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TOPIC | FR College and College-Age Chat
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Aww that stinks about not graduating on time :( But at least you'll be able to take lots of fun extra classes! There are some classes I really want to take but I won't have time since I need to complete my humanities requirements and my minor requirements still u_u

The way I found the other person at my school was that there was a board where everyone said what school they went to, and she saw my post and recognized that we went to the same school XD Then we decided to meet up for lunch.

Aww that stinks about not graduating on time :( But at least you'll be able to take lots of fun extra classes! There are some classes I really want to take but I won't have time since I need to complete my humanities requirements and my minor requirements still u_u

The way I found the other person at my school was that there was a board where everyone said what school they went to, and she saw my post and recognized that we went to the same school XD Then we decided to meet up for lunch.
I'm in college as well =). I graduate fairly soon. I then have two more schools to go through. I have my general associates I'm getting along with a couple certifications. I'm then switching to a different community college that has my program. I found out a little late what I wanted to do so my current school doesn't offer the program. After that I'll switch to a 4 year to finish my bachelors.

I feel like I'll be in school forever.
I'm in college as well =). I graduate fairly soon. I then have two more schools to go through. I have my general associates I'm getting along with a couple certifications. I'm then switching to a different community college that has my program. I found out a little late what I wanted to do so my current school doesn't offer the program. After that I'll switch to a 4 year to finish my bachelors.

I feel like I'll be in school forever.
@Biohazardia It's quite alright. I'm not terribly worried about it. x3 I mean, all I know right now is school so, I guess being in school longer will give me a better chance at slowly transitioning into the more "on my own" life.

@Ravette Aha I think everyone feels that way. I know I do a little x3

@sammiimonkey Thanks for the luck!
@Biohazardia It's quite alright. I'm not terribly worried about it. x3 I mean, all I know right now is school so, I guess being in school longer will give me a better chance at slowly transitioning into the more "on my own" life.

@Ravette Aha I think everyone feels that way. I know I do a little x3

@sammiimonkey Thanks for the luck!
FR +0 | Woman
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Tales of Ostlea Discussion


I graduated last may with a degree in veterinary science and decided to do grad school at the same university for animal science! I did a year of undergrad research so I just stayed under the same professor.

My masters is technically going to just be "animal science" but the prof I work for is a poultry nutritionist so she is pushing more for a nutrition focus for me. I just finished my research trial and I'll be doing the statistics and writing my thesis soon. I'll also be helping out with two other research projects we are starting, one of which is more physiology based and I am so excited. *__*

I took physics as an undergrad, one of the few classes that made me cry, but I still got good grades.
I graduated last may with a degree in veterinary science and decided to do grad school at the same university for animal science! I did a year of undergrad research so I just stayed under the same professor.

My masters is technically going to just be "animal science" but the prof I work for is a poultry nutritionist so she is pushing more for a nutrition focus for me. I just finished my research trial and I'll be doing the statistics and writing my thesis soon. I'll also be helping out with two other research projects we are starting, one of which is more physiology based and I am so excited. *__*

I took physics as an undergrad, one of the few classes that made me cry, but I still got good grades.
@Clarinetosaurus Wow! That definitely sounds busy! I wanted to be a vet when I was little once. Also wanted to be a police officer, a firefighter, and something else. I went through phases aha. Now I just want to be a forensic ballistics specialist. I would still want to be a vet but I couldn't handle sticking animals with needles and the like. :c
@Clarinetosaurus Wow! That definitely sounds busy! I wanted to be a vet when I was little once. Also wanted to be a police officer, a firefighter, and something else. I went through phases aha. Now I just want to be a forensic ballistics specialist. I would still want to be a vet but I couldn't handle sticking animals with needles and the like. :c
FR +0 | Woman
Art | Thread
Tales of Ostlea Discussion


Well I'm graduating in May, I'm a philosophy and english double major. =o
Well I'm graduating in May, I'm a philosophy and english double major. =o
@Narvix I originally was thinking of going to vet school, but I didn't get my GRE done in time for the application deadline (oops) so went with grad school instead. Honestly I think it was a good choice. I'm on a research assistantship so I'm basically getting paid to go to school instead of building up massive amounts of debt. I still take some classes with the vet students here.

Even as a grad student I have to perform vaccinations and such. We get trained to cause as little stress as possible so our animals are healthy and happy! My professor kind of has this rule of "if you want to do research with animals, you need to learn how to raise and take care of them properly" which I think is wonderful of her to do. :)

Forensic ballistics? So being able to analyze bullets and determine impacts and stuff to help solve crimes? That sounds super cool!
@Narvix I originally was thinking of going to vet school, but I didn't get my GRE done in time for the application deadline (oops) so went with grad school instead. Honestly I think it was a good choice. I'm on a research assistantship so I'm basically getting paid to go to school instead of building up massive amounts of debt. I still take some classes with the vet students here.

Even as a grad student I have to perform vaccinations and such. We get trained to cause as little stress as possible so our animals are healthy and happy! My professor kind of has this rule of "if you want to do research with animals, you need to learn how to raise and take care of them properly" which I think is wonderful of her to do. :)

Forensic ballistics? So being able to analyze bullets and determine impacts and stuff to help solve crimes? That sounds super cool!
I'm sort of a college student? I'm registered but taking a break at the moment for my health :s
I'm sort of a college student? I'm registered but taking a break at the moment for my health :s
I'm at uni in the UK, second year and about to start my third! Studying film, TV and radio!
I'm at uni in the UK, second year and about to start my third! Studying film, TV and radio!
I am 8 hours ahead of FR time.
I've been out of actual-school for over a year now (I was meant to graduate May 2014, but when meeting with an advisor about misplaced class credits she was able to rearrange everything so that I could graduate a semester early! now that was nice of her!)

I was an Animal Science major and pre-vet, the only downside of graduating early was that I had to take Physics and Biochem separately (they were no longer required for my degree after the rearrangements but I still needed those for vet school). So at a more local university, I stayed with my grandparents and took Physics last summer, and Biochem a few months I'm waiting for vet school VMCAS apps to open in the summer. scary!

I went to LSU...I did often spend time on sites like tumblr/neopets/FR when the situation allowed. Like at lunch in the union, during work (we didn't usually have much to do besides sit around on our laptops), and the rare time during a class if I was sitting in the back (heehee). FR isn't really as conspicuous as something like neopets, so I don't think anyone ever noticed or cared. I wonder if there were/are any other FR users at LSU?

the only one I know of is my friend @toastycola who used to always tell me "you and your damn dragons" when I played FR at their place
I've been out of actual-school for over a year now (I was meant to graduate May 2014, but when meeting with an advisor about misplaced class credits she was able to rearrange everything so that I could graduate a semester early! now that was nice of her!)

I was an Animal Science major and pre-vet, the only downside of graduating early was that I had to take Physics and Biochem separately (they were no longer required for my degree after the rearrangements but I still needed those for vet school). So at a more local university, I stayed with my grandparents and took Physics last summer, and Biochem a few months I'm waiting for vet school VMCAS apps to open in the summer. scary!

I went to LSU...I did often spend time on sites like tumblr/neopets/FR when the situation allowed. Like at lunch in the union, during work (we didn't usually have much to do besides sit around on our laptops), and the rare time during a class if I was sitting in the back (heehee). FR isn't really as conspicuous as something like neopets, so I don't think anyone ever noticed or cared. I wonder if there were/are any other FR users at LSU?

the only one I know of is my friend @toastycola who used to always tell me "you and your damn dragons" when I played FR at their place
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