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kinda surviving, kinda just existing
kinda surviving, kinda just existing
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finals suck a ton
finals suck a ton

Did you do it as a joke or were you serious normally you reject those sorts of conversations.

Did you do it as a joke or were you serious normally you reject those sorts of conversations.
28932619_ol7.gif ...
tyrian | she/her | +3
tumblr | toyhouse | fandragons
Bet with the Universe:

If I don't see any of my friends in the flesh by the end of the holiday break, but I continue to see them all together, I fully gene one of my other dragons (Not including Persephus, provided that I get him by then).

If I do, then I can't I guess??? Maybe some other negative thing if I think of it?

In addition: why must i have to be personally invited to do something

also, this could have all been avoided if i had the full legality to drive but nnnnnnOOOOO i'm not worth the time of helping me practice more
Bet with the Universe:

If I don't see any of my friends in the flesh by the end of the holiday break, but I continue to see them all together, I fully gene one of my other dragons (Not including Persephus, provided that I get him by then).

If I do, then I can't I guess??? Maybe some other negative thing if I think of it?

In addition: why must i have to be personally invited to do something

also, this could have all been avoided if i had the full legality to drive but nnnnnnOOOOO i'm not worth the time of helping me practice more
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - lightning_banner.png
Listen to the Thunder
Hear Us Roar
Zh duh wkh Fodq ri wkh Vfuhdplqj Vwrup

(oops I was late too)

So you're like... a re-rehabilitated New Ager, I guess that's why you have such in depth rants about it lol
I just can't get past that they have no respect for anything despite using it all. I get the appeal in being eclectic, but at least use some basic context, jeez.
And oh, boy some stuff they say is straight up dangerous, I'm glad I never got into the scene...

I would even never judge a theistic Satanist, I have been doing a lot of demonology and abrahamic lore research for kicks lately and have nothing but sympathy for the Devil. But that's a whole other conversation, probably not for here lol
I take no offense though, only sympathy. I can only imagine how bad it must be, having to start off every conversation with a disclaimer. Its hard enough when I try to explain it to my mom, and it isn't even my philosophy lol

Its such bs, just taking things and using it to serve your own agenda, distorting and bastardizing things to be unrecognizable. And then to claim they have respect for the past and history, and that's why they do it...

(oops I was late too)

So you're like... a re-rehabilitated New Ager, I guess that's why you have such in depth rants about it lol
I just can't get past that they have no respect for anything despite using it all. I get the appeal in being eclectic, but at least use some basic context, jeez.
And oh, boy some stuff they say is straight up dangerous, I'm glad I never got into the scene...

I would even never judge a theistic Satanist, I have been doing a lot of demonology and abrahamic lore research for kicks lately and have nothing but sympathy for the Devil. But that's a whole other conversation, probably not for here lol
I take no offense though, only sympathy. I can only imagine how bad it must be, having to start off every conversation with a disclaimer. Its hard enough when I try to explain it to my mom, and it isn't even my philosophy lol

Its such bs, just taking things and using it to serve your own agenda, distorting and bastardizing things to be unrecognizable. And then to claim they have respect for the past and history, and that's why they do it...

It mostly them falling into a giant ego based circle-jerk of trying to be 'individual' and 'totally enlightened' whilst looking down on everyone else.
Like theres anything like totally enlightened people. Pah.

A lot of them tend to be middle aged middle class white people (women in particular) who get bored wanna spend their money on some 'new' or 'ancient' spirituality that, indeed, gets mangled and taken out of context. I dont think they ever really learn how to respect traditions and history and take a non-biased view on things. It sucks even more when you were in that mentality and understand it. Increased shame 1,000%.

Thank you for your sympathy, truly. Its hard trying to find people who actually decide to learn about my, well, religion (since its classified as that which is kinda funny to me but whatever). Im just glad ive found a few friends who accapt that part of me, along with all the other colossal weirdness that make me up.

It mostly them falling into a giant ego based circle-jerk of trying to be 'individual' and 'totally enlightened' whilst looking down on everyone else.
Like theres anything like totally enlightened people. Pah.

A lot of them tend to be middle aged middle class white people (women in particular) who get bored wanna spend their money on some 'new' or 'ancient' spirituality that, indeed, gets mangled and taken out of context. I dont think they ever really learn how to respect traditions and history and take a non-biased view on things. It sucks even more when you were in that mentality and understand it. Increased shame 1,000%.

Thank you for your sympathy, truly. Its hard trying to find people who actually decide to learn about my, well, religion (since its classified as that which is kinda funny to me but whatever). Im just glad ive found a few friends who accapt that part of me, along with all the other colossal weirdness that make me up.
Fear the Old Blood









Hes dead.

Damnit Korea, why do you treat mental illness as a joke.
If you hadn't, we wouldn't have lost such an amazing person. We wouldn't have lost a literal f***ing angel.


Please be there for your loved ones. You don't know what they might be facing. Theres no need to separate yourself from them.

Hes dead.

Damnit Korea, why do you treat mental illness as a joke.
If you hadn't, we wouldn't have lost such an amazing person. We wouldn't have lost a literal f***ing angel.


Please be there for your loved ones. You don't know what they might be facing. Theres no need to separate yourself from them.
Fear the Old Blood

I've been there and am lucky that I'm alive today. It's no joke-if you notice something off about a loved one, please say something and let them know that if they need help, that it's okay! That they aren't a burden/inconvenience/etc and you'll try to help them as best as possible.

It's okay to seek help. It's okay to take medication if need be. It's okay to try even if everything in your mind is telling you otherwise. Your mind's a damn liar and it's supposed to be your friend, not talk you down and have walls built up that make you feel like you can't connect with anyone.

I've been there and am lucky that I'm alive today. It's no joke-if you notice something off about a loved one, please say something and let them know that if they need help, that it's okay! That they aren't a burden/inconvenience/etc and you'll try to help them as best as possible.

It's okay to seek help. It's okay to take medication if need be. It's okay to try even if everything in your mind is telling you otherwise. Your mind's a damn liar and it's supposed to be your friend, not talk you down and have walls built up that make you feel like you can't connect with anyone.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
why is this getting so many notes?? what did i do to deserve this????
why is this getting so many notes?? what did i do to deserve this????