grahams. 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? I hate hats, no. 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? Sometimes. 51. What about getting some water? Occasionally. 52. Have you seen Bird Box. N o p e 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? Air. I always thought it would be so cool. 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? Wooden. 55. Do you have any organizational advice? Not really? 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? Potato. 57. Crayons or markers? Ew, crayons. Markers for sure. 58. Smartphones or tablets? Tablet. 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? What’s that 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? I haven’t seen it but it looks gross. 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? You can see the back of an owl’s eyeball through their ear. 62. What is your eye color? Green, but almost hazel. 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? No. 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? Blood 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? Summer or winter. 66. Do you enjoy reading? Yes, very much. 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? Art supplies? 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? Yeah, I flew to Colorado once. And I slept on the way back, that hurt. 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? Rat-sized bulls. 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? Behind me? I’d be freaking out. 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? Hornet! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? Yeah 73. Would you recommend it to others? Probably 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? No 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? My bookshelf. Okay. Not objecting. 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? ... neither? I’m not old enough to re-live the 1990s 77. Savory or sweet foods? Savory 78. Can you do a backflip? Does it count if I can do it underwater? 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? It was blue for a few weeks, yes. 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? No 81. Can you handle spicy foods? Not really. 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? Art 83. Do you have allergies? Not that I know of. 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? Bugs Bunny? 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? Yeah, I saw part of it at a taco restaurant and wanted to see the whole thing. 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? Dreamworks, because the made HTTYD 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? Vainglorious. 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? Libra. 89. Pizza or burgers? Pizza 90. Favorite Pokemon? Hhhhh idk. I haven’t looked at Pokémon in a long time. 91. Best eeveelution? Leafeon or Glaceon. (I spelled them both wrong, didn’t I?) 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? Not sure, but I always wear a skirt and a shirt that matches. And a necklace if I remember. 93. Favorite number? 24 94. What animal would you be? A bird or dog? 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? Fairy. I wanna fly 96. How many languages can you speak? English, fangirl, and art. 97. Pancakes or waffles? Pancakes. 98. How did you find FR? On a YouTube speedpaint of a FR dragon. 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? No 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? Why have I spent this long on this? Why?
1. What’s your name?
2. Got it, how are you doing?
Pretty well. Haven’t gotten out of bed yet.
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
4. I see, so what brings you here?
Idk. I clicked on someone’s signature, it went to a thread on General, and this was on the front page.
5. Where are you most active in the forums?
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
7. Favorite shoe brand?
I don’t have one. I hate wearing shoes.
8. Red or blue?
9. What is your actual favorite color?
Still blue.
10. Strawberry or chocolate?
11. Mario or Luigi?
I don’t play video games, but I guess Mario.
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
13. Do you own any pets?
Yes, I have four Siberian huskies.
14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
Yup. WoF, PJo/HoO/ToA, MCGA, KC, and a few others I can’t think of right now.
15. Can you whistle?
16. How many pillows do you own?
17. Should you be asleep right now?
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
Shaved, I guess?
20. Which continent are you from?
North America
21. Do you wear glasses?
Mm-hm. I can’t see a thing if it’s farther than two feet away from me.
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
Charmin. (I feel like that’s spelled wrong)
23. Worst video game you ever played?
Er... I honestly don’t know. I haven’t played very many, and I don’t remember them very well.
24. Have you ever won a contest before?
I think so.
25. Tea or coffee?
Tea all the way
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Maybe Charming Sage Lantern
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
Probably not.
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
I don’t let strangers in my house.
29. Favorite emoji?

30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
... I don’t know.
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
Hehehehehe, noooo.
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
Singer, but only around my friends. I get embarrassed.
34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Night owl
35. What is some of your pet peeves?
When my brother leaves the toilet seat up
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
Stay put for awhile, then get curious and bored.
37. What is the last song you were listening to?
Speechless from Aladdin, I’m pretty sure
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
Yeah, the little kid one once. I hated it.
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
I broke my right arm twice.
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
42. What is the meaning of life?
It’s clearly 42.
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
Like, a few years ago.
44. Do you collect anything?
45. How’s the weather over there?
Pretty nice. I can hear birds.
46. Are you eating anything right now?
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
48. Favorite cereal?
Mama’s Best honey grahams.
49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
I hate hats, no.
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
51. What about getting some water?
52. Have you seen Bird Box.
N o p e
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
Air. I always thought it would be so cool.
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
55. Do you have any organizational advice?
Not really?
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
57. Crayons or markers?
Ew, crayons. Markers for sure.
58. Smartphones or tablets?
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
What’s that
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
I haven’t seen it but it looks gross.
61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
You can see the back of an owl’s eyeball through their ear.
62. What is your eye color?
Green, but almost hazel.
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
Summer or winter.
66. Do you enjoy reading?
Yes, very much.
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
Art supplies?
68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
Yeah, I flew to Colorado once. And I slept on the way back, that hurt.
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
Rat-sized bulls.
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
Behind me? I’d be freaking out.
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?


72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
73. Would you recommend it to others?
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
My bookshelf. Okay. Not objecting.
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
... neither? I’m not old enough to re-live the 1990s
77. Savory or sweet foods?
78. Can you do a backflip?
Does it count if I can do it underwater?
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
It was blue for a few weeks, yes.
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
81. Can you handle spicy foods?
Not really.
82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
83. Do you have allergies?
Not that I know of.
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
Bugs Bunny?
85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
Yeah, I saw part of it at a taco restaurant and wanted to see the whole thing.
86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
Dreamworks, because the made HTTYD
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
89. Pizza or burgers?
90. Favorite Pokemon?
Hhhhh idk. I haven’t looked at Pokémon in a long time.
91. Best eeveelution?
Leafeon or Glaceon. (I spelled them both wrong, didn’t I?)
92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
Not sure, but I always wear a skirt and a shirt that matches. And a necklace if I remember.
93. Favorite number?
94. What animal would you be?
A bird or dog?
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
Fairy. I wanna fly
96. How many languages can you speak?
English, fangirl, and art.
97. Pancakes or waffles?
98. How did you find FR?
On a YouTube speedpaint of a FR dragon.
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
Why have I spent this long on this? Why?
1. What’s your name? xxstarpupx 2. Got it, how are you doing? lowkey sad 3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other? girl 4. I see, so what brings you here? bored 5. Where are you most active in the forums? flight rising discussion or forum games 6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color? dark green or black 7. Favorite shoe brand? converse or vans 8. Red or blue? blue 9. What is your actual favorite color? dark green skskd 10. Strawberry or chocolate? strawberry if it’s the fruit, artificial strawberry usually tastes nasty 11. Mario or Luigi? Mario 12. Do you plan on taking over the world? no 13. Do you own any pets? yes 14. Are you apart of any fandoms? yes ? 15. Can you whistle? yeah 16. How many pillows do you own? four/five 17. Should you be asleep right now? no 18. Least favorite ice cream flavor? mint 19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice? cubed 20. Which continent are you from? north america 21. Do you wear glasses? yes 22. What is the superior toilet paper brand? idk as long as it gets the job done 23. Worst video game you ever played? my life 24. Have you ever won a contest before? yes 25. Tea or coffee? both 26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons? [item=Death's-Head Stag] or something leafy 27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in? maybe 28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in? maybe,, i have trust issues 29. Favorite emoji? probably the dead skull emoji, or the carousel horse 30. Your favorite movie genre? thriller/sci-fi 31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be? gerard way 32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie? some parts 33. Are you more of a dancer or singer? lol none 34. Are you an early bird or night owl? night owl 35. What is some of your pet peeves? chewing, random singing, kicking my chair, tapping, sound of hair scratching, talking with food in mouth, wrapper noise when im hungry, people talking loudly when im trying to sleep/listen to music, being interrupted 36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open? stay put for a while and then go into the jungle- not too far though 37. What is the last song you were listening to? im currently listening to a hamilton song but i was listening to aesthetic? more like ass pathetic by panuccis pizza 38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights? n o but if i had to choose probably a clown,, a nice clown. because at least everything is working properly 39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster? yes 40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body? no 41. Do you shop at Hot Topic? yes lol 42. What is the meaning of life? idk 43. When is the last time you had McDonalds? uhhh few days ago 44. Do you collect anything? idk 45. How’s the weather over there? used to be floods and tornados back to back but now it’s just hot 46. Are you eating anything right now? air 47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos duh 48. Favorite cereal? idk 49. Are you wearing a hat right now? no 50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up? i just woke up like an hour ago 51. What about getting some water? haven’t yet 52. Have you seen Bird Box? yes 53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be? probably air or water because it’s everywhere and itd be super powerful 54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have? carpet 55. Do you have any organizational advice? no haHa 56. Potato chips or tortilla chips? potato chips 57. Crayons or markers? markers 58. Smartphones or tablets? smartphones though I have both phones are more convenient 59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.? idk 60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie? idk 61. What is one useless fact you can list here? it takes 6 liters of water to kill a 165lb person 62. What is your eye color? dark brown. like it hardly even turns light brown in the sun and i hate it i want lighter eyes 63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)? please yes 64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)? myself in the mirror 65. What’s your favorite season of the year? fall 66. Do you enjoy reading? yes 67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on? food or a hoodie 68. Have you ever traveled by plane? yes 69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat? a bull sized rat except the bull has dwarfism lol 70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take? break the spoon and make it sharp to use as a weapon and stay put 71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite? my dragon micah or my pfp dragon bijou 72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire? eh 73. Would you recommend it to others? no 74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s? no but i do like the 90s aesthetic 75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it? my pillow 76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older? relive the 1990s 77. Savory or sweet foods? sweet 78. Can you do a backflip? no 79. Have you ever dyed your hair before? no 80. Have you ever gotten surgery before? no 81. Can you handle spicy foods? yes 82. What is/was your favorite school subject? science 83. Do you have allergies? no 84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck? daffy duck 85. Have you seen Sharktale before? i think 86. Pixar or Dreamworks? idk 87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend? idk 88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac? aries sun, capricorn moon, gemini ascendant 89. Pizza or burgers? pizza 90. Favorite Pokemon? rockruff, stufful, whimsicott, or leafeon 91. Best eeveelution? leafeon or umbreon 92. How would you describe your fashion sense? edgy 93. Favorite number? idk 94. What animal would you be? idk 95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy? fairy 96. How many languages can you speak? one currently 97. Pancakes or waffles? pancakes 98. How did you find FR? friends online were playing it 99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way? idk 100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself? why do i keep falling for girls that’s pretty gay
1. What’s your name?
2. Got it, how are you doing?
lowkey sad
3. Are you a gal, guy, enby, or other?
4. I see, so what brings you here?
5. Where are you most active in the forums?
flight rising discussion or forum games
6. Alright, time for some ice breakers- favorite color?
dark green or black
7. Favorite shoe brand?
converse or vans
8. Red or blue?
9. What is your actual favorite color?
dark green skskd
10. Strawberry or chocolate?
strawberry if it’s the fruit, artificial strawberry usually tastes nasty
11. Mario or Luigi?
12. Do you plan on taking over the world?
13. Do you own any pets?
14. Are you apart of any fandoms?
yes ?
15. Can you whistle?
16. How many pillows do you own?
17. Should you be asleep right now?
18. Least favorite ice cream flavor?
19. Crushed, cubed, or shaved ice?
20. Which continent are you from?
north america
21. Do you wear glasses?
22. What is the superior toilet paper brand?
idk as long as it gets the job done
23. Worst video game you ever played?
my life
24. Have you ever won a contest before?
25. Tea or coffee?
26. What would your icon be if FR didn’t restrict it to dragons?
Death's-Head Stag or something leafy
27. A vampire asks if they can come inside your house, would you let them in?
28. Turns out they’re not a vampire, they’re just a goth person looking for a telephone to use. Would you still let them in?
maybe,, i have trust issues
29. Favorite emoji?
probably the dead skull emoji, or the carousel horse
30. Your favorite movie genre?
31. If you could hang out with any celebrity (deceased or living) who would it be?
gerard way
32. Can you recite the opening script from the Bee Movie?
some parts
33. Are you more of a dancer or singer?
lol none
34. Are you an early bird or night owl?
night owl
35. What is some of your pet peeves?
chewing, random singing, kicking my chair, tapping, sound of hair scratching, talking with food in mouth, wrapper noise when im hungry, people talking loudly when im trying to sleep/listen to music, being interrupted
36. You’re trapped on an island. Do you venture out in the jungle or stay put in the open?
stay put for a while and then go into the jungle- not too far though
37. What is the last song you were listening to?
im currently listening to a hamilton song but i was listening to aesthetic? more like *** pathetic by panuccis pizza
38. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator alone with no lights or trapped with a clown and working lights?
n o but if i had to choose probably a clown,, a nice clown. because at least everything is working properly
39. Have you ever gotten on a rollercoaster?
40. Have you ever broken a bone in your body?
41. Do you shop at Hot Topic?
yes lol
42. What is the meaning of life?
43. When is the last time you had McDonalds?
uhhh few days ago
44. Do you collect anything?
45. How’s the weather over there?
used to be floods and tornados back to back but now it’s just hot
46. Are you eating anything right now?
47. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
Oreos duh
48. Favorite cereal?
49. Are you wearing a hat right now?
50. Have you remembered to stretch or sit up?
i just woke up like an hour ago
51. What about getting some water?
haven’t yet
52. Have you seen Bird Box?
53. If you could control any of the four elements (earth, air, fire, water) which one would it be?
probably air or water because it’s everywhere and itd be super powerful
54. What type of flooring does your bedroom have?
55. Do you have any organizational advice?
no haHa
56. Potato chips or tortilla chips?
potato chips
57. Crayons or markers?
58. Smartphones or tablets?
smartphones though I have both phones are more convenient
59. Who do you main (or would main if you never played) in Super Smash Bros.?
60. Opinions on the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie?
61. What is one useless fact you can list here?
it takes 6 liters of water to kill a 165lb person
62. What is your eye color?
dark brown. like it hardly even turns light brown in the sun and i hate it i want lighter eyes
63. Would you change it (natural or non-natural color)?
please yes
64. What’s the worst thing you saw yesterday (keep it PG)?
myself in the mirror
65. What’s your favorite season of the year?
66. Do you enjoy reading?
67. You find 20 dollars on the ground. You have to spend it all. What do you spend it on?
food or a hoodie
68. Have you ever traveled by plane?
69. Would you rather fight 50 rat-sized bulls or 1 bull-sized rat?
a bull sized rat except the bull has dwarfism lol
70. You are in a horror movie. You are trapped in an abandoned house in the middle of the woods at night. You are not carrying anything but a plastic spoon. You hear someone (or something) trying to open the door. All the windows are sealed shut with wood. Behind you is a pitch-black, long hallway that is either harmless or harmful that can also lead you out the house. Which way do you take?
break the spoon and make it sharp to use as a weapon and stay put
71. Which dragon from your lair is your visual favorite?
my dragon micah or my pfp dragon bijou
72. Have you been enjoying this questionnaire?
73. Would you recommend it to others?
74. Are you old enough to remember the 90s?
no but i do like the 90s aesthetic
75. The object to your left is now your best friend. What is it?
my pillow
76. Would you rather be stuck to re-live the 1990s as your current age, or would you rather fast forward to the 2020s but be 15 years older?
relive the 1990s
77. Savory or sweet foods?
78. Can you do a backflip?
79. Have you ever dyed your hair before?
80. Have you ever gotten surgery before?
81. Can you handle spicy foods?
82. What is/was your favorite school subject?
83. Do you have allergies?
84. Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?
daffy duck
85. Have you seen Sharktale before?
i think
86. Pixar or Dreamworks?
87. Any webcomics besides Homestuck you would recommend?
88. Speaking of which, what is your zodiac?
aries sun, capricorn moon, gemini ascendant
89. Pizza or burgers?
90. Favorite Pokemon?
rockruff, stufful, whimsicott, or leafeon
91. Best eeveelution?
leafeon or umbreon
92. How would you describe your fashion sense?
93. Favorite number?
94. What animal would you be?
95. Would you rather be a mermaid or a fairy?
96. How many languages can you speak?
one currently
97. Pancakes or waffles?
98. How did you find FR?
friends online were playing it
99. Did this questionnaire help you in any way?
100. Is there anything you’d like to ask yourself?
why do i keep falling for girls that’s pretty gay
1 2 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 33 34